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No of words: 1500

No of references: 5

References Style: APA

Question: The Doll′s House″ by Ibsen. In a multi-paragraph essay, analyze whether Nora is justified in her
decision to leave her husband? Express your point of view. To support your position on the issue, discuss
reasons Torvald offers Nora to make her stay in


In your introduction: (200 words)

In your thesis, state whose position do you agree with and why. In your body
paragraphs: Support your position on the question asked by the prompt. For example,
depending on your point of view, you could find examples of Nora’s position as a
“doll wife” in the family and consider how her relationship with her husband suffers
as a result of unequal balance of power in their marriage. Of course, if you disagree
with her decision, (after all, she leaves three children behind), offer examples to
support your point of view.
Analysis (1100 words)
Before making up your mind, take the setting (historical context when the play was
written) into consideration (you can research it, and include some ideas in your paper
and incorporate 2-3 direct quotations or paraphrases from the one (only) source you
researched). Use your own reasoning and your own language. The main source used
should be ″The Doll′s House″ by Ibsen. You can use only one outside source. Use a
variety of quotations and paraphrases to persuade the reader of your opinion. You can
insert quotations and/or paraphrases into any paragraph of your essay--do not

In your conclusion: (200 words)

Offer some insight into the nature of modern marriage and the power balance in the
family. (Alternatively, you can integrate this information in your introduction). Please
upload a detailed outline as your first page. No need to submit a works cited page.
Paper should be 3 and a half to four pages--double spaced. (Plus your outline--single

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