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End-of-year test

Listening 5 Complete the sentences. (10 marks)

1 The Olympic athletics champion, Usain Bolt,
1  Listen to the conversation. Which sports did ____________ all the other competitors and won
Becky enjoy most? (2 marks) the gold medal.
__________________________________________ 2 This car park is only for ____________ of this
street – the people who live here.
2  Listen again. Answer the questions. Write 3 Helen ____________ a video of herself dancing
complete sentences. (8 marks) onto YouTube.
1 Name three things Becky loved about Australia. 4 Their two grandchildren are so ____________
_______________________________________ that they can take them everywhere. They are
_______________________________________ very polite and never cause any problems.
2 How do many kangaroos in Australia get injured? 5 Peter earns quite a lot of money as a
How do people try to prevent this? ____________ ; he plays the violin for people
_______________________________________ shopping in the town centre.
3 What did Becky discover about the koalas?
_______________________________________ Practical English
4 What is Becky studying? Why was her work 6 Complete the dialogue. (10 marks)
especially valuable to her? Alex: Good morning, student travel service. Alex
_______________________________________ (1) ____________ .
Tony: Good morning. I’m (2) ____________ to
ask about the best way to get from here to
Alex: From Newcastle to Liverpool … certainly.
3 Are the underlined words correct? Tick them or
correct the wrong ones. (5 marks) Well you could take the train to York and
then change trains and get to Liverpool.
1 I feel very relaxed after doing yoga.
Tony: OK. How (3) ____________ do the trains
2 David thought the radio programme about
Alex: They leave every 30 minutes.
endangered species was interested.
Tony: How long does that journey take?
Alex: In total, it takes about three and a half
3 Sarah found the insects in the rainforest very
irritated. ______________
Tony: Mmm … that’s not too long. I apologize
4 Our trip to Miami was very exciting.
(4) ____________ all the questions, but
how much is the fare?
5 I thought the film was going to be better. I was
Alex: Let’s see … if you wanted a return ticket,
very disappointing. ______________
that (5) ____________ be about £55.
4 Complete the sentences. (5 marks) Tony: Wow, that’s too (6) ____________ . I can’t
1 Maria is a very t____________ artist; she has afford that.
won many awards for her work. Alex: (7) ____________ don’t you take the bus?
2 It’s important to eat n____________ food such It’s much (8) ____________ than the train.
as fruits and vegetables. Tony: It must take much longer, too.
3 I was i____________ by J.K.Rowling’s life story Alex: That’s right, but the fare is about £15.
and decided I wanted to be a writer too. Tony: That (9) ____________ much better. Thank
4 The s____________ in the film were amazing. I you very much for your (10) ___________ .
really believed they were in space.
5 Sometimes this gadget works and other times it
doesn’t. It’s very u____________ .

End-of-year test
10 Write present perfect sentences using the
Grammar words. (10 marks)
already for just still yet
7 Write sentences using the prompts. Use the past
simple or the past continuous form of the verbs. 1 Molly / (be) / in New York / six months
(5 marks) _______________________________________
1 This morning / I / think about / my grandmother / 2 A The Oxford train / (leave) / !
when / my / phone / ring / and / it / be / her. _______________________________________
_______________________________________ B Oh no! We’ll have to get the next one now.
_______________________________________ 3 A I / (see) / the latest Hunger Games film.
2 This time yesterday / I / swim / the sea. _______________________________________
_______________________________________ B Let’s see a different one then.
3 James / meet / lots of people / while / he / travel / 4 Paul / (take) / his final exams / ?
around Australia. _______________________________________
_______________________________________ 5 I / (not buy) / a new mobile phone.
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
4 Iris / stand / in the forest / when / the /
chimpanzee / suddenly appear.
5 We / watch / horror film / when / suddenly / 11 Complete the text. (10 marks)
someone / tap / the window. The Hunger Games is a popular science fiction
_______________________________________ novel which (1) was w____________ by Suzanne
Collins. The novel is set in a future world where a
8 Complete the sentences with the correct verb in terrifying reality TV game show takes place which is
the present or past simple passive. (5 marks) watched by a bloodthirsty TV (2) a___________ .
1 Millions of tonnes of electrical equipment Boys and girls aged between twelve and eighteen
____________ in landfill sites every year. (3) a____________ selected to participate. Their
2 Look at these beautiful photos. They participation is (4) c____________ , not voluntary.
____________ by my mum on her trip to China. The rules say that the participants
3 Portuguese ____________ in the African country (5) m____________ fight and kill their opponents.
of Angola. It is quite a difficult language.
The story is told by sixteen-year-old Katniss,
4 Nowadays, plastic bags ____________ in many
(6) w____________ younger sister is chosen for the
countries. We don’t dump them in the rubbish.
games. Katniss finds this unacceptable and goes
5 A valuable painting ____________ by a local
instead. The male participant is Peeta,
man in the car park of the art museum last night.
(7) w____________ Katniss went to school with.
9 Are the underlined words or phrases correct? The participants in the games need a lot of stamina
Tick them or correct the wrong ones. (10 marks) as they have to (8) h____________ the other
1 My cousins have been anywhere in the world, participants and kill them. Katniss survives using
but they say that the most beautiful country is her excellent hunting and survival skills. If you
Mexico. ____________ (9) w____________ to know what happens next,
2 I will buy the suit that I saw yesterday. I have the you will have to read the book or watch the film. If
money in my pocket. ____________ just one book or film isn’t (10) e____________ for
3 Somebody has stolen my smartphone. I left it you, don’t worry – there are two more in this
here and now it has gone. ____________ bestselling trilogy.
4 We’ve got enough clothes and they don’t fit in
the suitcase. ____________
5 You mustn’t wear a suit if you haven’t got one. It
isn’t compulsory. ____________

