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UZB341E Measurement Techniques, Fall 2020

Design of Experiments for an Online Measurement Techniques Course

Hoping that the pandemic will be over soon, you are expected to design

- Exp#1 : measurement of a quantity (e.g. pressure) several times and elimination of

spurious data using Chauvent’s criterion.
- Exp#2 : calibration of a measurement device and the measurement of an unknown
quantity afterwards
- Exp#3 : measurement of a time dependent data, spectrum analysis, Nyquist criterion

Report (Deadline: January 24, 2021 24:00) should include :

- The details of your experimental setup design (tools you used, applications and/or
softwares you used, the cost)
- The details of the experimental procedure
- The details of the measurement and the data acquisition
- The details of data analysis and comments on the results
- Appendices:
o Report formats matching what you wrote including the items above [see the
Report Formats (Ninova) you used]
o Short description of the experiments and the expectations, requirements, etc.
[see the General_Info (Ninova) you used]
o The details of the team effort

You are also expected to prepare a short presentation as a group (max 6 min (sharp!), there will
be 3 min for questions => 9 minutes for each group).

Some smartphone applications: Sensor Kinetics (Apple), Acceleration sensor logger (Apple),
Sensor Record (Android), Sensor Kinetics Pro (Android)

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