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Comparison of Test Characteristics of Urine

Dipstick and Urinalysis at Various Test Cutoff

From the Department of Emergency Richard L. Lammers, MD Study objective: We compare the test characteristics of urine
Medicine, Michigan State Scott Gibson, MD
University/Kalamazoo Center for
dipstick and urinalysis at various test cutoff points in women
Dave Kovacs, MD
Medical Studies, Kalamazoo, MI. presenting to emergency departments and an intermediate care
Wade Sears, MD
Author contributions are provided center with symptoms of urinary tract infection.
Gary Strachan, MD
at the end of this article.
Methods: This was a prospective, observational study of adult
Received for publication
women presenting to 1 of 2 community hospital EDs or an inter-
February 19, 2001. Revision received
July 9, 2001. Accepted for publication mediate care center with dysuria, urgency, or urinary frequency
August 15, 2001. on history, or suprapubic or costovertebral angle tenderness on
Presented at the American College of examination. Patients who had taken antibiotics in the past 72
Emergency Physicians Scientific hours, had indwelling Foley catheters, symptomatic vaginal dis-
Assembly, Philadelphia, PA, October
2000. charge, diabetes mellitus, immunodeficiency disorders, or were
Supported by grant No. 016-PIRAP/96
unable to provide a reliable history were excluded. The patient’s
from the Blue Cross/Blue Shield of clean-catch or catheterized urine specimen was tested immedi-
Michigan Foundation. ately by a nurse using a Multistix 9 SG reagent strip. A second
Address for reprints: Richard L. aliquot was sent within 1 hour of collection to the hospital lab-
Lammers, MD, Department of
oratory, where a semiautomated microscopic urinalysis and a
Emergency Medicine, Michigan State
University/Kalamazoo Center for urine culture were performed. A positive urine culture was de-
Medical Studies, 1000 Oakland Drive, fined as more than 100,000 colonies of 1 or 2 uropathogenic
Kalamazoo, MI 49008;
bacteria per mL of urine at 48 hours. Dipstick and urinalysis
616-337-6600, fax 616-337-6475;
E-mail data were compared with urine culture results. Sensitivity,
Copyright © 2001 by the American specificity, and predictive values were calculated at various
College of Emergency Physicians. definitions of a positive test, or “test cutoff points,” for combi-
0196-0644/2001/$35.00 + 0 nations of leukocyte esterase, nitrite, and blood on dipstick and
47/1/119427 for RBCs and WBCs on urinalyses. The probability of an erro-
neous decision to withhold treatment on the basis of a nega-
tive test result was defined as “undertreatment,” or 1 minus
the negative predictive value. “Overtreatment” was defined as
1 minus the positive predictive value.
Results: Three hundred forty-three patients were enrolled in
this study. Twelve patients were withdrawn because of missing
laboratory results. Forty-six percent (152/331) of patients had
positive urine cultures. If urine dipstick results are defined as
positive when leukocyte esterase or nitrite is positive or blood
is more than trace, the overtreatment rate is 47% (156/331) and
the undertreatment rate is 13% (43/331). If urinalysis results


