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1) Delayed tooth eruption is more common in :

Delayed eruption is more common in children with Down syndrome and hypothyroidism.

2) Malocclusion and crowded teeth are more common in all except :

Malocclusion and crowded Anterior teeth occur more often in children with abnormal muscle tone
(cerebral palsy), mental retardation and craniofacial abnormalities.

3) Increased risk of caries is seen in all except :

Teeth may vary in shape, size, or number. Dental anomalies may increase the risk for caries. Most
commonly found with Muscular Dystrophy, Down syndrome and Cranial dystrophy

4) Which of the following causes gingival hyperplasia :

Gingival hyperplasia usually occurs in children taking anti-epileptic medications for seizures, especially
phenytoin. Medications causing hyperplasia: Phenytoin , Calcium channel blockers , Cyclosporin A.
Chronic gingivitis from poor hygiene can also trigger gingival overgrowth.

5) Bruxism is more common in children with :

Bruxism is more common and often more severe in children with cerebral palsy or severe mental

6) Identify the component of evidence based dentistry :

best research evidence, clinical expertise , patient values.

7) Identify the correct sequence for steps in evidence based dentistry :

The first step is to define a clinically relevant and focused question and develop a search strategy.

The second step focuses on systematically conducted searches utilizing databases for all studies
(e.g. MEDLINE), published or unpublished, that may help to answer a clinically relevant question.
All relevant studies meeting the inclusion criteria are selected and the others excluded.

The third step of the EBD process is focused on translating the findings from systematic reviews for
use by practitioners.

The final step of the EBD process involves assessing the health care outcomes following the
implementation of the findings of the previously outlined steps.

8) Identify full form of PICO :


9) Trustworthiness in evidence based dentistry depends on :


10) Evidence based dentistry does not provide a ____________that dentists must follow.

11) Which among the following scientist described Pink teeth :

Thomas Bell

12) The book on “Fingerprints” was published in 1892 by :

Sir Francis Galton

13) Who among the following is called as the Father of Modern Forensic Odontology?

Dr. Oscor Amoedo

14) Which United States President established Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 1905?

US president Theodore Roosevelt

15) Who suggested that frontal sinuses can be used for identification?


16) Which of the following is not an inherited physical characteristic?

- Inherited (hair color, height, dental features)

- Acquired (surgical scars, previous fractures, dental restorations)

17) By reconstructive identification or dental profiling, which of the following may not be possible?


18) When ante- and postmortem records match including the ante- and postmortem radiographs, it is
suggestive of:

Positive identification: Ante- and postmortem records match must include ante- and postmortem
radiographs Confirms the identification.

19) Which of the following does not help in determining the sex of the deceased?

Sex identification from dentition can be done through detection of sex chromosomes and odontometry.

20) All of the following are non-metric dental traits except:


21) Which of the following statements regarding definition of old age is not true?

The art and science of prevention, diagnosis and management of oral conditions such as caries,
periodontal disease, oral mucosal diseases, head and neck pain, salivary dysfunction, impaired chewing,
tasting and swallowing and its impact on the general health as part of “maintaining a high quality of life in
the elderly patient.” Also known as “Geriodontics”
22) Aging is a biopsychosocial process that includes the following components-

biologic perspective , psychologic component , social perspective , clinical standpoint.

23) Which of the following statements regarding categorizes of aging population according to WHO is
not true?

The world health organization Categorizes Aging Population into four classes:

-Aging individuals 45-60 years old

-Older individuals 61-75 years old
- Old individuals 76-90 years old
-Very Old individuals 91-100 years old

24) Another term refers to Geriatric Dentistry

Also known as “Geriodontics”

25) Geriatric dentistry is the delivery of dental care to all of the following except:

Geriatric dentistry, is the delivery of dental care to older adults involving the diagnosis, prevention, and
treatment of problems associated with normal aging and age-related diseases as part of an interdisciplinary
team with other health care professionals.

26) Old person is expected to suffer from at least one of more chronic medical conditions such as:

27) When aging, gingiva shows all of the following features EXCEPT:

28) All of the following are associated with the changes of the periodontal ligament in elderly EXCEPT:

29) What kind of dental caries often happens to elderly people?

Root caries

30) Diabetes mellitus has the greatest association with which of the following?

31) What is CONSORT?

Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials

32) Steps in evidence based dentistry includes except?

Go to Q 7

33) EBD process is based on?

34) G.V.Black’s classification of cavity preparation does not include :


35) Evidence based dentistry is a

36) Interpretation of survey outcomes in the report mentioned in?

I don’t know

37) Sampling of which age group is EASY in oral health survey?

38) Which age group is used for global comparison/monitoring of dental caries trends?


39) The most appropriate type of questions to know about the exact views of respondents is?

Open ended

40) Most advanced data collection procedure in oral health surveys as per ADA classification?

Type 1

Write a short note on xerostomia?

# Is common among the elderly.

#Affects 1-3 older adults.

# In the elderly, it can be caused by salivary hypofunction secondary to dehydration.

#Xerostomia is a potential side effect of many medications (over 400 medications) which are commonly used
by the elderly (prescribed and over-the counter).

Enumerate common oral findings in patients with special health care needs

Write classification of bite marks by the degree of impression?

1. Clearly defined significant pressure

2. Obviously defined first degree pressure
3. Quite noticeable violent pressure
4. Lacerated skin- violently torn from body.

What are the 4 steps of comparative dental identification? Write briefly about oral autopsy

Has 4 steps
i. Oral Autopsy
ii. Obtaining Dental Records
iii. Comparing The Postmortem And Antemortem Dental Data
iv. Writing A Report And Drawing Conclusion

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