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Licenciatura en Relaciones Internacionales

Ingles III
Clara Wolmy

1- I would not like to do this trip. In spite of considering China, and Russia so
interesting countries to visit, I would like to know them in another way, less
dangerous and more enjoyable. This trip seems quite exhaustive and dangerous in
my point of view.
2- a
 Concept = A plan or original idea
Licenciatura en Relaciones Internacionales
Ingles III
Clara Wolmy
 Sponsor:
One that finances a project, event, or organization directed by another perso
n or group, such as a business enterprise that pays for radio or television pro
gramming in return for advertising time.
 Memorable: Worth being remembered or noted; remarkable.
 Passionate: Capable of, having, or dominated by powerful emotions:
 Conservation:
controlled use and protection of natural resources, as forests, wetlands, enda
ngered species, etc.
 Aspect:  A characteristic or feature of something:
2. b
Difficult to forget = memorable.
Having strong feelings about something= passionate.
Idea= Concept.
One part of a problem, or situation= Aspect
Someone who supports people activities with money, equipment, etc. =Sponsor
The projection of natural places, plants, animals= Conservation.

3- I think the best adjective to describe the experience that women had is relaxing and
enjoyable, because the women seemed to be very exciting, having a genuine contact
with the nature of the place. The happiness in their faces was very remarkable, and
Licenciatura en Relaciones Internacionales
Ingles III
Clara Wolmy
the affectionate bond that came to grow between them was especially noticeable in
the hug.


 Amber Valenti wanted to explore the Amur River and also to bring the
story back to the community.
 The people she wanted to invite on the trip were women.
 Having an all-woman trip an advantage with sponsors.

1. Amber Valenti describes moments of the trip as “joyful, light, and intense”.
The scenes that show this is in which they are laughing, dancing with the people
from near the river, or when they are hugging each other.
2. When they reached the mouth of the river, I can see a beautiful green landscape,
with a variety of vegetation.
3. Amber Valenti wants people to fall in love with the “human aspect” of the rivers
because she thinks that it is crucial take care of the rivers and raise awareness about
their conservation.

6. - After watching the video, I don´t feel different about my answer to exercise 1. I would
not like to do this kind of trip

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