Lammers et al

are defined as positive when WBCs are more than 3 per high- The objective of this study was to compare the test
power field or RBCs are more than 5 per high-power field, the characteristics of urine dipstick and urinalysis at various
overtreatment rate is 44% (146/331) and the undertreatment test cutoff points in women presenting to EDs and an
rate is 11% (36/331). Matched pairs of test characteristics were intermediate care center with symptoms of urinary tract
identified when the analysis was repeated using more than 10,000
colonies per mL as a positive culture.
Conclusion: In this patient population, similar overtreatment
and undertreatment rates were identified for various test cutoff This was a prospective, observational study of women
points for urine dipstick tests and urinalysis. Although a urine older than 18 years of age presenting to the Borgess Medi-
cal Center ED, Bronson Methodist Hospital ED, or Wood-
dipstick may be equivalent to a urinalysis for the diagnosis of
bridge Intermediate Care Center with symptoms sugges-
urinary tract infection, the limitations in the diagnostic accuracy tive of a urinary tract infection. The study was approved
of both tests should be incorporated into medical decisionmaking. by the institutional review boards of both hospitals.
[Lammers RL, Gibson S, Kovacs D, Sears W, Strachan G. Inclusion criteria were dysuria, urgency, urinary fre-
quency, urinary incontinence, hematuria, gross pyuria,
Comparison of test characteristics of urine dipstick and
suprapubic pain or pressure, or flank pain. Patients who
urinalysis at various test cutoff points. Ann Emerg Med. were unable to provide a reliable history, had taken anti-
November 2001;38:505-512.] biotics in the past 72 hours, or had indwelling Foley
catheters, symptomatic vaginal discharge, diabetes melli-
INTRODUCTION tus, or immunodeficiency disorders were excluded.
Patient history was recorded on a data form by an
Urinalysis is the most commonly used test for evaluation emergency physician or nurse, and physical findings
of emergency department patients with potential urinary were recorded by a physician. If patients had vaginal
tract infections. Unfortunately, in cases in which no other bleeding or were physically unable to provide a clean-
diagnostic studies are needed, urinalysis can significantly catch urinalysis, urine was collected by urethral catheter-
increase a patient’s time in the ED. Substituting a urine ization using a Davol Female Cath Kit (C. R. Bard, Inc.,
dipstick test for a hospital laboratory urinalysis may be Covington, GA). Urine was collected from all other
less time-consuming and less expensive, but the dipstick patients by the midstream clean-catch technique after
may not be as accurate. they had received standardized verbal and written
Diagnostic accuracy of urine dipsticks is unclear be- instructions.
cause methodologies, such as definitions of a positive An ED nurse divided each urine sample into 2 aliquots.
urine culture and thresholds for test positivity, vary The nurse tested the first aliquot immediately using
among published studies.1-4 Blum and Wright1 used only Multistix 9 SG reagent strip (Bayer Corporation, Elkhart,
dipstick leukocyte esterase and nitrite as variables in IN) for urinalysis from a sealed, air-tight container that
examining diagnostic performance. Bonnardeaux et al3 had been opened within the past 30 days. Dipstick find-
studied 5 variables: leukocyte esterase, nitrite, protein, ings were recorded as follows:
glucose, and ketones. Christenson et al2 looked at all 9
variables from the Chemstrip 9 dipstick (Boehringer Leukocyte esterase: negative, trace, 1+ (small), 2+
Mannheim Corporation, Indianapolis, IN). Most studies (moderate), or 3+ (large)
were conducted in populations that were not typical of Nitrite: negative or positive
ED patients.2,3,5 Consequently, some authors recom- Blood: negative; or nonhemolyzed—trace or moderate;
mend confirmatory urinalyses if the urine dipstick results or hemolyzed—trace, 1+ (small), 2+ (moderate),
are negative,1,6 and others if results are positive.2,3,6-11 If 3+ (large)
the definitions of positive test results, or “test cutoff point,”
for urine dipstick and for urinalysis are adjusted, these 2 The urine specimen was sealed and sent within 1 hour
tests may prove to have comparable sensitivities, speci- of collection to the hospital laboratory, where it was
ficities, and predictive values at one or more test cutoff divided into 2 aliquots, 1 for urinalysis and 1 for urine
points. If this were true, it might be possible to substitute culture. Laboratory urinalysis included automated dip-
the dipstick test for the urinalysis. stick reading by a Clinitek 200 Reflectance Spectrophoto-


