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Using “When” in Adjective Clauses

Part I) Add “when” in the correct place in the sentences below.

1. 5:00pm is the time most offices close.
2. July 5th is the day my daughter was born.
3. Noon is typically the time the mail is delivered.
4. The days we are busiest are Fridays.
5. 1992 is the year we moved to Canada.
6. I will always remember the moment I first saw you.
7. Sarah helped me at a time I needed her most.
8. February is the month the U.S. has the most federal holidays.
9. Monday will be the day classes begin.
10. Let’s meet at a time it is convenient for you.
11. The year the Olympic Games were hosted in Sydney, Australia is 2000.
12. I really enjoyed the anniversary we went to Mexico.
13. December 17, 1903 is the day an airplane was successfully flown for the first time.
14. The day our whole family gathers together is Christmas Day.
15. Your twenties are the years you learn to become an independent adult.

Part II) Use “when” to combine the two sentences, using the second sentence as the adjective
clause. The first one is done for you.
1. Wednesday is the day. We will hold the information meeting (on that day).
Wednesday is the day when we will hold the information meeting.
2. 1991 is the year. The Internet became available for commercial use (in that year).
3. Sundays are the days. We visit our grandparents (on those days).
4. 1997 is the year. The first Harry Potter book was published (in that year).
5. July 4th is the day. Americans celebrate Independence Day (on that day).
6. 8 o’clock is the time. My classes start (at this time).
7. Next week is the time. I will go on vacation (in that week).
8. September is the month. The autumn season begins (in this month).
9. Sixteen is the age in the U.S. You can get a driver’s license (at this age).
10. From 1999 to 2003 were the years. I lived in New York (during these years).

Part III) Split each sentence into two sentences. The first one is done for you.
1. In their sixties is the age when most people retire.
In their sixties is the age. Most people retire at that age.
2. Last night was the time when the burglary occurred.
3. Monday at 10:00 is the time when we will have our next meeting.
4. From June to August are the months when children are on summer vacation.
5. Never is the time when I will stop loving you.
6. Tomorrow is the day we will move into the new house.
7. 2010 was the year I graduated from high school.
8. I was 18 years old at the time I began working for this company.
9. May 29, 2005 was the date I asked him to marry me.
10. We can go on a day you don’t have to work.

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