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7. Combining Pt.

2 (The Bridge)

A planet found in a house will express itself through that house (area of life).
In any house Saturn is found there will be restrictions and difficulties in that area of life.
Saturn (restriction) found in the 7th house of relationships will cause the individual to
experience difficulties and restrictions in relationships. It also tells us the ideal partner should
have “Saturn qualities”. Run a chart for 1-29-1971, 12:15 A.M. Springfield, Illinois. This
should give you an Ascendant of 3 Scorpio. Note Saturn in the 7th (relationships) here. This
woman has always had problems in relationships until she found this man. Run the chart 1-5-
1965, 10:35 A.M. Springfield, Illinois. This should give you an Ascendant of 20 Pisces. Note
that this man is a Capricorn (Capricorn is ruled by Saturn). Also note that his Saturn is not in
major aspect to any planet. It “runs wild” within the personality, it is strong and amplified. One
may ask how she has experienced restrictions in her relationships. Her partners have been older
(a pattern which is still intact) and they have been very possessive and abusive.
Uranus creates intensity and individualism in the house it is found. Uranus in the 5th (love
given) intensifies the sex drive. Neptune in a house bothers or befuddles the individual in that
area of life. When you see Neptune think “something is other than it seems”. Mars gives
energy to the area of life (house) it is found in. Venus adds a grace. Jupiter the planet of “good
fortune” gives the ability to expand easily in the area of life it is found. Pluto is perspective and
thus whatever house Pluto is found the individual will see the world through the “lens” of that
house. Mercury adds communication and also a duality will be associated with that house.
The Moon in the 1st house of personal power creates a “do your own thing attitude”. The
Moon in the second house creates the need to involve some sort of public view within the work
place. This could be working with the public or in a group such as a retail establishment where
the public sees the store displays of the individual. Another example would be a chef cooking
the food to be evaluated by the customers. The Moon in the 3rd house of communications
brings the need to communicate into the work environment. These people can act, make music,
write and lecture. This is the salesman position. The Moon in the 4th is a very expressive
Moon. These people often find that working from the home or in homes such as interior
decorating very fulfilling. The Moon in the 5th brings in creativity. Teaching and/or the care of
children (5th=children) become very important to the individual. With the Moon in the 6th
house of work and service the individual will always seem to be thinking about work, bringing
the work home. This is the workaholic position. The Moon in the 7th is a “public” Moon. The
politician position. The Moon in the 8th seeks to redo what others have done. I call it the
research position. The Moon in the 9th house of education brings in the publishing of ideas,
advanced study and travel become important to making circumstances stand for who the person
is. The Moon in the 10th is an administrative Moon. It is the “take charge” position. With the
Moon in the 11th we can expect friends to become a focal point. Often a large network of
friends. The Moon in the 12th is a private Moon preferring no contact with the public. There
will be another level to the personality which is powerfully pervasive.
Pluto is the “lens” through which the individual sees the world. The house which Pluto is
found in the Natal chart is very telling of individual attitude. With Pluto in the 1st self
awareness is essential. Any thoughts about identity and status will define the individual
perspective. There is a keen focus on the self image. What pops in my mind when I see Pluto in
the 1st is “The Fonz” putting the comb up to his hair and going “heyyyy”. Again a keen focus
on self-image. Pluto in the self worth, money 2nd brings in a personal perspective that is reply
tied into the gathering and maintaining of personal resources and material possessions. The
individual works to acquire materialistic symbols of self-worth. How often have you heard
“He/she is so materialistic?” The reason why is because there is a need here to establish self-
worth through these possessions answering the question “How valuable am I?” With Pluto in
the communications 3rd, information exchange becomes highlighted where opinions are
matched with others to determine “Where do I stand?” Pluto in the 4th brings in the early home
life. If there were problems in this area of life the person may have a “chip on the shoulder” as a
defense mechanism. Pluto in the 5th brings in a focus on giving love, to the individual there
may be many many dimensions to giving love that define the personal perspective. Pluto in the
6th brings in cooperation and work dynamics that help to define the personal perspective. The
individual will feel themselves putting out opinions at work to test interpersonal relationships
which work to define the perspective. Pluto in the 7th brings in relationships. Relationships
become the arena to define the personal perspective. This creates problems within the
relationships. Pluto in the 8th brings in a focus on the values of others. Pluto in the 8th often
leads to the study of Astrology and the subconscious. Pluto in the 9th is the “know it all”
position. This is often a stand alone complex which the individual will perpetrate. There will be
a heavy reliance on self-sufficiency. Pluto in the 10th will need accomplishment and
recognition to clarify the personal identity. One feels as if they are their accomplishments
which will define the personal perspective. With Pluto in the 11th we can expect a heavy
reliance on friends and love received to define the personal perspective. There is the question
“How lovable am I?” Pluto in the 12th brings in experiences of life which are privately
assessed. It is possible for the individual to get lost in the controls of society leading to the
attitude “The world just does not understand me”.