Lammers et al

meter or a Yellow Iris Reflectance Spectrophotometer Dipstick and urinalysis results were compared with urine
(Boehringer Mannheim Corporation, Chatsworth, CA), culture results, which were used as the reference standard
plus a manual or semiautomated microscopic analysis of to determine presence or absence of urinary tract infec-
urine sediment. A 10-mL aliquot of urine was centrifuged tion. The probability of an erroneous decision to with-
at 1,500 rpm for 5 minutes. The supernatant was removed hold treatment on the basis of a negative test result (and a
and the sediment was resuspended into solution with 1 mL positive culture) was defined as “undertreatment,” or 1
of supernatant. One drop (0.4 mL) of the resuspended minus the negative predictive value. “Overtreatment” was
sediment was placed onto a microscope slide, covered, defined as 1 minus the positive predictive value. Data
and examined under ×100 and ×400 magnifications. The were reanalyzed using 10,000 colonies or more per mL as
laboratory technician interpreted the results as the num- the definition of a positive urine culture.
ber of WBCs and RBCs per high-power field (hpf) (×400 Areas below the receiver operating characteristic (ROC)
magnification). curves were computed for matched pairs of rates. With
Specimens for urine culture were taken with a 1-µL classic ROC curves, different cutoff points are compared
calibrated disposable loop. One microliter was placed within a single rating model. We used different binary
onto a TSA II 5% sheep’s blood agar plate (Baltimore Bio- models for both dipstick and urinalysis data. Models var-
logical Laboratories, Cockeysville, MD) and 1 µL was ied both by cutoff points for dipstick and urinalysis vari-
placed onto a McConkey’s plate (Baltimore Biological ables (ie, leukocyte esterase, nitrites, blood on dipstick;
Laboratories). Turbid urine was documented as such by RBCs and WBCs on urinalysis) and by the number of vari-
the microbiology technician, and an additional 1 µL was ables used. Therefore, binary ROC curves13 were com-
cultured on a Columbia CNA SB plate (Baltimore Bio- puted. Models with similar overtreatment and under-
logical Laboratories). All plates were incubated at 35°C treatment rates were compared using binary ROC curves
(95°F) and read for growth after 48 hours. Isolated organ- and their Wilcoxon approximation of a standard error.14
isms were reported as the number of colonies per milli- P values were calculated using a 2-tailed hypothesis with
liter of urine. a Bonferroni adjustment. Statistical analysis was per-
A culture-proven urinary tract infection was defined as formed with the SAS (version 6.12, SAS, Cary, NC) soft-
100,000 or more colonies of 1 or 2 species per mL of urine. ware package.
A negative urine culture was defined as either a sterile cul-
ture or a culture that grew less than 100,000 colonies per R E S U LT S
mL of 1 or 2 species. If the laboratory reported 3 or more
distinct species of bacteria that were not considered uro- Three hundred forty-three patients were enrolled. Twelve
pathogens, the culture was considered contaminated and cases were withdrawn because of missing urinalysis or
classified as negative. Urine cultures reported as “gross culture results. The average patient age was 33 years (range,
contamination,” with or without “normal urethral flora” 18 to 84 years). Patients had the following clinical findings:
or with “mixed flora,” were classified as negative. Urine 84% (278/331) had urgency; 84% (278/331), frequency;
cultures reported as “gross contamination; pathogens 79% (261/331), dysuria; 39% (129/331), suprapubic ten-
suspected” were analyzed on the basis of total colony derness; 18% (60/331), costovertebral angle tenderness.
count. Urine specimens containing squamous epithelial Four percent (13/331) reported pregnancy. Two percent
cells were not excluded from analysis because other in- (7/331) had been catheterized within 2 weeks before pre-
vestigators have found that the presence of squamous sentation.
cells does not affect the diagnostic accuracy of the test.12 Forty-six percent (152/331) of patients had urine cul-
Interpretation of dipstick test results and choice of tures with 100,000 colonies/mL or greater; 66% (218/331)
therapy were left to the treating physician. As patients had 10,000 colonies/mL or greater. Using the 100,000
were entered into the study, urine samples and data forms colonies/mL definition of a positive culture, 77% (116/151)
were coded. Study urinalyses and urine culture results of the 151 positive urine cultures grew Escherichia coli.
were not used by the treating physicians. Other organisms included: Proteus mirabilis, 5% (7/151);
All nurses were skilled in the dipstick procedure; inter- Klebsiella pneumoniae, 4% (6/151); streptococcal species,
rater reliability was not measured. Sensitivity, specificity, 4% (6/151); Enterobacter, 2% (3/151); and other single
and predictive values were calculated at various cutoff species cultures, 9% (14/151). Few cultures grew mixed
points for combinations of leukocyte esterase, nitrite, and uropathogens. When a positive culture was defined as
blood on dipstick and for RBCs and WBCs on urinalyses. 10,000 colonies/mL, 10 cultures reported as “gross con-


