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1. What’s research?

- Gather infor to answer a question or sovle a problem.

2. Three types of research:

- Doctrinal
- Reform-oriented
- Theoretical

Coping mechanism
- Japan’s regulation on ICO and vision for VN – Hoang Le Quan LQT41A
- “thực trạng pháp luật VN về thuế xuất khẩu, thuế nhập khẩu... trong mối
liên hệ so sánh với pháp luật Hoa Kì.” – Lê Trúc Quỳnh, LQT41C
- The prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment: thr
absoluteness and the challenges – Nguyen Thi Ngoc Diep, LQT41C


- Do not directly and per se generate rules which form part of general IL
- Accessible evidence of opinio juris
- The UN Security Council possesses under Chapter VII of

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