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Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Sub: 18CS63 – Web Technology and it’s Applications Faculty: Dr.D.Kirubha

Class: VI - C
Assignment – 1
Module - 1
1. Briefly explain the history of markup languages. (4)
2. Write the difference between XHTML and HTML5. (4)
3. What is HTML? Explain the structure of HTML documents. (6)
4. What are three aims of HTML5 and expand the following: (8)
5. With example explain HTML Syntax. (4)
6. Explain the role of <ul> and <ol> HTML tags with Syntax and examples. (6)
7. Explain: i) <a> ii) <img> iii) <p> iv) <div> elements with examples. (8)
8. Write the <div> based HTML semantic structure elements. (6)
9. List out the three types of lists and explain them with an example. (8)
10. What are the different ways of passing information via the URL? (8)
11. Explain the role of the following semantic elements of HTML5 with syntax and script
segments: (6)
(i) <nav> (ii) <section> (iii) <aside>
12. Explain the need of ‘cascade’ in CSS. Illustrate three principles of cascade with suitable
CSS script segments. (6)
13. Define CSS and list out its benefits. (8)
14. With an example explain different levels of stylesheets. (8)
15. Explain the location of styles.
16. Explain about CSS Syntax and quick tour of HTML elements? (8)
17. Explain the following CSS properties with suitable examples: (6)
(i) float (ii) position (iii) overflow
18. Illustrate the CSS Box model besiege to label each of the components of the box. (4)
19. What are selectors? Explain with example different types of selector forms. (8)
20. What is mean by semantic markup? Explain in detail about inheritance, specificity, and
location? (8)

Module - 2
1. Explain the following, with respect to table creation in XHTML documents: a) table, tr, th
and td tags b) align and valign attributes c) rowspan and colspan attributes d) Cell padding
and cell spacing attributes
2. Create XHTML document that contains student information VIZ. Name, USN, Subject1,
Subject2, Subject3. Insert values for each student in five rows. Also, row background of
each student should be in different color. (8)
3. Explain the basic table structure. Create an HTML document for the given table. (6)

4. Explain with a neat diagram how form works? Discuss about query string and micro
formats. (8)
5. List the various form related HTML elements. (4)
6. Identify the approaches to CSS layouts and explain them in detail. (8)
7. Discuss <table> element along with spanning rows and columns. (8)
8. Explain the following concerned with forms: (8)
(i) From Structure
(ii) Form control elements
9. Compare radio and check box controls of HTML5 with examples. (6)
10. Explain the structure of <form> element with an example. Illustrate the role of action and
method attributes. (6)
11. Explain different forms of text input controls with examples. (4)
12. Write HTML code for the following table: (8)

9.00 AM to 1.15 PM 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM
Sub Theory Class ML/WTA Lab
Mon to Fri
FI ABC/EFG/XYZ AD block, 1st Floor
Sat Extra-Curricular Activity

13. Apply the following table elements to display the following table: (8)
Table elements: table, td, tr, th, tbody, tfoot, thead

S.No USN Name Dept

Total No.of rows 2 - -

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