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Our next stop in "FSC-ist" style is just a stone's throw away from the crowded city of Bacau, in the
commune of Hemeiuș, where, in partnership with the SOS-Children's Villages association, the
volunteers of the Community Support Foundation have the opportunity to work for the benefit of
the children living in this commune. Although this project has only recently started, the activities
seem to be going more than well. This is possible not only because of the experience of young
people in volunteering for children from disadvantaged backgrounds, but also because of the active
involvement of the department coordinator, Roxana Hodea, and the team she coordinates and, last
but not least, because of the fruitful collaboration between the Community Support Foundation and
the SOS-Children's Villages organization.
Here volunteers have the opportunity to work with teenagers, young people, but also children of all
ages, many of whom are residents of Hemeiuș, coming here eager to learn something new, to
interact and to meet role models among the volunteers. The activities that take place in this
department are numerous and require a lot of patience, a lot of creative ideas and, obviously, a lot
of empathy. From gardening, household chores and educational talks to homework solving and
English classes 🇬🇧, the young volunteers successfully manage all the situations they have to deal
with, carrying out their mission as always.
The projects currently underway are based, above all, on reciprocity, not only in terms of
cooperation between the organisations, the Community Support Foundation and SOS-Satele
Copiilor, but also in the partnership between beneficiaries and volunteers, between the children of
Hemeiuș and those of Bacău. In this department, the main idea is teamwork, the intention behind it
being the desire to build a bridge between young people, children, people of similar ages, coming
from different backgrounds, rural and urban.
In Hemeiuș, a village specific to the rural areas of the country has been recreated, but unlike the
Romanian village, it is dedicated exclusively to children. Here volunteers have the opportunity to
experience living in a rural environment, sharing cultural experiences, doing local jobs and
interacting with members of the community. As for the benefits to the children of Hemeiuș, they see
in our volunteers role models, a shoulder to lean on in difficult times, a reason to wake up every
morning and come to the day centre with love.
"Why did you choose to run this department?"
"I had the willingness and courage to take on this wonderful team of currently 30 volunteers and
together we do a multitude of activities, make memories and have fun. The reason I chose to head
up this department is because the idea of working with a new team, with new people, is a challenge
I didn't want to miss." (Roxana Hodea, coordinator)
"Why did you choose to be part of this department?"
"I chose to be part of this department because I love children and I love to help. Initially I wasn't sure
if I wanted to volunteer here, as I wasn't sure what my responsibilities would be and if I would really
feel useful in the community through the activities here, but after the first activity I did I realized that
this is actually where I belong, among these wonderful children." (Georgiana Răileanu, volunteer)
"When I heard about the opportunity to volunteer in partnership with SOS-Children's Villages, I
didn't hesitate to sign up because I love working with children and it seemed like a special project."
(Alexandra Nanu, volunteer)
"What are the activities that take place in this department?"
"The activities we carry out in the SOS-Children's Villages centre are: gardening, which I can say is
our favourite hobby, giving help with homework, support for the children in the Day Centre and,
because we couldn't do without it, lots of interactive games for recreational purposes." (Roxana
Hodea, coordinator)

"What has been your favourite activity in this department?"

"Any activity carried out with children or volunteers is unique, I can't pick one that particularly
captivated me because I love them all." (Georgiana Răileanu, volunteer)
"What is your perspective so far on this department?"
"The work carried out so far has been beneficial both for the children and for us, as it has been
carried out in a unique way. Therefore, I believe that the project will bring a plus in the development
of all, both the beneficiaries and us, volunteers being volunteers, as all the projects here are based
on cooperation, interaction between people of similar ages from different backgrounds." (Alexandra
Nanu, volunteer)
Having said that, I think we have succeeded in convincing you that, in addition to supporting children
from disadvantaged backgrounds, the role of the department is to achieve a cultural exchange
between rural and urban dwellers, with the project targeting the young age group. Although we are
led to believe that the inhabitants of Hemeiuș commune are the beneficiaries, the young people of
Bacau, the volunteers, benefit in turn from a life experience that is impossible to replace, for as the
great poet Lucian Blaga said, "Eternity was born in the village".
By Mariela Gălățanu

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