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1 the Aca ° ° ° ° ° objective: will have four colum: be the course ie. what course he has oe Institution, then the Board and the Inst one tH¢ Pe qu lift obtained. It should be in descending order i.e. © should come first and then the lower ones. se qualification, For those with work 1 instead of Acade™ ee their work experience WO the Academic 4 would come after this. } For freshers, therefore, the Projects woul Qualifications. What is a proje B.Sc. the College requires projects should be included here. : : a In the first line here should put the company name in which projec was done. Please write the secondary research Be has done. In case no project was done in @ company, nothing to worry. write the secondary research student would have done. Just put the project title e.g. if he would have done a consumer satisfaction in an automobile industry, put the Project title. It is important that a back-up should be there this as it is possible that the interviewer may and he should be able to answer about the project. Don’t fake in the project as it is a very important m consideration. So the first line Project Outline in about three sentences about and what did you do only. One has to be very crisp and precise as the interviewer may have to see other candidate and not have enough time or patience to go through your long outline.” Followed by this two or three bullet points are to be added as to what have been done with regard to the project. The interviewer will be able to see them, For example if he would have done a consumer satisfaction survey in automobile industry or would have been involved in HR package or pay roll package, etc. Next heading will be Professional Proficiency to tell about oneself — ‘ After formulating the Qualifications ~ this perience, i uld come here and tl id come next to Academic on like B.Com or graduati ertation. These student is doing ct? When the : to do a project or diss for this ie. proof for ask about the project atter for is Project Title/Company and the second line is What was the project all what he has done in the past. It can be key skills in computer operation or MS suite or Software like SAP or JAVA that has been learnt, especially relevant to the job for 9 Ask questions aes 2 ° enacts fe ‘speaker's comment periodically. MetinEng ere waste of time. tt frustrates the Speaker and trnite full understanding of message. © Allow the speaker to finish each point before asking questions: © Don't interrupt with counter arguments, 5. Respond Appropriately Active listening isa model for respect and understanding, You are gall perspective. You add nothing by attacking the speaker or otherwise putting ' 9 Be candid, open, and honest in your response, ning information ‘jhim or her down, © Assert your opinions respectfully a Treat the other person in a way that you think he or she would want to be treat be an active listener. Old habits are hard Key Points hen there's a lot of hab It takes a lot of concentration and determination to break, and if your listening habits are as bad as many people's are, t breaking to do! Be deliberate with your listening and remind yourself frequently that your goal is to truly h what the other person is saying. Set aside all other thoughts and behaviours and concentrate the message. Ask questions, reflect, and paraphrase to ensure you understand the message. you don’t, then you'll find that what someone says to you and what you hear can be amazi different! Start using active listening today to become a better comntunicator, improve your productivity, and develop better relationships. ck from and receive feedbat provide participants the opportunity to as quesHiOns- Be you and their pees © Connect the learning to actual use Save participants verbally state how they Walluse it 3. Arousing ‘Your purpose in an arousing pre or situation, You want to arouse receptive to your point of view. L sincerity and enthusiasm. © Gain attention with a story Show the need to solve the problem and illustrate it ink about & certain problem lect so that they will be ntation -- project entation is to make people thi the audience's emotions and intel se vivid language in an arousing prese that illustrates (and sometimes exaggerates) the problem it with an example that is general OF ‘commonplace Describe your solution for a satisfactory resolution to the problem ‘Compare/contrast the two worlds with the problem solved and unsolved Call the audience to action to help solve the problem Give the audience a directive that is clear, easy, and immediate Persuasive Your purpose in a perstusive presentation is fo convince your listepers to accept your proposal A convincing, persuasive presentation offers a solution to @ controversy, fispute, or problem. To Succeed with a persuasive presentation, you must present sufficient logic, evidence. and emotion to sway the audience to your viewpoint ate a great Introduction because a persuasive presentation introduction must accomplish the following ‘+ Seize the audience's attention + Disclose the problem or needs that your product or service will satisty Tantalize the audience by describing the adventages of solving the problem or need Create a desire for the audience to agree with you by describing exactly how your product or service with fll heir realneeds Close your persuasive presentation witha call to action Ask for the order ‘Ask for the decision that you want to be made 5 Ask for the course of action that you wantto be followed Decision-making Your purpose in a decision-making presentation is to move your audience to take your sted action, A decision-making presentation presents ideas, suggestions, and arguments strongly enough to persuade an audience to carry out your requests, Ina decision-making presentation, you must tell the audience what to do and how to do it. You should also let them know what will happen if the don't do what you ask. Gein attention with a story that illustrates the problem Show the need to solve the