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Osiris Ramirez Jadday

English 2
April 12, 2022

The academic primary text I chose was “A Survey of Fetal Deaths as Reported to a
Medical Examiner's Office” by Alicia Sandoval, BS* and David Winston, MD, PhD. In this
study, their main goal was to uncover the top causes of new born deaths using real documents
from The Pima County Office of the Medical Examiner (PCOME) database, and try solve this
issue by acknowledging and bringing awareness to this problem. The genre of this academic
primary text I chose is a medical study. Pathologist is who these genres are used by. This study is
a medical study, so everything is formatted with medical terms. The genre I decided to transfer it
to is a personal dairy from a nurse.

3 Examples of a Personal Dairy

1. “The Diaries of Leonardo Da Vinci” by Leonardo da Vinci. Throughout Leonardo’s life
he kept journals about himself that no one really knew about. During his time he made a
lot of art work and discovers so therefore a lot of people assumed he was to busy to have
had a journal. On the contrary he did and in those journals, he kept notes about his ideas,
inventions, and studies.

2. “The Diary of Anne Frank” by Anne Frank. This one is pretty self-explanatory. She
became very well-known after the discovery and publication of her diary. Anne Frank
was a Jewish teenager living in Amsterdam, Netherlands, when World War II broke out.
She and her family had to hide in a secret room from the Nazi army in a building where
her dad worked. Since she was trapped in a secret room with a lot of people, she used her
diary to escape the world for a bit. In her diary she talks about the conditions it was living
there, what she wished for etc.

3. “Emilie Davis Diaries” Emilié Davis lived in Philadelphia during the United States’ Civil
War. During this awful period, she kept a diary and recorded the events that transpired
and affected her life as a free African-American woman. In her Diary she captures the
true life of an African American during the time. Not only that, but in her journals, she
expresses her daily activities, and thought of wars and deaths.

There are many shared genre conventions that stand out for all three, for starters the diaries
listed above were from important people that shaped our history. That being said, when they first
wrote on their diaries they weren’t really known to the public and were seen as just regular
people. The second genre convention was their passion, whether it was for the stars, or for justice
in the world, all three were very passionate in their writings. It could be because, what they were
writing about something they felt strongly on, or it could have been because they felt
comfortable talking with the best secret holder, themselves. When you have privacy, you unleash
a lot of thought and questions you have always been too scared to tell. The work becomes way
rawer, because you lose the vulnerability skin. In all three examples they went into deep detail,
whether it was with numbers and inventions like Leonardo De Vinci, or with their daily life and
what they envisioned for the future like Anne Frank, or how hard it was to be an African
American during a time where everyone hated you like Emilié Davis. In all three none of them
missed anything that they believed was important to them, because their words were endless.
There was no one to guide them or stop them. However, since it is a diary, we also have to keep
in mind that some things aren't what they seem, because it is told from their own perspective.
Through someone else's eyes they might have seen it a bit different during that time, an example
of this would be for Anne Frank, where in her dairy she expressed how mad her mom made her,
but through her mother's eyes she explains that she was only trying to take care of her. Lastly, I
chose to especially add Leonardo, because he was considered an intelligent man who worked
hard, and this proved that you can still own a dairy even when you are a busy person. To
conclude, they all changed the world with their writing and influenced change in one way or

My Idea

The genre of this academic primary text I chose is a medical study that talks about the
top causes of new born deaths. It is very well written with a lot of medical terms, that some
might not understand. With that being said, the work is too important for people to just ignore
because of its high level of academia. Therefore, I want to change the genre into something that
is easier to read, grabs the reader’s attention with an eeriness to it, but still expresses the issue of
too many newborns dying due to drugs. I will be changing the genre to a personal diary written
by a nurse. The background to this nurse is that she lost her baby recently due to medical
complication at birth. Due to this she was feeling depressed and her psychologist ordered her to
right down her feelings in a diary. For a couple of days her diary entries were very short and
plain until one day she had a medical patient who was giving birth to a baby that only lived for a
couple of hours. The baby passed away due to drug consumption the mother had, and when the
mother was told the news she remained expressionless. The mother didn’t care about her baby
and seemed like her only worry was receiving more drugs. This made the nurse furious, seeing a
baby who didn’t deserve what happened to them lifeless. After that night she wrote pages and
pages in her diary of her thoughts and feelings toward the careless mother and innocent baby. I
chose to go through this path because it compares the two highest reasonings for infants’ deaths
mentioned in the medical study. I hope to appeal to the readers emotions, and make them feel
empathetic towards innocent children that die every day because of drugs. Continuing on, I hope
that mothers who are thinking of doing drugs with child read this and stop a tragedy from
occurring. No one likes to hear about the most innocent infants dying, so as a writer ill have high
hopes that the message gets spread, that drugs are horrible and there should be more resources
for women with withdraws or problems to seek help instead of going through a dangerous path.
My own concern with all of this, is making sure I keep everything professional and not
disrespect anyone by using wrong terminology.

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