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Eur. J. Biochem.

243, 85-92 (1997)

0 FEBS 1997

Quaternary structure of the extracellular haemoglobin

of the lugworm Arenicola marina
A multi-angle-laser-light-scatteringand electrospray-ionisation-mass-spectrometry analysis
Franck ZAL', Brian N GREEN', Franqois H LALLIER', Serge N VINOGRADOV' and Andrk TOULMOND'
' Equipe Ecophysiologie, Station Biologique, UPMC - CNRS - INSU, Roscoff, France
* Micromass UK Ltd, Altrincham, Cheshire, UK
? Biochemistry Department, School of Medicine, Wayne State University, Detroit, USA

(Received 24 July19 October 1996) - EJB 96 1109/3

To elucidate the quaternary structure of the extracellular haemoglobin (Hb) of the marine polychaete
Arenicola marina (lugworm) it was subjected to multi-angle laser-light scattering (MALLS) and to
electrospray-ionisation mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). It was also subjected to SDS/PAGE analysis for
comparative purposes. MALLS analysis gave a molecular mass of 3648 % 24 kDa and a gyration radius
of 11.3 rt 1.7 nm. Maximum entropy analysis of the multiply charged electrospray spectra of the native,
dehaemed, reduced and carbamidomethylated Hb forms, provided its complete polypeptide chain and
subunit composition. We found, in the reduced condition, eight globin chains of molecular masses
15952.5 Da ( a l ) , 15974.8 Da (a2), 15920.9 Da (bl),16020.1 Da (b2), 16036.2 Da (b3),16664.8 Da (c),
16983.2 Da ( d l ) , 17033.1 Da (d2) and two linker chains Ll, 25 174.1 Da, and L2, 26829.7 Da. In the
native Hb, chains b, c, d occur as five disulphide-bonded trimer subunits T with masses of 49560.4 Da
(TI), 49613.9 Da (T2), 49658.6 Da (T3), 49706.8 Da (T4), 49724.5 Da (T5). Linker chains LI and L2
occur as one disulphide-bonded homodimer 2LI ( D I ) of 50323.1 Da and one disulphide-bonded hetero-
dimer LI-L2 (02) of 51 981.5 Da. Polypeptide chains a and d possess one free cysteine residue and chains
d possess an unusual total of five cysteine residues. Semi-quantitative analysis of ESI-MS data allowed
us to propose the following model for the one-twelfth protomer: [(3aI)(3a2),T'l (Tcorresponding to either
2'3, T4 or T5). From electron micrograph data TI and T2 are probably located at the centre of the molecule
as mentioned in previous studies. The Hb would thus be composed of 198 polypeptide chains with 156
globin chains and 42 linker chains, each twelfth being in contact with 3.5 linker subunits, providing a
total mass of 3682 kDa including haems in agreement with the experimental molecular mass determined
by MALLS. From ESI-MS relative intensities and the model proposed above, the globidlinker ratio gave
0.71 :0.29 and 0.73 :0.27, respectively. The estimation of haem content by pyridine haemochromogen and
by cyanmethaemoglobin (HiCN) methods also support the globin chain number provided by ESI-MS.
Keywords: Arenicola ; haemoglobin ; quaternary structure ; multi-angle laser-light scattering; electrospray
mass spectrometry.

The giant extracellular haemoglobins (Hb) and chlorocruor- HBL Hb to be investigated by ultracentrifugation [7] and by
ins found in annelids [1] and vestimentiferans [2, 31 are charac- transmission electron microscopy (TEM) [8]. Although the func-
terised by an acidic isoelectric point and by an hexagonal sym- tional respiratory properties of A. marina Hb have been well
metry in electron micrographs consisting of two superimposed studied over many years [9-18], its structure remains poorly
hexagonal arrays of twelve spherical subunits, the hexagonal bi- understood despite several electrophoretic studies [19 -241. Re-
layer (HBL). These HBL Hb also contain a low haem and iron duced annelid Hb exhibit a variety of SDS/PAGE patterns and
contents (about 67% of those observed in other Hbs) and consist the establishment of a correlation between unreduced and re-
of two types of chains, globin chains ( ~ 1 6 - 1 8kDa), account- duced Hb subunits is often difficult [25]. This difficulty is prin-
ing for approximately 70% of the total mass, and haem-deficient cipally due to the limited resolution and mass accuracy (5-
linker chains ( ~ 2 4 - 2 8kDa) necessary for the assemblage into 10%) of SDS/PAGE. Recently, a higher resolution (>1500) and
the HBL structure [1, 4-61. The intertidal marine polychaete more accurate technique (0.01 %), electrospray ionisation mass
Arenicola marina (L.) was one of the first 60s ( ~ 3 6 0 kDa)
0 spectrometry (ESI-MS), has been successfully applied to some
HBL Hb allowing the determination of their complete polypep-
Correspondence to F. Zal, Equipe d'Ecophysiologie, Station Biolo- tide chain composition [26-291. These HBL Hb were shown to
gique, B. P. 74, F-29682 Roscoff cedex, France consist of 4-6 globin chains in the range 16-18 kDa and 3-4
Fax: +33 98 29 23 24. linker chains in the range 24-27 kDa. Previous studies by SDS/
Abbreviations. HBL, hexagonal bilayer ; MALLS, multi-angle laser- PAGE on A. marina HBL Hb have shown that the reduced Hb
light scattering; TEM, transmission electron microscopy ; STEM, scan- consists of four types of polypeptide chains of 14000 ( I or A ) ,
ning transmission electron microscopy; ESI-MS, electrospray ionisation 16000 (ZZ or B), 31 000 (IZZ or C) and 35000 Da (ZV or D ) [21,
mass spectrometry ; MaxEnt, maximum entropy. 241. However, Pionetti and Pouyet [20] found five different
86 Zal et al. (Eur: J. Biochem. 243)

