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First picture is from Rebecca and she also left a message saying

"It working for me yall 🥲 I normally get acne on the side I sleep on & my skin has
so clear ✨ Thank you thank you thank you. "

Second picture is from Scarlett saying

"Note how much more glowy and hydrated my skin is and how many fewer spots there

Third picture is from Grace C and she said

"Have seen an improvement already and it's been a week! The pillowcases are so
and comfortable too"

so as we can see here there are different types of skins and they are each getting
better and i dont really
know about different types of skins and what each of them need for their treatments
but in conclusion
this pillowcase could help treat generally almost any kind of skin because it
solves the root problems
of acne with its material and features.

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