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Build Reading Where do you belong below? ho's a giant (of a man) she's an Amazon extremely tall tallish above average height medium build he's she's got a good figure he's/she's well-built stocky petite plump thin built Ike a barrel* aaiorerren , ‘ ¢ apipe cleaner* he's as square / big round as he's tall theres motte obken obese? like a lamp-post® overweight puny-looking* cet slight and slender ‘muscular stim below average height on the short side snort tiny a midget Ienee-high to a grasshopper /an ant Practice [1) Discuss or write the answers to these questions, 1. Which of the above adjectives and phrases would suit a student in your class or a member of your family? 2 Do you think your build sometimes determines your character? If so, how? 8 What sort of build should gymnasts, footballers and weight-lifters have? 4 Which word in each pair of words would you prefer people to use about you? Why? 1 skinny/slim 5 plump / stocky 7 2 well- built / corpulent 6 short / below average height 7 a midget / knee-high to an ant 8 overweight / obese 4 all skin and bones / there's more fat on achip Add any other expressions about your or other people's build as you meet them. one QD enatish -£0m Srivtins fay English Tracers b. When he was young my dad was short, sli im and wiry. He played rugby, and he was very fast and strong. But now, well, he’s put on a bit of weight, and he would best be described as c. My friend Sara has always been a bit chubby yy, and over Christmas she ate lots of good food, and got depressed because she was really overweight. So she went on a crash diet, lost loads ‘of weight, and started working out at the gym. She's transformed. Now, she's 5 Write a description of someone you know well, a friend or a relative, Whose appearance has changed. What did they look like before, and what do they look like now? Why and how did they change? Prepare to discuss these questions. How would you describe your own appearance? Who do you take after in your family? What physical characteristics do you find attractive? How would you describe the physical appearance of your ideal man/woman? Do you think the way we look is important? a. when finding a partner b. when making friends c. at work a aON= Interview your partner. ap onuae r 7 ke - — bald head shaved head undercut . cropped hair “up Reading Think about hair first. Notice the different descriptions of hair in the two life stories below. Then read the advertisements, Him Her at birth: thick Get) black hair a few mousy strands aged 3: curly brown hair ir in bunches fastened with slides, grips and ribbons at 12: acrew cut hair in plaits, otherwise ~ an early skinhead completely straight at 16 long sideboards, spikey in abun at 19 shoulder-length hair back-combed, with a ponytail at 23: Wavy, swept back, with January: she's a blonde aside parting March: she's a brunette May: she’s a redhead (she’s got auburn hair) July: she's ash-blonde October: she's dyed it pink at 28 neat style with afringe _ frizzy, slightly streaked at 35. a few grey hairs combed forward, a few highlights at 40: his hans receding she's greying at 45: distinguished, but he’s her hair's thinning, so she's balding experimenting with a wig at 50: he’s trying a toupee her hair's going white fast at 56: completely bald the wig’s matted, unmanageable, so she has a blue rinse CLOVER AHEAD OF TIME SHAMPOO Unisex Hair Salon for dry, normal and greasy hair ‘Trim £6 50 gets rid of split ends Cut and Blow Dry £15.00 flyaway hair will be athingof the past. Perm(anent Waving) £27 50 fights dandruff ‘Razor cutting $2.60 extra gives your hair body Highlights from £2500 5 good reasons to start using CLOVER! ractice the left are some adjectives ofien used to desenbe @ d. Cover the right-hand column and see if you ean Now look at facial features. On particular part of the face or he tell which pa (s] 10 thick, chi i 11 wide, mean ips mouth And here you cun see most of these features in these two pictures Demonstrate the actions I listed below and explain when you would use them: smack your lips raise your eyebrows prick up your ears mouth something flutter your eyelashes purse your lips blow your nose puff out your cheeks turn your nose up eorsseene Keep the right-hand column covered, On the left are some definitions of facial features. Write or say what they are.Then find the appropriate word on the right. 1 openings in the nose the tongue 2 the soft lower parts of the cars eyelids 3 flat parts on the side of the face above the cheek-bones moustache 4 hair that grows on the chin and jaw the complexion 5 the bony case that protects the brain nostrils 6 the tissue our teeth are in the brow 7 the passage from the mouth towards the stomach abeurd 8 the semi-poetic name for the forchead gums 9 the colour and state of the skin on the face lobes 10 hair that grows above the upper lip temples 11 the movable skin which opens and closes the eyes the throat 12 the organ used for tasting, swallowing and speech the skull the picture Then cover the words and test your memory while nguishing featu Tn7on the body external a wart ry 2 brian sae a mole a body (e.g. tongue, navel) pierein i oe eee pimple lasses/spectacles Spots fasseye zit false teeth dentures carbuncle or boil (fordinculo) ‘contact lenses blackhead stye bags (under your eyes) cold sore freckles dimples ‘moustache (thick, thin, bushy, clipped, curly, droopy, handlebar, military, pencil, toothbrush, tufty, walrus) beard (bristling, bushy, full, shaggy, patchy, stragely, wispy, goatee, pointed) a scar wrinkles- laughter lines ~frown lines- crow’s feet (patas de gallo) Wart: a small hard lump on the skin, esp. of the face or hands. Birthmark: a usu. red or brown mark on the skin at birth. Mole: a small, dark brown, slightly raised mark on a person's skin, usu. there since birth. Beauty spot: a dark-coloured mark on the skin. Pimple = spot=zit (AmE): a small raised infected spot on the skin (esp. of the face), usu. containing pus Carbuncle: a large painful BOIL (~swelling under the skin). Blackhead: a small spot on the skin with a black centre. Stye: an infected place on the edge of the eyelid, usu. red and swollen, Dimple: a small hollow place on the skin, esp. one formed in the cheek when a person smiles. Dimples are usu. considered attractive. Freckles: small flat brown spots on the skin. ‘Wrinkles: a small line or fold, esp. on the skin owing to age, worry, tiredness, ete. Cold sore: a sore on the lips or inside the mouth, that often comes with a cold or fever stud; a large nail with a large head, used for decoration, Nose: a large ja large ie ofthe forehead, usually by Hindu women. 47 ao A Clothes At this level you probably already know most of the everyday words for clothes, Here are some items of clothing or parts of them which are perhaps less familiar. Gz lvs & QME =m GE toys Ro sippes colar pe, ics) ee [Notice that most items of clothing covering the legs are plural words only and, if you wish (0 count them, you need to say, eg "Six pairs of trousers’. (See Unit 24.) Here are some words used to describe materials which clothes are often made of. These ‘words can be either nouns or adjectives. silk cotton velvet corduroy denim leather wa0l/woollen suede Here are some adjectives used to describe the patterns on materials pin-striped —_polka-dotted ——_spotted. plain 5 HHS Oo stripe = flowery’ checked tartan Here are some verbs associated with clothing, He undressed / got undressed, throwing all his clothes on the floor. She quickly dressed the child ove dressing up for parties as normally wear jeans. Can I try on those grey shoes in the window? ‘The skirt is too tight and too short ~it needs letting out and letting down. ‘The dress is to0 loose and too long, ~it needs taking in and taking up. She took off her shoes and put on her shippers. He changed out of his weekend clothes into his uniform. Red usually doesn’t suit people with ginger hair. Her black bag matches her shoes. “Those shoes don’t fit the boy any more. He's grown out of them. Here are some adjectives for describing people’s clothing. ‘How things fit: baggy loose tight _close-fitting Style: long-sleeved V-neck round-neck seruffy chic trendy with:

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