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and interests
that bind us to
the training

One of the main expectations and

interests that are linked when
choosing to study accounting is
because it is important for the good
administration of any company.

It allows me to know, analyze and

record my financial situation in any
business in a real and organized way. Aprendices
It also has a great job offer with

many job options, both in the public
and private spheres. Lennin Manuel Gonzalez Flórez
Lina Fabiana Fernanda Rodríguez
Jennifer Alejandra Lozano Sánchez
Lina María Rave Rodríguez
"Good management in
your accounting will
allow you and your
business to grow."

what is
Accounting is the process that
allows you to record each and every
one of the economic and financial
objectives of
movements of a company.
ional establishment. accounting
Thanks to the accounting process,
we are able to know the profit or Help a company collect financial data,
loss of the business over a period of to keep organized records of financial
time. We also use the results of the transactions, to evaluate the profits
accounting process to analyze a
company’s performance in the past
and losses on a specific period of time, "Success is the
result of
to identify the real financial situation of
and then plan a future course of a business with balance sheets or

financial statements, to help managers
take decisions for the future based on
accurate financial data,
Mauricio Torres González

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