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Dear editor,

I am a resident of Rivertown and I read your article about the crime rate, we all know that incidents of burglary and car
theft are rising. I strongly believe that local police should do their job and catch the offenders.

Rate of crime has increased, for this reason police should not only catch the offender while committing a crime but
preventing in advance the offenders next move. I strongly agree that the job of preventing the crime should be taken
more serios by the police. I can not support the view that offenders are stealing or destroying other peoples goods,
that’s why I am suggesting to give the offenders a tougher punishments, so that the offenders should reflect of what
they did.

To prevent the crimes police should patrol more often through bad neighborhoods or to install security cameras which
they can view through from distance. Citizens should install security cameras, if that’s not possible, citizens are
encouraged to hide or to protect their goods.

In other words, I strongly believe local police should prevent the crimes, if not possible, they should install security
cameras on each alley, if that’s also not possible, citizens should install their own security cameras to prevent their
goods from getting stolen.

Yours faithfully,

Dreglea Ciprian

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