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Process flow for Inbound Operations

Assumption – Seller is aware of shipment creation on seller central, FBA shipment id, Amazon Reference
FBA Shipment ID – Shipment plan created on seller central where seller decides products which he
intends to inbound in Seller flex.
Amazon Reference id - Alphanumeric number (Eg: “8LG7D3OT”) generated against FBA shipment id.

To inbound shipments in Dropship 2.0 seller should keep Amazon Reference id handy, seller should wait
at least 30-45 mins to start inbounding post shipment id creation on seller central. Only Reference id to
be used for inbounding.

1. Seller to have FNSKU label pasted on each item as per Shipment id plan. – (FNSKU label to be
generated from seller central post creation of shipment, any A4 PDF printer can be used to print
FNSKU Stickers )
2. Seller takes printout of Shipment plan and physical products on pallet/cart to initiate
inbounding (Shipment plan – It is list of product with identifiers such as product name, FNSKU,
ASIN that are created for a FBA shipment id through seller central – Source Seller Central , Any
PDF printer).

Mark Inventory as Receive:

1. Seller takes the pallet into demarcated area (Area for Inbounding).
2. Login to dropship 2.0 ( using registered email id and password. (Seller
should have a customer account with the email id for which he seeks access).
3. Click on Inventory

4. Click on Receive
5. Scan or Enter the Amazon Reference ID from Shipment plan print out.

6. Scan or type the product FNSKU pasted on product.

7. Update the “Good Qty” as per FNSKU count available physically on pallet (it should be in line
with Shipment id plan, Good Qty is prime inventory available physically on cart). Damaged
Goods are not to be inbounded this will be covered in Return processing (Different tool to grade

7. Click on Receive

8. Continue the process 7-10, till all the FNSKU’s have been marked as received.
9. Once all the SKU’s have been received go back to inventory tab.

Mark Inventory as Store:

This is process where FNSKU’s are assigned Bin Number.

1. Click on Store

2. Scan or Enter the Amazon Reference ID from Shipment plan print out (Point 6).

3. Scan FNSKU
4. Enter the “Good Qty” as per FNSKU count available physically on pallet/cart (it should be in line
with Shipment id plan).

5. Scan the Bin number in which product should be stowed. (Dropship 2.0 has Bin layout for each
node auto assigned during the time of providing access, to generate corresponding barcode for
bin numbers “online barcode generator” and any PDF printer can be used.)
6. Place the product physically in the bin.

7. Click on store.

8. Continue process 13 – 17 until all FNSKU have been stored.

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