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A 700 year Prophecy is Being Fulfilled NOW!

In 1321, the Last Cathar Perfect, Guillaume Belibaste, was burned at the stake by the inquisition.
The High Spiritual Initiate, made a prophecy before he died:

“In 700 years the laurel will become green again, good people will return”
2021 is the fulfillment of this prophecy.

Cathars considered the Laurel to be the sacred symbol of pure love. When inquisitors executed Cathars,
the Martyrs said: “the laurel wilts, pure love dies.”
But they possessed holy faith and new that one day the Laurel would become green again.

The souls of “the PURE”, the Cathars, the Bogomils, are returning at this age! Who were the Cathars?

They appeared first in the 10th century in the Balkans, (Bulgaria), they were Christians that wanted to
revive the true apostolic Christianity.

In the 11th century, hundreds of thousands of them were chased from the Bulgarian lands and settled all
over Europe and became known as Cathars.

In Europe alone there were 50 million people who followed Catharism (In France, Italy, Germany, etc) till
they were fully eradicated and killed by the Inquisition which was created specifically to destroy Catharism
(the pure hearted ones).

Cathars lived a simple life. They shared what they had, fed the needy, provided employment in their artisan
workshops, consoled and cared for the sick.

They lived according to the virtues of early apostolic Christianity: unlimited kindness, perfect purity, sacred
love, peace, divine wisdom and divine justice. They did not reject anyone. Cathars were a peaceful people
who found millions of followers. They initiated every devoted member into Higher states of consciousness,
after purification period (catharsis). They knew secrets of the universe and the Creation...

In all places that Cathar/ Bogomil values were accepted, people lived in societies ahead of their time, with
material and spiritual prosperity that was unknown in neighboring feudal societies.

Women had equal rights to men, and were also priests and rulers, everyone was given free education and
could read and write, everything was possessed mutually.
All this during the Dark ages when most other people were feudal slaves that lived in conditions barely
above animals.

The Cathar and Bogomil societies were so ahead of their times, they were the first ones to create and live
by the motto: “Freedom, equality and brotherhood.” Way before the French Revolution, and way before the
age of “Aquarius” which is when all humanity will start living by these principles.

The Ideals and principles of the Cathars started the Renaissance and the raising of the human
consciousness. Some famous Cathars are: Leonardo Da Vinci, Miguel de Cervantes, Shakespeare,
Ramon Llull.

My dear friends, many of you are those souls, that were persecuted, killed by the millions, suppressed for
their advanced humanistic ideals and pure love, 700 years ago. We have come back like the prophecy
said- 700 years from when the last of us were killed, so we can recreate the ideal society of Love Freedom
and Brotherhood which was way ahead of its time before, but now ITS time has COME!

2021 is when the Love and good people return to take over from the dark forces! It was ordained by God
and nothing can overturn this!

2021 is right when Saturn and Jupiter join in Aquarius and the principles of “Freedom, Equality and
Brotherhood” can be incarnated!
So fear not, some forces in power might have other plans for humanity, might try to suppress the voice of
the Pure ones who have returned, but nothing can stop us from fulfilling our destiny and legacy!

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