TC Chapter 5

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Chapter V BEHAVIORAL MANAGEMENT a Learning Objectives: | At the end of the chapter students will be able to: 4. Introduce the concept of behavior management through the use of various behavior shaping tools to residents. 2. Institutionalize the practice of behavior shaping tools to foster behavior change among residents. 3. Highlight the importance of behavior management in relation to the other TCMP components towards attitudinal change among residents. INTRODUCTION : ement is a component of Therapeys iy Healy Progam (TCME) hat ntoduces he So or tenants shaping tools to include Morning and ee to facilitate the management of and shay Meeting in ae residents. This shows the essential elem elt ethes ecaatels of the tools which would provide the comm, nity and Se cr juage, increase cohesiveness and adapt to the Mora} Se heheitoral cade of he tole application. The behavior shaping ae are ordered in hierarchy to provide enough room for Persona growth and learning. The community serves as a dynamic TV p force that motivates the individual to achieve positive behavior change. Figure 1. Hierarchy of Behavior Shaping Tools PRE-MORNING MEETING Duration/ Frequency: Fifteen minutes daily Participants: Senior residents, Counselor Pre-Morning Meeting is done early in the Morning Meeting. Senior members of the for about fifteen (15) Minutes to discuss the s day. It is also where thi i to the concerns discussed are ede formulate da endees will also discuss the activities to be cu the the Morning Meeting and make sure that all participants aon with their corresponding parts and determine the amolniteparie to be allotted for each part, he group will agree on the the = concept of the ay. is make sure that everything is tories Ott rior to the conduct of the lorning Meeting su idati pull-ups and other COncarrtel 9 g such as the validation of MORNING MEETING Duration/ frequency: One hour daily Participants: All residents, Counselor Morning Meeting is a daily ritual that starts the day in a TC facility. It is attended by the whole community and lasts for an hour. It commences with the Opening Prayer, Singing of the Philippine National Anthem and the recitation of the TC Philosophy. Itis usually facilitated by any member of the community. It is divided into two (2) parts namely: (1) public announcements and community concerns and (2) community-spirit building or up rituals. The first part of the meeting consists. of public announcements regarding important activities or businesses and other information that the community needs to know. It is a review of how the community performed in the previous day and check on the behavior of erring members through the conduct of “pull-ups”. A Pull up is done as an expression of concern over the lapses of some members and encourage ownership of mistakes on the violators./ The pull-up is followed by affirmations of good deeds, display Pp followed by ai g' Trish acts of some Of responsible concern towards peers or unsel Residents, This is to show that ns deeds are not left unnoticed of eave a feeling of self-worth to those concerned. The fi "e ” Morning Meeting is a serious business where the | « ,XPected to be formal in their demeanors. Rules are No side talking, no cross legging, no laughing, han Sit erect, _ The Concept of the Day serves as 4 guide he community is headed for the day. It is #8 f the community to have a better unde! The concept of the day is preferably taken from the ! phies of TCMP. i ists of entertain art of the meeting consis ini The so Pe up the mood and start the day on a positive presentation wd ome talents and shed off inhibitions of note. It somehow develops S' participants PARTS OF THE MORNING MEETING COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT/CONCERNS a. Opening Prayer (Ecumenical) b. Singing of the Philippine National Anthem (Flag must be displayed) c. TC Philosophy (Adopted translation) | d. Announcements > Staff (Director, Asst. Director, Counselor & other personnel) » Residents (Coordinators, Dept Heads, Expediters) » Report on Dorm Inspection by Chief Expediter e. Community Concerns » Pull-ups/ elaboration > Affirmations f. Concept of the Day g. Verse of the Day I. UP- RITUALS h. News casting (Local, Natl, International, Sports and Weather News) i. Entertainment (Choose either Song, Dance, Skit Humorous Story) = J i. Community Singing (Any song that has Concept of the Ba) | tf y k. Greetings whole concep’ Unwritten Philoso| I Figure 1. Hierarchy of Behavior Shaping Tools HIERARCHY OF BEHAVIOR SHAPING TOOLS ihe [o Behavior Shaping Tools (BST) is employed to within thew process and the practice of more adaptive BST. s he social learning environment/ The Ren as the Talk To, Pull-up, Dealt me sean General Meeting