polypeptide chains, three around the molecular masses 14000- rad) and destained by diffusion in a 25 % (by vol.) methanol and
16000 Da and two around 30000 Da. Moreover, El Idrissi Slit- 7.5 % (by vol.) acetic acid solution. The relative molecular mass
ine and Toulmond 1241, using two-dimensional electrophoresis, of each constituent polypeptide chain was determined from a
revealed that components A and B could be further separated plot of the log molecular mass versus the mobility of low-molec-
into four polypeptide chains having the same relative molecular ular mass protein standards (LMW, Pharmacia).
mass but different isoelectric points (i.e. A I , A2 and B I , B2). Reverse-phase chromatography. HPLC was performed
Although SDS/PAGE does not seem well suited for the precise using a Synchropack RP 1000 C,, column (100-nm diameter
determination of the quaternary structure of HBL Hb, we have pore size), 4.6 mmX250 mm (SynChrom, Inc.) and a gradient
subjected A. marina Hb to this analysis for comparison with the HPLC system (Waters Chromatography Div., Millipore Corp.)
literature data. as previously described [28]. Linear gradients of water- aceto-
In the present work we provide detailed data on the masses nitrile in 0.1 % aqueous trifluoroacetic acid were used with a
and complete polypeptide chain composition of the native HBL flow rate of 1 ml/min. The absorbance of the eluate was moni-
Hb of the lugworm A . rnarincr as determined by ESI-MS coupled tored at either 220 nm or 400 nm. The chromatographic solvents
with maximum entropy 1301. In addition, using the stoichiome- were reagent grade (J. T. Baker, Inc.). Each fraction was iden-
try of the polypeptide chains and subunits constituting this Hb, tified by SDS/PAGE and the peak areas were estimated by cut-
and an accurate mass measurement of native HBL Hb obtained ting out the chart paper corresponding to the peaks and deter-
by multi-angle laser-light scattering (MALLS), we propose a co- mining its mass.
herent model of the quaternary structure of this HBL Hb. Electrospray-ionisation mass spectrometry. Electrospray
data were acquired on a Quattro 11 (Micromass UK Ltd.) scan-
ning over the mlz range 600-2500 in 10 s/scan and about 45
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES scans were averaged to produce the final spectrum. Sample con-
centrations of 0.5 pg/pl in 1:1 (by vol.) acetonitrile/water con-
Animal collection. Individuals of A. marina were collected taining 0.2% formic acid were introduced into the electrospray
at low tide from a sandy flat near Roscoff (Penpoull beach), source at 5 pllmin. To establish the relationships between the
Nord Finistkre, France, and kept in local running sea water for subunits and their constituent polypeptide chains, a solution of
24 h. Blood samples were withdrawn from the lugworm's the native Hb (5 pg/pl) was reduced with 10 mM dithiothreitol
ventral vessel into glass capillary micropipettes and centrifuged at room temperature (20°C) and pH 8-9 (adjusted with ammo-
for 10 min at 10000 g at 4°C to remove insoluble material. The nium bicarbonate). Incubation was allowed to proceed for typi-
resulting samples were either purified immediately or kept cally 1, 5 , 10 and 20 min, after which 10-pl aliquots of the Hb
frozen (-45°C) until use. solution were diluted with 90 pl of 50% aqueous acetonitrile
Purification technique. Hb solutions were purified by gel containing 0.2% formic acid and analysed by ESI-MS. Car-
filtration on a 1X 30 cm Superose 6-C column (Pharmacia LKB bamidomethylation with iodoacetamide was carried out on the
Biotechnology, Inc.) using a low-pressure FPLC system (Phar- native and reduced Hb for free and total cysteine determination,
