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Overall my VTFT internship was sort of how I expected it to be and how I wanted it to go.

My expectations going into this internship were how I thought. My expectations were that it was
gonna be low stress,easy going, and very fun. Most of my expectations were kind of the
opposite but overall It was fun. I had 4th grade physical education with Mr.Kamholtz and I loved
being around him but this internship had many valuable lessons, some good some bad.
I think this internship made me realize that I really don't want to pursue a teaching career
later in life and not because I didn’t like it but because it really doesn't interest me. Second low
stress. I thought this wasn't gonna be stressful but it wasn't completely the opposite but it
definitely wasn’t not stressful at all. Another thing I thought was going to be easy going but once
we started to develop a lesson plan then we had to do it. That was very time consuming and
stressful. Also, the nerves that were building up before doing the lesson plan made it worse but
luckily my teacher helped me alot and gave me great tips like talking loud to the students. One
thing I can take away from this internship that I will carry with me forever is being loud around
younger kids because if not your point will not get across to them.
Last thing is this VTFT internship was very fun. I say this because PE is very different
from the other ones because you're constantly exercising and moving around. Usually I would
play with the younger kids basketball at recess and they always wanted me on their team. I miss
this part of the internship but one thing that was starting to annoy me was just knowing I have to
go everyday which I didn't mind but then if you missed a day making it up on your own time was
In conclusion I think that this internship affected me in a good way when dealing with
younger kids and knowing how to be around them and them treating you as an adult. But the
other way it affected me was high stress because there are so many tasks you have to
accomplish in so little time.

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