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a) ee ee oe ee ee TAMMUZ THE 4TH MONTH: TAMMUZ VICIOUS CYCLE OF TAMMUZ BE BLESSED IN THE NAME OF YESHUA AS YOU ENTER INTO THE NEW BIBLICAL MONTH! This is atime of being super free to worship the King of glory in Spirit and truth, a time more than ever to be intentional with our relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spitit. It is a season to check our roots as this is the beginning of the Summer Months and we must be sure that we are planted by streams of living water. 1t is a moed (month) of worshipping from the place of victory on the foundation of the death, resurrection, and ascension of Yeshua to the right hand of the Father. a This means we worship, pray, and prophecy not for the victory, but from the victory. Itis a moment of spiritual eyes being opened, of encountering the King glory in a new way, AND OF STANDING ON THE PROMISES OF ELOHIM UNFLINCHING IN THE FACE OF ADVERSITY, This is what the month of Tammuz is all about, but it’s the opposite of what the fallen kingdom of darkness wants us to believe. According to Scripture, this season and the beginning of next month is a time of Israel's disobedience to Adonai, resulting in calamity and judgment. So how is it possible that we should expect all of the above amazing things ifthe opposite is the case in Scripture? ‘The answer is simple, but can also be easy to miss amidst all ofthe current noise on the world stage. 4 months have passed since the beginning of the Biblical New Year. Now, as we begin this 4th Biblical month we can't help but see the glaring parallels between what happened on the Biblical timeline also happening now. ‘The main difference now is that what was happening primarily to Israel in Scripture during this month is now a global event. In Exodus, on the 4th month of the year, Israel created a golden calf to worship, instead of YHWH, fearing Moses had died upon Mount Sinai. ‘There was pandemonium and chaos as Israel worshipped the golden calf, with Exodus 32:25 clearly telling us, “Moses saw that the people were out of control—for Aaron had let them get out of control to the point of being an object of mockery among their enemies..." SOUND FAMILIAR TO THE SCENES WE ARE SEEING AROUND THE WORLD? In the times of Istael’s exile in Babylon a similar thing was happening in Jerusalem when Adonai and the 4 living creatures appeared to Ezekiel in the 4th month and showed him the idolatry of the citizens and leaders of Zion, as well as those he \was exiled with (Ezekiel 1-8), There was complete contempt and rebellion against the Great I Am during that time. During the same exile in Babylon, this idolatry led to the army of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon breaching the walls of Jerusalem on the 17th day of (Tammuz (Jeremiah 39:2) before destroying the temple on the 9th of Av three weeks later, In 70 A.D. the Temple was again destroyed on the 9th of Av by Rome. Starting to see a pattern? ‘These tragedies are now referred to as THE 3 WEEKS OF SORROW, a time when the Jewish people, from the 17th of Tammuz to the 9th of Av center into a time of mourning, repentance, and reflection ended by a day of fasting on the Tast day. Now the question is, for us as Believers in Yeshua, is such mourning, repentance, and reflection also expected of us? The answer is critical for the Body of Messiah in this season and the seasons to come. In case you were wondering if these tragedies happening on the 17th of Tammuz were just a coinciden of more tragedies that happened to the Jewish people on that specific day as well. here is a shortlist MOSES BREAKS THE TABLETS THE DAILY SACRIFICE IN THE TEMPLE WAS DISCONTINUED. JERUSALEM'S CITY WALLS WERE BREACHED BY THE ARMY OF NEBUCHADNEZZAR KING MANASSEH HAD AN IDOL PLACED IN THE HOLY SANCTUARY OF THE TEMPLE THE TORAH WAS BURNT BY APUSTEMUS, A GREEK OPPRESSOR WHO. SERVED ANTIOCHUS OPIPHINUS WHO BROUGHT ABOUT THE WARS OF THE MACCABEES IN ISRAEL. IN 1239, POPE GREGORY THE 9TH ORDERED THE CONFISCATION OF ALL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE TALMUD. IN 1391, MORE THAN 4,000 SPANISH JEWS WERE KILLED IN TOLEDO AND JAEN, SPAIN, IN 1559, THE JEWISH QUARTER OF PRAGUE WAS BURNT AND LOOTED. IN 1944, THE ENTIRE POPULATION OF THE KOVNO GHETTO WAS SENT TO THE DEATH CAMPS, IN 1970, LIBYA ORDERED THE CONFISCATION OF ALL JEWISH PROPERTY, On the day of Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of this month (June 10th), an annular solar eclipse will be able to be seen in Canada, the Northeastern United States, all of Europe, and Eastern Russia. This phenomenon is often called the ting of fire as the moon covers the sun, and due to its smaller size creates what looks like a ring of fie in the sky. It is a very timely occurrence on the first day of the new month that speaks volumes of the times and seasons we are living in. The name of this month, Tammuz, is never actually mentioned in the Bible as the name of a biblical month but is, in fact, a later replacement after the Babylonian exile. However, Tammuz, a pagan god, is ally inthe book of Ezekiel when Adonai took Ezekiel by his hair and brought him in the spirit to Jerusalem (Ezekiel 8:3). It was there that he witnessed a woman weeping before the statue of Tammuz to the anger and disappointment of Elohim, and was then taken to witness the leaders of Jerusalem 2 