macia). The column was equilibrated with a saline buffer as de- respectively, under the same conditions as carboxymethylation
scribed earlier [3]. Flow rate was typically 0.5 ml/min, and the [33]. Deglycosylation was carried out using recombinant N-Gly-
eluate was monitored with an ultraviolet detector (Pharmacia). cosidase F (Boehringer Mannheim Corp.) [34]. Mass scale cali-
The elution product corresponding to the HBL Hb was collected bration employed the multiply charged series from horse heart
and concentrated with a 10-kDa cut-off microconcentrator, Cen- myoglobin (16951.5 Da; Sigma Cat. no. M-1882). Molecular
tricon-10 (Amicon). The column was calibrated with the following masses are based on the atomic masses of the elements given
marker-proteins (HMW, Pharmacia) : aldolase (158 kDa), cata- by IUPAC [35]. The raw ESI-MS spectra were processed using a
lase (232 kDa), ferritin (440 kDa), thyroglobulin (669 kDa). maximum-entropy(MaxEnt)-based approach [36, 371 employing
Multi-angle laser-light scattering. MALLS measurements the MemSysS program (MaxEnt Solutions Ltd.) incorporated as
were performed with a DAWN DSP system (Wyatt Technology part of the VG MassLynx software suite on a 60-MHz Pentium
Corp.) directly on-line with the FPLC system described above. PC .
The eluate was simultaneously monitored with an ultraviolet de- Haem content and protein determination. Haem content
tector and a refractometer (Erma, 7512). The Debye fit method was determined by two different approaches, pyridine haemo-
was used for molecular mass and gyration radius determinations chromogen [38] and HiCN [39] methods with the help of an
[31]. In this method the variation rate of the refractive index as appropriate reagent solution. The reagent was made up as fol-
a function of concentration, dnldc, was set as 0.190 ml/g, typical lows: 0.60 mM K,Fe(CN),, 0.76 mM KCN, 1.62 mM KH,PO,,
for proteins. pH 7.0. The millimolar absorption coefficient is 32.0 at 557 nm
SDSEAGE. SDS/PAGE was carried out on slab gels using for reduced pyridine haemochromogen and 11.0 at 540 for
the discontinuous buffer system of Laemmli [32]. The stacking HiCN. For protein determination, we used the ultraviolet absor-
gel was constituted of 4% and 2.7% of acrylamide and bis- bance as described by Layne [40], using the following equation:
acrylamide, respectively, pH 6.8, and the resolving gel by 10% protein (mg/ml) = 1.55 A,,,)-0.76 A,,, with A,,, and A,,,, corre-
and 2.7%, respectively, pH 8.8. HBL Hb (1 mg/ml) were incu- sponding to the absorbances at 280 nm and 260 nm, respectively.
bated at 100°C for 90 s in the presence or absence of 5 % 2- Transmission electron microscopy. Arenicola Hb was di-
mercaptoethanol. Sample migration was performed at a constant luted (1:900) with saline buffer [3] and applied to a very thin
current of 150 mA using a Tris/glycine buffer, pH 8.3, for about carbon substrate supported on a microgrid, stained with 2%
2 h. A two-dimensional electrophoresis method was used to es- (mass/vol.) uranyl acetate solution as described earlier [41]. The
tablish the relationships between the subunits and their constitu- specimens were examined with an electron energy of 80 keV,
ent polypeptide chains after 2-mercaptoethanol treatment as using a Jeol JEM-1200EX microscope.
follows. A gel slice containing the observed bands after SDS
migration was cut out and incubated under reducing conditions.
It was then placed at the top of a new gel and subjected to RESULTS
electrophoresis as described above. The gels were stained over- Molecular mass of Arenicola marina Hb by FPLC and
night on an agitator with Coomassie Brillant Blue R-250 (Bio- MALLS. Samples of the lugworm HBL Hb showed only one
Zal et al. (Eur J. Biochern. 243) 87
107 , r