problem and illustrate it with an example that is general or commonplace Describe your solution to bring a satisfactory resolution to the problem Compare/contrast the two worlds with the problem solved and unsolved Call the audience to action to help solve the problem and give them a way to be part of the solution. ° «Decide on the fundraising event for next year, . jelect the for the next event. : ae identity the resources needed for each topic. peinee eon Oe ces involved with the topic should be asked to the item, p? ground and recommendation: Time Allocation P ae ee d assign a realistic amount of time for discussion. | Assets each agenda item and ang» realnlc Ge ot may have to eatablish the ‘other ways to handle them. easy, as everything may not e priority of items, delay some topics or consider Some tips related to the timing are: ie F soe pe vend finish on time, Expect that your attendees will arrive on time, If the group is not accustomed to this, give a warning beforehand. "A group's attention span parallels a bell-shaped curve. The early part ofthe |, meeting is the most lively and creative. Discuss topics that need bright ideas ant clear, alert heads when the energy level is the highest. Easier ‘items and non- confrontational items should be placed towards the end ofthe meeting. in a tight agenda, there is a temptation to omit the social interaction activities. ‘Try not to do this, as these activities are vital to the well-being of the group. At The Meeting : Review the agenda at the start of the meeting and make required additions, deletions or revisions. Agendas can be rearranged to accommodate new topics and schedules to ensure that the people are present for the discussion. Strategies To Ensure Meetings End On Time Be realistic about the number of topics and decisions that can be covered in the allotted time. Keep the group on topic. Adhere to the meeting time allotments for each discussion item. ‘A stopwatch or timer with an audible ring helps ensure the audience is aware of the time allocations. Appoint a timekeeper or meeting manager to watch the time and keep the meeting process moving. Be Prepared For Topic Drift As the meeting progresses, there are times when the discussion goes off on tangents related to the topic, but unrelated to the required decision. This is topic drift. This discussion is irrelevant to the meeting and wastes precious time. + The chair needs to bring the focus back to the topic under discussion while ensuring that participants’ feel their thoughts are being considered. This accomplished by asking: % Is this related to the topic under discussion? Should this item be added to the agenda? The chair can decide to address the topic at the end of the meeting or put it the agenda for.the next meeting, u " fun ditfioutt sitwations a ee whe See re presentation my ind hima trae ofan i c ‘Aw in mont exis ; 0 ut hot audence eee Mero are many verbal techniques vane bee stead APidle hoetle of difficult audiences, HOME of whieh are outlined here, 1. Questions that Keep on fot ter iu likely to encounter is a barrage of Gag of the most common difficulties the preven’ ag 1 ee realy waa i ! audience mem! questions from a single or sever®l ae people re answers to their questions but at other times the interrupter has a he otive, ; 0 ter personally, On the cont Usually, this sort of person does not ‘want to attack the presente ea! tioner is: haunching ‘an attack on the material that is being presented. Short sharp concise answers The least confrontation question as briefly as possible, Limit your answe your answer, because lengthy replies containing ’ t corurtunty. ARer giving your succinct brief answer, go straigh| i . e cmay of dealing with a constant stream of questions is to anstee each i rs to one breath in length. Don't expand on ‘additional details will only serve to give t into the questioner additional next topic. Acknowledge and Delay Please don't ignore a question, Doing so may be talcen as a sign of hostility on your part. Even if questions are inappropriate or ill-timed, try to acknowledge them. 2. Off-topic Questions and Discussions A handfal of off-topic questions from the audience shouldn't pose a problem for the presenter However, if they are many, a problem may well exist. If the off-topic questions emanate from several people, this could be a sign that the presentation is unsuitable. If the off-topic questions stem from one person, then the presentation may be unsuitable for that person or the person may be hostile to the material. The interrupter may be trying to make presenter’s material look bad because he or she will benefit from its failure. Ask for Relevance One technique for dealing with an off-topic question is to ask for its relevance to the current topic. This must be done tactfully, to avoid offending or embarrassing the questioner. The sooner you can relate the question to the current topic, the sooner you can tell the audience member that the answer can be found in another part of your presentation. 3. Confrontational Questions When dealing with 4 confrontational question, separate the attitude of the questioner content of the question. uae fas Separate Content from Tone and Restate calmly. Separating the tone of a question from its content defuses a question. tone i challenging and you respond to the tone, with a challenging or Peat nee a Seerease your eredibility. Never ever lose your cool. When faced with a aa question or statement, pause and look for the legitimate question within it, turned an obstaele to your advantage. 1. Treat your audienee! questions directly and Ii 2, “I don't know” is a very @ lilee you do have to know ev 3. If you're asked a question and saying: “Thank you. That’s a ve after Ive spoken to (whomever)* 4. Set a time and a time limit for q f a 5: arbarom rules afe ef 6 of these rules sooner than saying anything outright w n Be ee ti heg ME cocen sroce rie times I'm SUFE to but difficult to apply. Although I've edited this piece a 40% initially. The key 38) contains imperfections, But trust me, it’s much Beiter now than it was ’ effort, Good writing matters, probably more than, think. 