House Rulers:

In Astrology there are “rulership networks”. This is THE KEY to working with Natal
Astrology. Lets say Taurus is on the cusp of the 7th house. Taurus is ruled by Venus. Venus is
found in the 12th house of secret sorrows and silent suffering. This would be interpreted as
secret sorrows and silent suffering in marriage. The ruler of the 7th (marriage) is in the 12th
(secret sorrows).
An example that jumps to mind is a chart of a wealthy Doctors house wife. Jupiter ruled
her 2nd house (money, self worth) and was in her 8th (money of the partner). Here we can see
that her money is coming from her partner. Also her self worth is tied into her partners money.
Take a moment a see how the 2 examples work above. Another example of an individual who
recently came to me, was of a female who is 20 and on her 3rd child. Her chart data is 4-25-
1980, 9:20 A.M., Springfield, Illinois. This should give you an Ascendant of 0 degrees Cancer.
Note that her Venus rules her 5th house of children and is in her 12th house of self-undoing.
Self-undoing with children. Indeed 3 children at age 20 and we can see where this is leading.
In a chart planets can be in tension aspect with each other. As an example lets say the Sun
rules the 5th house and is squared by Saturn which rules the 10th house. There is a conflict here
between the 5th and 10th houses! There is tension between children (5th) and career (10th).
This shows you a very very important method here: when 2 or more planets are in tension
aspect with each other the houses they rule (areas of life) will have tension between them. There
will be conflict between the 2 areas of life! Many Astrologers are unaware of how to synthesize
a chart like this.
There is the parental axis (houses 4 and 10). Love axis (houses 5 and 11). Sickness axis (6
and 12) etc. If someone came to me with a problem that originated at an early age the first thing
I would look at would be the rulers of the 4th and 10th houses. Lets say the ruler of the 10th
was square the ruler of the self-worth 2nd. (10th = father figure). We would instantly be alerted
to the potential that the father (10th) had caused or somehow contributed to the self-worth
anxieties (2nd). When Saturn is retrograde we can expect that the father was either not present
or was there an emotionally detached. If we added this into the above I would say that the
fathers aloofness is weighing down on the individuals self-worth. This is using rulership
networks. Begin making these connections in your own chart.
Note: If the cusp of the 11th house was at 15 degrees Scorpio and a planet was at 13
degrees Scorpio (appearing to be in the 10th house) in my analysis , I would delineate it as if it
were in the 11th. (If it is conjunct the cusp put it in the higher numbered house). I apply a strict
2 degree orb here.
Two planets up to 10 degrees apart are considered conjunct if a planet squares or opposes
the midpoint of the 2 planets. One planet at 10 Scorpio and another at 20 Scorpio would be
conjunct if another planet was found at 15 Leo, Aquarius or Taurus.
In delineating charts the above methods are very important.
I have stated in previous lessons that a retrograde planet has a counterpoint to it. Lets say
in a chart that Venus is retrograde. We notice Libra on the cusp of the 11th so Venus rules the
11th. Now in the chart Venus could be well aspected and not under tension. But when the ruler
of the 11th is retrograde we can expect anxiety about being lovable. When the ruler of the 10th
is retrograde we can expect anxiety about the career or father. If the ruler of the 9th is
retrograde we can expect anxiety about education and so on with any house. The retrograde
planet alerts us to a counterpoint. Another part of the chart that needs to be explored.
When we find Gemini on the cusp of a house we can expect a duality associated with that
house. As an example if Gemini was on the cusp of the 10th (careers) we could expect dual
careers. Probably here a 9 to 5 job and a hobby that is or will earn money. In this example it
would also be possible that there were 2 father figures (10th = father).

Lets move on to find out when events occur in our lives. Request Lesson 8 Transits.

Brian J. Sklenka, Sr.

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