Fig. 2. SDSPAGE profiles of A. marina HBL Hb. Lane A, unreduced

haemoglobin ; lane B, after reduction with mercaptoethanol. The approx-
imate relative molecular mass were determined by molecular mass pro-
tein calibrates (LMW, Pharmacia).

8 5 13 11 12
Elution Volume i m l )

Fig. 1. MALLS analysis of Arenicola marina HBL Hb during its elu-

tion on a gel-exclusion column. Concentration of eluate shown as
(right axis). (A) Molecular mass (Da) versus elution volume (ml). (B)
Gyration radius (nm) versus elution volume (ml).
LP ,
, . . ; o , . , I
. .

Tine, z n
. I . . . 50, , . . 60
I 70
Fig.3. HPLC profile of A. marina purified HBL Hb on a Syn-
chropack c,,RP-1000 column using an acetonitrile-water gradient
symmetrical peak in gel filtration, indicating that the procedure in 0.1 % aqueous trifluoroacetic acid. Flow rate was 1 ml/min.
described was sufficient to obtain an homogeneous preparation.
The apparent relative molecular mass of A. marina Hb corres-
ponded to about 3600 kDa. MALLS analysis yielded profiles as Arenicola HBL Hb profile obtained by HPLC. HPLC of
shown in Fig. 1 A with molecular masses estimated during the native A. marina Hb gave the chromatogram shown in Fig. 3.
whole elution of the peak. Mean mass of A. marina HBL Hb The conditions used allowed us to resolve all the components
was 3648 2 24 kDa (n = 1024) with a slight polydispersity as identified in the SDS/PAGE experiment including the com-
indicated by the slope of the individual estimates. The gyration pletely dissociated haem group. The linker chains LI and L2 are
radius corresponding to the mean of all dimensions of the mole- completely separated from the monomeric globin chains M I and
cule was 11.3 ? 1.7 nm (Fig. 1B). M2 and from the disulphide-linked trimer complex and linker
chain dimers. The globin/linker ratio determined by measure-
Polypeptide chains composition determined by SDSIPAGE. ment of mas7 was estimated to be approximately 0.72:0.28
The nomenclature used to name the different subunits and poly- (n = 6).
peptide chains is the same as that used by El Idrissi Slitine and Polypeptide chains composition determined by ESI-MS.
Toulmond [24]. Fig. 2 presents the SDYPAGE profiles of A. ESI-MS analyses were made on the native Hb ( n = 4), on the
murina Hb in the presence or absence of reducing agent. The reduced Hb after 10, 30 and 60 min exposure to dithiothreitol
unreduced Hb dissociated in SDS into four subunits (Fig. 2, lane (n = 2 of each), on the carbamidomethylated Hb (n = 2), and
A): I, fI, III and IV with apparent molecular masses of 14, 31, on the reduced and carbamidomethylated Hb ( u = 5). We will
33 and 42 kDa, respectively. After reduction (Fig. 2, lane B), employ the nomenclature previously used to name the subunits
two groups of constituents were observed with molecular mass and polypeptide chains of Lumbricus terrestris HBL Hb [42]
of 14.1-16.4 kDa ( A l , B I , A2, B2) and 32-37 kDa (C and D). and Rijtia pachyptila [29]. The ESI-MS MaxEnt deconvoluted
Subunit I corresponds to the monomeric globin chain A l , sub- spectrum of native A. marina Hb (Fig. 4A) shows two monomer
unit fI and IfI would be disulphide-bonded dimers of non-haem chains a1 and a2 of relative intensity 0.5 :Z .O, a complex mixture
containing chains C and D, and subunit IV corresponds to a of trimers (TI - T5) occurring with the relative intensities
disulphide-bonded trimer of globin chain ( B I , A2, B2). 0.5:0.6:1.0:1.0:0.8, and two linker dimers DI and 0 2 of rela-
88 Zal et al. (EUKJ. Biochem. 243)

02 T3
15914.Y 49659.5
I I 'O7"

49600 4YRUU 52016.6

16000 162OU

tro-c . . , .-4

T4tCam DI
49767.8 5n322.9

1 D2

4Y600 49800

i 2003.4


15953.7 17U32.6
"h a2
15976.0 *' L2
26828.0 16981.1

16000 I6250 16500 16750 170UO 17250

16835.7 c+3Cnrn
I 16835.1

D 2+3
16147.9 b2+3Cmm 1 d24 5C"Olt

1% - d2+SCam
16125., L1+12Cnm
LI+I OCm L2+ 12Cm 16000 16250 16500 16150 17(1UU 17250
25743.;) ,.27516.0

L . . ., . niass
is000 zoo00 zso00 3oow 3sooo 40000 4sooo sooon (Da)

Fig. 4. ESL-MS spectra of A. marina HBL Hb. (A) MaxEnt-processed spectra of native Hb. Insets show details of monomeric chains a1 and a2
and trimeric complex. (B) MaxEnt processed spectra of carbamidomethylated Hb. Insets show details of carbamidomethylated a chains and trimers.
( C ) MaxEnt-processed data for Hb reduced with 5 mM dithiothreitol for 30 min. Inset shows details of monomeric chains forming the trimeric
complex. (D) MaxEnt-processed data for reduced and carbamidomethylated Hb. Inset shows details of carbamidomethylated globin-like chains.

