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Bùi Ngọc Ánh -18071041

Step 1. Identify the damages of parties

Car A: -

- damage of car: 32 mil.

- business damage: 6 mil.

- personal damage: medicare cost+ income lost: 90+50=140

- civil liability A->B: +property: 60%(28+15)=25.8 mil.

➔ Total damage: 203.8 mil.

Car B:

- damage of car: 28 mil.

- business damage: 15 mil.

- civil liability B->A:

+ property: 40%.(32+6)=15.2 mil.

+ person: 40%.140 = 56 mil.

➔ Total damage: 114.2 mil.

Step 2: Identify indemnity of insurance companies

IC X indemnifies Car A owner:

- damage of car: 32 mil.

- civil liability consists of:

+ property-damage liability: 25.8 mil.

➔ Total indemnity of IC X: 57.8 mil. VND

IC Y indemnifies Car B owner:

- damage of car: 28 mil.

- civil liability:

+property: 15.2 mil (15.2 <50)

+person: 50 mil. (because 56 mil. is more than 50 mil. = liability limit of person) ➔ ---
>Total indemnity of IC Y: 93.2 mil. VND

Step 3: Insurance companies are returned from car owners 

IC X returned from car A owner:  
= 40%*32 = 12.8 mil. 
40%: mistake of car B, 32= damage of car A 
IC Y returned from car B owner: 
= 60%*28 = 16.8 mil. 

60%: mistake of car A, 58= damage of car B 

Step 4: Calculate actual indemnity of insurance companies 

Actual indemnity of IC X to car A owner: 57.8-12.8=45 million VNDs 
Actual indemnity of IC Y to car B owner: 93.2- 16.8=76.4million VNDs 

Step 5: Calculate actual damages of car owners 

Actual damage of car A owner 
Income = 45 (step4) + (15.2+56) (step1) = 116.2 million 
Expense= 203.8 million 
-->Actual damage of car A owner= 203.8- 116.2=87.6 mil.
Actual damage of car B owner 
Income = 76.4+ 25.8 = 102.2 mil.
Expense= 114.2 mil.
-->Actual damage of car B owner= 114.2- 102.2=12 mil.

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