east away from the temple, worshipping the sun (Bzekiel 8:3-13). THIS SOLAR ECLIPSE IS A REMINDER TO ALL OF US THAT WORSHIPPING CREATION IS JUST PLAIN DUMB when instead the Creator is saying come up here! Speaking of idolatry, June 20th (Tammuz 11), is the day of the Summer Solstice, the time when the sun is highest in the sky and when the daylight lasts the longest. Most likely, this is the same day Ezekiel witnessed the leaders of Jerusalem worshippi mentioned one time spec facin he sun. Anyone who is planning on worshipping the sun during the summer solstice in any of the dozens of countries where the eclipse will be visible mi t pause to wonder why just days before ‘on June 10th the sun would let itself be overshadowed by the moon 400 times sm ler than itself In parallel many people who worship the st also worship satan, known as lucifer before being thrown down to earth by Adonai. His name means “morning star”, hence the worship ofthe sun as well. Once again, worshipping the creation whether it be made by rotum, Instead of putting our faith in creation let us take a look at the greatest of all examples who makes those who worship the sun, moon, and stars just forget it od or man-made, rather than the Creator Himself will not receive a good answer in altogether and follow His lead. Joshua said, “Sun, stand still at Gibeon, and moon, in the Valley of Aijaton.” So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped until the nation [of Israel] took vengeance upon their enemies” (Joshua 10:13). WE ARE BEING CALLED AS JOSHUA'S WHOSE STRENGTH LIES SOLELY IN THE GREAT I AM, so much so, He will stop even the sun and the moon for our enemies to be defeated. No uation is impossible with the great Am, and that should be declared with a lion’s roar and a shofar blast now more than ever! As many of us are seeing what seems like impossible situations and circumstances, our stance is not that of the world, instead, knowing difficult times simply means greater miracles and te made the impossible possible and how the supernatural has become the natural, Enough monies of how the King of glory is enough of the status quo theory and theology not backed up by the manifest power of the Living King in our lives. ADONAI WILL STOP THE SUN AND MOON FOR YOU, SO ARE YOU ASKING, BELIEVING, AND EXPECTING AT HIS LEVEL, OR ARE YOU SETTLING FOR YOUR OWN LEVEL? The bar is being raised, but are we rising with the times? On June 14th, the Knesset (Israeli Parliament) will gather to vote for the formation of a new government made up of mostly liberal parties who do not necessarily share the same values as most believers which the right wing parties in Israel tend to share Essentially, it would be like Greece entering Israel once again bringing blasphemy and idolatry to the government. However, there is a very weird dynamic that most believers around the world are not picking up on that believers in Israel are, Even though right wing parties in Israel share our values, the Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox Jews who make up a very large percentage of those parties are actually the same people who are actively suppressing the spread of the Gospel of Peak in Israel, and have held the office of the Minister of Interior for the past 12 years who controls who can enter the country and can become a citizen. IT IS BECAUSE OF THIS THAT BEING A JEWISH BELIEVER WHO WANTS TO DO ALIYAH (BECOME A CITIZEN OF ISRAEL) IS NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE, and clergy and others coming to Isracl to serve Adonai, receiving visas is extremely difficult. If it happens that this new government is formed, even though the pol ironically it will open the door for the Gospel to enter Israel in a major way. So here in lies the question, What do Jews and Arabs truly cs of Israel will become far more liberal and skewed away from righteousnes need? Do they need a more righteous political system. or is the greatest need to hear the good news of Salvation through Yeshua which brings a real change of heart and could be the catalyst for true reconciliation and is the answer to the ancient feud betwes Ishmael and Issac? The solution is not a two state solution, it’s Yeshua, That being said, what is worrying is to see that the new government is made up of A LOT OF PEOPLE WHO WILL BASICALLY BRING THE SYSTEM OF GREECE INTO ISR a 69 ally, when it enters Israel is met by the Orthodox Jewish people with extreme prejudice. On the one hand we would be seeing a repeat of idolatry centering into the government system, but on the other a huge open door for salvation to enter Israel from the ends of the earth. In the case that this government coalition succeeds, we must continue to pray vigilantly for the new leaders for wisdom at every tum as making the wrong move could be devastating for the nation both naturally and spiritually. Great opportunity is possibly on the horizon for the Gospel to enter Jerusalem once again, and the question we must ask ourselves is, “Js that more important than a righteous government?” THE FORGOTTEN REMNANT Despite the somewhat depressing nature of the 4th month, there isa silver lining that wwe simply cannot ignore that is the antithesis of what the fallen kingdom of darkness wants us as believers to do and be. Everyone seems to remember the golden calf being worshipped, but forgets those who refused