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Coconut Variety For Commercial Buko Production Tacunan Green Dwarl (TACD) Plantation Sites: Rabanue!'s Farm, Tacunan, Davee City Conservation Sites: (Planted in 18771961) PGA Abay, Davao and Zamboanga flesearch Centers ‘and Coconut Breeding Trials Uni, PSPG Mambussa, Capiz Botanieal and Morphological Description: Keown to local villagers as "Bika" or “Linkuranay", which means to ait Batora| Ths local phrase fitingy describes the short, early beering trad of this vansty since one needs io bend fa be able tp harvest the first ruts bore by this warety during the early stages of ite growth and _deveiooment. Unlike most aiart varieties, this varioly has medium to large nits. Bhs thie store with closely spaces teal scars. Ita infgrescence Rae short ane wide pedurcle with short spkeleta. This variety can be eaely recognized rough its thiek and stubby spatho, whieh i= hallow in the tp. fs mute exhibit cracks in the stigmatic end while fs fronds are bom an a spherical crown, with wid leaiots. Outstanding Characteristics for Commercial Buko Production: This variety is early bearing with the frst bunches often seen with fuis touching the ground during the early bearing years, which could be less than two year In highly suitable conditions. Tacunan aims established in typhoon of cyclone prone sreas ware observed ta endure sirong winds. wbich coulc be linked to its thick stem. robusiness of the palm, and well-anchored root system. lt has an average nut production of 84 nuts‘palmyear, with yleld potential of 204 nuts, and copra per nut of 3280 grams. Like the Galas green dwar, coconuts trom this variety passed the international standards’ for yeung tender coconut. tis buko has an average ercumforence of $6 em, with 189 g of meat, 5.1 mm thick and 2.2 tbs firm. It has an average of 478 mi water with 6.30%. Total Soluble Solids (TSS) and pH 6.6 It has a medium chain fatly acid (MOFA) conant of 71%, 356 of which i Lausie (Ci). (Coarse Sci Mast wih = 180g; Vee ot Was» i “Thetnesral mast= 1S mm: Famners of mest ~2'ee Tota Souble Solas (TSS) =95; ana pH = 28

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