tive intensity 1.0:0.6. Their masses are summarised in Table 1. carbamidomethylated (Fig. 4D) spectra, it is possible to deter-
Fig. 4 B shows the spectrum of the Hb after carbamidomethyl- mine the total number of cysteine and their status (i.e. free or
ation whereupon the masses of the monomer chains (a1 and a2) involved in a disulphide bridge) for each chain. Thus, chains a1
and the trimer complex increased by 57 Da, inferring that these and a2 possess three Cys, two of which are disulphide bonded
components each contain one free cysteine (Cys). The masses in the native Hb and one is free. Also, the b, c and d chains
of D l and D2 remained essentially the same after carbamido- contain three, three and five Cys, respectively, of which two Cys
methylation, indicating that they have no free Cys. in each chain form an intrachain disulphide bond in the native
Upon dithiothreitol treatment, the trimer complex and the Hb. In order to form the trimers, chain b and c each provide one
two linker dimers D l and 0 2 disappeared and eight new compo- Cys for coupling to the d chain, leaving chain d with one free
nents ( b l , h2, b3, c, d l , d2, L l and L2) appeared (Fig. 4C). The Cys as observed for the native trimer complex after carbamido-
sums of the masses of the b, c and d chains in various combina- methylation. The linker chains LI and L2 were each found to
tions [ ( b l or b2 or b3)+c+(dl or d2)] imply that these chains possess 12 Cys, all of which are involved in disulphide bonds.
compose the complex mixture of the trimers. Similarly, these All the ESI-MS results are summarised in Tables 1 and 2.
data clearly indicate that DI is a homodimer of chain L1 and After deglycosylation, w e observed no change in the masses
0 2 is a heterodimer of chains LI and L2 (Table 2). By compar- of the chains and subunits in A. marina Hb (data not shown),
ing the carbamidomethylated (Fig. 4 B) and the reduced/ which implies that the Hb is not glycosylated.
Zal et al. (EUKJ. Biochem. 243) 89
Table 1. ESI-MS-determined masses of A. marina Hb polypeptide chains and subunits. Native masses are means of five determinations on
native Hb (2estimated error). Free Cys represents the number of free Cys in chains and subunits in native Hb. Chain indicates the chains composing
the subunits in native Hb (see also Table 2). Reduced masses are means of four determinations on reduced Hb (i- estimated error). Red/ Cam masses
are means of five determinations on reduced and carbamidomethylated (Redcam) Hb (? estimated error). Corrected mass is the Red/Cam m d S S
corrected for carbamidomethylation (57.052 DdCys). Values represent measured reduced masses (iestimated error). Total number of Cys in chain
determined from differences between Red/Cam and reduced masses divided by 57.052 and rounded to nearest integer.
~ ~~

Chain/Subuni t Native Mass Free Cys Chain Reduced Mass Red/Cham Mass Corrected Mass Total Cys

Da Da

a1 15952.5 2 1.0 15954.1 5 1.0 16125.621.0 15 954.4 5 1.O 3
a2 15974.82 1.0 15 976.8 t 1.0 I6 148.0 2 1.O 15 976.8 2 1.O 3
Trimer bl 15922.85 1.0 16092.12 1.0 15920.9 t 1.0 3
T1 49 560.4 i- 4.0 b2 16019.6f 1.O 16191.351.0 16020.1 f 1.0 3
T2 49613.9 5 4 . 0 b3 16036.0 5 1.0 16207.4 2 1.O 16036.22 1.0 3
T3 49658.6 t 4.0 C 16664.4k 1.0 16836.021.0 16664.82 1.0 3
T4 49706.8 i- 4.0 dl 16981.5 ? 1.0 17268.5 t 1.0 16983.2 2 1.O 5
T5 49 724.5 t 4.0 d2 17032.451.0 17318.451.0 17033.1 2 1 . 0 5
DI 50323.1 5 4 . 0 LI 25 170.0 -+ 2.0 25 858.7 5 2.,0 25 174.1 2 2.0 12
02 51 981.5 5 4.0 L2 26827.3 t 2.0 27514.3 t 2.0 26829.7 2 2.0 12

Table 2. Correlation between disulphide-bonded subunit masses in 3.5 linker chains (e.g. 3 L1 and 0.5 L2) corresponding to a total
A. marina Hb and their constituent polypeptide chain masses. Calcu- linker mass of 88937 Da. In addition, the molecule contains two
lated masses were derived from w m of reduced chain masses (corrected extra copies of each trimer TI and T2 for a mass of 205746 Da
mass column, Table 1) Medsured masses were measured valuea for including haem. Finally the molecular mass of the native HBL
native HBL Hb (Table 1)
Hb obtained from the sum of individual masses corrected
Chains Calculated Measured Mass for haem content, gives a value of 12X(289738) + 205746
Mass (Da) Mass Differ- -- 3682 kDa for the whole molecule and a value of 23 602 Da of
ence proteidhaem group.

