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Foolish child!

I could swallow you Swallow (verb) to move your throat in order to make food or Tragar These tablets are too big to swallow.
whole! / ¡Niña tonto! ¡Podría tragarte drink go down
Whole (adjective) complete, including every part Todo, entero, de una pieza, She spent the whole afternoon studying.

I think I knocked it out of the park knock sth out of the to do something extremely well  I feel like I can write anything for this actor, and she'll knock it
park out of the park.

hit sth out of the park  If I don't hit this out of the park, I'm finished.
Don't worry, Mom. I won't let you down. let sb down to disappoint someone by failing to do what you defraudar a alguien  You will be there tomorrow - you won't let me down, will you?
/ No te preocupes, mamá. No te agreed to do or were expected to do  When I was sent to prison, I really felt I had let my parents
defraudaré. down.
I like editing anime clips to music and- Convoluted (adjective) very twisted intrincado, enrevesado  a very convoluted route/knot
and reading fantasy books with  
convoluted backstories / Me gusta editar  Convoluted sentences, explanations, arguments,  His grammar explanations are terribly convoluted.
clips de anime con música y leer libros de
fantasía con historias intrincadas.
etc. are unreasonably long and difficult to  Her book is full of long, convoluted sentences.
Stop adorably hopping away / Deja de Away (adverb) moving further from a place irse, alejarse, marcharse, huir, to walk / run away
saltar adorablemente escaparse
This will make good kindling / Esto hará Kindling (noun) small dry sticks or other materials used to start a leña, astilla He used some dry leaves as kindling.
de buena leña fire
Oh, hello, little fairy. Are you going to
tell me this is all a fantastical dream? /
Oh, hola, pequeña hada. ¿Me vas a decir
que todo esto es un sueño fantástico?
The sound, it's so alluring / El sonido, es Alluring (adjective) Attractive, exciting, tempting atractivo, seductor  The idea of working abroad for a much better salary was very
tan atractivo Allure (noun) alluring.
 an alluring image
Eda the Owl Lady, you are wanted for Misdemeanor (noun) an action that is bad or not moral Fechoría political/sexual misdemeanors
misuse of magic and demonic
misdemeanors / Eda, la Dama Búho, se te a crime that is not serious delito menor
busca por mal uso de la magia y delitos
menores demoníacos.
You are hereby ordered to come with me Hereby (adverb) with these words or with this action Por este medio  I hereby pronounce you man and wife.
/ Por la presente se le ordena que venga 
conmigo in legal language, now, by means of (eg this Por la presente  I hereby declare that the new science building is officially open.
I haven't done squat / No he hecho nada Squat (noun slang) Anything nada She shouldn't talk - she doesn't know squat about it.
His opinion isn't worth squat.
Every myth you humans have is caused
by a little of our world leaking into
yours / Cada mito que tienen los humanos
es causado por un poco de nuestro mundo
que se filtra en el suyo.
My house has a state‐of‐the‐art defense state-of-the-art very modern and using the most recent ideas and último modelo, de punta a state-of-the-art computer
system. / Mi casa tiene un sistema de (adjective) methods: The control panel uses all the newest technology and is
defensa de última generación considered state-of-the-art.
Do you live here all alone? / ¿Vives aquí
Who dares intrude upon I the king of Dare (verb) to be brave enough to do something atreverse a hacer algo  I didn’t dare tell Dad that I’d scratched his car.
demons? / ¿Quién se atreve a inmiscuirse 
en mí, el rey de los demonios? desafiar a alguien a hacer 
to try to make someone do something dangerous algo
 She dared her friend to climb onto the roof.
en, sobre
Upon (preposition) on
He gave her a hug upon her arrival.
Be upon sb to be something that someone will experience or
have to deal with soon: Another few weeks and spring will be upon us.
The crown is being held by the evil 
Warden Wrath / La corona está en manos
del malvado Warden Wrath.
We shall drink the fear of those who Mock (verb) to laugh at someone in a way that is not kind Burlarse de The other children mocked him whenever he spoke.
mocked us / Beberemos el miedo de
aquellos que se burlaron de nosotros
But we were never caught because we're Slippery (adjective) If something is slippery, it is difficult to hold or Resbaladizo Be careful – the floor is slippery.
too slippery walk on because it is smooth or wet.
I'm a squirmy little fella / Soy un chico Fella (noun) a man Tío  There were a couple of fellas leaning up by the bar.
Squirm (verb) to move from side to side in an awkward way  Nobody spoke for at least five minutes and Rachel squirmed in
because of nervousness, embarrassment, or pain her chair with embarrassment.
 The fish squirmed on the ground for a few moments and then lay
to move with small twisting motions 
 The boy squirmed out from under the chair.
It's hideous / Es horrible Hideous (adjective) Very ugly Horrible a hideous monster
Impudent wench / moza insolente Impudent (adjective) rude and not showing respect, especially Insolente, descarado an impudent remark/child
towards someone who is older or in a more
important position

Wench (noun) a young woman Moza

For I am / Porque yo soy
Let's bounce before any more monsters let's bounce to leave, depart, exit, however you want the Pirémonos
fall in love with me / Saltemos antes de word to be
que más monstruos se enamoren de mí.
This shall suffice / Esto será suficiente Suffice (verb) To be enough Bastar, ser suficiente I’m taking $400 – I think that should suffice.
I think I’m gonna like it here / Creo que Gonna informal for going to What are you gonna do?
me va a gustar aquí
Please have witchy clothes / Por favor, Witchy (adjective) A witchy person looks or behaves like a witch. My great-grandmother was old and witchy looking.
tenga ropa de bruja Witchy things are associated with witches.
We freed the oppressed / Liberamos a los Free (verb) past tense and past participle Freed
Lay off the details / dejar los detalles lay off (verb phrasal) to stop employing sb prescindir de 1400 workers were laid off in February.
echar a la calle
Magic staff Staff (noun) As nouns the difference between staff and wand
is that staff is (plural staffs or staves) a long,
straight stick, especially one used to assist in
walking while wand is a stick or staff.
Being a witch doesn't happen overnight Overnight (adverb) very quickly or suddenly de la noche a la mañana Change does not happen overnight.
/ Ser una bruja no sucede de la noche a la
mañana. (adjective, adverb) during the night a pasar la noche, durante la We stayed overnight at my grandmother’s house.
Now, witches are awarded their staffs Award (verb) to give money or a prize following an official Carlos was awarded first prize in the essay competition.
from school / Ahora, las brujas reciben sus decision: The jury awarded libel damages of £100,000.
bastones de la escuela. [ + two objects ] The university has awarded her a $500 travel
I offer rare human treasures that Owlbert Drag (verb) to pull something or someone along the ground Arrastrar The table was too heavy to lift, so we had to drag it across the
drags over from your side of the realm / somewhere, usually with difficulty room.
Ofrezco raros tesoros humanos que
Owlbert trae de tu lado del reino.
I shall smite my enemies / Golpearé a Smite (verb) to hit someone forcefully or to have a sudden Golpear, herir I'm also completely smitten with the novelty of the thing.
mis enemigos powerful or damaging effect on someone
Always measure twice, cut once Measure twice, cut Plan and prepare careful and thorough manner
once before taking action
Be back by nightfall or risk mortal peril / Peril (noun) Extreme danger Peligro, riesgo A shortage of firefighters is putting lives in peril.
Estar de vuelta al anochecer o arriesgarse His book describes the perils of war.
a un peligro mortal
Perilous (adjective) very dangerous Peligroso, arriesgado a perilous journey.

Perilously (adverb) Peeligrosamente

Tomorrow I'll be earning the respect of Prowess (noun) great skill at doing something Destreza The games were a chance to prove their athletic prowess.
everyone on the Boiling Isles with my
magical prowess / mañana me ganaré el
respeto de todos en las Islas Hirvientes con
mi destreza mágica.
The boiling isles is nothing but a Cesspit or Cesspool a large underground hole or container that is Pozo
cesspool of despair / Las islas hirvientes (noun) used for collecting and storing solid waste, urine,
no son más que un pozo negro de and dirty water
I know I've had enough delight for one
day / Sé que he tenido suficiente deleite
por un día
Eda thinks I'm meant for chores and I'm Chore (Noun) a job or piece of work that is often boring or Tarea I'll go shopping when I've done my chores (= done the jobs in or
afraid I came to the wrong place / Eda unpleasant but needs to be done regularly: around the house).
cree que estoy hecho para las tareas del I find writing reports a real chore (= very boring).
hogar y me temo que vine al lugar It was a real chore trying to give our dog a bath.
He even gave her a map / Incluso le dio
un mapa.
This map is bunk / Este mapa es una Bunk (noun) complete nonsense or something that is not true Tonterías, disparates Most economists think his theories are sheer bunk.
tontería (litera)
And I don't trust this itch he's scratching
in the human
Less talky, more nappy
Nevareth, your vengeful backstory is so Compelling (adjective) If a reason, argument, etc. is compelling, it makes Convincente compelling evidence
compelling / Nevareth, tu historia de you believe it or accept it because it is so strong. It’s a fairly compelling argument for going.
fondo vengativa es tan convincente. convincente

very exciting and interesting and making you Fascinante I found the whole film very compelling.
want to watch or listen a compelling story
I wonder if I made the right choice by Wonder (verb) to want to know something or to try to Preguntarse I wonder what he’s making for dinner.
coming here / Me pregunto si tomé la understand the reason for something
decisión correcta al venir aquí
I did make the right choice / Tomé la
decisión correcta
What's your endgame? / ¿Cuál es tu Endgame (noun) the last stage of a process, especially one A diplomatic endgame is under way to find a peaceful solution.
final? involving discussion:
To find your pupil and still your wrath, Wrath (noun) Extreme anger Cólera, ira The people feared the wrath of God.
look ahead and follow the path. / Para
encontrar tu pupila y calmar tu ira, mira Still (adjective) staying in the same position; not moving: Children find it difficult to sit/stand/stay still for very long.
hacia adelante y sigue el camino. I can't brush your hair if you don't keep/hold still.
I knew this world wasn't all gloom and Gloom (noun) strong sadness or lack of hope Melancholia, pesimismo a feeling of gloom in the Liberal party
doom like Eda and King said. / Sabía
que este mundo no era todo pesimismo y lack of light Penumbra, obscuridad the gloom of a cold rainy day
fatalidad como decían Eda y King.

You've all been so kind and thoughtful / Thoughtful (adjective) kind and always thinking about how you can Atento, considerado Thank you for the card – it was very thoughtful of you.
Todos ustedes han sido tan amables y help other people
quiet because you are thinking about something Pensativo You look thoughtful.
He's what you'd call a puppeteer, a Scam (verb) an illegal plan for making money, especially one Chanchullo An insurance scam
demon who specializes in scamming that involves tricking people
and manipulating people. He's trying to
use Luz to get to me / Es lo que llamarías
un titiritero, un demonio que se especializa
en estafar y manipular a la gente. Él está
tratando de usar a Luz para llegar a mí
Your hubris has failed you / Tu Hubris (noun) a way of talking or behaving that is too proud Orgullo desmedido He was punished for his hubris.
arrogancia te ha fallado
This is classic chosen one biz / Este es el Biz (noun) a particular type of business Negocio • the entertainment/movie/music biz
clásico negocio del elegido • She is one of the top amateur riders in the biz.
Does everybody have a beef with Eda Beef (noun) a complaint: Problema • My main beef about the job is that I have to work on Saturdays.
here? / ¿Todos tienen problemas con Eda
And you lured her right into my trap / Y Lure (verb) to persuade someone to go somewhere or do Atraer con engaños It seems that he was lured into a trap.
la atrajiste directamente a mi trampa. something by offering them something exciting

Lure (noun) the power to attract people Atractivo, atracción the lure of fame/power/money
Joke's on you / El chiste es a costa tuya
Thinking of calling it quits / Pensar en Call it quits to stop doing something I paid for last week's shopping, and you paid for this week's, so
dejarlo let's call it quits.
Like, winding towers, cute uniforms, Threaten (verb) to tell someone that you will do something bad to Amenazar He threatened to call the police.
dark plots that threaten your life kind of them if they do not do what you want
magic school? / Como, torres sinuosas,
lindos uniformes, tramas oscuras que to be likely to cause damage Amenazante a storm threatening the coast
amenazan tu vida, ¿una especie de two animals that are threatened with extinction
escuela de magia?
(of sth bad) to be likely to happen or affect sth Acechar when danger threatens
You're so unnoticeable I almost rolled Rolled (verb) to move somewhere by turning in a circular Rodar, hacer rodar She rolled over onto her side.
into ya / Eres tan imperceptible casi rodé direction, or to make something move this way
en ti
Ya (pronoun) (Spelled the way it is often spoken) you: He greeted me with "How ya doin’?"
As top student, it's my duty to tell you to keep at something to continue working hard at something difficult: Learning a language is hard, but you just have to keep at it.
keep at it / Como estudiante destacado,
es mi deber decirte que sigas así.
I'm obligated to remind you that I only Utterly (adverb) Completely Absolutamente The new rule is utterly ridiculous.
use our bets to utterly humiliate you /
Estoy obligado a recordarte que solo uso Bet (verb, noun) Apostar, apuesta I bet him a dollar that I was right.
nuestras apuestas para humillarte por to risk money on the result of a game or
completo. competition
I like those odds / Me gustan esas Odd (adjective) strange or unusual raro, extraño There is something odd about her
not happening often or regularly esporádico She writes in odd hours here and there.
He does odd jobs for extra cash.

Odds (noun) the chance of something happening Probabilidades What are the odds of winning the top prize?
You're human! This is astounding! / ¡Eres Astounding (adjective) very surprising Asombroso The team had astounding success last year
humano! ¡Esto es asombroso!
It's fiendishly clever / Es diabólicamente Fiendishly (adverb) Wickedly Diabólicamente He laughed fiendishly.
And it works wonders / Y funciona de Work wonders to produce marvelous results Hacer Milagros These pills have worked wonders for my rheumatism.
I Took your pep talk to heart / Tomé en Pep talk (noun) a talk intended to arouse enthusiasm, or to make discurso enardecedor / The director gave all the staff a pep talk.
serio tu charla de ánimo people work harder, better etc. animador

Take to heart to be made very sad or upset by tomarse algo a pecho You mustn’t take his unkind remarks to heart.

to pay attention to tomarse en serio He’s taken my criticism to heart, and consequently his work has
I bet you did / Apuesto a que lo hiciste I Bet (verb) something you say to show that you are sure Seguro que I bet he’ll be late.
something is true or will happen
I think Amity is onto us / Creo que Amity be on to (someone) to have discovered (a person’s) trick, secret etc. haber encontrado algo The thieves realized that the police were on to them.
está sobre nosotros
I suspected a twinge of jealousy / Twinge (noun) a sudden sharp pain punzada, dolor agudo, a twinge of regret.
Sospechaba una punzada de celos pinchazo

Jealousy (noun) jealous feelings celos, envidia the jealousy in her husband’s eyes

Jealously (adverb) the feeling of being jealous celosamente, con envidia She watched him jealously.