End-of-year test
12 Read the text. What is the purpose of
Reading ecotourism? (2 marks)
A different type of holiday

Eco-tourism aims to preserve and protect the natural 13 Read the text again and answer the questions.
environment while educating the traveller about the Write complete sentences. (8 marks)
environment and the culture of the local community. 1 Why is ecotourism more popular now than in the
This type of holiday wasn’t popular in the past as it was past?
very expensive. However, in recent years, with so many _______________________________________
low cost airlines and the availability of cheap
accommodation, travellers are turning to this idea. In 2 How did Infierno get its name? How has the
addition, awareness of environmental issues has situation changed?
increased and more travellers want to learn about the _______________________________________
natural world or simply escape their busy lives to _______________________________________
reconnect with nature. _______________________________________
3 Name two things you can do on day trips in the
Luxury in the rainforest
Okavango Delta.
An example of ecotourism is in Infierno in Peru. Its name _______________________________________
means ‘hell’ in Spanish, because hundreds of years ago _______________________________________
4 How has life changed for the members of the
the journey there was very difficult and dangerous. Now,
tribes in Luang Namtha?
boats carry tourists to luxurious eco-lodges built by
members of the local community. Behind these lodges _______________________________________
are thick rainforests where visitors can go on tours to
learn more about the diverse animals that live there.
An African adventure
14 Write an email to an English friend who is
In the African country of Botswana, the Okavango Delta, coming to visit you in the summer. Include two
where the Okavango River meets the Kalahari desert, is of the topics. Write about 150 words. (10 marks)
an ideal location to see exotic wildlife. Travellers can stay
Interesting places to see in your town
in eco-lodges and go on amazing safari trips during the
Activities you plan to do together
day. The region has some of the largest elephant herds in
Typical food you think they would like to try.
Africa and offers a rare opportunity to see these
spectacular animals up close. You can also meet the local • Talk about what you have done recently.
tribes and learn more about their culture and how they • Give information about your town.
are trying to preserve their natural environment. • Recommend some places to visit.
• Offer to pick up your friend at the airport.
Ecotourism and English
• Make arrangements for a time and place to meet.
Laos is a country in south-east Asia. In a very poor
remote area of the country called Luang Namtha, the
government is encouraging local communities to learn
English so that they can earn an income from
ecotourism. The area is covered by rainforests,
mountains and rivers. Traditionally, the many tribes that
lived in the forests fought wars against each other. Now,
through education, many members of the tribes can
communicate with outsiders and work as tour guides for
tourists who are interested in learning about their Listening _____ / 10 Vocabulary _____ / 20
culture and environment. This is one of the communities Practical English _____ / 10 Grammar _____ / 30
that eco-tourism has helped to develop and protect. Consolidation _____ /10 Reading _____ / 10
Writing _____ / 10 TOTAL __________ / 100


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