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Pewawancara : What made you choose us ?

Narasumber 1 : because I thought that brand's swimming suit was superior in terms of the
materials used compared to others, and the price was still standard in my opinion.
Pewawancara : What feature do you like most about our product or service?
Narasumber 2 : Features the most I love about this brand is the waterproof feature of clothing, so
when I go up from the pool to the surface, I don't have to bother waiting for the clothes to dry.
Pewawancara : Is our product or service easy, fast, convenient to use ?
Narasumber 1: of course, as long as your brand keeps a good quality and good service to
Pewawancara : How did you know about our brand?
Narasumber 2 : I know about your brand from several friends who have used this brand and the
shopee/lazada e-commerce platform.
Pewawancara : Are our personnel courteous in all matters?
Narasumber1 : I think the admin response is very polite.
Pewawancara : Are you willing to tell your friends, family or colleagues about us?
Narasumber 2 : Of course, because the swimwear here is very affordable and very comfortable to
Pewawancara : Would you buy from us again?
Narasumber 1 : Yes, of course.

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