Jealous (adjective) upset and angry because someone you love Celoso a jealous husband
seems to like another person

not happy because you want something that Envidioso I’m jealous of your new car.
someone else has
So, did you find your runaway student? Runaway (noun) a person, animal etc that runs away Fugitivo The police caught the two runaways
/ Entonces, ¿encontraste a tu estudiante (also adjective) a runaway horse.
Runaway (adjective) out of control: A runaway bus/horse caused chaos on the streets.
We have to rein in our runaway spending.

Runaway success is surprisingly sudden or great: Her first novel's runaway success came as a great surprise.
He is the runaway leader at the top of the competition
So very lifelike / Muy realista Lifelike (adjective) used to describe something that appears real or Verosímil A lifelike portrait of his two daughters hung on the wall.
very similar to what is real The mask was so lifelike it was quite frightening.

like a living person, animal etc natural, que parece vivo The statue was very lifelike
And someone once told me great Resourceful (adjective) imaginative and practical in dealing with ingenioso/sa, capaz a resourceful team leader
witches are resourceful / Y alguien me problems
dijo una vez que las grandes brujas son
Thank goodness you had it on you / have (got) sth on If you have clothes or shoes on, you are wearing I loved that dress you had on last night.
Gracias a Dios que lo tuviste contigo them
Thank goodness someone told me to hold on to/onto sth/sb to keep something or someone that is important I held onto the tech shares after the stock market fell because I
hold on to it / Gracias a Dios alguien me or useful: knew they would recover.
dijo que me aferrara a él You should hold on to her, she's too good to lose to a competitor.
I respect your cunning / Respeto tu Cunning (adjective) skillful at getting what you want, especially by Astuto
astucia tricking people
Witch's staffs have power embedded Embedded (adjective) If an emotion, opinion, etc. is embedded in Arraigado, grabado A sense of guilt was deeply embedded in my conscience.
into them / Los bastones de bruja tienen someone or something, it is a very strong or
poder incrustado en ellos. important part of him, her, or it.
Every witch needs to know how to cast Cast a spell on to use magic to make something happen to hechizar a alguien The witch cast a spell on him.
spells on their own / Cada bruja necesita someone someone
saber cómo lanzar hechizos por su cuenta.
It comes from a sac of magic bile
attached to a witch's heart / Proviene de
un saco de bilis mágica adherido al
corazón de una bruja.
I need to see you do the circle thingy Thingy (noun) sometimes used if you can’t remember someone’s fulano, -a, cosa, chisme Can you pass me that thingy – you know, that clip thing for
again / Necesito verte hacer lo del círculo or something’s name holding papers together.
otra vez. Ask thingy over there, he’ll know.
It must have stumbled across our house Stumble across to find by chance encontrar por casualidad I stumbled across this book today in a shop.
and seen us inside / Debe haber
tropezado con nuestra casa y habernos
visto dentro.
I notice Eda sneaking drinks of this
special elixir
You craven beast / Bestia cobarde. Craven (adjective) Coward Cobarde a craven act.
And as such, I demand you to barf my as such used to refer to the usual meaning of the word Como tal We’re not having a party as such – just a few friends over for
friends back up / just mentioned drinks.
I just wanted you to be into demons like be into something to be very interested in something tener pasión por algo Will’s really into jazz.
you're into magic / Solo quería que te
gustaran los demonios como si te gustara
la magia.
It's just so dang shiny / Es tan brillante. Dang (adverb) used, especially when you are annoyed, to mean He knows dang well I can't swim.
Emboldened by the dishonor Hecate had Embolden (verb) to make someone brave Emboldened by drink, he walked over to speak to her.
shown / Envalentonada por el deshonor
que Hécate había demostrado
Its flowery language is an insult to Flowery (adjective) (of language) using a lot of poetic or difficult Florido/ida a flowery description of the landscape
witches and driving away all of our words
serious customers! / ¡Su lenguaje florido
es un insulto a las brujas y aleja a todos Drive away to make sb want to leave Ahuyentar a scarecrow to drive away the birds
nuestros clientes serios!
I can offer you more of this tantalizing Tantalizing (adjective) Something that is tantalizing causes desire and Tentador, seductor I caught a tantalizing glimpse of the sparkling blue sea through
book / Puedo ofrecerte más de este excitement in you, but is unlikely to provide a the trees.
tentador libro way of satisfying that desire.
This is a bad omen / Este es un mal Omen (noun) something that is considered to be a sign of how Augurio, presagio Many people believe that a broken mirror is an omen of bad
presagio a future event will take place luck.
Let's just get this over with / Terminemos
con esto
We like to magic with a hint of Hint (noun) A small amount Toque tea with a hint of vanilla
showmanship / Nos gusta la magia con
un toque de espectacularidad Showmanship (noun) sentido de la teatralidad
His showmanship in the ring shouldn’t detract from his
considerable skill.
Are you bestowing gifts upon me? / ¿Me Bestow (verb) to give something as an honor or present Conferirle The George Cross is a decoration that is bestowed upon/on
estás otorgando regalos? British civilians for acts of great bravery.
Feast your eyes on this elite force, each feast your eyes on to look at someone or something with great We walked through the valley, feasting our eyes on the beauty
member handpicked to help usher in a sth/sb enjoyment: all around us.
new age / Deleite sus ojos con esta fuerza
de élite, cada miembro cuidadosamente feast on sth to eat a lot of good food and enjoy it very much: We feasted on smoked salmon and champagne.
seleccionado para ayudar a marcar el
comienzo de una nueva era
I'm pleased to introduce the esteemed Esteemed (adjective) highly respected It is my honor to introduce our esteemed senator.
leader of this coven / Me complace
presentar al estimado líder de este Coven (noun) a group or meeting of witches Aquelarre
Now I have the highest honor of Enforce (verb) to make certain that people follow rules hacer cumplir The police must enforce the law.
enforcing the emperor’s will / Ahora
tengo el mayor honor de hacer cumplir la
voluntad del Emperador.
Look at all those offerings / Mira todas Offering (noun) something that you give to someone Oferta a peace offering
esas ofertas a birthday offering.
Let's shake on it Shake on it To confirm an agreement with someone by I can't believe he broke his promise to me after we shook on it
shaking hands. and everything!
I agree to the terms of this deal, so let's shake on it.
The everlasting oath is sealed / El Everlasting (adjective) continuing for a long time or always Eterno, interminable Everlasting love
juramento eterno está sellado
Oath (noun) an official promise Juramento
I bet she could wipe the floor with any Prissy (adjective) caring too much about behaving and dressing in Remilgada My sister told me that my prissy attitude annoys her.
of your prissy little blue bloods / Apuesto a way that is considered correct and that does
a que ella podría limpiar el piso con not shock
cualquiera de tus remilgados sangre azul
It seems your student has met my Protégé (noun) a young person who is helped and taught by an protegido, -a The young composer regarded himself as Berg’s protégé.
strongest protégé / Parece que tu older and usually famous person
estudiante ha conocido a mi protegida
más fuerte
Knock it off Knock it off used to tell someone to stop doing something that Déjalo Oh, knock it off Alex, I'm really not in the mood for your jokes.
annoys you:
I didn't mean to embarrass you / No Mean to do something to want to do something tener la intención de hacer I didn’t mean to hurt her.
quise avergonzarte algo, querer hacer algo
That's all you ever do / Eso es todo lo
que haces
The curse is worsening / La maldición
está empeorando
The oath is unbound / El juramento no Unbind (verb) to release someone or something from a rope, My hands were unbound, and my blindfold removed.
está consolidado string, etc. that has been tying him, her, or it up:
I'm gonna steal everything that's not Gonna (informal for
nailed down / Voy a robar todo lo que going to)
no esté clavado
Nail down Literally, to use nails as a means of securing Remember to nail the tarp down, or it will get blown away when
something. A noun or pronoun can be used the storm hits!
between "nail" and "down."
His little body just conks out when he's Conks out to go to sleep very quickly, or to suddenly After a six-hour flight and a long day of meetings, it's not
weightless / Su pequeño cuerpo become unconscious: surprising you conked out.
simplemente se encoge cuando está
ingrávido Weightless (adjective) having or appearing to have no weight
de ingravidez, en estado de There is a lot of interest in carrying out experiments in the
ingravidez weightless conditions which are experienced aboard space
not affected by the earth’s gravity pull
ingrávido The astronauts became weightless on going into orbit round the
He's so dangly / Es tan colgante Dangly (adjective) hanging loosely Colgante dangly earrings
A real man never takes accountability! / Accountability (noun) the fact of being responsible for what you do There were furious demands for greater police accountability.
¡Un verdadero hombre nunca se hace and able to give a satisfactory reason for it, or Accountability is important these days, and managers aren't
responsable! the degree to which this happens: always willing to adopt risky strategies.
On the one hand, we should probably Stay put to remain where placed no moverse, estarse quieto, Once a child can crawl, he won’t stay put for long.
stay put / Por un lado, probablemente quedarse ahí
deberíamos quedarnos quietos.
on the one hand but on the first thing to consider is this, but a second and On the one hand, I’d like a job that pays more, but on the other
the other hand different thing to consider is this: hand I enjoy the work I’m doing now.
On the other hand, we've got a giant take on something to begin to have, use, or do something: A chameleon takes on the color of its surroundings.
walking house and should totally take it Her voice took on a troubled tone.
on a joyride! / Por otro lado, tenemos una
casa ambulante gigante y ¡deberíamos Joryride (noun) an occasion when someone drives fast and He took his grandmother's car for a joyride.
llevarla de paseo! dangerously for pleasure, especially in a stolen Three people were killed in a joyride crash.
Tossing kids from cliffs? / ¿Lanzar a los Toss (verb) to throw something somewhere carelessly Lanzar, tirar He read the letter quickly, then tossed it into the bin.
niños desde los acantilados?
And I just rustled up some more clothes rustle up something to make, find, or prepare something quickly Give me a minute and I’ll rustle up some scrambled eggs.
for you to try on / Y acabo de preparar
más ropa para que te pruebes
You're so busted / Estas tan arrestada Busted (adjective) caught or arrested by the police for doing Atrapado, arrestado He was busted for marijuana possession ten years ago.
(caught) something illegal

seen doing something wrong by someone Were you ever busted for smoking at school?
I saw you! You are so busted!
You held a moonlight conjuring / Hold (verb) to organize an evento llevar a cabo, celebrar They are holding an election.
Sostuviste un conjuro a la luz de la luna The meeting will be held on Tuesday morning.
Luz, you’re getting all swoony again / Swoony (adjective) • tending to swoon She felt a swoony desire to feel its roughness on her skin, to be
Te estás desvaneciendo de nuevo • inducing a swoon (by good looks or made sore by it.
Swoon (verb) to feel a lot of pleasure, love, etc. because of Derretirse, desvanecerse The audience swooned with delight
something or someone
Suddenly the door swung open / De Swing (verb) to move in a smooth wide curve Balancear He swung the baseball bat.
repente, la puerta se abrió The gate swung open.
Being the most powerful witch in the Perk (noun) an advantage or something extra, such as money beneficio extra A company car and a mobile phone are some of the perks that
Boiling Isles has its perks / Ser la bruja or goods, that you are given because of your job come with the job.
más poderosa de Boiling Isles tiene sus
ventajas an advantage Ventaja Having such easy access to some of the best cinema and theatre
is one of the perks of living in Sydney.
Looks like this sour lemon drop has a Hidden (adjective) A hidden thing or place is not easy to find. Escondido There were hidden microphones in the room.
hidden sweet center / Parece que este
dulce de limón agrio tiene un centro dulce
Don't get your leggings in a bunch get (one's) panties in a To become overly upset or emotional over Ah, don't get your panties in a bunch, I'll have the car back by
bunch something, especially that which is trivial or tomorrow morning!
In my opinion, people are getting their panties in a bunch over
this election.
Well‐wishers on a mission / well-wisher (noun) a person who wishes one success etc simpatizante, partidario Well-wishers had gathered at the harbour to see him set off on
his round-the-world trip.
Bienaventurados en una misión
Stop being a jerk to your friend / Deja de Jerk (noun) an unpleasant or annoying person imbécil, gilipollas That guy is a real jerk.
ser un imbécil con tu amigo
Standing in a dimly lit lobby. You guys Dimly (adverb) in a way that does not give or have much light Débilmente The room was dimly lit.
know how to party / De pie en un The February sun shone dimly.
vestíbulo poco iluminado. Ustedes saben
cómo divertirse slightly, but not very well I dimly remembered reading the book a few years before.
They were only dimly aware of the telephone ringing.

Light (verb) to make light somewhere so that you can see Iluminar The room was lit by a single light bulb.

Party (verb) to celebrate by having a party Festejar, irse de fiesta They partied late into the night.
The Wailing Star magicked the books to Magic (verb) to transform or produce by or as if by magic
life / La Estrella de los Lamentos hizo que
los libros cobraran vida por arte de (Followed by away) to cause to disappear by or
magia. as if by magic

Wail (verb) to cry with a long loud sound Lamentarse a boy wailing over his lost toy
"...the pages he'd mend. But all the Mend (verb) to repair cloth that is torn or something that is coser, arreglar Could you mend the hole in my jeans?
while he longed for a friend." / "... Las damaged
páginas que repararía. Pero todo el
tiempo ansiaba una amiga".

Your clubhouse is like my ultimate secret Hideaway (noun) a place where someone goes when they want to Escondite a country hideaway
hideaway / Tu casa club es como mi último relax away from other people
escondite secreto
Ultimate (adjective) better, worse, or greater than all similar things Mayor Climbing Mount Everest is the ultimate challenge

Mittens has gotten too... full of herself. Be full of yourself thinking that you are very important in a way ser un creído I doubt he even thought about what you might need, he’s so full
She keeps tattling on us when we cut that annoys other people of himself.
class / Mittens se ha vuelto demasiado...
engreída. Ella No deja de acusarnos Tattle (verb) to secretly tell someone in authority, especially a Chivarse Did you tattle on us to the teacher?
cuando cortamos clase teacher, that someone else has done something
bad, often in order to cause trouble
I've trying to figure out what your deal is What’s the deal? indicates you want sb to explain ¿Qué sucede?, ¿Cuál es el What’s the deal with dialysis – how does it work?
You fiend. You can't rhyme friends with Fiend (noun) an evil and cruel person Demonio He was portrayed in the media as a complete fiend.
friends / Demonio. No puedes rimar
amigos con amigos.
I'll think on that / Pensaré en eso
I noticed you only had up to four / Me di Up to as far, or as much, as Hasta He counted up to 100
cuenta de que solo tenías hasta cuatro Up to now, the work has been easy.
Is it too subtle? / ¿Es demasiado sutil? Subtle (adjective) not obvious or easy to notice Sutil a subtle change
I'll be ruling over your feeble Feeble (adjective) very weak Débil She was too feeble to get out of bed.
demographic / Estaré gobernando sobre
su débil grupo demográfico.
And those teenagers who filthen it / Y
esos adolescentes que lo ensucian.
Who wants to revolt with me today? / Revolt (verb) to fight against authority or rules Rebelarse, sublevarse The peasants were about to revolt.
¿Quién quiere rebelarse conmigo hoy? The labor unions revolted, and the riots began.
Let's go let out some teen angst! / Vamos Angst (noun) strong worry and unhappiness, especially about Angustia All my children went through a period of late-adolescent angst.
a dejar salir un poco de angustia personal problems
Haven't quite got the hang of this yet / get the hang of to learn how to do something, esp. when it is not cogerle el truco a algo I’ll teach you how to use the design program – you’ll get the
Todavía no le he entendido bien a esto something simple or obvious hang of it after a while.
To what do we owe this honor? / ¿A qué Owe (verb) to have a duty to do sth for sb deber You owe her an apology.
le debemos este honor? We owe it to the rest of the staff to try to make the business
Did everybody learn a valuable lesson Hardship (noun) (something that causes) difficult or unpleasant privación, dificultades economic hardship
about experiencing each other's conditions of life, or an example of this the hardships of war
hardships? / ¿Todos aprendieron una
lección valiosa acerca de experimentar las
dificultades de los demás?
I gotta go rub it in / Tengo que ir a Gotta short form of have got to / got to forma abreviada de “got to” I gotta go now.
You've been given a full pardon! / ¡Se te Pardon (noun) an occasion when someone who has committed a He had actively sought a pardon from the president.
crime is officially forgiven:
ha concedido un perdón total!
Pardon (verb) forgive someone for something they have said or Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly is ergonomics?
done. This word is often used in polite [ + -ing verb ] Pardon me interrupting, but there's a client to see
expressions: you.
I got the ban lifted / Conseguí que se Lift (verb) to put something or someone in a higher position Levantar She lifted the baby up and put him in his chair.
levantara la prohibición He lifted his glass to his lips.