Lammers et al

tamination; pathogens suspected” by the laboratory were were defined as “positive” when WBCs were more than
classified as positive. Eight urine specimens were ob- 3/hpf or RBCs were more than 5/hpf, the overtreatment
tained by catheterization. Fifty percent (4/8) of cultures rate was 44%, and the undertreatment rate was 11%
from catheterization specimens were positive. (model W).
Tables 1 and 2 list the test characteristics for several There were no statistically significant differences be-
cutoff points for the urine dipstick and urinalysis using tween any of the matched pairs shown (Table 3). Test cut-
the 100,000 colonies/mL count definition of a positive off points that maximize sensitivity for both tests still
culture. The Figure shows similar overtreatment and result in undertreatment rates that were greater than 6%
undertreatment rates for both tests. For example, if the to 7% (Figure).
urine dipstick results performed in the ED was defined as The analysis was repeated using a different definition
“positive” when leukocyte esterase or nitrite was positive of a positive culture. Defining a positive culture as more
or blood was more than trace, the overtreatment rate with than 10,000 colonies/mL lowered the overtreatment rate
this test was 47%, and the undertreatment rate was 13% and raised the undertreatment rate at each test cutoff
(model B). A similar set of test characteristics can be point (Tables 4 and 5). Dipstick and urinalysis had similar
found for urinalysis. For example, the urinalysis results test characteristics for matched cutoff points.

Table 1.
Test characteristics for dipstick performance when a positive culture is defined as 100,000 cfu/mL.

Models Leukocyte Sensitivity Specificity Overtreatment Undertreatment

Paired Esterase Nitrites Blood (%) (%) PPV (%) NPV (%) Rate (%) Rate (%)

A >0 or + or >0 99 19 51 94 49 6
B >0 or + or trace 96 27 53 87 47 13
C >0 or + 92 39 56 83 44 17
>0 NA 91 41 56 82 44 18
D >trace or + 85 53 60 78 40 22
E >1 or + 77 66 66 74 34 26
>2 or + 53 83 72 64 28 36
>0 and + 30 91 74 57 26 43
>trace and + 27 93 77 56 23 44
>1 and + 21 96 82 55 18 45
>2 and + 9 99 88 52 13 48
PPV, Positive predictive value; NPV, negative predictive value; NA, not applicable.

Table 2.
Test characteristics for urinalysis performance when a positive culture is defined as 100,000 cfu/mL.

Models Sensitivity Specificity Overtreatment Undertreatment

Paired RBC WBC (%) (%) PPV (%) NPV (%) Rate (%) Rate (%)

V >0 or >0 99 17 50 93 50 7
W >5 or >3 95 36 56 89 44 11
>5 or >5 92 43 58 85 42 15
X >10 or >5 91 44 58 83 42 17
>5 90 47 59 83 41 17
Y >5 or >10 85 54 61 79 39 21
>50 or >10 80 60 63 75 37 25
Z >10 78 63 64 74 36 26
PPV, Positive predictive value; NPV, negative predictive value.


Lammers et al

DISCUSSION demonstrates that bedside urine dipsticks can be substi-

tuted for urinalysis to diagnose uncomplicated urinary
Urinary tract infection is a problem that is commonly tract infections. Use of dipsticks instead of urinalysis will
treated in EDs and urgent care centers. This study decrease patient time in the ED and the cost of testing.
However, basing treatment decisions on either urine dip-
sticks or urinalysis alone results in substantial under-
treatment and overtreatment rates at most test cutoff
Figure. points.
Test characteristics: dipstick versus urinalysis. Refer to Tables 1 Almost every test has false-positive and false-negative
and 2 for performance values for models. Shaded square,
Dipstick performance; empty circle, urinalysis performance. rates. False-negative tests may result in undertreatment,
and untreated urinary tract infections could cause renal
damage or sepsis. False-positive tests that result in misdi-
Overtreatment rate (%) agnosis of urinary tract infections may lead to the wrong
50 diagnosis, increase costs, and expose patients to the risks
of unnecessary antibiotics, including allergic reactions
and side effects. Overtreatment and undertreatment rates
were compared in this study because they provide a more
intuitive sense of the clinical consequences of an incorrect
test result. Physicians must select test positivity criteria
AV that balance the consequences of overtreatment with those
30 of undertreatment.
CX The reference standard for the diagnosis of urinary
DY tract infections has long been the isolation and quantifi-
cation of bacteria by urine culture. More than 100,000
20 EZ colony-forming units per mL (cfu/mL) has been set as the
threshold for “significant bacteriuria.”15 However, even
the urine culture has limitations. Stamm,16 Stamm et al,17
10 Stamm,18 Stamm et al,19 and Kunin et al20 have suggested
that lower colony counts represent infection in women
with symptoms of urinary tract infection. Consequently,
the “acute urethral syndrome” has been used to describe
0 10 20 30 40 50 acute dysuria, frequency, urgency, and pyuria, with a
Undertreatment rate (%) good clinical response to antibiotics in women despite
cultures that grow 100 to 10,000 cfu/mL.16,19,21

Table 3.
Comparison of various models of dipstick and urinalysis cutoffs.