Number of globin chains estimated by haem and protein

content. The Hb concentration was estimated to be 145 2 3 mg/
TI = bl + L + dl-10H" 49558.8 49560.4 -1.6 ml (iz = 3) by protein concentration measurement, assuming that
T2 = bl +
c + d2-IOH" 49608.7 49613.9 -5.2 Hb was the major protein component in the vascular blood [43,
T3 = b2 c + dl-10H" 49 658.0 49658.6 -0.6
441. Using the pyridine haemochromogen method, the number
T4 = b2 + c + d2-10H" 49 707.9 49706.8 +1.1
T5 = b3 + c + d2-10H" 49 724.0 49724.5 -0.5 of haem groups was determined to be 1.53 [6.08 20.50 mM
D1 = L1 +L1-24Hh 50 324.0 50 323.1 +0.9 haem (n = 3), 23848.68 Da protein/mol haem] and by HiCN
0 2 = LI + L2-24Hh 51 979.6 51981.5 -1.9 method to be, 156 16.20 2 0.26 mM haem (11 = 3), 23 387.09 Da
protein/mole of haem]. These estimations were made using mass
" 10H to account for three intra-chain and two interchain disulphide of 3648 kDa for the whole HBL Hb as determined by MALLS.
24H to account for ten intrachain and two interchain disulphide
There is an appreciable scattering in the published values for
the molecular mass of Arenicola HBL Hh obtained mainly by
Quaternary structure model of A. marina Hb. MaxEnt analy- equilibrium sedimentation (range 2850-3850 kDa) 17, 8, 19-
sis of ESI-MS spectra produces semi-quantitative relative inten- 21, 231. This is probably due to the experimental conditions
sity data. It provides a zero charge spectrum in which the areas used, in particular to the divalent cation concentrations in the
under the peaks are proportional to the sum of the intensities of various buffers used for the experiments. It is now well known
the peaks in the original raw multiply charged spectrum. Using that the stability of HBL Hb is strongly dependent on the pres-
mass measurements of the native Hb obtained by MALLS and ence of group IIA cations (i.e. Ca2+,Mg" and Srz') [3, 45, 461.
the exact masses of polypeptide chains determined by ESI-MS, At present, there are several techniques available for the deter-
we propose a coherent model of the quaternary structure of A. mination of the molecular masses of huge molecules like the
marina Hb. According to these results this Hb would consist of HBL Hh, i.e. gel filtration, ultracentrifugation, small-angle X-
198 polypeptide chains divided into 156 globin-like chains (108 ray scattering, STEM mass mapping and MALLS. The two for-
monomers and 16 trimers) and 42 linker chains (Table 3). In this mer have accuracies limited to 5-lo%, the third needs ideal
model, the relative intensities of the two linker chains were conditions which are very difficult to obtain. STEM mass map-
LllL2 = 1.O: 0.2, the globin/linker ratio was approximately ping is not possible with all HBL Hb as reported recently [28],
0.73 :0.27. The one-twelfth subunit of Arenicola HBL Hb corres- and this is the case for Arenicola HBL Hb (Vinogradov, S. N.,
ponds to a dodecamer 1 ( 3 ~ 1 ) ( 3 a Z ) ~( TT corresponding
] to either unpublished results). MALLS, however, is an absolute method
T3, T4 or T5) with a calculated mean molecular mass of available for the determination of molecular mass and structure
200 800 2 27 Da. This basic subunit would be associated with without the need for universal calibration or other erroneous as-
90 Zal et al. (Eur: J. Biochern. 243)

Table 3. Model for the quaternary structure of A. marina HBL Hb. Masses are taken from Table 1. BPI, percentage of base peak intensity from
MaxEnt-processed ESI-MS spectra. The number of copies for each chain was calculated using the mass of Hb determined by MALLS. The number
of copies proposed in the model, was calculated assuming a D, point-group of symmetry of the molecule.