(of a rule, ban, etc.) to cancel Cancelar lift the ban on the export of meat

Ban (verb) to officially forbid Prohibir to ban the use of guns

He is banned from traveling abroad.
This is gonna work out after all / Esto va Work out If a problem or situation works out, it gradually Resolverse I hope everything works out for you.
a funcionar después de todo. becomes better.
Behold your new cowl / He aquí tu nueva Behold (verb) to see something Contemplar What an amazing sight to behold!
Cowl (noun) a large, loose covering for the head and Capucha
sometimes shoulders, but not the face, worn
especially by monks
Undercover from what? / ¿Encubierto de Undercover (adjective) working secretly using a false appearance in Secreto an undercover police operation
order to get information for the police or an undercover detective
qué? government

Undercover (adverb) de forma encubierta He was working undercover at the time, probably for the CIA.
Wanna keep you under wraps 'till the Under wraps kept secret Oculto The movie’s plot has been under wraps.
big reveal / Quiero mantenerte envuelta
hasta la gran revelación.
Hexide chews up anything unique and Chew (verb) to break food between your teeth as a part of Masticar Chew well before you swallow.
spits out bland mush / El hexide mastica eating
cualquier cosa única y escupe papilla
blanda Spit (verb) to force out the liquid in your mouth Escupir He took a mouthful of coffee and then spat it out.

Mush (noun) any unpleasant thick, soft substance, such as food Papilla If you overcook the cabbage it’ll turn to mush.
that has been cooked for too long
If you describe something such as a book or film Sensiblería The movie was just romantic mush.
as mush, you mean that it is too emotional.
You bring the razzle, I'll bring the dazzle razzle-dazzle (noun) (confusion caused by) noisy and noticeable bulla, alboroto Amid all the razzle-dazzle of the party convention, it was easy
/ Tú traes el razzle, yo traeré el activity or very colorful appearance, intended to to forget about the real political issues.
deslumbramiento attract attention

showy appearance or performance, intended to The razzle-dazzle in this movie doesn’t make up for the lack of
attract attention or cause confusion: plot.
Does she need to draw her own draw a sacar una conclusion We all draw conclusions from what we read.
conclusions? / ¿Necesita sacar sus conclusion/lesson
propias conclusiones?
I should feel bad about dunking on one Dunk (verb) to put a cookie, bread, pastry, etc. into a liquid She dunked her doughnut in her coffee.
of our own members / Debería sentirme such as coffee or soup for a short time before
mal por sumergirme en uno de nuestros eating it:
propios miembros.
If you dunk a person, you push the person under The kids in the pool kept dunking one another.
There's the whiny rebel teen I remember. Whiny (adjective) complaining a lot in an annoying way, especially The children were tired and whiny.
You'll need this to clean up all the hexed in a high, sad voice: a whiny voice
graffiti you left us. Good luck. / Ahí está
el adolescente rebelde quejumbroso que Hex (noun) an evil spell, bringing bad luck and trouble: Someone's put a hex on my computer this morning - it keeps
recuerdo. Necesitarás esto para limpiar crashing.
todos los grafitis embrujados que nos Children's stories tell of witches who cast hexes and fly on
dejaste. Buena suerte. broomsticks.

Hex (verb) to put an evil spell on someone or something in to put an evil spell on someone or something in order to bring
order to bring them bad luck and trouble: them bad luck and trouble:

You've barely scratched the surface / Barely (adverb) only just Apenas He was barely alive when they found him.
Apenas has arañado la superficie.
A genius and a wordsmith / Un genio y Wordsmith (noun) a person who has skill with using words, In today's review section Anthony Edwards, playwright, poet,
un artífice de las palabras. especially in writing: novelist and general wordsmith, talks about his glittering career.
We're gonna have to bust down the door Bust (verb) to break something Romper Oh no! I bust his MP3 player.
/ Vamos a tener que derribar la puerta.
I'm the principal, not a stooge / Soy la Stooge (noun) a person who is forced or paid by someone in The newly appointed mayor is widely regarded as a
directora, no un títere. authority to do an unpleasant or secret job for government stooge.
My parental instincts are freaking out, Freak out to be very excited, especially because of having flipar, alucinar She freaked out when she saw a huge spider in the bath.
man / Mis instintos paternos se están taken drugs
volviendo locos, hombre.
Bow to me you snotty underlings. Bow! / Underling (noun) a person of low rank and little authority who Subalterno She surrounded herself with underlings who were too afraid of
Inclínense ante mí, subordinados mocosos. works for someone more important her to answer back.
Yes, appease your master / Sí, apacigua Appease (verb) to prevent further disagreement in arguments or apaciguar, aplacar She claimed that the government had only changed the law in
a tu maestra. war by giving to the other side an advantage order to appease their critics.
that they have demanded

to calm or satisfy (a person, desire etc) usually aplacar, satisfacer, saciar She appeased his curiosity by explaining the situation to him.
by giving what was asked for or is needed
I want you to go over there and blow Blow up to explode or cause to explode Explotar, volar The building blew up.
him up / Quiero que vayas allí y lo They blew the car up.
He is like a little teakettle / Es como una Teakettle (noun) a container used for boiling water Tetera
pequeña tetera
The players go through these action‐ Action-packed full of exciting events lleno de acción an action-packed thriller/weekend/finale
packed trials / Las jugadoras pasan por
estas pruebas llenas de acción.
Get ready to be creamed, Glandus nerd.
/ Prepárate para ser cremado, nerd de
The lost and found. Where mouthguards Lost and found (noun) a place where things that are lost are brought so Objetos perdidos Have you checked the lost and found?
go to retire / Los objetos perdidos. Dónde people can claim them
van los protectores bucales para retirarse
Mouthguards (noun) Protector bucal
Close call Close call (noun) a situation in which something bad, unpleasant, situación en la que uno se It was a close call for residents when a tornado swept through
or dangerous almost happens, but you manage salva por los pelos just west of the town.
to avoid it Getting to the airport on time was a close call.
Not so tough now, you spongy Hatchling (noun) a young bird or animal that has recently come an alligator hatchling
hatchlings. / No tan duro ahora, crías out of its egg:
We kinda babysat her kids once / Kinda used in writing to represent an informal way of Un tanto I was kinda sorry to see him go.
Cuidamos a sus hijos una vez saying "kind of"
• used when you are trying to explain or describe
something, but you cannot be exact It’s kind of unusual.
Kind of • algún tipo de
• used to talk about something when you are not
sure of its exact type She has some kind of medical problem.
hacer de canguro (de)
Some kind of She has some kind of medical problem.
Can you babysit for me tonight?
Babysat (verb)
Let the flags raise you up
I'm such a fool / Soy tan tonto Such (determiner, used to make an opinion stronger Tan She’s such a nice person.
like the person or thing you were just talking tal It’s difficult to know how to treat such cases.
Let's roll out / Vamos a desplegar Let’s roll used to tell another person or a group of people "Let's roll," the sergeant shouted to his men.
to start leaving a place or to start doing
Leave and forfeit your reign / Deja y Forfeit (verb) to lose the right to do or have something because perder el derecho a, perder These people have forfeited the right to live in society.
pierde tu reinado you have broken a rule

Reign (noun) a period of time when a king or queen rules a reinado, dominio the reign of Henry VIII
That's not your decision to make / Esa no
es tu decisión
Well, lucky for you both / Bueno, suerte Both (pronoun, used to talk about two people or things ambos Helena and Mia are both very shy.
para los dos determiner) Both girls arrived at the same time.
Partake of my free snack samples / Partake (verb) To partake of food or drink is to eat or drink tomar parte, participar Feel free to partake of the food and drink displayed on tables.
Participe de mis muestras de bocadillos some of it:
to take part They all partook in the final decision.
It reeks more of nerd than money today / Reek (verb) to have a strong unpleasant smell apestar, heder Her breath reeked of garlic.
Hoy apesta más a nerd que a dinero
I feel like pickpocketing some dork while Pickpocket (verb) to steal things out of people's pockets or bags, Someone pickpocketed my wallet.
they browse / Tengo ganas de robar especially in a crowd He was pickpocketed at the carnival.
algunos idiotas mientras navegan
feel like something to want something tener ganas de algo I feel like a sandwich.

feel like doing

something to want to do something tener ganas de hacer algo Jane felt like crying.
This book fair's got everything! A zine- Zine (noun) a small magazine that is produced cheaply by
making workshop, meet and greets, and- one person or a small group of people, and is
what's that? / ¡Esta feria del libro lo tiene about a subject they are interested in
todo! Un taller de elaboración de Workshop (noun) a place where people make or repair things Taller
fanzines, encuentros y saludos, y... ¿qué es
eso? a meeting where people learn about something Taller
by discussing it and doing practical exercises
My runner up dream was to be a writer / Runner-up (noun) a person who comes second in a race or participante en segundo I’ve been runner-up three times now.
Mi segundo sueño era ser escritor competition lugar
What are these basement dwellers doing Basement (noun) part of a building that is under the level of the Sótano
out in natural sunlight? / ¿Qué están ground
haciendo estos habitantes del sótano bajo
la luz natural del sol? Dweller (noun) a person who lives in a city, town, cave, etc. persona que habita en una
ciudad, pueblo, cueva, etc.
Like the name says, it gives eternal Whomever (noun) waponizi when used as the object: Give it to whomever you please.
youth to whomever holds it. / Como su
nombre lo dice, da la eterna juventud a
quien lo posee.
So Lilith wants to nab this power for the Nab (verb) to take something suddenly, or to catch or arrest agarrar, robar, pescar Undercover police officers nabbed the men at the airport.
emperor / Así que Lilith quiere apoderarse a criminal Someone nabbed my apple when I wasn’t looking!
de este poder para el emperador.
Romance! Magic! Heartbreak with Heartbreak (noun) feelings of great sadness or disappointment Congoja The kidnapping has caused the family months of heartbreak and
shimmer tears. / ¡Romance! ¡Magia! suffering.
Desamor con lágrimas brillantes.
Shimmer (verb) To shine gently and seem to be moving slightly Relucir The trees shimmered in the moonlight.
There's more to life than shipping
I am popping out for a few days to an Pop (verb) to go to a particular place: I've just got to pop into the bank to get some money.
undisclosed place to do undisclosed Paula popped out for a minute.
things / Saldré por unos días a un lugar Would you pop upstairs and see if Grandad is okay?
no revelado para hacer cosas no Why don't you pop in/over and see us this afternoon?
Undisclosed (adjective) not revealed to the public Secreto She was paid an undisclosed amount of money.
I just made a few tiny edits and this
baby is humming! / Acabo de hacer
algunas pequeñas ediciones y esta bebé
está tarareando!
You're ominous. And I like it / Eres Ominous (adjective) suggesting that something unpleasant is likely to de mal agüero There was an ominous silence when I asked whether my contract
siniestro. Y me gusta. happen was going to be renewed.
The engine had been making an ominous sound all the way from
my parents’ house.
ominous dark clouds
It's the perfect blend of heart and Blend (verb) two or more things that are put together Mezcla Their music is a blend of jazz and African rhythms.
Heartlessness (noun) crueldad, insensibilidad
And of course you would be here just to Nuisance (noun) a person, thing, or situation that annoys you or lata, incordio Not being able to use my computer is a real nuisance.
be a nuisance / Y, por supuesto, estarías causes problems for you
aquí solo para ser una molestia.
Oh, you cad / Oh, canalla Cad (noun) a man who behaves badly or dishonestly, Bellaco, canalla He’s a cad and a bounder – I’m not in the least surprised he let
especially to women you down.
Apparently I can't write my daring Daring (adjective) brave and taking risks Atrevido a daring escape
works of genius without rebelling
against your gushy fantasy slop! / Gushing / gushy expressing a positive feeling, especially praise, One of the more gushing newspapers described the occasion as
¡Aparentemente no puedo escribir mis (adjective) in such a strong way that it does not sound "a fairy-tale wedding".
atrevidas obras geniales sin rebelarme sincere
contra tu bazofia efusiva de fantasía! 
 very emotional or enthusiastic Have you tried the slop that they call stew in the canteen?

displaying excessive admiration or sentimentality Her praise may sound gushy but it is considered.

Slop (noun) food that is more liquid than it should be and is bazofia, porquería
therefore unpleasant
That snappily dressed lizard trapped me Snappily (adverb) in a way that is modern and stylish: The sales team is usually pretty snappily dressed.
in this shrinking box / Ese lagarto She dresses snappily for her age, having an excellent eye for a
elegantemente vestido me atrapó en esta bargain at the local charity shop.
caja cada vez más pequeña.
in a way that is immediately effective in getting The dialogue needs to be delivered more snappily.
people's attention or communicating an idea: The snappily edited show was a huge success.

angrily, or in a way that shows you are annoyed: "She doesn't like dogs," he interrupted, almost snappily.
"Next person please!" requested the check-out girl snappily.
That's a toxic mentality that contributes Burnout (noun) the state of having no energy or enthusiasm We have found there is much more burnout and sickness among
to burnout and unrealistic expectations! / because of working too hard, or someone who those who don't get help.
¡Esa es una mentalidad tóxica que shows the effects of this state: The drummer walked in looking like a rock and roll burnout.
contribuye al agotamiento y las
expectativas poco realistas!
Woe to us whose fates are sealed / ¡Ay Woe (noun) big problems or troubles Males The country has been beset by economic woes for the past
de nosotras cuyos destinos están sellados! extreme sadness Unusually poor harvests have added to the country’s woes.