Dipstick Urinalysis Statistical Results

Overtreatment Undertreatment Overtreatment Undertreatment ROC SE of
Model No. Rate (%) Rate (%) ROC Rate (%) Rate (%) ROC Difference Difference P Value

1 49 6 0.59 50 7 0.580 0.01 0.044 .88

2 47 13 0.615 44 11 0.655 0.04 0.043 .36
3 44 17 0.655 42 17 0.675 0.02 0.042 .64
4 40 22 0.69 39 21 0.695 0.01 0.041 .90
5 34 26 0.715 36 26 0.705 0.01 0.040 .81
A positive culture is defined as 100,000 cfu/mL.


Lammers et al

A lower threshold for positive urine cultures increases tract infections (41% in the Blum and Wright study; 66%,
the false-positive error rate and introduces technical prob- at a more than 10,000 cfu/mL definition, in this study).
lems. At these lower levels of colonization, differentiating Increasing the cutoff for a positive culture to more than
contaminants from infecting pathogens may be difficult. 100,000 cfu/mL in our study lowered the positive predic-
Accurately quantifying colony-forming units in the range tive value and raised the negative predictive value for
of 100 to 1,000 per mL requires alterations in normal labo- both tests.
ratory procedure, including the use of larger inoculation Some investigators have studied the utility of urine
loops, which can increase the contamination rate.22,23 The dipsticks in populations with even lower incidences of
best definition of a positive urine culture remains unclear. urinary tract infection and found higher negative predic-
The diagnostic accuracy of microscopic urinalysis and tive values (84% to 93%) than in our study.23-25 Neverthe-
urine dipstick for suspected urinary tract infections has less, they concluded that negative results for the urine
been studied extensively, but results of these investiga- dipstick alone resulted in an unacceptable undertreatment
tions have varied depending on patient population, test rate if used as the sole criterion for excluding urinary tract
cutoffs, and laboratory techniques.1-3,6,8,10,11,23,25 Other infection. Several investigators have concluded that the
studies have also suggested that the diagnostic accuracy urine dipstick is nonspecific in diagnosing urinary tract
of these 2 tests are similar.1,5-7 For example, Blum and infection.1,2,8,10,11,25 Some of these have suggested that
Wright1 studied ambulatory women with symptoms sug- negative dipstick results are sufficiently accurate to pre-
gestive of urinary tract infection, using a reference stan- clude further testing or treatment.2,3,6,8,10,11 Fowlis et al10
dard of more than 10,000 cfu/mL on urine cultures. Posi- evaluated the urine of urologic clinic and renal transplant
tive urine dipstick results were defined as any detectable patients. They reported a negative predictive value of
leukocyte esterase or nitrites. For urinalyses, cutoff for a 98% to 99% for urine dipstick. However, their test cutoffs
positive result was more than 10 WBCs/hpf and more were set high. Samples with less than 5 WBCs/hpf were
than 2+ bacteria, or more than 5 RBCs/hpf and more than considered uninfected and not cultured. A positive cul-
2+ bacteria. They reported a positive predictive value of ture threshold was defined as more than 100,000 cfu/mL.
78% for urine dipsticks and 79% for urinalysis. The nega- Wiggelinkhuizen et al8 reported a negative predictive
tive predictive values were 82% for urine dipsticks and value of nearly 99%, with the same reference standard in a
96% for urinalysis.1 Using similar cutoffs for dipstick and sample population with an incidence of infection of 13.5%.
urinalysis and the same cutoff for urine culture, our data As demonstrated in our data, if the urine culture reference
showed a positive predictive value of 77% for dipstick standard is set higher, the negative predictive value will
and 80% for urinalyses. Negative predictive values were increase, but a greater number of infections will be missed.
79% and 73% for dipstick and urinalysis, respectively. There are no established guidelines for acceptable
The differences in predictive values between these 2 stud- undertreatment and overtreatment rates for ED patients
ies are partially a function of the prevalence of urinary with presumed urinary tract infections. If stringent cutoff
points for urine dipstick are used (ie, leukocyte esterase
>2 and nitrite positive), the overtreatment rate ranges

