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Read the text below to answer questions 1 5.

Emily will work in the area of:

- 10: a) sales.
b) administration.
Kevin Clothing and Shoes c) maintenance.
Fortaleza, Ceará. d) information technology.

Emily, 6. For Emily to be admitted she needs to do:

Through this e-mail, I come to inform you that your a) exercises.
resume has been analyzed by our company and b) proof.
that you have been approved to be part of our c) reading.
team. We will be very happy to have you as a sales d) exams.
supervisor. But you need to do some exams to be
admitted. Therefore, you need to appear 7. No trecho: “But you need...”, a palavra grifada
tomorrow, 02/17/2021, at 9 am, in the human estabelece ideia de
resources room for more information. a) adição.
b) oposição.
We wait for you! Thanks! c) explicação.
Thomas Charlie (Human Resources Manager) d) dúvida.
February 16, 2021, Fortaleza, Ceará!
8. What is the purpose of the text?
a) Inform about a job approval.
1. What is the genre of the text? b) Describe a work history.
a) Ticket. c) Narrating an important event.
b) Office. d) Advertise a digital product about marketing.
c) Curriculum.
d) E-mail.
9. What time should Emily attend the Company?
2. The subject of the message sent is about: a) Nine o'clock at night.
a) Job. b) Six o'clock in the afternoon.
b) Holidays. c) Eight o'clock in the afternoon.
c) Debt. d) Nine o'clock in the morning.
d) School.
10. According to the text, what expression was
3. What was analyzed by Kevin Clothing and used for Thomas Charlie to say goodbye?
Shoes? a) Excuses!
a) A letter. b) Bye!
b) A newspaper. c) What's new?
c) A message. d) Thank you!
d) A resume.

4. Segundo o texto, qual profissão está sendo

ofertada pela empresa para a Emily?
a) Gerente.
b) Administradora.
c) Supervisora.
d) Técnica.

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