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TOEFL Class February 3pm day 2


To be: is, am, are, was, were, be, being, been.
V1: Study, read, write, take, bring
V1+s/es: studies, writes, takes, brings
To be+Ving: is studying, are reading, was taking, were bringing.
V2: studied, wrote, took, brought.
Have/has/had+V3: have studied, has written, had taken.
Will/would+V1: will study, will write, would take.
Modal verbs+V1: must study, can write, should take.

Modal verbs: can, could, should, must, may, might

Passive “to be+V3”

Is written
Are studied
Were taken
Was brought.
Can be written
Should be given
Will be formed.
Have been brought.

I write a letter. “active”

A letter is written. “passive”
I have taken the book. “active”
The book has been taken. “Passive”

Regular verbs
V1 V2 V3
Work worked worked
Invite invited invited
Decide decided decided
Walk walked walked

Irregular verbs
V1 V2 V3
Eat ate eaten
Drink drank drunk
Take took taken
Write wrote written
Present participle and past participle
Present participle: studying, taking, drinking, eating, bringing, etc.
Past participle (V3): studied, taken, drunk, eaten, brought, etc.

Present participle
- Verb “ada to be”
I am studying.
I was eating.
They were drinking.

- Adjective “kata sifat” “tidak ada to be”

The students studying in the class are smart.
The man drinking coffee at the front yard is my dad.

Past participle
- Verb
Ada to be: the letter is written. “passive”
Ada have/has/had: I have eaten some pizza. “active”

- Adjective “tidak ada to be atau have/has/had”

The letter written few days ago has arrived.

The Pizza eaten by my brother is very delicious.


The letter that is written few days ago has arrived. “that is written is adjective”

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