(a cause of) grief or misery Congoja Her face was lined and full of woe.
He told me a real tale of woe about how he had lost both his job
and his house in the same week.

desgracia, aflicción He has many woes

He told a tale of woe.
Skip to the finale, because it is quite a Payoff (noun) the result of a set of actions, or an explanation compensación, beneficios The payoff for years of research is a microscope that` performs
payoff / Salta al final, porque es una at the end of something better than all of its competitors.
buena recompensa.
Hey freeloaders! Guess what today is? / Freeloader (noun) a person who uses money, food, a room in a parásito, -a
¡Hola, gorrones! ¿Adivina qué es hoy? house, etc. given by other people, but who gives
nothing to them in exchange
I love cuddles and kisses! / Me encantan Cuddle (noun) the act of putting put your arms around someone Abrazo Give me a cuddle.
los abrazos y los besos! to show them that you love them
It was the most harrowing period of my Harrowing (adjective) extremely upsetting because connected with desgarrador, angustioso a harrowing story
life / Fue el período más angustioso de mi suffering For many women, the harrowing prospect of giving evidence in a
vida rape case can be too much to bear.
Being without you is just unbearable / Unbearable (adjective) very painful or unpleasant Insoportable The heat was almost unbearable.
Estar sin ti es simplemente insoportable
They've been extra protective and nice Towards (preposition) in relation to Hacia What are your feelings towards him?
towards me to make up for the library
incident / Han sido muy protectores y in the direction of someone or something Hacia She stood up and walked towards him.
amables conmigo para compensar el
incidente de la biblioteca. near to a time or place Hacia Your seats are towards the back of the theatre.
And whose fault is that? / ¿Y de quién es
la culpa?
Weaponizing my pride / Armando mi Weaponize (verb) to make it possible to use something to attack a They claimed that the security agency had weaponized the
orgullo person or group: internet.
He hoped to weaponize the issue of healthcare as part of his
election campaign.
Gorgeous views, magic in the air / Gorgeous (adjective) very beautiful or pleasant precioso, guapísimo You look gorgeous in that dress!
Magníficas vistas, magia en el aire
This is ludicrous! / ¡Esto es ridículo! Ludicrous (adjective) Stupid ridículo, absurdo a ludicrous idea/suggestion
Welcome to boot camp! You sure need it. Raggedy (adjective) untidy, torn and looking a little dirty: He was wearing the same raggedy clothes as the day before.
Look at you: raggedy, pathetic, chewed
on, you got a button hangin' off of your
eye / ¡Bienvenido al campo de
entrenamiento! Seguro que lo necesitas.
Mírate: andrajoso, patético, mordido,
tienes un botón colgando de tu ojo
Her cross-hatching has improved / Su Cross-hatching (noun) two groups of parallel lines that are drawn close
trama cruzada ha mejorado together across each other, especially at an
angle of 90°, on parts of a picture to show
differences of light and darkness
Did you use this all up? / ¿Usaste todo use sth up to finish a supply of something: Don't use up all the milk - we need some for breakfast.
The earth's resources are being used up at an alarming rate.
Now stay put / Ahora quédate quieto Stay put to remain where placed no moverse, estarse quieto, Once a child can crawl, he won’t stay put for long.
quedarse ahí
I'm just gonna sneak away when the Sneak (verb) to go somewhere quietly because you do not ir sigilosamente I sneaked into his bedroom while he was asleep.
thing starts eating the twins / Solo me want anyone to hear you
voy a escabullir cuando la cosa empiece a
comerse a los gemelos. Sneak away leave furtively and stealthily escabullirse
Well, at least I got to see her misplaced Misplaced (adjective) (of emotions or ideas) not appropriate inapropiado/ada misplaced trust/anger/loyalty/concerns etc.
confidence one last time / Bueno, al Calls for his resignation are totally misplaced.
menos pude ver su confianza fuera de
lugar por última vez
Your adorable banter is literally making Banter (noun) conversation that is funny and not serious Broma The sick boy was cheered up by the noisy banter of his friends
me sick / Tus adorables bromas
literalmente me están enfermando friendly teasing After retiring, he missed the banter with his former workmates.
From the humblest of beginnings, a hero Humble (adjective) not believing you are better than others Humilde a kind, humble man
will rise / Desde el más humilde de los
comienzos, un héroe se levantará
In fact, I have written a heartfelt sonnet Heartfelt (adjective) strongly felt and sincere de corazón, sincere We offered her our heartfelt thanks.
to commemorate this occasion / De
hecho, he escrito un soneto sentido para
conmemorar esta ocasión
Are you prepared to enter these Hallowed (adjective) very respected and praised because of great Sagrado hallowed icons such as Marilyn Monroe and James Dean
hallowed halls? / ¿Estás preparada para importance or great age
entrar en estos pasillos sagrados? Holy santificado, consagrado Can atheists be buried in hallowed ground?
Stirring is the pits / Agitación es los hoyos Stir (verb) to mix food or liquid by moving a spoon round Remover Stir the mixture until it is smooth.
and round in it

Stir (verb) to cause to feel an emotion Suscitar a proposal that has stirred anger among the population

Stirring (adjective) causing strong emotions emotivo/va a stirring speech

Vouch for my character! / ¡Avala mi vouch for sth/sb to say that you know from experience that responder por algn/de algo Patricia has checked the reports and can vouch for the accuracy
something is true or good, or that someone is of the information.
carácter! honest and has a good character

Vouch (verb) to be able from your knowledge or experience dar fe As a medical examiner I can vouch that his death was accidental.
to say that something is true
Time to scrounge through the trash / Es Scrounge (verb) to get something from someone else instead of Gorronear He’s always scrounging money off you.
hora de buscar en la basura paying for it yourself
Thanks for standing up for us back there Stand up for something to defend or support a particular idea or a defender algo/a alguien We should all stand up for our rights.
/ Gracias por defendernos allí atrás / someone person who is being criticized or attacked
We have to work backwards from it to Backwards (adverb) towards the direction behind you hacia atrás She took a couple of steps backwards.
see the truth / Tenemos que trabajar
hacia atrás para ver la verdad
Bump was not thrilled / Bump no estaba Thrilled (adjective) very excited and pleased emocionado, entusiasmado She was thrilled with your present.
we'll get everything sorted out / La Sort Out Figure out Averiguar, resolver Have you sorted out who’s going to sleep where yet?
arreglaremos todo
sort something out to do something that stops a problem Solucionar algo Have you sorted out your schedule yet?
We may be cute, but we're nobody's Morsel (noun) a very small piece of food Bocado a morsel of cheese
morsels! / ¡Podemos ser lindas, pero no The prisoners ate every last morsel.
somos bocados de nadie! a very small piece or amount pizca, ápice a morsel of good news
He's reading your palm, and your future Bleak (adjective) sad and without hope Gris a bleak future
looks bleak / Él está leyendo tu palma, y
tu futuro parece sombrío
I don't care to know the ins and outs of Ins and outs the complex details of a plan etc. Detalles, pormenores He knows all the ins and outs of this scheme.
rascality / No me importa saber los
entresijos de la picardía Rascal (noun) a person, especially a child or a man, who does Granuja I caught those little/young rascals dressing up in my clothes.
things that you disapprove of, but who you still

Rascality (noun) mischievous, disreputable, or dishonest character, Bellaquería, ruindad,

behavior, or action carácter pícaro; acción vil o
That won't stop me from writing a very Stern (adjective) very serious and not friendly or funny severo, duro a stern face
stern letter / eso no me impedirá escribir
una carta muy severa
I don't buy it. What kind of con are you Con (verb) to make someone believe something false, Timar She felt she had been conned into buying the car.
running? / No lo compro ¿Qué tipo de usually so that that person will give you their Thieves conned him out of his life savings.
estafa estás organizando? money or possessions He managed to con £20 out of them (= get that amount from
them by deceiving them).

Con (noun) a trick to get someone's money or make someone Timo It's a con - you get half the food for twice the price!
do what you want a con trick
We could brave the molar coaster, or eat Brave (verb) to face with courage Desafiar, enfrentarse to brave the bitter cold
a mysterious blob... / Podríamos desafiar
la montaña rusa molar, o comer una gota
The more the merrier / Cuanto más mejor Merry (adjective) happy feliz, alegre a merry crowd
Curse these stubby legs / Maldice estas Stubby (adjective) Short and thick pequeño y grueso, regordete a stubby tail
piernas rechonchas
Luz, Willow, and Gus will be none the Be none the wiser • to still be confused about something even after it • I've read the instructions twice and I'm still none the wiser.
wiser. / Luz, Willow y Gus no se darán has been explained to you •
cuenta • •
• not knowing or understanding anything more • The investigation has been going on for months, and we're still
about something none the wiser about the true cause of the accident.

• used to describe someone who is not at all • I borrowed his car and returned it, and he was none the wiser.
aware of something that has happened
Eat up, my stead. Lead us to safety / • •
Come, en mi lugar. Condúcenos a la
Now, who wants to touch an outdated Outdated (adjective) • old-fashioned and therefore not as good or as Anticuado outdated weapons/ideas
human reference? / Ahora, ¿quién quiere fashionable as something modern Nowadays this technique is completely outdated.
tocar una referencia humana obsoleta?
I can't be mad at your adorable antics / Antics (noun) funny, silly, or strange behavior Payasadas But the rock star, whose stage antics used to include smashing
No puedo estar enojado con tus adorables guitars, is older and wiser now.
travesuras The crowds were once again entertained by the number-one
tennis player’s antics on and off the court.
This guy is a riot / Este tipo es un Riot (noun) angry, violent behavior by a crowd of people disturbio a race riot
alboroto The political rally turned into a riot.
Now Luz and I will share a bond as Trinket (noun) a small decorative object, or a piece of jewelry chuchería, baratija She always returns from vacation with a few souvenirs, mostly
mighty as these trinkets / Ahora Luz y yo that is cheap or of low quality just cheap trinkets.
compartiremos un vínculo tan poderoso
como estas baratijas Mighty (adjective) very powerful or successful Grande, poderosos Ares, the mighty Greek god of war
powerful and impressive Poderoso a mighty river
You ruined my livelihood / Arruinaste mi Livelihood (noun) (the way someone earns) the money people need Sustento Many ship workers could lose their livelihoods because of falling
sustento to pay for food, a place to live, clothing, etc. orders for new ships.
That farm is his livelihood.
They... foiled my plans! / Ellas ... Foil (verb) to prevent from attaining an end always able to foil her enemies
frustraron mis planes! Her accident foiled her from becoming a dancer.
Yeah. I've always wanted to own a Jagged (adjective) rough and with sharp points dentado, mellado a jagged cut/tear
jagged piece of cheap metal / Sí. Siempre jagged rocks
quise tener una pieza irregular de metal a jagged line/edge
Sure feel sorry for anyone that missed Rabble-rouser (Noun) a person who says, writes, or does things that agitador, agitadora Johnson was unpopular with the management because he was a
seeing us two rabble-rousers getting into make crowds of people excited or angry, usually well-known rabble-rouser.
scrapes / Seguro que lo siento por intentionally in order to make them act in a
cualquiera que se haya perdido de vernos particular way
a nosotros dos agitadores metidos en líos
Too wiggly. Too obvious. Now we're Wiggly (adjective) not straight; going up and down, from side to Ondulado a wiggly line.
talkin'! I think today is a talons day / side etc
Demasiado ondulado. Muy obvio. ¡Ahora
estamos hablando! Creo que hoy es un día Talon (adjective) a sharp nail on the foot of a bird that it uses Garra
de garras when hunting animals
Time to bug out at my birthday party! / Bug out (of someone's eyes) to stick out or open very When I tell people, their jaws drop and their eyes bug out.
¡Hora de salir corriendo en mi fiesta de wide:
to behave or think in a strange way, especially It's month two of production on the show, and everyone involved
because of being very worried, frightened, or is sweating and bugging out.
angry: I started kind of bugging out about the whole thing.

to leave a place or situation quickly, especially The position gave us good cover and the capacity to bug out in
because of danger: an emergency.

My dad spared no expense! You only no expense is spared If no expense is spared in arranging something, No expense was spared in making the guests feel comfortable.
turn 15 once! / ¡Mi papá no reparó en a lot of money is spent to make it extremely
gastos! ¡Solo cumples 15 una vez! good:
Prepare thyself to do battle like a Thyself (pronoun) an old word for ’yourself’ vos mismo; vos misma Look at thyself.
human! / ¡Prepárate para luchar como
una humana!
Too bad she's already burned her social burn sb at the stake to kill someone by tying the person to a post and
life at the stake. Why did you give me an burning them
invite that was molting? / Lástima que ya
haya quemado su vida social en la Molt(verb) (of a bird or animal) to lose feathers, skin, or Mudar
hoguera. ¿Por qué me diste una invitación hair as a natural process at a particular time of
que estaba mudando? year so that new feathers, skin, or hair can grow
"Oh look at me! I'm going on a date with Fern (noun) a green plant with long stems, leaves like Helecho
my ferns!" / "¡Oh, mírame! ¡Voy a tener feathers, and no flowers
una cita con mis helechos!"
Keep annoying me though, I'm happy to Though (conjunction) used before a fact or opinion that makes the Aunque Though she’s quite small, she’s very strong.
select fewer / Sin embargo, sigue other part of the sentence surprising Nina didn’t phone, even though she said she would.
molestándome. Estoy feliz de seleccionar
menos Though (adverb) used especially at the end of a sentence to add Aunque, pero OK, I’ll come. I’m not staying late, though.
a fact or opinion to what you have just said

I could’ve sworn that you guys hung out Swear (verb)

/ Podría haber jurado que ustedes
pasaron el rato Hang out to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone Pasar el tiempo I was hanging out with my friends last night.
I knew we were meant to be friends.
That's my motto after all! "Out of sight, Motto (noun) a short sentence or phrase that expresses a lema , divisa Her motto is "Work hard, play hard".
out of mind." / ¡Ese es mi lema después belief or purpose
de todo! "Fuera de la vista, fuera de la
I'll never be able to cook up a scheme to Cook up to invent or make up a false story etc inventar(se) He cooked up a story about his car having broken down.
make you friends again / Nunca seré
capaz de idear un plan para volver a to invent a story, plan, etc., usually dishonestly: She cooked up some weird scheme that was going to earn her a
hacerte amigo. fortune.
I had to cook up an excuse about my car breaking down.
No schemes, no plots, no ruses / Sin Scheme (noun) a plan for doing or organizing something, Estrategia a creative scheme for making money
esquemas, sin tramas, sin artimañas especially one that does not follow the usual

a plan to do sth wrong or illegal Plan an illegal investment scheme

Plot (noun) a plan to do something bad Conspiración There was a plot to blow up the embassy.