Subunit Chain Mass BPI 2 SD Copies -+ SD using Copies Total mass

experimental mass in the model

Da % Da
Monomers a1 15 952.5 16.872 3.57 38.62 8.2 36 514 290
a2 15974.8 29.64 2 5.41 67.7 t 12.5 72 1150186
Trirner5 TI bl + c f dl 49560.4 1.42 5 0.50 1.1 -+ 0.8 2 99121
T2 hl + L' + d2 49613.9 1.532 1.33 1.2? 1.0 2 99 228
T3 h2 + c f dl 49 658.6 6.222 2.35 4 . 6 2 1.7 4 198634
T4 h2 + c + d2 49706.8 5.98 2 2.37 4.4-t 1.7 4 198 827
T5 63 + c + d3 49724.5 5.79 i 1.80 4.22 1.3 4 198 898
Sub-total globins 156 2519 184
linkers L1 25 174.1 28.42? 12.35 26.5 i 8.85 35 88 1 093
L2 26829.7 5.11 i 3.60 4.6i 2.55 7 187 808
Sub-total linkers 42 1 068 901
Sub-total haem ' 96 174
Total mass of Hb 3 684 259
Experimental m a s h 3 648 000

156X616.5 Da.
t' Value obtained by MALLS.

sumptions and is a very accurate technique [31]. Furthermore, carbamidomethylated data suggest that the linker monomer
MALLS analysis can be performed directly on-line with an chains each contain an even number (12) of Cys.
FPLC system using physiological buffers, thus avoiding sample Two of the first analyses of HBL Hb by ESI-MS 126, 281
deterioration and allowing sample recovery. The molecular mass gave globinllinker ratios that agreed with the results obtained by
found for Arenicola HBL Hb by MALLS (3648 -C 24 kDa) is HPLC. Our results are in total agreement with these authors,
in good agreement with the most recently published values of since we found globinllinker ratios of 0.72:0.28 and 0.73:0.27
3740 t- 120 kDa and 3560 ? 40 kDa, respectively [21, 201. by HPLC and ESI-MS, respectively. These observations are very
On the whole, our SDSIPAGE results on reduced Arenicola important and demonstrate that the ionisation behaviour of glo-
Hb are in good agreement with previous studies (20, 21, 241. bin and linker chains is similar and, therefore, that ESl-MS can
However, we obtained a high resolution thus clearly revealing be a fully quantitative method for HBL Hb studies. Using the
four components around 14100-16400 Da, whereas two of the EST-MS stoichiometry we propose a model composed of 156
earlier works found only two [20] and three [21] components. globin chains in good agreement with the results obtained by
El Idrissi Slitine and Toulmond [24] also found four polypeptide pyridine haemochromogen (153 haem groups) and by HiCN
chains by IEFIPAGE, and they concluded that the polypeptide method (156 haem groups). In addition, Toulmond [47] deter-
chains A and B were of the same molecular mass but different mined a number of 1 5 2 + 2 Fe atoms assuming a mass of
isoelectric points. Until recently, these results would have been 3600 kDa for the native molecule and Vinogradov and his col-
judged sufficient to model the quaternary structure of this Hb. laborators [21] proposed 1 6 3 2 1 2 Fe atoms for a mass of
However, the recent success of ESI-MS in characterising the 3700 kDa. These authors have determined a minimum molecular
primary composition of these molecules [26-291 illustrates that mass of 23 640 Da by atomic absorption spectroscopy [47] and
considerably more detail can be provided by this technique than 22900 Da by the method of Cameron [21]. These two values
by electrophoresis. This is due to the higher resolving power are very close to our results, 23 848 Da and 23 387 Da, found by
available from ESI-MS (= 6 Da at 16 kDa) and the ability of pyridine haemochromogen and HiCN methods. These experi-
the technique to give unambiguous and more precise values for mental values are also in good agreement with the value derived
the molecular masses (< ? 0.01 %). In the case of Areiiicola, our from our model (23 602 Da).
ESI-MS analysis revealed a total of eight different polypeptide Now, if we consider that the one-twelfth subunit is made up
chains in the 16-17-kDa region, by exhibiting two a, and three of 12 polypeptide chains there would be only 144 globin chains
b. one c and two d chains. This complexity was also found in in the whole molecule. These results suggest that, in contrast to
the trimer, with five plausible combinations of the six chains b, Macrohdella [26], Tvlorrhynchus [27], Lunibricus [28] and R$
c and d, despite the less clearly defined group of peaks compos- tia 1291 HBL Hb investigated by ESl-MS, Arenicola HBL Hb
ing the trimer (Fig. 4A). would contain 13 haem groupslone-twelfth subunit or, more
Arenicoh Hb does not possess glycosylated chains in con- probably, that there would be a thirteenth subunit at the center
trast to Lunzbricus terrestris where both the trimer and one of of the molecule. This latter hypothesis is substantiated by a close
the linker chains are glycosylated [28]. Furthermore, the linker examination of electron micrographs (Fig. 5). However, the
chains appear to occur as disulphide-bonded dimers in the native composition of this central subunit would be different from that
Hb, similar to those found in Qlorrhynchus heterochaetus [27], of the other one-twelfth subunits as suggested by ESI-MS stoi-