and Expulsion Norms Thue behaviors of the residents that Wide to e Hierarchy of Behavior Shaping determine which of the tools are (i tion or violations committed b severity of the infrac latio ; a ae the TC Rules as shown in Figure 1. TALK TO A “Talk To” is an outright correction done by any member of the TC community to another member who has done a minor infraction but is not aware of it. It is a friendly reminder/advice about an unacceptable behavior and must be done privately. During a “Talk To”, the resident is made aware of his/her negative behavior and the results it may have on others and the environment. The feedback given to the resident who committed mistake is done in a positive way. This is to evoke awareness on the part of the violators to avoid committing the same mistake and be given heavier sanctions if done in the future. PULL-UP A Pull-up is done as a result of lack, missed or lapses in awareness in a resident. All the members of the community are responsible to pull-up minor infractions done by peers/It encourages. honesty, demeanor awareness and owning up to one's mistakes. This is done when the violator is unknown and must be validated first prior to bringing up in the Morning Meeting. ) Pull-ups create a certain degree of dissonance on the guilty party whereby there is a strong internal conflict whether to practice honesty or continue to live in a lie. When the resident is able to overcome the impulse to lie and start practicing honesty, his commitment to live by the TC standards increases. The resident receiving the pull-up is expected to listen without saying a word, assume that it is valid, quickly display the corrected behavior and express gratitude in receiving it. After one member did the pull-up, other residents who want to show Cone can make elaborations to give emphasis to the infractions é concretize the admonitions that need to be relayed to the violator. Two to three elaborations are ideal. Too many elaborations are discouraged as they May oe so much time. Focus should be given to the behavior and of the person. It is meant to raise awareness and not to Oa embarrass the violator. Personal attacks, shaming or the be racist language are strictly forbidden during pull-ups. It : zed that pull-ups are done out to avoid creating negative feelings iinaedeae casiond a situation wherein no one stood owned r raised in the pull-up, the resident dome he down the Pull-Up to make it clear and era th e and time of the occurrence. In the event that nobody stood to own it up, the resident doing the Pull-Up will instead ask the community to stand and there, he/she will deliver his pull- ddressing the entire family believing that the violator is a isibility of the whole community. pil e! Example of a Pull-up: The moderator asks for someone who has a Pull-up. A member raises his hand and declared: “Who among my brothers/ sisters did not flush the toilet after using it early in the morning?” (Sinu-sino sa ating mga kapatid na naririto ang hindi nagbuhos ng tubig sa palikuran (kubeta) pagkatapos kaninang umaga?) A few people stood up to admit the pull up. The resident doing the Pull-Up then gives his/her admonition/advice to the violators. The moderator asks for elaborations. All members attending the Morning Meeting must raise thelr hands to show their concerns. It is noted that a q mast Be asked mentioning the circumstances using the 3Ws (What, t and When). The violators are not allowed to talk or respond but just stand, face the community and accept the admonitions. The number of elaborations depends upon the number of Pull-Ups. The More Pull-Ups brought in, the less elaborations. af 1 elaboration: “Brothers/sisters, we should aware of our actions. Going to the toilet is a rout pe that we should flush it after using to keep it ¢ ays think of other people who might use it after 2" elaboration: “Brothers/ si ; isters, ee anes in the past are should be corrected here. in order. Flushing the toilet is a basic 4 nO remind ic hyo ers. We should always practice cleal 3" el; i Slaboration: “Brothers/ sisters the | Powe loings. Let us leave all of those behing re aye enaytepee ee and give consideration to other peers ‘We should not impose on others what we don't want to Reopens ourselves. Before leaving the toilet, make sure that you heveldene what you are expected to do. Please be responsible.” DEALT WITH Dealt With is done when negative behavi to the House Rules/Norms are done for the sec offense by a resident. Ors OF infractions ond time of same Apanel of three (3) composed of a senior a friend are tasked to deliver a serious and ste: subjected resident. resident, Peer and Tl reprimand to the Although the tool does Not strict! a Staff, to attain its Purpose, the staff sh ensure that the panel assigned to the tas| It