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The history of Europe from the eighteenth century to the present forms a vast canvas

amenable to study from myriad perspectives. The modern European faculty at the
University of Chicago is particularly strong in the history of France, Germany, the
Habsburg Empire and its successor states, Eastern Europe, and Jewish history. We
are, with the help of colleagues in other fields and other departments, able to support
students engaged in colonial history, and the history of the Mediterranean and Atlantic
worlds. Dissertations both within national boundaries and transcending them are
encouraged, as are a wide range of methodological approaches including cultural,
intellectual, political, and social history. Sub-specialties of faculty and students include
gender, urban, economic, and military history as well as the history of art, religion,
human sciences, race, and critical theory.

 Interdisciplinary Approaches to Modern France and the Francophone World

 Social Theory

 Transnational Approaches to Modern Europe

 Center in Paris

 France Chicago Center

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