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Title: Optimal Placement of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Summary: In this study, a study was carried out to position the electric vehicle charging
station. A model was established by obtaining the necessary data for this purpose. Objective
function and constraints are determined. The model was established to determine the
electric vehicle charging stations to be in Istanbul. In Istanbul, the location of the vehicles
and their distance to the stations were considered in the morning, noon and evening hours.
At the end, the most suitable districts to establish a charging station have been determined.
What is the purpose of this research? The purpose of this article determines the most
suitable locations for the electric vehicle charging station for Istanbul province.
What is/are the research questions?
What is the purpose of this article?
Which method were used in this article?
What is the objective function of the model used in the article?
What are the constraints of the model used in the article?
Which are the optimal locations that are included in the article?
What is the solution methodology?
Yalmip/Cplex , Mathematical model ( solved in Matlab)
Why did the authors select the solution methodology?
Authors select this methodology because authors wants to find optimal location for allocating
the EVCS in İstanbul
What is the relationship with other articles? (optional)?
What is the contribution of the research?
The model developed achieves the best result regardless of the size of the data. If the data
grows instead of the test data used in this study, the result can be successfully achieved
without any editing of the model. The model is the first leg of a large project consisting of
five stages. With this successful stage, after estimating the daily energy demand to be made
and the effect of electric vehicles on the grid, all studies will be used together in ten stages and
work will continue on the reliability of the entire Turkish Energy System.

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