is done Privately in a room or an are: the conversation. YY require the Presence of ould monitor its Conduct to K really acted appropriately, ‘a with no other else hearing Figure 2 shows the Dealt With Formation, Figure 2. Dealt With Formation HAIRCUT ‘ $ ‘ Paka Haircut is done when negative behaviors i ee the House Rules/Norms in same offense are done of Se aa! or more or for first time grave offenses. It is a cai ctured verbal reprimand given by i y a Staff Senior Resident, Peer, Big Brother, od De Head (Figure 3). The tone is more serious and can be loud. Ton harsh and exaggerated ae This is done to induce anxiety and eventually change the erson’s behavior. Before the group calls in the person, they will discuss among themselves the order of speakers, how intense the haircut will be and what sanctions will be given if any. The resident is then called inside and waits until he is asked to sit. He will be asked if he knows the reason for his appearance. After the person's response, he will be asked to sit and remain silent to enable him/her absorb all the advices. The haircut gives emphasis on the behavior of the resident and the severity of the haircut should be appropriate to the gravity of the offense. Each member of panel is given ample time to express himself without interruption from the other members. The staff or peer who booked the haircut should not be part of the team so as to avoid bias or subjectivity. Before a resident be subjected to Haircut, his/her infraction must be first investigated, discussed and decided by the Disciplinary Board (Book II, Rule 2, Section 4 of the BJMP Manual. Sanction/Learning Experience that has been decided upon by the jail Disciplinary Board and the TCMP staff will be imposed after the Haircut. Figure 3, Haircut Formation LEARNING EXPERIENCE ALearning Experience (LE) is an action or activity given to a resident who was subjected to Haircut or General Meeting who did an infraction to correct or modify a behavior. LE may be task oriented. written task or peer interactions. Since TCMP is educational rather than punitive in its approach to behavioral change, the LE should be done in a way that would remind the person of the negative attitude he has done without compromising his human dignity, The intent of the LE is not to stigmatize the person but to motivate hi 4 to make restitutions for the wrong doings he committed and redeem himself in the community. The LE should be related to the infraction Committed for him to focus on the behavior expected of him in the community. It should not be given as a punishment but rather a Motivation to develop more positive attitude. This will develop a sense of Tesponsibility on him while stressing his inadequacies. LE should be realistic and humane. Putting a person on LE for more than ‘one (1) week may lessen the learning objective. Putting the person on LE for an extended period of time or sanctions that are far harsher than the offense or may deny him of the basic necessities may border on abuse and violation of human rights. Close supervision with clear goals increases the effectiveness of the sanction. Upon lifting the LE after seven (7) days, the resident subjected to the tool will be accorded with a Senior Resident coming from his/her Static Group who will pice guidance and continually monitors the performance in the owe 2 the former. The senior resident assigned will give a sal oron a fifteen (15) days on how the resident (who UNGeraeN Ms out his meso lala an . e mee weet pele fat) ndition whether he/she needs re in gg LE lies in the Disciplinary Board and TCMP staff. in hi: sibilities in * Ifa resident has been missing out in his aha ing te the kitchen, he can be assigned as in charg kitchen for a specific period of time. * If a resident repeatedly leaves his bed be asked to provide orientation and residents on how to keep their beds nea in disarray, he 2" supervision t0 t at all times: a Task-Oriented ce e Pots and Pans e Grounds and Landscaping e Cleaning and Maintenance e Time keeping (wake up calls, lights out calls) b. Written tasks e Composition or Essay e Reproduction of TCMP Materials c. Peer Interaction «Reading and reporting of topic Announcements (Morning Meeting or House Meeting) e Bans BANS Bans are sanctions to members who commit repeatedly infractions or violation to the Cardinal Rules by prohibiting, disallowing or limiting an activity or affiliation to a group. It somehow curtails some fre association. This sanction causes unpleas people try to avoid hence may evoke behavioral future. It must be applied consistently after the adverse Ss enould emphasize the negative consequences. Privileges limit oa have impact but must not limit individual ability to meet per e hygiene, nutritional and emotional needs. A resident Sd ie a must be