Table 4.
Test characteristics for dipstick performance when a positive cul-
ture is defined as 10,000 cfu/mL.
Table 5.
Test characteristics for urinalysis performance when a positive
Leukocyte Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV culture is defined as 10,000 cfu/mL.
Esterase Nitrites Blood (%) (%) (%) (%)

>0 or + or >0 96 25 71 86 Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV

>0 or + 87 48 77 79 RBC WBC (%) (%) (%) (%)
>1 or + 68 75 84 70
>2 or NA 45 90 90 62 >0 or >0 97 23 71 88
>trace and + 26 95 90 56 >5 or >5 87 54 79 80
>1 and + 16 3 84 92 >5 or >10 77 62 80 73
>2 and + 7 100 100 52 >10 70 71 83 70
PPV, Positive predictive value; NPV, negative predictive value. PPV, Positive predictive value; NPV, negative predictive value.


Lammers et al

from 13% (positive culture, 100,000 cfu/mL) to 0% (pos- overtreatment and undertreatment rates were derived
itive culture, 10,000 cfu/mL), whereas the corresponding from predictive values; therefore, they are affected by
undertreatment rates increase to unacceptable levels prior probability of disease. Populations with different
(48% for both). The true overtreatment rate actually may infection rates will have different overtreatment and
be lower for any cutoff point if the acute urethral syn- undertreatment rates. However, it is unlikely that the
drome is considered. Both dipstick and urinalysis would relationship between the 2 tests would change through-
be expected to perform less favorably in populations with out the spectrum of infection rates. Fourth, the range of
lower infection rates. cutoff points for urine dipstick is greater than that for uri-
A number of management strategies for urinary tract nalysis. The comparisons between dipstick and urinalysis
infections are possible. Undertreatment rates may be re- are limited to the ranges for which there are comparable
duced by following negative urine dipstick results with a data.
confirmatory urine culture. However, confirmatory urine In summary, test cutoffs for urine dipsticks can be set at
cultures would add to the cost and would delay treatment points to provide overtreatment and undertreatment rates
for patients with urinary tract infections. Another strategy that are equivalent to those for urinalysis. Urine dipsticks
for dealing with the inaccuracy of urine testing is empiric can be substituted for urinalysis for adult women with
treatment of patients with symptoms of urinary tract in- symptoms suggestive of urinary tract infection. Cutoff
fections.26-28 Using a cost-utility analysis, Barry et al26 points that maximize sensitivity for both tests still result
demonstrated the value of this approach in uncomplicated in undertreatment rates greater than 6% to 7% when posi-
patients with dysuria. A published clinical guideline for tive cultures are defined as more than 100,000 cfu/mL.
urinary tract infection also advocates the empiric therapy
The limitations in the diagnostic accuracy of urine dip-
option.28 In our patient population, empiric treatment for
stick and urinalysis should be incorporated into medical
all patients with any of the 8 inclusion criteria would elimi-
nate undertreatment but result in overtreatment rates of
34% (10,000 cfu/mL) to 54% (100,000 cfu/mL). Clini- Author contributions: RLL designed the study and obtained research funding. RLL, SG, DK,
cians generally base diagnoses on a complex combination WS, and GS participated in recruitment of participating centers, data collection, and qual-
of history, physical examination, and laboratory results. ity control activities. RLL analyzed the data and wrote the manuscript; SG and DK con-
tributed to manuscript revisions. All authors gave final approval of the version to be pub-
Another approach to improving the accuracy of urinary lished. RLL takes responsibility for the paper as a whole.
tract infection diagnosis is the combination of a quantita-
tive clinical scoring system with urine dipstick results.29 We gratefully acknowledge Diana Cucos for her assistance with the statistical analysis
This strategy merits additional study in ED patient popu- and the nurses and physicians of Bronson Methodist Hospital, Borgess Medical Center,
and Woodbridge Intermediate Care Center for their assistance with data collection.
lations. Many questions must be answered before a clear,
decisionmaking strategy for urinary tract infection diag-
nosis is established. Whatever strategy is followed, this REFERENCES
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