Ruse (noun) a trick intended to deceive someone estratagema, artimaña It was just a ruse to distract her while his partner took the money.
a clever trick or plan
She never did mention anything about Shenanigans (noun) secret or dishonest activities, usually of a Chanchullo, embustes More business/political shenanigans were exposed in the
shenanigans / Nunca mencionó nada complicated and humorous or interesting type: newspapers today.
sobre las travesuras.
My interview for journalism class is due Accomplished having a lot of skill in art, music, writing, etc. Consumado, experto an accomplished musician/painter
tomorrow! I'm supposed to choose (adjective)
someone "interesting, accomplished,
and noteworthy" / ¡Mi entrevista para la Noteworthy (adjective) deserving attention because of being important notable, de interés a noteworthy example/event
clase de periodismo vence mañana! Se or interesting It is noteworthy that one third of students do not pay any tuition
supone que debo elegir a alguien fees.
"interesante, consumado y digno de
mención" What time is the next bus due?
Due (adjective) expected to happen, arrive, etc. at a particular Previsto The next meeting is due to be held in three months' time.
time Their first baby is due in January.

A lot of her unhappiness is due to boredom.

Due to because of debido a algo The bus was delayed due to heavy snow.

I'm due for a promotion soon.

be due for sth If you are due for something, you expect to merecerse algo
receive it, because you deserve it.
Hey there, detective. Are you solving a Commit (verb) to do something illegal or something that is Cometer He was sent to prison for a crime that he didn't commit.
crime or about to commit one? / Hola, considered wrong to commit adultery/murder
detective. ¿Estás resolviendo un crimen o to commit an offence
estás a punto de cometer uno?
to promise or give your loyalty, time, or money comprometerse Like so many men, he has problems committing himself to a
to a particular principle, person, or plan of relationship.
action The government must commit itself to improving healthcare.
Once we have committed to this course of action there is no
going back.
I'll admit, this amnesia spin has piqued pique sb's curiosity, to make someone interested in something and The noise continued, piquing her curiosity.
my interest / Lo admito, este giro de interest, etc. want to know more about it:
amnesia ha despertado mi interés.
Pique (noun) a feeling of anger, especially caused by He stormed from the room in a fit of pique, shouting that he had
someone damaging your feeling of being proud been misunderstood.
of yourself:
When the night critters allow me to / Critter (noun) A creature Criatura, bicho That dog’s a mean old critter.
Cuando las criaturas nocturnas me lo
Whoever did this to willow showed Disregard (noun) the fact of showing no care or respect for Indiferencia What amazes me is her complete disregard for anyone else’s
unbelievable disregard for her safety, something opinion.
downright despicable / Quienquiera que
le hiciera esto a Willow mostró un Downright (adjective, (Especially of something bad) extremely or very Total I think the way she was treated is a downright disgrace.
desprecio increíble por su seguridad, adverb) great She’s being downright unhelpful and obstructive.
francamente despreciable. The working conditions are unhealthy, if not downright (= and
probably extremely) dangerous.
You set everything in there on fire / set sth on fire to deliberately cause something to burn They set the house on fire.
Prendiste fuego a todo lo que había allí
Bold choice, taking the girl who caused Bold (adjective) not frightened of danger Atrevido She was a bold and fearless climber.
the mess / Elección audaz, tomar a la The newspaper made the bold move/took the bold step of
chica que causó el lío. publishing the names of the men involved.

strong in colour or shape, and very noticeable to llamativo, pronunciado They painted the kitchen in bold colours.
the eye
One time Willow wanted to play hooky Play hooky to stay away from school without permission faltar a clase , hacer novillos
from our swim lessons, so we built this!
/ Una vez, Willow quería hacer novillos de Prown (verb) to move around quietly in a place trying not to merodear (por), rondar There have been reports of a masked man prowling in the
nuestras lecciones de natación, ¡así que be seen or heard, such as an animal does when neighbourhood.
construimos esto! hunting At night, adult scorpions prowl the desert for (= trying to catch)
Unable to sleep, he prowled (= walked without purpose)
(about/around) the hotel corridors.

to move about stealthily in order to steal, attack, merodear, rondar Tigers were prowling in the jungle.
catch etc

Be on the prowl to be moving around quietly in a place trying not There was a fox on the prowl earlier.
to be seen or heard:
Willow was a... late bloomer. / Willow Late bloomer (noun) someone who becomes good at something after At school she was a late bloomer, and it wasn't until she went to
fue un... florecimiento tardío. people usually become good at it: college that her talents became apparent.
This one might be about a crush / Este Crush (noun) a feeling of romantic love Romance, enamoramiento I have a crush on him.
podría ser sobre un flechazo
All you're doing is prying into your Pry (verb) to try to discover private things about people Entrometerse to pry into someone’s personal life.
friends lives / Todo lo que estás haciendo
es entrometerte en la vida de tu amigo.
You wanted to know everything, right? take a stroll/trip/walk to remember happy times in the past
Then come take a trip down memory down memory lane
lane / Querías saberlo todo, ¿verdad?
Entonces ven a hacer un viaje por el
camino de la memoria
Well, now I can erase all that pain. After out of sight, out of said to emphasize that when something or
all, out of sight, out of mind / Bueno, mind someone cannot be seen, it is easy to forget it,
ahora puedo borrar todo ese dolor. him, or her
Después de todo, fuera de la vista, fuera
de la mente Problems in remote places can be out of sight,
out of mind for many people.
Good children don't squabble, dear. Squable (Verb, noun) to argue over something that is not important reñir, discutir When small children are tired they are more likely to squabble
Sever your ties with Willow / Los niños with each other.
buenos no se pelean, querida. Corta tus They are still squabbling over who will get the big office.
lazos con Willow
My glyph skills are blossoming! / ¡Mis Blossoming (adjective) Floreciente the blossoming of the cherry trees.
habilidades con los glifos están
floreciendo! Blossom (verb) When people blossom, they become more She has really blossomed recently.
attractive, successful, or confident, and when She is suddenly blossoming into a very attractive woman.
good feelings or relationships blossom, they Sean and Sarah's friendship blossomed into love.
develop and become stronger:
So actually, by keeping the truth from keep sth from sb to not tell someone about something: e says it's alright but I think he's keeping something from me.
her, you're doing her a favor! / Así que
en realidad, al ocultarle la verdad, ¡le
estás haciendo un favor!
You guys have a version of prom on the Prom (noun) a formal party held for older students at the end Baile Who are you taking to the Senior Prom?
Boiling Isles? / ¿Tienen una versión del of the school year, at which there is dancing
baile de graduación en Boiling Isles?
Watch it, nitwit / Cuidado, idiota Watch it used to warn sb to be careful Tener cuidado Watch it, it’s going to fall!

Nitwit (noun) a silly or stupid person Idiota

Hi Luz, and co
Man, you got some quick grabbers. Grabber (noun) someone who takes an opportunity to get, use, or They've locked up a lot of illegal loggers and land grabbers
enjoy something quickly: who burn land.
In every era the power grabbers promise safety from what
people most fear.

something or someone who makes you pay The title itself is quite a grabber.
attention: The opening work was the evening's real attention grabber .
The six Mitford sisters were headline grabbers in the 1930's and
Everyone on the island will have to live Live out • If you live out your life in a particular place or in Gein did not stand trial but lived out his days in a mental asylum.
out their worst nightmare / Todos en la particular circumstances, you stay in that place or I couldn't live my life out on tour like he does.
isla tendrán que vivir su peor pesadilla in those circumstances until the end of your life or
until the end of a particular period of your life.

• If you live out a dream or idea, you do the things He began living out his rock 'n' roll fantasy during his last year in
that you have thought about. law school.
I suppose some people create an idea of who they want to be,
and then they live it out.
it goes deeper than things that just gross gross sb out • If something grosses you out, you think it is very He smells and he's dirty - he really grosses me out.
me out / va más allá de las cosas que unpleasant or disgusting:
simplemente me dan asco.
I get it. Ditch the yellow / Lo entiendo. Ditch (verb) • to get rid of something or someone that is no The getaway car had been ditched a couple of miles away from
Deshazte del amarillo longer wanted: the scene of the robbery.
Did you know that Sarah ditched (= ended her relationship with)
her boyfriend last week?
Luz, you always go overboard and I end Go overboard • to do something too much, or to be too excited or I don't think there'll be more than six people eating, so I wouldn't
up bailing you out / Luz, siempre te pasas eager about something: go overboard with the food.
de la raya y termino rescatándote.
to do or say too much because you are so I think I went overboard cooking this dinner – there is enough to
enthusiastic: feed a dozen people.

to do or say more than is acceptable or needed pasarse (tres pueblos), Some of the fans went overboard and started throwing things.

Bail out Some of the fans went overboard and started The TV show triggered a number of protests, and some of the
throwing things. sponsors bailed out.
Ladies, gentlemen, and assorted Assorted (adjective) • consisting of various types mixed together Surtido a case of assorted wines
demons! / ¡Damas, caballeros y demonios
I, uh, hope my material's up to snuff / Up to snuff • as good as it should be; of an acceptable The phone system just wasn't up to snuff.
Yo, eh, espero que mi material esté a la standard:
They'll boo anyone, and that kind of stick with sth/sb • to continue doing something or using someone to He said that he was going to stick with the traditions established
public humiliation can stick with you for do work for you, and not stop or change to by his grandfather.
life / Abuchearán a cualquiera, y ese tipo something or someone else: He's a good car mechanic - I think we should stick with him.
de humillación pública puede quedarse
contigo de por vida
Using that characteristic human magic to keep something at bay• to control something and prevent it from causing She fought to keep her unhappiness at bay.
keep Grom at bay / Usar esa magia you problems:
humana característica para mantener a
raya a Grom
Hands off my human, you misshapen Misshapen (adjective)• having an unusual shape or a shape that is not Deforme The drug caused some babies to be born with misshapen limbs.
excuse for a monster! / ¡Manos de mi natural
humana, excusa deforme para un hands off (something) do not touch something Hey! Hands off my camera!
What if I went to Grom with you Instead (adverb) • in place of someone or something else en vez de eso, en su lugar There's no coffee - would you like a cup of tea instead?
instead? / ¿Qué pasa si voy a Grom
contigo en su lugar?
Well, then, if that's settled, may I have Settled (adjective) • (of a question, issue, etc.) having been decided decidido/da OK, that’s settled – we’ll go to the Mexican restaurant.
this dance? / Bueno, entonces, si eso está or answered
arreglado, ¿puedo tener este baile?
Alright, girls. You know the drill. Captain know the drill • to know how something is done : to be familiar You don't have to tell us what to do. We all know the drill by
goes first. Hello, Hexside! Your star has with a regular process, procedure, etc. now.
arrived. Groveling line starts here / Muy
bien, chicas. Ya sabes que hacer. El Grovel (verb) to behave with too much respect towards humillarse, prosternarse He sent a grovelling note of apology.
capitán va primero. ¡Hola, Hexside! Tu someone to show that you are very eager to
estrella ha llegado. La línea de humillación please them
comienza aquí.
to move close to or on the ground arrastrarse I was grovelling under the sofa, trying to find my contact lens.

to make oneself (too) humble humillarse, rebajarse, He grovelled before his leader.
Cheating isn’t anything to brag about / Brag (verb) • to talk about your achievements in a way that is presumiendo, alardeando She’s always bragging about her grades.
Hacer trampa no es algo de lo que too proud
Get your own scalp, buddy / Consigue tu Scalp (verb) • the skin on the top of a person's head where hair cuero cabelludo a dry/oily/itchy scalp
propio cuero cabelludo, amigo usually grows Some tribes used to collect scalps to prove how many of the
enemy they had killed in battle.
Ever since I patched thing up with Amity Patch up • to become friends again after arguing hacer las paces, resolver You’ll find some way to patch things up.
/ Desde que arreglé las cosas con Amity •
to quickly repair arreglar, apañar workers patching up the holes in the streets
We, too, are a ragtag team of lovable Ragtag (adjective) untidy and not similar or organized desigual, desorganizado The village was guarded by a ragtag group of soldiers.
misfits joined together to defeat a He arrived with a ragtag collection of friends.
powerful enemy / Nosotros también
somos un equipo heterogéneo de Misfit (noun) someone who is not suited to a situation or who is inadaptado, -asocial I didn’t really know anyone at the party, so I felt like a misfit.
adorables inadaptados unidos para not accepted by other people because their I was a bit of a social misfit at college because I didn’t like going
derrotar a un poderoso enemigo. behavior is strange or unusual out at night.
But we are the underdogs, we have to Underdog (noun) • a person or group of people with less power, los desamparados, los grupos As a politician, her sympathy was always for the underdog in
stay upbeat and keep trying / Pero somos money, etc. than the rest of society (the menos favorecidos society.
los desvalidos, tenemos que mantenernos underdog)
optimistas y seguir intentándolo •
• in a competition, the person or team considered el que tiene menos He always likes to help the underdog.
to be the weakest and the least likely to win posibilidades
• a weak person who is dominated by someone
else, or who is the loser in a struggle Live music and a parade set an upbeat mood for the official
Upbeat (adjective) Optimista opening.
full of hope, happiness, and good feelings
Luz! Not everything can be solved with a Dope (adjective) • very good This music is dope.
good attitude and a dope music That's one dope way to spend the afternoon!
soundtrack / Luz! No todo se puede
solucionar con una buena actitud y una
banda sonora de música buena.
Pushing paper all day might make you a Rusty (adjective) • If a skill you had is rusty, it is not as good as it Oxidado My Italian is a bit rusty these days.
little rusty / Empujar papel todo el día was because you have not practised it:
puede hacerte un poco oxidada.
I decided I wanted to do something a bit Flashy (adjective) • looking too bright, big, and expensive in a way llamativo, ostentoso flashy clothes
flashier / Decidí que quería hacer algo un that is intended to get attention and admiration a flashy car
poco más llamativo. flashy gold jewellery
I'm here on her behalf / Estoy aquí en su on behalf of sb / indicates you are doing sth instead of sb else En nombre de On behalf of my sister, I’d like to thank everyone.
nombre on sb’s behalf
We forfeit / Perdemos
She always gets in over her head be in over your head / to be involved in a difficult situation that you Sean tried to pay his gambling debts, but he was in over his
get in over your head cannot get out of: head.
I’m an unbiased participant, hoot-hoot / Unbiased (adjective) able to judge fairly because you are not Imparcial unbiased advice
Soy una participante imparcial, hoot-hoot influenced by your own opinions an unbiased opinion
I could help carry you if it really hurts
And yet the owl lady still roams free / Y, Roam (verb) to move around a place without any purpose vagar (por), recorrer Gangs of youths roam the streets at night
sin embargo, la dama del búho todavía
vaga libremente.
Rest assured, Kiki / Ten la seguridad, Kiki Rest assured to be certain Quedarse tranquilo You may rest assured that we will take your views into
You’re a thorn in my side / Eres una thorn in sb side / thorn someone or something that continually causes Money problems have been a thorn in our side since the day we
espina en mi costado in the side of sb problems for you got married.
Health inspectors are a thorn in the side of most restaurants.
Every witch worth their salt has a cloak worth your salt good at your job Any accountant worth their salt should be aware of the latest
made from this stuff / Cada bruja que se changes in taxation.
precie tiene una capa hecha de este
material. Cloak (noun) a loose outer piece of clothing without sleeves, Capa
that fastens at the neck, and is worn instead of a
Easy, kid! With the Emperor's goons at Goon (noun) a violent criminal who is paid to hurt or threaten
my doorstep, I need this for protection. people
They have really stepped up their attacks
lately / ¡Fácil, chico! Con los matones del Doorstep (noun) a violent criminal who is paid to hurt or threaten Umbral He left the package on the doorstep.
Emperador a la vuelta de la esquina, people
necesito esto como protección. Realmente
han intensificado sus ataques últimamente. On sb's doorstep very close to where someone is or lives a la vuelta de la esquina There's a lovely park right on our doorstep.

