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Each generation differs from the others by the perspective it has on life and by the way it

adapts to the evolution of society.

Firstly, my parents' generation lived in the time of the monarchy, respectively of

communism, in Romania. At that time, the technology was not developed, and in order to live
a decent life, the men took care of the field work, and the women took care of the household
and the children. Later, the idea of women having a job became popular, but the mentality
remained the same. This mentality has brought importance to the value of physical labour and
population growth. Unfortunately, intellectual work was not encouraged among the common
people, but only among families who had this status of intellectuals.

My generation lived a good part of communism in Romania, but also democracy. I believe
that the communist side has shaped people's thinking and left a strong mark on the outlook on
life now. The biggest imprint my generation has left has been on stereotypes about the status
of a family. Towards the end of communism and with the beginning of democracy, places in
higher education were more accessible to those who came from working-class families. I
believe that people have started to focus on their careers and thus, many have invested in
their education and in their future job.

In conclusion, I can affirm that both generations have brought an importance to the
development of the standard of living in Romania. My parents' generation taught us the
importance of physical labour, and my generation taught us the importance of intellectual

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