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Presented by: JMU X-Lab Neuro Alert research and development team

User Guide for Neuro Alert Augmented Reality Operating Room Setup Application

In partnership with Neuro Alert, JMU X-Labs presents an augmented reality application
designed for smartphones, with the purpose of providing insight into the design, layout, and
function of various medical devices found in an operating room.

Disclaimer: this application is strictly intended for educational purposes.


This augmented reality application is specifically designed for novice clinicians or

medical students that are partnered with Neuro Alert.

Intended Purpose:

This application is designed to provide a selective overview of medical devices that are
present in most operating rooms. Through the use of augmented reality technology, JMU X-labs
designed an immersive platform that allows users to directly interact with various medical
equipment in a learning environment. By combining visual and interactive elements, this
application provides users with an engaging educational platform. This application will increase
users' level of comfort with various medical equipment through educational mechanisms, before
stepping into the operating room.


1. Download necessary software to run Neuro Alert AR Operating Room Setup Application
2. Configure to Android or iOS device
3. Place image targets on flat and easily accessible surfaces (the floor is most ideal)
4. Open application
5. Click - ‘OK’ button to begin AR experience
6. Point device camera at specific image target
7. Allow asset to populate the device’s screen
8. Take a few steps back in order to view asset in its entirety

Software Functionality Description:

To access the Neuro Alert Augmented Reality Operating Room Setup application, users
must first ensure that the appropriate software and hardware to run the application is being
utilized. Before accessing the application, it is advised that users place the image targets in an
open space on a smooth and flat surface. Utilizing the floor to adequately space out the image
targets is advised, as the projected images simulate the real-world dimensions of each piece of
equipment. Each image target can be identified by and corresponds to the medical device which
it projects. The application is intended to run on both iOS and Android devices. Upon opening
the app, users will be presented with a welcome screen and a short description of the
functionality of the application. After reading the description, the user will be prompted to tap the
‘OK’ button near the center of the screen to begin their AR experience. Upon clicking ‘OK’, the
user will be presented with a vertical camera view that emulates the stock camera view of the
user’s device. In order to populate the screen with the corresponding medical device, the
device’s camera must be pointed at the appropriate image target. After the animation populates
the screen, user’s should make sure their surrounding environment is clear and take a few steps
back in order to obtain a comprehensive view of the medical device.

Image Targets and Accompanying Asset:

Image Target: Accompanying Asset:

Doctors computer

Heart rate monitor


Medical monitor

Utility cart
Operating table

Surgical lights

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