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Jerzy Rubach
Fonologia (copyright by Jerzy Rubach)

Kurpian Polish

/ ltf / wjtszn mja /

t jst jg zdr /

jl t tšba tset /

tn tl  de /

xt t stratow /

d / pknt tfo /

f tsawej wzdb /

dz j wpsuj /

b tsk p tb /


1. Labial Decomposition

p’ b’ → pɕ bʑ, as in piasek [pɕɑsɛk] and biały [bʑɑwɨ]

f’ v’ → fɕ vʑ (Decomposition) → ɕ ʑ, Labial Deletion, f v → Ø,

as in figurka [ɕɪgorka] , wiewiórka [ʑɛʑorka]

m’ → mɲ (Decomposition) → ɲ (Labial Nasal Deletion, m → Ø), as in miasto [ɲastɔ].

2. w-Insertion before [ɔ] and [u], as in ozdoba [wzdba], ul [wul].

3. j-Insertion before [i], as in igła [jɪgwa].

4. Word-final –ą is tense [o] s in twą [tfo].

5. Nasal Backing ɛ → ə /— [+nasal], as in ten [tən].

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