another polychaete annelid. An even number of interchain disul- chiometry and it could be made up of four trimers (2 T1 and
phide bonds appear to be involved in forming the linker dimers 2 T2) although alternative compositions may be possible. The
in Arenicola, since the carbamidomethylated Hb data suggest presence of a thirteenth subunit located at the center of Arenicola
that there is no free Cys present in the dimers and the reduced/ HBL Hb has never been observed before, but two papers men-
Zal et al. (Eur: J. Biockem. 24.3) 91
Lurnhricus [60], Mcicrobdellu (611, Rifia [62] HBL Hb and the
chlorocruorin of Eudistylia 1631.
Other interesting information revealed by ESI-MS concerns
the presence of an unusual number of cysteine residues on glo-
bin-like d chains and the presence of a free cysteine residue
on the monomeric globin-like u chains. The Annelid globin-like
chains sequenced can be classified into four groups according to
the location ofcysteine residues [64]. In all groups, an intrachain
disulphide-bridge is formed and the remaining cysteine residues
all participate in interchain disulphide-bridges except in Lurnelli-
hrachia sp. [65] and Riftia pachyptila [29] which belong to ves-
timentiferans. These possess some globin-like chains with a free
cysteine residue that can be involved in sulphide-binding ([65 I
and unpublished results). However, the polypeptide d chains,
Fig.5. Electron micrographs of A. marina HBL Hh, negatively with five cysteine residues including the one free, and the pres-
stained with 2 % uranyl acetate showing the two frequent orienta- ence of free cysteines on a1 and (12 make Arenicola HBL Hb
tions, face view and lateral view (arrows). (A) View of A. nmrina atypical when compared with the four groups mentioned above.
HBL Hb; Scale bar = 60nm. (B and C) Details (X5) of the face and Sulphide concentration in the pore water of the sediment can
lateral views pointed in (A), showing the central subunit. reach several hundred pmol/l-‘ 1661 and may therefore be con-
sidered an important environmental factor for a sediment-dwell-
ing animal such as Arenicola [67, 681. In addition, Patel and
Spencer [69] have reported that the chemistry of A. tnarirzu Hb
differed in several respects from vertebrate Hb. In the presence
of sulphide, vertebrate oxyhaemoglobin forms sulfhaemoglobin.
The failure of Arenicola HBL Hb to form this compound might
be indicative of a biochemical adaptation appropriate to an ani-
mal which may at times be exposed to high concentrations of
sulphide (701. The free cysteine on the polypeptide d chains
could intervene in this mechanism by avoiding the formation
Fig. 6. Model of A. manna HBL Hb, adapted from [59]. (A) Drawing of sulfhaemoglobin and allowing sulphide oxidation [70]. The
of typical HBL Hb on top view displaying the polypeptide chains for oxidation product, defined as brown pigment, and which pos-
half a Hb molecule. Each one-twelfth being constituted of one trimer sesses a higher sulphide oxidation activity than HBL Hb. could
(T3, T4 or T5) as mentioned by Waxman (1975) 1.591, with nine mono- be due to some modification or breakage of the prosthetic-
meric chains. We have represented the two trimers (T), e.g. T1 and T1
group-protein linkage during the reaction leading to its forma-
or TI and T2, at the center of the HBL structure as viewed on electron
micrograph. (B) Detail of a one-twelfth showing the possible arrange-
tion [69]. However, for Arenicola, this would be a detoxification
ment of monomeric chains. mechanism (i.e. sulphide immobilisation by the Hb), and not
an adaptation to symbiotic life as is the binding of sulphide by
vestimentiferan Hb [71, 721.
tioned this eventuality [23, 481. Several annelid HBL Hb possess
a central subunit like, for example, Neplzthys iizcisa [49-511, We are indebted to T. Azoulay of the Sopares Society for MALLS
Ophelia hicornis [52-55], Glossoscolex paulistus [48], Eophila analysis. We also thank J. Sourimant and S. Hourdez for the excellent
tellinii 1.561, Oenoize ,fulgida [57] and Euzonus mucronatcz [%I. preparation of materials and transmission electron micrographs. This
work was supported by research grants from Centre Nationnl de la Re-
Ghiretti-Magaldi and co-workers [S3] showed that the central
cherche Scientifiiyue (UPR 9042), l’lnstitut National des Sciences de
subunit for 0. hicornis appeared to differ from the external one- I’Univers, l’lnstitut Franpis de Recherche et d’Exploitation de la Mer
twelfth as suggested here for Arenicolu. However, the presence (Unite‘ de Recherche Marine no 7 , the National Sciences Foundation
of a central subunit ion HBL Hb is not always clear since, for and the National Institutes of Health (DK38674).
the same species, some TEM preparations could be composed
of molecules with or without the central subunit [S2]. No expla-
nation exists for this phenomenon, but it is probable that chang- REFERENCES
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