first processed in a General Meeting called | Ose. Samples of Bans: Regulation of visiting privilege Banned from attending Entertain activities GENERAL MEETING d breach to the Cardinal Rules necessitates a Senet “eating. Such issue should be discussed with the community to point out to the violator the negative effect the behavior had on the community. Such offense includes sexual acting-out wih a fellow resident, taking drugs and engaging in physical fight with another resident. Other facilities include stealing or even smokin, as part of the Cardinal Rules. These behaviors pose a threat to the community because they violate the established order and safety of the facility. Pre ure ii ral i 1. A General Meeting is called and led by a senior member of the staff, usually the Director of the facility. The extent of the problem is assessed to determine who among the community members are involved in the incident. Those guilty of the offense are asked to sit in a prospect chair. This is to arouse anxiety and dissonance. 2. The Director sets the tone of the meeting and leads the community in an open expression of opinions and feelings regarding the offense brought out into the community. He holds the community accountable for the slip of its members as each is considered his “brother's keeper”. The Director opens the floor for feedbacks, inviting the community for self- reflection and accountability. The formation of the General Meeting is shown in Figure 4. Example: Director: “Good afternoon family! We are gathered here this afternoon because two members of our community badly need our help. They engaged in a physical fight which caused some injuries in both of them. We have to ask ourselves how we failed them. Why did we miss this brewing hostility between the 2 of them? Remember, we are their keepers but we let en sal by allowing them to harbor the hatred towards oa a lack without us noticing it or doing something about it. tie awareness to detect the subtle signs that this Inck g , because coming. Now, our brothers are in this predic you to a> we were remiss in our duties to care for them. ore account to me what led to this. John: “Good afternoon family. I'm Mari 's. bi brother but | failed to notice that So Ee son on between them. | was preoccupied with my own heien that | failed to talk to any of them these past few days. Had | tried to reach out, | might have learned something and could have prevented this thing from happening. | feel guilty about it These revelations are open to other members of the community. ‘As soon as the mood is set and the level of awareness of the community is raised, the leader calls for the violators to face the entire community. The leader encourages the community to express their feelings about the offense committed by the violators. Example: Peter: “Mario and Greg, | am very disappointed with what you did. You were supposed to be our role models but what you did just showed us how immature the both of you in resorting to violence as a way of resolving your conflict. You had been in the community for quite some time and we expect you to know how to control your anger and use the hope you can be more tools of the house to express them. | patient and tolerant of each other. | really feel bad about what happened. After some members of the community have expressed their feelings, it is time for the violators to account for what they did, share their deepest feelings and verbalize what they learned from the mistake. Example: Mario: “Good afternoon family! | would like to aj {oy my behavior. | had been harboring this dislike ree for quite some time and | just kept it to my ‘i at other people might judge me. It just started, 'Sagreement. | didn’t think that it will develop Until it came to a boiling point. should have shared my feelings in the proper fo ee caulg have resolved it without resorting to vio ned my lesson and | want to apologize to Greg 7 behavior. | hope we can start all over again as friends,” Greg will be given the chance to make a Statement as well, 5. After the violators made their statements and offer commitments, the Director will mark the closure of the issue and allow for processing of the events that transpired and provide appropriate emotional Support to the violators who have just been subjected to intense emotional experience, Sanction will then be Given to the violators, Legend: > > Director/Statt QO - Subjected Residents @) - Residents Figure 4. General Meeting Formations EXPULSION + incomoibies a In extreme cases, when a resident is incortatieg jal becomes a threat to the community cee th disturbances), the Director with the a jail faciily Disciplinary Board may transfer him/her to the with an appropriate Court Order. 29 me

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