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Kyi Ki

Instructor: Andrea Bullock

Class: ED 271- Journal 4

6th Grader classroom


• What did I observe/do that went well today? Why did those things go well?

Today I observed a reading-aloud group that the classroom teacher assigned

me to work with. The group activities went well but I was not all prepared at
first. The students take term reading the chapter of the boos that they have
to read for each week. As my first time doing the small group with students I
lacked prepared questions to ask students when they finish the chapter.

• What instructional strategies could I improve? How?

The instructional strategies I could improve are reading the chapter before
reading it with the student. As reading the chapter, point out some
vocabulary that students may not know, and tell them what it means. Most
importantly prepare questions for students to discuss after reading each
chapter. Making questions that students could relate to and connect to their
own life experiences.

• How were my interactions with students, teachers, and other assistants?

My interactions with students were good because I know the name of the
students that I work with. I allow each student to read and go around so
every student in the group gets a chance to read a paragraph of the chapter.
I often check with the teacher about questions I come up with for different
• Was I able to keep interactions positive and confidential?

I was able to keep interactions positive and confidential, I am aware that

there are many things that happen in the classroom each day. I respect the
classroom rules and I often ask for the teacher's permission before I do
anything in the classroom.

• Am I able to adapt instruction and interactions to student disabilities?

Student cultures and languages? Student learning styles?

I am able to adapt instruction and interaction to student culture and

language because some came from different cultural backgrounds and they
have different perspectives or opinions to share in the classroom or as a
group. Some students learn and read a little slower but I still allow them to
read and encourage them to read more instead of skipping them.

• What questions do I have about what I observed?

Some questions I ask this week are: How do you manage the classroom
when students are not listening or want to do their work at all? What are
some things you could do when you work as a teaching assistant? Since the
teacher has taught ELL, Kindergarten, and 6th graders I ask her How do you
feel about the different grade levels that you have taught younger to older?
What can I do to support students better?

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