Step up to increase Incrementar The firm must step up production.

He's got the hots for you, doesn't he? / Él have (got) the hots for to be very sexually attracted to someone: She's got the hots for this guy in her office.
está loco por ti, ¿no es así? sb
More magic to keep the curse from keep from doing sth to manage to prevent yourself from doing sth I couldn't keep from smiling when she told me what she'd done.
rearing its feathery head / Más magia
para evitar que la maldición levante su Rear (verb) to rise up or to lift something up: The horse reared (up) (= suddenly rose onto its back legs) when
cabeza plumosa it heard the gun shot.
The lion slowly reared its head (= lifted it up) and looked
No! Jeez, you're morbid / ¡No! Jeez, eres Morbid (adjective) too interested in unpleasant subjects, especially Morboso a morbid fascination with death
morboso death
The roughhousing was fun / La pelea Roughhouse (verb) to fight in a way that is not serious: A couple of boys were roughhousing (each other) in the park.
fue divertida
I heard you attempted a raid this Raid (noun) a short sudden attack, usually by a small group Ataque The commandos made/staged/carried out a daring raid (on the
morning / Escuché que intentaste una of people enemy).
redada esta mañana. planes on a bombing raid

an occasion when the police enter a place Redada The drugs were found during a police raid on the house.
suddenly in order to find someone or something
You got me. But you don't understand. Zap (verb) to get rid of or kill something or someone, They have the kind of weapons that can zap the enemy from
Eda has this curse and it's zapping away especially intentionally: thousands of miles away.
her magic, and-- / Me tienes. Pero no We're really going to zap the competition with this new product!
entiendes. Eda tiene esta maldición y está
acabando con su magia, y...
Now stop gawking and load me in! / Gauk (verb) to look at something or someone in a stupid or mirar boquiabierto Don't sit there gawking like that - give me a hand!
¡Ahora deja de mirar boquiabierto y rude way They just stood there gawking at me.
His teachings took hold, / Sus enseñanzas Take hold to become strong; to be established: The economic recovery is just beginning to take hold now.
se arraigaron, Fascism has never taken root in the United States.

My Lord, I apologize for my sister's rash Rash (adjective) careless or unwise, without thought for what Precipitado That was a rash decision - you didn't think about the costs
behavior / Mi Señor, me disculpo por el might happen or result involved.
comportamiento imprudente de mi I think it was a bit rash of them to get married when they'd only
hermana known each other for a few weeks.
All wild witches must be dealt with with Deal with to be concerned with tratar de This book deals with methods of teaching English.
before the Day of Unity / Todas las brujas
salvajes deben ser tratadas antes del Día to take action about, especially in order to solve abordar, ocuparse de She deals with all the customer inquiries.
de la Unidad a problem, get rid of a person, complete a piece
of business etc
Today is a grave day for Bonesborough Grave (adjective) seriously bad Serio, grave a grave situation
/ Hoy es un día grave para Bonesborough
There's not gonna be a new statue going Go up to be built Alzarse, construirse A new housing development is going up on that lot.
up today. Right, Luz? Luz? / No va a
haber una nueva estatua en pie hoy.
¿Verdad, Luz? ¿Luz?
Now I'll have my revenge and you'll Demise (verb) the end of something that was previously Desaparición The demise of the company was sudden and unexpected.
have front row seats to Eda's demise / considered to be powerful, such as a business,
Ahora tendré mi venganza y tendrás industry, or system
asientos de primera fila para la muerte
de Eda sb's demise the death of a person el fallecimiento de alguien
I got to meet you / tengo que conocerte Get to do sth to have the opportunity to do sth conseguir hacer algo, tener la I didn’t get to go to the conference.
oportunidad de hacer algo
It's time for a heist / Es hora de un atraco Heist (noun) a crime in which valuable things are taken Atraco, golpe a $2 million jewellery heist
illegally and often violently from a place or
Don't be so naive, Lilith / No seas tan Naive (adjective) If someone is naive, they believe things too easily Ingenuo I was much younger then, and very naive.
ingenua, Lilith and do not have enough experience of the
Escorted by what appears to be a Deranged (adjective) completely unable to think clearly or behave in a Trastornado a deranged criminal/mind/personality
deranged cat / Escoltado por lo que controlled way, especially because of mental to be mentally deranged
parece ser un gato trastornado. illness
The titan's will is not so boorish / La Boorish (adjective) rude and not considering other people's feelings Tosco, grosero an uncultured man with boorish manners
voluntad del titán no es tan tosca I found him rather boorish and aggressive.
The boorish behavior of some tourists is embarrassing.
My liege / Mi señor Liege (noun) a lord or king: No man would break an oath to his liege.
Yes, my liege.
Those miscreants are still at large / Esos At large A person who is at large is not in prison The escaped prisoners are still at large.
malhechores siguen en libertad
Miscreant (noun) someone who behaves badly or does not obey Bellaco We need to discourage miscreants.

a criminal Delincuente
I chipped off a piece of his mask! / ¡Le he Chip (verb) to break a small piece off something by I wish my nail polish wouldn't keep chipping.
quitado un trozo de la máscara! accident: He's chipped a bone in his wrist.
We'll be keeping an eye on the Inhabitant (noun) a person or animal that lives in a particular Habitant a city of five million inhabitants
inhabitants of the Owl House / Estaremos place
vigilando a las habitantes de la Casa del

Leave this place before you meet your Sb’s demise the death of a person el fallecimiento de alguien
Deja este lugar antes de encontrarte con Demise (noun) the end of something that was previously Desaparicion The demise of the company was sudden and unexpected.
tu muerte considered to be powerful, such as a business,
industry, or system
Small I may be, but you will soon know lay sth (to) waste to completely destroy something: Arrasar, asolar The bomb laid the city centre to waste.
fear when I lay waste to all that you (also lay waste to sth)
Puedo ser pequeño, pero pronto
conocerás el miedo cuando destruya todo
lo que tú
Drop it now Drop (verb) to fall or let something fall caerse, dejar caer She tripped and dropped the vase.
Déjalo ahora
If you drop a plan, activity, class, or idea, you abandonar, dejar Plans for a new supermarket have been dropped.
stop doing or planning it.

If a level or amount drops, it becomes less. caer Unemployment has dropped from eight percent to six percent in
the last year.
Portal home
I had to. Emperor Belos was going to kill Hand over to give sb or sth to sb in authority Transferir, dar The prisoners were handed over to government officials.
Eda if I didn't hand it over
tuve que El emperador Belos iba a matar
a Eda si no se lo entregaba.
I blew it up with some magic fire Blow up to explode or cause to explode Explotar, volar The building blew up.
Lo exploté con un poco de fuego mágico
to suddenly get angry Explotar, ponerse furioso He blows up over the smallest things.
she's found new ways to make up for Make up to replace sth or compensate for sth Compensar You have to make up the work you missed.
her lost powers
ha encontrado nuevas formas de
compensar sus poderes perdidos
I'm gonna do my best to become a full- Full-fledged (adjective) having all the qualities necessary to achieve a Hecho y derecho She is now a full-fledged astronaut.
fledged witch and get home to you safe status
and sound Safe and sound
Voy a hacer todo lo posible para (adjective) Unharmed Sano y salvo He returned safe and sound.
convertirme en una bruja de pleno
derecho y llegar a casa sano y salvo.
Witch cackling lessons
Lecciones de cacareo de brujas
I'm gonna help Eda and prove that I'm Burden (noun) something difficult or unpleasant that you have to Carga I’d hate to be a burden to you when I’m older.
more than just a burden deal with or worry about
Ayudaré a Eda y demostraré que soy más
que una carga. Burden (verb) to give someone something difficult or unpleasant Sorry to burden you with my problems.
to deal with or worry about
I want in Want in / out of to want to start or stop being involved in I want out of the whole venture before it's too late.
Quiero entrar something:
Getting scammed at the market was such Scam (verb) to trick someone into giving you money, usually in Estafar
a bummer an illegal way:
Ser estafado en el mercado fue un
Have fun wallowing in self-pity and Wallow in to allow yourself to enjoy something completely Disfrutar My idea of a holiday is to stay in a five-star hotel and just
feeling bad for cursing me wallow in luxury for a week.
Diviértete revolcándote en la
autocompasión y sintiéndote mal por to remain in an unhappy emotional state without Regodearse I wish she’d do something to help herself instead of just
maldecirme trying to get out of it, as if you are enjoying it or wallowing in self-pity!
trying to get sympathy from other people
The selkidomus has been ravaging the Ravage (verb) to cause great damage to something Devastar, asolar The area has been ravaged by drought/floods/war.
El selkidomus ha estado devastando la
Till then, keep everything shipshape Shishape (adjective) In Good order En buen orden She left everything shipshape in her room when she left.
Hasta entonces, mantén todo en orden
Wlll, ye had me confront my own biases Bias (Noun) an unfair personal opinion that influences your Prejuicio They vowed to fight racial bias in the school.
Me hiciste confrontar mis propios prejuicios judgment Does news coverage reflect a reporter’s bias?
You have no idea what I’m going Go through to look at thoroughly Revisar, registrar I went through every drawer in the house to find it.
through to have an unpleasant experience Pasar por, atravesar, sufrir He’s gone through a lot in the past year.
No tienes idea por lo que estoy pasando to think about carefully Revisar, repasar I went through what I wanted to say again.
Show that specter what for luz Specter (noun) Ghost Espectro, fantasma
Muéstrale a ese espectro para qué, luz
I'm not one to be trifled with, bees. I'm a trifle with sb/sth to treat someone or something carelessly or jugar con algo/alguien He trifled with her affections (= feelings).
witch unhinged without respect As you know, Caroline O’Neill is not a woman to be trifled with.
No soy alguien con quien jugar, abejas.
soy una bruja desquiciada Unhinged (adjective) Mentally ill Trastornado I sometimes think that your mother is a little unhinged.
Your guilt-ridden brain is clouding your Guilt-ridden feeling very guilty
Tu cerebro lleno de culpa está nublando tu
You're actually weirdly endearing Endearing (adjective) easily able to make people like you: Entrañable, adorable Pickwick is endearing, as so many fools are.
En realidad eres extrañamente entrañable She laughs at herself a lot, which is always endearing.
Luxuriate in it Luxuriate in sth • to get great pleasure from something, especially There's nothing better after a hard day's work than to luxuriate
because it provides physical comfort: in a hot bath.
It will pour your tea Pour (verb) to make a liquid flow from or into a container Verter, server I poured the milk into a jug.
Verterá tu té
These four either came from nature or
another witch’s spell
Estos cuatro vinieron de la naturaleza o
del hechizo de otra bruja.
I'm here to appeal to your hearts, Blights Appeal to someone to attract or interest someone Atraer a alguien Smoking has never appealed to me.
Estoy aquí para apelar a sus corazones,
A Blight always upholds their end of the Uphold (verb) to defend or keep a principle or law, or to say Defender, mantener, ratificar As a police officer you are expected to uphold the law.
deal that a decision that has already been made, We must uphold these important traditions.
Un Blight siempre mantiene su parte del especially a legal one, is correct The Supreme Court upheld the federal court’s decision.
We should just rush the guards at the Rush (verb) If a group of people rush an enemy or the place We rushed the palace gates and killed the guards.
door where an enemy is, they attack suddenly and all
Deberíamos apresurar a los guardias en together:
la puerta.
My husband has been toiling away to Toil (verb) to work hard: Farm workers have been toiling in the 100-degree heat over the
bring you the Abomaton 2.0 past week.
Mi esposo se ha esforzado mucho para After toiling away at work all week, it's good to relax.
traerles el Abomaton 2.0
Would you like me to lay out the basics? Lay out to explain in detail Exponer She laid out her plans for the committee.
¿Quieres que te exponga los conceptos
Oh my gosh Gosh (Exclamation) used to express surprise or strong feelings Caramba Gosh, I didn’t expect to see you here!
She has more experience with unruly Unruly (adjective) behaving badly and difficult to control Revoltoso, rebelde unruly children
mobs than anyone
Ella tiene más experiencia con turbas Mob (noun) a large group of people that is often violent or Multitud an angry mob
rebeldes que nadie. not organized

Mob (verb) If a group of people mob someone, they get Asediar She was mobbed by photographers.
close to and surround that person in order to try
to see him or her.
I'm done for, Lulu done for (adjective) ruined, defeated or about to be killed etc Estar perdido The police are coming – run for it or we’re done for!
Estoy acabado, Lulu
The king of demons yields to no one yield to something to be forced to do something ceder ante las demandas, la He refused to yield to their demands.
El rey de los demonios no cede ante nadie presión, etc.
A trifle! Trifle (noun) a matter or object of little value or importance Nimiedad I brought a few trifles back from India – pieces of jewellery and
fabric mainly.

