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Our last stop is where it all ends. The place from which everything is observed.

This department hugs

the whole centre, and the volunteers in it are always ready to surprise you with a question or a
Editorial and photo-video. Curious eyes and perked up ears behind any activity or department. A
pen, a sheet or a camera is all they need to get the job done. The talented team, coordinated by
Denisa Stoian, manages to share a piece of the soul of each action with the community every time.
They put down on paper the most beautiful feelings: love, kindness, happiness, the soul reward that
each of us feels after a benefaction. Lovers of beauty, volunteers with cameras capture these
feelings through a lens so that all the smiles, the laughter, the hugs are archived in a more than
special place. The soul of the community. Together, the team always brings the light that is born
through the kindness of all volunteers and those involved. Volunteering is an expression of the
heart, and the newsroom sends forth the ray of sunshine that flows from the heart of the
More thoughts to come from Denise and the team she coordinates.
"Why did you choose to coordinate this department?"
Initially it just seemed like something new, the challenge of being a leader sounded like a unique
opportunity for me. It was. Having a blog a few years old, and some editorial and photo-video
experience, I think it was a big plus to my desire to become coordinator.
"What does this department mean to you?"
This department is a part of me, literally. A quarter of my time, my ideas, my passion, all go towards
what I coordinate. It's how I can express myself, how I can showcase what I create, whether it's a
photograph, an article, or even a short film. At the same time, it comes with a lot of responsibility,
which although sometimes I don't carry out to my fullest potential, it helps me grow. The
experiences, the people, the expectations people have of me.
( Denisa Stoian, editorial coordinator, photo-video)
We take care of everything that means the media side, everything from the outside, images, words.
We build the digital universe of FSC, and that's really brilliant, especially since most of the readers
are Generation Z. Most of the opinions we form about people start with their Instagram, Facebook
pages and so on. So our department forms the entire 'personality' of the Community Support
Foundation, we really bring everything to life.
When you're a passionate volunteer, and you know that dozens of people will read your article, or
watch your edited and edited video, it feels great for anyone. Who wouldn't want their work to be
seen in real time by all of our digital followers? It's through us that everyone learns about the work
of the other departments, all the ongoing projects; through our articles, through our art.
As the coordinator of this creative team for a few years now, I feel honoured to be able to work
alongside young people like me, with the same passions, the same goals.
Our team has changed over the years, which has only made us richer and richer with more and
more beautiful, creative, ingenious people full of ideas. Because it's not all about talent, it's about
the experience of each person, the passion they put into what they do, we decided to write this
article to congratulate the hardworking volunteers in this team.
We have chosen to share with you some of the thoughts of our volunteers:
"The newsroom team is made up of nothing but beautiful and talented people. They welcomed me
with open arms and I have felt like family ever since. We are united and always help each other
when needed."- Alexandra Bordeanu
"Ever since I was a little girl I was fascinated by this invincible world through the beauty of writing.
However, when I first thought of doing something about it, I hesitated. And then a shy, but at the
same time, increasingly determined thought popped into my head. I write to give back to the world,
to contribute to something bigger than myself, to help with my splash to change mentalities,
thoughts, attitudes, society for the better. If an article succeeds in inspiring at least a handful of
people, giving them an idea, giving them an answer, then I have succeeded in doing what I set out to
do. Because the newsroom is a big, beautiful family where stories are told, experiences are shared,
destinies are shaped. And I can only say that I am very happy to belong to this whole."- Theodora
"Through my volunteer work in this department, I was able to discover that I love working with
digital graphics. I started out clumsy, but I was allowed to make mistakes and grow, so I was able to
implement my most novel ideas.
We're a mixed team that has changed over the years. With the current team, I can say that I feel
ambitious to continue to be an active member of the department." -Larisa Marcociu
"I've only been volunteering in the photo/video department for 6 months, but in that relatively short
time I've evolved in many ways. Graphic design, photography or video/photo editing is something I
really enjoy, and the fact that I have found a place where I can feel at home while doing what I love
is great. The events I've attended as a photographer or videographer have helped me raise my level
of experience, and I've had the opportunity to socialize with many people from many fields while
also having fun. I think that nowadays, especially in the context of the pandemic, it's hard to
socialize, and to do "something else" besides daily activities 🙂" Ioana Torțel
"I chose to be part of the editorial department simply because I'm passionate about all things
creative writing. I have always written, ever since I learned my first letters, I have flirted intensely
with the idea of writing poetry or short prose. I think for me, art in general, and creative writing in
particular, has long since become not just a way of expressing myself, but rather a part of me, of
who I really am. For a long time I wrote only for myself, not feeling the need to share with others, as
everything I write has a personal touch, marking the experiences I go through and the relevant
moments in my life. The team I have the honour of working with is one I have fallen hopelessly in
love with, where I always have something new to learn and feel constantly appreciated." -Gălățanu
🥂 for media volunteers!
Our goal is to continue to bring together passionate photographers and writers to create an even
more beautiful world of the FSC, but especially to provide an even more vivid image of the work of
the entire FSC team.
By Stoian Denisa and Alexandra Bordeanu

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