5, Obstactes to clear communication party clearly Communication is a (wo-way street. With effective communication, each Party, rte understands what the other is saying, But sometimes there are obstacles that can PAE ir” message, In some cases, it's in the delivery; other times, it's the receiver who can be 0° Sr ‘But by Understanding the obstacles to effective communication, listeners and rece! 4 better navigate around them and communicate a clearer message. 1. Poor Encoding ~ This occurs when the message source fails to create the right sensory stimuli to meet the objectives of the message. For instance, in person-to-persé a communication, verbally phrasing words poorly so the intended communication is not what is actually meant, is the result of poor encoding. Poor encoding is also seen in’ Advertisements that are difficult for the intended audience to understand, such as words or symbols that lack meaning or, worse, have totally different meaning within a certain cultural groups. This often occurs when marketers use the same advertising message across many different countries. Differences due to translation or cultural understanding ean result in the message recciver having a different friime of reference for how to interpret words, symbols, sounds, etc, This may lead the message receiver to decode the meaning of the message in a different way than was intended by the message sender. 2 Poor Decoding - This refers to a message receiver's error in processing the message that the meaning given to the received message is not what the source intended. differs from poor encoding when it is clear, through comparative analysis with other receivers, that a particular receiver perceived a message differently from others and what the message source intended. Clearly, as we noted above, if the receiver’s frame o reference is different (e.g. meaning of words are different) then decoding problems can occur, More likely, when it comes to marketing promotions, décoding errors occur due to personal or psychological factors, such as not paying attention to a full television advertisement, driving too quickly past a billboard, or allowing one's mind to wonder wi talking to a salesperson Medium Failure - Sometimes communication channels break down and end sending out weak or faltering signals. Other times the wrong medium is used t communicate the message, For instance, trying to educate doctors about a new treatmer for heart disease using television commercials that quickly flash highly det information is not going to be as effective as presenting this information in a print where doctors can take their time evaluating the information. Communication Noise ~ Noise in communication occurs when an outside force - someway affects delivery of the message, The most obvious example is when loud block the receiver's ability to hear a mess ly any distraction receiver can lead to communication noi i Overwhelmed (i.e, distracted) by the lary 5 : “0 —_ Sech day, Such advertising clutter (i essage thi to desi ae ra? desired customers. a yew us effectively ard €f ae that uluine ofa Upon to CE, Ee Soe ce vba mre a . loquate serail suites, events andl project + eke the dca ibaa on ce an ale tuaaa lTsi ink of RRA ie To ba mow ea he a a a he chat play the lent rote i ne agenda and 8 anon y + The chair and the secretary communicate formation to those who should gored the meeting + Committee ¢hairs research aydorgaiee th the mecting to discuss the subject. + © Members should contact the eliair with topics they would like di ‘canny 00 i " it ticipants hope l accomplish: at a meeting: i Hb a he tf hn ro cea ww YP be tw should erente the agenda prior to the cesponsible for arranging the the in reports and ensure somone it Bt iscussed, we” ardantery of nourcesi a Te! the organization's view of the minutes Gather Items For Agendas calendar and input ‘+ ema for the agenda will come from « from the lust meeting, new correspondence gathered from committee chairs anc stall. + “By involving the members in this plan the activities of the organization. + An “agenda planning committes! distribute the workload while providir « “Keep in mind that the agenda items should relate to organization. ‘ut you will gain more commitment for involve more people and ture leaders. the mandate of the could be set up t0 i ig training for fl Consider the Needs OF Members oe eiaejal interaction and networking that take place at mestings Sn make for a more The social nanmonigue organization. This i often overlooked whien these ASS 207 tasks to accomplish. + Identify why mem! this when creating the agenda. Laer wie mare involved because they went (o make a contHbution and Ye Some memtine planning of activities, Some members are there for the cevapanionship of soci interaction, Others may be looking for mental companion that could be fullied by speakers and educational programs oF they May want to develop their skills by taking on leadership roles: | TY wnt plan sotne time to fet the climate of the meeting. Informal secialisng 1 fateraction among the participants establish a positive, construeUVE atmosphere + Consider the ‘This provides adeqi members leave fet Refreshments and snacks ean meeting is lagging, ay vy ‘Agenda Items and Responsibility’ When all the items are 4, the next step is to consider what action needs to be taken for each topic. Defini vers focus and move the discussion forward more quickly rai scaction words stich as decide, discuss, review, select and complete, Rathes chun listing “handeaising report” of the agenda, consider the required . Review the recommendations of the fundraising committee, ‘bers are involved and consider jurg is the maximum time. length of your meeting, Two to three ho g/s goals and ensures that ‘uate time to accomplish the meeting ling energized and productive bbe included and will act as energizers when the

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