A trifle (noun) slightly Un poquitín I’m a trifle confused about the arrangements for tonight.
But when I shrank, my memories got, Shrink (verb) to become smaller, or to make something smaller encoger(se), reducir(se) My shirt shrank in the wash.
uh… fuzzy
Pero cuando me encogí, mis recuerdos se to move away in fear or disgust Recular She shrank away as he got closer.
volvieron, eh... borrosos
And falling from a massive height as Hex (noun) an evil spell, bringing bad luck and trouble: Someone's put a hex on my computer this morning - it keeps
that evil hex shrank me crashing.
Y cayendo desde una altura enorme
mientras ese maleficio malvado me
Like a wittle baby Wittle (adjective) used to describe someone who is cute and “tiny.” Omg, she is so wittle, I could put her in my pocket and keep her
Como un bebé pequeño there forever
A door fit for a tyrant Fit (verb) to match or be suitable Adaptar, corresponder, Her voice didn’t fit with her appearance.
Una puerta apta para un tirano. adecuar a dress to fit the occasion
These carvings, they're ancient Carving (noun) a shape or pattern cut into wood or stone or the Talla, tallado wooden/stone carvings
Estas tallas, son antiguas. skill of doing this
I suppose I could, uh, regale you with Regale (verb) to entertain someone with stories or jokes: Grandpa regaled us with tales of his small-town childhood.
some tales
Supongo que podría, eh, obsequiarte con
algunos cuentos
This environment is not conducive to
Este entorno no es propicio para el
Something's not adding up Not add up to not seem reasonable or make sense No tiene sentido Her account of the events just doesn’t add up.
algo no cuadra
I think I know how to jog my memory Jog someone’s to make someone remember something refrescarle la memoria a They hoped the photographs would jog his memory.
Creo que sé cómo refrescar mi memoria. memory alguien
Keep it at bay? keep/hold sth at bay to prevent sth unwanted from beginning or mantener a raya Drugs can help keep the disease at bay.
¿Mantenerlo a raya? affecting you
We ran out of apple blood Run out to finish, use, or sell all of something, so that I've run out of milk/money/ideas/patience.
Nos quedamos sin sangre de manzana there is none left: Time is running out for the men trapped under the rubble.
I've stashed elixirs all over the house Stash (verb) to put in a hidden place esconder She had stashed the letters at the bottom of a drawer.
He escondido elixires por toda la casa.
Stash (noun) a hidden supply alijo a secret stash of money
There's an actual rift between me and Rift (noun) a serious disagreement that separates two Distanciamiento The marriage caused a rift between the brothers and they didn’t
my mom in the Human Realm people who have been friends and stops their speak to each other for ten years.
Hay una brecha real entre mi madre y yo friendship continuing
en el Reino Humano.
This is so rad Rad (adjective) extremely exciting or good: a rad new computer game
esto es tan genial
Sometimes it doesn't matter how dutiful Dutiful (adjective) doing everything that you should do in your a dutiful son
you are position or job
A veces no importa lo obediente que seas
So, I'm trading in a few paltry family Trade in to give (something) as part-payment for dar como parte del pago, We decided to trade in our old car and get a new one ( noun
heirlooms to get the rest something else dar como entrada trade-in).
Entonces, estoy intercambiando algunas
reliquias familiares insignificantes para Paltry (adjective) (of an amount of money) very small and of little mísero, mezquino The company offered Frazer a paltry sum, which he refused.
obtener el resto. or no value

Heirloom (noun) a valuable object that has been given by older Reliquia This ring is a family heirloom.
members of a family to younger members of the valuable jewelry and other heirlooms
same family over many years
I haven't been doing a good job of
hiding that, huh?
Maybe it would be less odd of I showed show someone to go with someone to all parts, or the main llevar a alguien a dar una Let me know when you’re coming to Cambridge and I’ll show you
you around someday around/round parts, of a place that they have not visited vuelta (por algo) around.
Tal vez sería menos extraño que te (something) before, so that they can see what it is like or A guide showed us round the exhibition.
mostrara los alrededores algún día learn about it
I'm all out of glyphs be out of something to have no more of something left quedarse sin algo We’re almost out of milk.
Estoy sin glifos
I'm just, like, super disappointed in you
Estoy como super decepcionado de ti.
With all due respect, sir with all due respect indicates that you are respectfully disagreeing con el debido respeto With all due respect, Senator, that is not true.
con el debido respeto with sb

Due (adjective) expected to happen or be done Vencer, previsto Payment is due in thirty days.
When is the bridge due to be finished?
When is the baby due (= expected to be born)?
Keeping honing your powers of Hone (verb) to make something perfect or completely suitable Poner a punto His physique was honed to perfection.
observation for its purpose Her debating skills were honed in the students’ union.
Sigue perfeccionando tus poderes de
Ever since Luz came here, things have Ever since always since that time Desde entonces We met at school and have been friends ever since.
just gotten confusing.
Desde que Luz llegó aquí, las cosas se han
vuelto confusas.
And tame something called a paper Tame (adjective) If an animal is tame, it is not wild and not Domesticado, domado
dragon frightened of people.
Y domar algo llamado dragón de papel Domesticar, domar
Tame (verb) to make a wild animal tame
But today I humbly donate my journal to Humbly (adverb) humildemente “I really didn’t do very much,” she said humbly.
the ages modestamente
Pero hoy humildemente dono mi diario a
las edades
And I found myself in a world so horrid Horrid (adjective) unpleasant or unkind horroroso, malo Don’t be so horrid!
and so fantastic The medicine tasted horrid.
y me encontré en un mundo tan horrible,
pero tan fantástico
You always have a way of sneaking
into people's hearts
Siempre tienes una manera de colarte en
el corazón de las personas.
For this, you have earned a glimpse of Earn (verb) to get something good that you deserve Ganar(se) As a teacher you have to earn the respect of your students.
the reward that awaits
Por esto, te has ganado un vistazo de la Glimpse (noun) a look at something or someone for a very short Vistazo He caught a glimpse of her as she got into the car.
recompensa que te espera. time

Glimpse (Verb) to see something or someone for a very short vislumbrar, entrever She glimpsed him out of the corner of her eye.
Where the worthy shall inherit a utopia Inherit (verb) to get money or things from someone after he or Heredar He inherited the house from his uncle.
free of wild magic she dies:
Donde el digno heredará una utopía libre
de magia salvaje.
And those that remain are guarded Remain (verb) to continue to be in the same state permanecer, quedarse Despite the chaos around him, he remained calm.
covetously to continue to exist when everything or everyone seguir en pie, quedar Only a few hundred of these animals remain today.
Y los que quedan son guardados con else has gone
Covetour (adjective) wanting to have something too much, especially Codicioso I can’t help casting covetous looks at my neighbour’s new
something that belongs to someone else Porsche.
I'm chock-full of conviction Chock-full (adjective) Completely full abarrotado The whole room was chock-full of books.
Estoy llena de convicción
It'll take more than that to thwart my Thwart (verb) to prevent (something being done by someone) Frustar All his attempts to become rich were thwarted.
Tomará más que eso para frustrar mi
A truce till then Truce (noun) a short interruption in a war or argument, or an Tregua After years of rivalry the two companies have agreed (US
Una tregua hasta entonces agreement to stop fighting or arguing for a agreed to) a truce.
period of time
We don't want to spook Kikimora's steed Steed (noun) an old word for a horse for riding Corcel his trusty steed.
Nosotros no queremos asustar al corcel de
I didn't think this through think through to consider all the possibilities of a situation sopesar Give him some time to think it through.
no pensé en esto
But I guess that I was just wishful wishful thinking when you want sth to happen so much that you ilusión Do you know the money is coming, or is that just wishful thinking?
thinking (adjective) believe it is true
Pero supongo que solo era una ilusión
This is treason against a Coven official! Treason (noun) the crime of doing something that harms your Traición arrested on a charge of treason
¡Esto es traición contra una funcionaria del country, especially by helping its enemies
The palismen are all accounted for
Los palismen están todos contabilizados
I spoke out of turn Speak out to give your opinion about something in public, expresar una opinión en He decided to speak out against the bombing.
hablé fuera de turno especially on a subject that you have strong público
feelings about
These outbursts are painful and so is Outburst (noun) a sudden display of strong emotion Arrebato angry outbursts
watching you fail.
Estos arrebatos son dolorosos y también lo
es verte fracasar.
Just cut the feed Feed (noun) a web page, screen, etc. that updates (= Your Twitter feed refreshes automatically to show new tweets.
changes) often to show the latest information: A live video feed enables the "driver" to operate the vehicle
I'm still going home, but I keep running run into sb to meet someone you know when you are not Encontrarse to meet someone you know when you are not expecting to:
into some setbacks. expecting to:
Sigo yendo a casa, pero me sigo
encontrando con algunos contratiempos. Setback (noun) something that happens that delays or prevents Revés, contratiempo Sally had been recovering well from her operation, but
a process from developing yesterday she experienced/suffered a setback.
There has been a slight/temporary setback in our plans.
Fear not, Maiden Maiden (noun) a girl or young woman Doncella In the story, the prince woos and wins the fair maiden.
No temas, doncella
Maiden (adjective) of or about the first of its type Inaugural The Titanic sank on her maiden voyage.
Rug's ripped out from underneath me pull the rug out from to take away support or help when sb needs it dejar sin apoyo a alguien The board refused to back the CEO, pulling the rug out from
La alfombra está arrancada debajo de mí under sb to suddenly take away important support from echar por tierra under him.

to suddenly take away help or support from Do you sometimes just have the feeling that someone is trying to
someone, or to suddenly do something that pull the rug from under your feet?
causes many problems for them: When they pulled the carpet out from under her, she was
Don't fret, citizens Fret (verb) to be nervous or worried Preocuparse Don’t fret – I’m sure he’s OK.
No se preocupen, ciudadanos She spent the day fretting about/over what she’d said to Nicky.
So I took matters into my own hands take matters into your to deal with a problem yourself because the When the police failed to catch her son's murderer, she decided
Así que tomé el asunto en mis propias own hands people who should have dealt with it have failed to take matters into her own hands.
manos to do so:
Lean on me Lean on to sit or stand with part of your body against apoyarse contra/sobre algo, He leaned against the door.
Apóyate en mí something apoyar algo contra/sobre
Homemade maps of every nook and Nook (noun) a small space that is hidden or partly sheltered Rincon a cosy/sheltered/quiet nook
cranny in the city
Mapas caseros de todos los rincones de la every nook and cranny every part of a place el último rincon Every nook and cranny of the house was stuffed with souvenirs of
ciudad their trips abroad.

Cranny (noun) a small, narrow opening in something solid: Grieta There were small plants growing in every nook and cranny of the
Amber will sneak in and take 'em out.
Amber se colará y los sacará.
All victory is fleeting Fleeting (adjective) short or quick Fugaz a fleeting glimpse
Toda victoria es fugaz This is just a fleeting visit.
We fell for their trap Fall for something to be deceived by something, esp. a lie: I said I was an art collector, and they fell for it.
Caímos en su trampa
Figure out which one's the turncloak so Turncoat (noun) a person whose support changes from one side Traidor the plot of the story revolved around the gangster's relentless
we can leave. to the opposite side; a traitor determination to learn the identity of the turncoat
Averigua quién es el cambiacapas para
que podamos irnos.
We may not make it out ourselves. Make out to deal with a situation, usually in a successful How is Frances making out in her new job?
Puede que no lo logremos por nosotros way: The business made out better than expected and profits were
mismos. slightly up.
And your treachery, whatever. Treachery (noun) behaviour that deceives or is not loyal to Traicion His move to another company was seen as an act of treachery.
Y tu traición, lo que sea. someone who trusts you: She could never forgive his treacheries.
are barreling towards the finish line! Barrel (verb [ I, + to travel somewhere very quickly: We were barrelling along the autobahn at 180 kph.
¡Están corriendo hacia la línea de meta! adv/prep ])
You were flying like the dank wind
Volabas como el viento húmedo
I was in the throes of a malaise Malaise (noun) a general feeling of being ill or having no Malestar They claim it is a symptom of a deeper and more general
Estaba en medio de un malestar energy, or an uncomfortable feeling that malaise in society.
We were discussing the roots of the current economic malaise.
something is wrong, especially with society, and
that you cannot change the situation
I’ll never make my way into Amity's
Nunca llegaré al corazón de Amity.
So I devised the plan of plans Devise (verb) to invent a plan, system, object, etc., usually using Idear, inventar He’s good at devising language games that you can play with
Así que ideé el plan de planes your intelligence or imagination students in class.
The cartoon characters Snoopy and Charlie Brown were devised
by Charles M. Schultz.
Did you owl pellet me?
A scuffle? Scuffle (noun) a short and sudden fight, especially one involving refriega, escaramuza Two police officers were injured in scuffles with demonstrators at
¿Una pelea? a small number of people Sunday’s protest.
Maybe you can tell me how to ask out a
cotton-candy-haired goddess?
¿Tal vez puedas decirme cómo invitar a
salir a una diosa con cabello de algodón
de azúcar?
Luz's heart was torn between finding a be torn between to be unable to decide between two choices debatirse entre algo y algo I’m torn between the apple pie and the chocolate biscuit.
way home and the pursuit of love something and
El corazón de Luz se debatía entre something
encontrar el camino a casa y la búsqueda
del amor.
I suppose I'm just attuned to other Attuned (adjective) able to understand or recognize something: Sintonizado A good nurse has to be attuned to the needs of his or her
peoples' emotions patients.
Supongo que estoy en sintonía con las Politicians must be highly attuned to these dangers.
emociones de otras personas. Teenage slang is of interest to socially attuned linguists.
As we stumble through life, gloom
knows no bounds
Mientras tropezamos por la vida, la
tristeza no tiene límites
I have no idea what my future holds
Do you want to go out with me?
Would you see this finds its way to
Be my wholesome magic sweetheart
Will you be my steady?
Eda was rummaging through her
basement and gave us some soothing
human noises
According to these human workouts
Jump over that chasm before I throw
you with it
This place is crawling with tools
Well we can't afford to mess this up
He is a lot scrawnier than I imagined
At least I'm not delusional enough to
think I can turn into a harpy
This is really bumming me out
U R rad
I had to keep up my end of the bargain
You are a swindler and a thief
Stop moving, you'll make it tighter
You had it Good
But know I`ve got proof that other
worldly beings exist

Verb Adjective Idiom or phrasal verb Adverb Noun Others

Swallow Whole knock sth out of the park Away Allure Upon (preposition)
Dare Convoluted hit sth out of the park Hereby Misdemeanor Such (pronoun, determiner)
Mock Alluring Let sb down Fiendishly Fella Both (pronoun, determiner)
Squirm Hideous Lay off Jealously Wench Though (conjunction)
Suffice Impudent Measure twice, cut once Dimly Staff
Free Witchy Call it quits Though Peril
Smite Thoughtful Work Wonders Downright Prowess
Wonder Jealous Take to heart Cesspit
Lure Cunning Be on to Cesspool
Roll Tantalizing Hold on Bunk
Bet Esteemed Stumble cross Hubris
Embolden Everlasting Knock it off Biz
Bestow Prissy Mean to do sth Lure
Unbind Weightless Nail sth down Pep talk
Swoon Dangly Conks out Twinge
Swing Busted Stay put Jealousy
Light Swoony Get (one's) panties in a bunch Coven
Tattle (on us) Ultimate Full of yourself Oath
Owe Subtle What’s (the/sb) deal? Jerk
Lift Daring Up to Hideaway
Ban Gushy Get the hang of sth Cowl
Behold Gushing Kind of Mush
Chew Merry Let’s roll Teakettle
Spit Stubby Stay put Lost and found
Babysat Accomplished Sneak away Mouthguards
Forfeit Noteworthy Ins and outs Close call
Partake Downright Be none the wiser Reign
Reek Ragtag Hang out Runner-up
Pickpocket Upbeat Set sth on fire Basement
Sneak Naive on behalf of sb/on sb’s behalf Dweller
Swear Boorish be in over your head Heartbreak
Pry Rest assured Shimmer
Roam thorn in your side / thorn in the side Cad
Rear of someone Slop
Roughhouse keep from doing sth Cross-Hatching
At large Banter

Here comes the rush before we touch / Rush (verb) to hurry or move quickly somewhere Precipitarse, dares prisa We had to rush to catch the bus.
Aquí viene la prisa antes de que toquemos
to make someone or something hurry Meter prisa I refuse to be rushed into making a decision.

