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"Teaching is the only profession that creates all other professions.

" A famous quote that reflects the

importance of a teacher in our society. Teaching profession is about instilling something in a student's
heart and mind. It doesn't matter how you look, what race you are, where you are in life, how old you
are, or, most importantly, what gender you are when it comes to teaching. What matter the most is how
you will be able to pass on to your learners the knowledge, inspiration, motivation, and good manners
that they needed in reaching their dreams and in dealing with all the challenges that they may face in
the present and in the future.

The first thing we discussed in this final work was who would be the teacher we would interview, who
would do the interview, and who would edit the newsletter. We first sought permission from the
interviewees before proceeding with the interview. As we completed this final work, I realized that we
should appreciate all of the world's educators because they play such an important role in our lives.
Because of this final work, I am even more determined to study so that I can one day become a full-
fledged teacher. And when that day comes, I will do everything to bring out the best in my students and
inspire them to achieve greatness. Our learners are the nation's and humanity's future, and as their
teacher, I will be a reliable guide for their progress. In addition, I want them to remember me as a
capable and effective one.

The teaching profession comprises not just providing academic and extracurricular instruction to pupils,
but also helping them to create a bright future and assisting them in becoming better human beings. The
teacher's job is not just about academics; they are also in charge of the development of the student's
personality. Always keep in mind that anybody can teach, but not everyone can be an effective teacher.

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