Rush (noun) a situation in which you have to hurry or move Prisa, precipitación I’m sorry I can’t talk now – I’m in a rush.
somewhere quickly:
The night sky is changing overhead / El Overhead (adjective, above your head, usually in the sky Por encima de la cabeza A bird flew overhead.
cielo nocturno está cambiando arriba adverb) overhead lights
All you think of lately is getting Underneath (adverb, under something Debajo (de) I found her shoes underneath the bed.
underneath me - All I dream of lately is preposition)
how to get you underneath me / Todo lo
que piensas últimamente es ponerte think of/about sb/sth to remember or imagine someone or something: Piensas I thought of you immediately when they said they wanted
debajo de mí - Todo lo que sueño someone who could speak English.
últimamente es cómo ponerte debajo de He was thinking about the time he spent in the army.

dream about/of sth to think about something that you want very Sueñas I dream of one day working for myself and not having a boss.
Here comes the spark before the dark / Spark (noun) a very small, bright piece of burning material Chispa The fire was caused by a spark from a cigarette.
Aquí viene la chispa antes de la oscuridad
With some time, I might wanna Fare (verb) to succeed or be treated in the stated way: Ir How did you fare in your exams?
See how you fared what you can't Low-paid workers will fare badly/well under this government.
replace / Con algo de tiempo, podría
querer ver cómo te fue con lo que no to progress or to be in a particular condition Middle-income families will fare better/worse under the new tax
puedes reemplazar laws.
Do you remember me as devout? / ¿Me Devout (adjective) believing strongly in a religion and obeying all Devoto a devout Christian/Jew/Muslim
recuerdas como devota? the rules or principles of that religion:
Then you blamed me and blocked me Block sth out to stop yourself from thinking about an He's trying to block out memories of the accident.
out / Entonces me culpaste y me unpleasant memory because it upsets you:
Then you disappeared for weeks to pout Pout (verb) to push the lower lip forward to show you are Mohín Vanessa always pouts if she doesn’t get what she wants.
/ Luego desapareciste durante semanas annoyed, or to push both lips forward in a Caroline pouts her lips when she’s putting on lipstick.
para hacer pucheros. sexually attractive way:
How many times could I pack? / Pack (verb) to put your things into bags or boxes when you hacer las maletas I’ve got to go home and pack.
¿Cuántas veces podría empacar? are going on holiday or leaving the place where
you live
I stuck around / Me quedé Stick Around (verb) to stay somewhere Pasear, quedarse I’ll stick around for a few minutes.
I did behave / Me comporté Behave (verb) to do things in a particular way Comportarse The horse started behaving strangely.
Hanging on to parts of me / Aferrarse a Hang on (verb) to hold on to sth with a strong grip Aguantar, agarrarse Hang on tight!
partes de mí
I was used to seeing no future in my
I never walked the party line Party line
Your arms outstretched; your hair cut Outstretched reaching out as far as possible Extendido He ran up to her, his arms outstretched.
shorter than it'd been / Tus brazos (adjective)
extendidos, tu cabello cortado más corto
de lo que había sido
And it drives me wild / Y me vuelve loco Drive sb wild to make you very excited, especially sexually When he runs his fingers through my hair, it drives me wild!
You clung to self-restraint, you followed Cling (verb) to hold someone or something tightly Agarrarse I clung on to his hand in the dark.
the plan / Te aferraste al autocontrol,
seguiste el plan Self-restraint (noun) control of your own actions Autocontrol He was angry but managed, with great self-restraint, to reply
When I envision you I think of your Envision (verb) to imagine or expect something in the future, Prever When do you envisage finishing the project?
sheets - Tangled up beneath me / especially something good
Cuando te visualizo pienso en tus sábanas
enredadas debajo de mí to form a mental picture of something or Imaginar He wasn’t what I’d expected – I’d envisaged someone much
someone you have never seen taller.

Sheet (noun) a large piece of cloth on a bed that you lie on or Sabana

Tangled (up)(adjective) twisted together in an untidy way Enredado he wires are all tangled.

Beneath (adverb, under something, or in a lower position than Debajo de He hid the letter beneath a pile of papers.
preposition) something
I would've had us swerving through Swerve (verb) to change direction suddenly, especially when Dar un viraje brusco He swerved to avoid a cyclist and hit another car.
those streets - Over and over you are driving a car
I would've stalled or rushed us through
those greens - Over and over Stall (Verb) to delay or put off action: Retrasar, parar, paralizarse They’re just stalling, trying to avoid making a decision.
Me hubiera hecho desviarnos por esas
calles. Una y otra vez
Me habría estancado o nos habría
apresurado a través de esos greens.
Una y otra vez
Came so ahead of myself / Llegué tan
por delante de mí
I've nothing to hold you down / No Hold sth down to keep someone or something in a particular He was struggling so much it took three officers to hold him
tengo nada que te detenga place or position and to stop him, her, or it from down.
How come you always lead me on / Lead sb on to persuade someone to believe something that is All that time she'd been leading him on (= pretending she liked
¿Cómo es que siempre me engañas? untrue: him), but she was only interested in his money.
Never take my call, hear me out / Nunca Hear sb out to listen to someone until they have said At least hear me out before making up your mind.
tomes mi llamada, escúchame everything they want to say:
Why don’t you wanna show me off? / Show off to behave in a way that is intended to attract Fanfarronear, presumir She only bought that sports car to show off and prove she could
¿Por qué no quieres mostrarme? attention or admiration, and that other people afford one.
often find annoying:

to display sth you are proud of Demostrar, resaltar an opportunity for students to show off their artwork
So damn soon - I won’t be the one who Wait on to wait until you know the result of an activity The lawyers are waiting on the jury's verdict.
waits on you / tan malditamente pronto before doing or deciding something:
No seré yo quien te espere
Does your heart ache when you get Ache (verb) to have a continuous pain that is unpleasant but Doler My head/tooth/back aches.
around me? / ¿Te duele el corazón not very strong: I ache/I'm aching all over.
cuando te acercas a mí?
Lead you astray, I won't deny it / Te Lead (verb) to control a group of people, a country, or a Liderar I think we've chosen the right person to lead the expedition.
llevó por mal camino, no lo negaré situation

Astray (adverb) away from the correct path or correct way of Extraviado, perdido The letter must have gone astray in the post.
doing something:

Lead someone astray to stop someone from doing something correctly llevar a alguien por mal Her parents worried that she might be led astray by her
camino unsuitable friends.
Do you crumble? Do your worst / ¿Te Crumble (verb) to break into small pieces, or to make something desmenuzar, hacerse Buildings crumbled as the earthquake struck.
desmoronas? Haz lo peor break into small pieces pedazos
Do you tumble? Do your worst / ¿Te Tumble (verb) to suddenly fall Caerse He tumbled down the stairs.
caes? Haz lo peor
Try to conceal it, I won't believe it / Conceal (verb) to hide something Ocultar I couldn’t conceal my anger.
Intenta ocultarlo, no lo creeré.
Love, the kind that's not undone / Amor, Undone (adjective) not fastened or tied Desatado, desabrochado Her coat was undone.
del tipo que no se deshace not completed a few important things that are still undone
Whose life you're making worthwhile / Worthwhile (adjective) useful and enjoyable, despite needing a lot of Que valga la pena It’s a difficult course but it’s very worthwhile.
Cuya vida estás haciendo que valga la effort
You seem like you're so restless, young Restless (adjective) not able to stand or sit or relax because you are Inquieto The audience was getting restless.
at heart / Pareces tan inquieto, joven de bored or nervous
You got a shock to your system / Tienes
un shock en tu sistema
Knocked your heart right out of sync /
Golpeó tu corazón fuera de sincronía
Pull yourself out of it / Sácate de eso pull out (someone / to leave or no longer be involved in something: She’s considering a run for governor but is stalling to see who
something) else may jump in or pull out.
Guilty as charged, you were on my mind Charged (adjective) (of arguments or subjects) causing strong feelings Cargado Abortion is a highly charged issue.
/ Culpable como acusada, estabas en mi and differences of opinion or, more generally, He spoke in a voice charged with emotion.
mente filled with emotion or excitement

Guilty as charged used to admit that what someone has been Yes, he's guilty as charged of being a show-off, but that's why
accused of is true, often when you think this is not he's so entertaining.
really bad: Guilty as charged! I am an Elvis fan!
Lean these pictures up against the wall / Lean (verb) to move your body away from a vertical position The conductor leaned over us and asked for our tickets.
Apoya estas fotos contra la pared so that it is bent forward or resting against She paused for a moment to rest and leaned against a large
something, or to place something in a sloping rock.
position against something: He leaned his bike against the wall..
Feel your heart beating outta your chest Outta (preposition) Out of We'd better get outta here, man!
/ Siente tu corazón latir fuera de tu pecho I'm outta here (= I'm leaving).
This love ain't made for the faint of heart Faint (adjective) not strong or not easily noticed Ligero, tenue, vago a faint sound
/ Este amor no está hecho para los débiles
de corazón
Hear them thoughts flooding into our Flood (verb) to fill or enter a place in large numbers or Inundar She opened the curtains and sunlight flooded the room.
lives / Escucharlas pensamientos amounts
inundando nuestras vidas
Us seem reckless, tell us we will crash / Reckless (adjective) doing something dangerous and not caring about Temerario, imprudente reckless driving
Parecemos imprudentes, dinos que nos what might happen
Tell you that I love you, that I can't hold Hold back to stop from moving forward Contener Security guards held the screaming fans back.
back / Decirte que te amo, que no puedo
contenerme to prevent from making progress

to not show an emotion His shyness is what is holding him back.

You call me up like you want your best Call (sb) up to phone someone: Llamar Six months later, he called me up and asked if I wanted to work
friend / Me llamas como si quisieras a tu on the project.
mejor amigo
You turn me on like you want your Turn sb on to make someone feel interested or excited, Encender Short men really turn me on.
boyfriend / Me enciendes como si especially sexually:
quisieras a tu novio
Took a chance and you tore it apart / Se Tear apart to cause a friendship, relationship, etc. to be Destruir, separar a dispute that had torn the family apart
arriesgó y lo destrozó destroyed

to destroy sth Destruir, destrozar floodwaters that tore apart a whole town

Tear (verb) to pull paper, cloth, etc. into pieces, or to make a rasgar, romper The nail tore a hole in my skirt.
hole in it by accident
Caused a blackout inside of my heart / Blackout (noun) a time when all lights must be hidden by law, or Oscurecimiento de las Power lines were blown down and we had a blackout of several
Causó un apagón dentro de mi corazón when there is no light or power because of an ventanas, apagón hours.
electricity failure

the action taken to make certain that information Bloqueo informativo a news blackout
about something is not reported to the public

a short period when someone suddenly becomes Desvanecimiento, desmayo He can’t drive because he suffers from blackouts
See your face makes it hard to move on Move on to begin to think about or do in a new way Continuar, seguir adelante It’s hard to move on when someone you love dies.
/ Ver tu cara hace que sea difícil seguir
Hit me back cause you owe me that / Hit back to attack or criticize someone who has attacked Devolver el golpe In tonight's speech, the minister is expected to hit back at critics
Devuélveme el golpe porque me debes or criticized you: who have attacked her handling of the crisis.
There's a whiteout over you in my mind Whiteout (noun) a weather condition in which snow and clouds
/ Hay un apagón sobre ti en mi mente change the way light is reflected so that only
very dark objects can be seen
I can't deny I'm begging for attention/ Beg (verb) to ask for something in a strong and emotional Rogar I begged him not to leave.
No puedo negar que estoy rogando por way
Getting tired of making all this racket / Racket (noun) a loud noise Jaleo, alboroto The neighbors were making such a racket.
Me estoy cansando de hacer todo este
Waiting on you to get your ass in gear / wait on someone to serve someone: She waited on customers all day at the department store.
Esperando que pongas tu trasero en
marcha get your ass in gear a rude phrase meaning to hurry: If you get your ass in gear, you can make it there tonight.
I didn't wanna be so invested / No Invested (verb) to use a lot of time, effort, or emotions because Invertir She has invested a lot of time and energy in her job.
quería estar tan involucrado you want to succeed

Invested (adjective) to have an interest in something as a

I played it cool and then I overdressed it play it smart/cool/safe to behave in a particular way in order to ser inteligente/actuar como si I decided to play it cool and pretend I didn’t care.
/ Lo jugué bien y luego lo vestí demasiado etc. achieve an effect nada/ir a lo Seguro

Overdressed wearing clothes that are too formal or special con ropa demasiado Everyone else was wearing jeans, so I felt a little overdressed in
(adjective) for a particular occasion elegante my best suit.
Tonight, if you fuel my fire / Esta noche, Fuel (verb) to give power to sth alimentar hydrogen that can be used to fuel a hydrogen-powered car
si alimentas mi fuego
My life tethered like - Like a twin or a Tether (noun) a rope or chain used to tie, especially an animal, soga, cadena
son / Mi vida atada como - Como un to a post or other fixed place, usually so that it
gemelo o un hijo can move freely within a small area

Tether (verb) to tie with a tether atar, amarrar He tethered the goat to the post.
Scared to be severed right - Right before Sever (verb) to cut or break off Cortar, romper His arm was severed in the accident.
we begun / Asustado de ser cortado justo
antes de que empezáramos to end a connection with someone or something Cortar The company has severed its connection/links/relationship/ties
with its previous partners.
Doubled like a couple, we stood
Clutching each other like - Knuckles white-knuckle A white-knuckle experience or activity makes you a white-knuckle ride in a theme park
turned white, white / Abrazándose como (adjective) feel very frightened and often excited:
- Los nudillos se volvieron blancos, blancos
Clutch (verb) to take or try to take hold of something tightly, Asir, agarrar Silent and pale, she clutched (onto) her mother's hand.
usually in fear, worry, or pain: Clutching the money to his chest, he hurried to the bank.
He collapsed, clutching his stomach.
I cried wolf - Howled it at the moon / Cry wolf to say you are in trouble when you are not, so Engañar, dar falsa alarma, There’s nothing wrong – he’s just crying wolf again.
lloré lobo - aulló a la luna that no one believes you when you really are in hacer creer

Howl (verb) to make a long, high sound, usually because you Aullar He howled in pain.
are in pain or sad
Rehearsed the words you hoped would Rehearse (verb) to practice a play, dance, etc. in order to Ensayar Let’s rehearse the last two songs again.
get / Ensayó las palabras que esperaba prepare for a performance
I walk the walk Walk the walk to show that something is true by your actions We're at this meeting because we're environmentalists who walk
rather than your words: the walk.
Told me they signed up for more / Me Sign up to state that you will do sth or join sth Inscribirse, apuntarse I signed up for summer school.
dijeron que se inscribieron para más Sign up to give blood.
I told you, I struggled to stay before / Te Struggle (verb) to try very hard to do something difficult Luchar, esforzarse He’s struggling to pay his bills.
lo dije, luché por quedarme antes
to fight someone when they are holding you Pelear, forcejear She struggled but couldn’t break free.
Always been about what I want, listen Preach (verb) to try to convince people to behave or live in a Sermonear, aconsejar groups that preach hatred/tolerance
to me while I preach / Siempre he estado particular way I hate it when you preach.
en lo que quiero, escúchame mientras
Shape up or you'll drop me like a call / Shape up to develop in a particular way Progresar, desenvolverse, The tournament is shaping up to be an exciting event.
Ponte en forma o me dejarás caer como desarrollarse
una llamada
used to tell sb to behave better Mejorar You’d better shape up, young man.
Sit myself down, rein my pride in / Rein (verb) to control or direct with or as if with reins Rienda (sustantivo) reined in her horse
Sentarme, controlar mi orgullo en to check or stop by or as if by a pull at the reins couldn't rein his impatience
Hang on to the night / Aguanta la noche

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