to worship the idol when Moses said “Whoever is on Adonat’s side, come to Me! And all the sons of Levi {the priestly tribe] gathered together to him” (Exodus 32:26-27)..Don't forg et that even though he was in Jerusalem at the time of it being burned down, Instead of death, the prophet Jeremiah was spared from the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple. Also, as we have seen, prophet Ezekiel who was living in exile with his fellow Jews that Adonai Himself called stubborn and obstinate (Ezekiel 3:7) had the most unimaginable encounter with the four living creatures and the great [Am upon His throne in His glory, not just once but twice! LASTLY, THE FIRSTBORN SON OF JACOB, REUBEN THE NAMESAKE OF THE TRIBE REPRESENTED BY THE 4TH MONTH OF THE BIBLICAL CALENDAR, is a misunderstood and often forgotten person that led a life full of compassion, mistakes, and redemption. He was the brother who saved Joseph's life by telling his brothers to put him in the pit instead of killing ihim, thinking he would come back later to release him. He was the only brother who ‘gsiewed that Joseph had been taken into slavery. He then makes the infamous mistake to sleep with Jacob's concubine, essentially causing him to lose his inheritance (Genesis 21-22). But we then see him once again at the time of unknowingly re-uniting with Joseph in Egypt telling Jacob that on the lives of his 60 sons he will bring back ppt (Genesis 42:37). Reuben, though not perfect, did not let his mistakes make him waver in his calling, and because of this, when Israel finally crossed the river Jordan into the promised land, Reuben was granted his inheritance there, Reuben learned from the mistakes of the past, and just Benjamin whom they had left as collateral in Eg Tike Reuben, this month is crucial for all of us to put our bad habits and former mistakes behind us, and instead, FOCUS ON THE PROMI What a pleasure itis to be ones who love Him, as He makes all things work together ‘for our good (Romans 8:28). Even if you are the 1/12th remnant minority like the Levites, and are in the middle of a war zone, or in exile, or the one brother out of many who dares defy the rest, all things work together for the good of those who love Adonai, Even though these people and instances lack attention from the world in the times of trouble associated with this month, they are speaking directly to you! You are not a rity when the King of the Universe has your back, nor should cont displacement make us think that somchow Adonai no longer has our best interests at heart. 1 against 1 billion with Yeshua at your side is not fair for the 1 billion. He is going to war for you as you adore Him, and i ‘sa guaranteed win. Just like we saw with worshipping the sun and moon, worshipping the stars is equally jgnorant, as they are part of Abba’s creation and not the Creator, S ipture does tell tus however that they were created “to separate the day from the night and serve as signs 10 mark sacred times, and days and years’ astronomy, not the twisted worship of the stars called Astrology that is forbidden in the Genesis 1:14). This is Biblical \word of God. The constellation of this month is Cancer (Crab). The Hebrew word for cancer, most commonly crab, is Sartan, THE BIBLE TELLS US CRAB IS UNCLEAN O EAT IN LEVITICUS 9:12, BUT EVEN WE OURSELVES ARE UNCLEAN WITHOUT THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB. Our reality now is that we are forgiven and made clean, we are no longer defined by what was, but instead refined by what we have done and gone through. We are kosher erabs now, and like the crab, we are called to live in the deep places of God, the Holy Spirit, the presence of the Etemal that is always certain and without doubt, always comforting and without worry, always hopeful and without fear. Just like the crab with its natural armor, this month we must never forget the full armor of God that protects us from the lies of the principalities, powers, and the dark forces of this world, and putting our heavenly arsenal into proper use to destroy the enemy at every turn, We will not lose faith at the last minute as the Hebrews did at Mount Sinai with the golden calf, re not, and refuse to be, quitters. “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because erting back to old ways, Weas Believers, the light of the World, are having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of tfe that Adonai has promised to those who love him” (James 1:12). This is your month of breakthrough, a time to shine in the darkness as a witness and messenger of the King of kings, not only for people to see but for people to receive for free which was given freely to us. Miracles in family relationships, finances, living situations, complete healing of the body, mind, and soul. E 0 10.6 e with Yeshua's eyes that are like blazing torches, away from the noise of the world and in the presence of perfect love. What is He seeing for you that He wants you to see? E to what is es on His and ears for His promises alone. De happening above the water, sunk deep to the bottom of the ocean of His love, HIS IVING WATERS IS WHERE YOUR TREASURES LIE. Undisturbed by the winds and waves, but comforted by the warm embrace of YHWH Who has said to you, Mine” is where he wants us to spend time. PRINCE OF THE AIR AND TIMES OF DECEPTION In order not to be deceived by the enemy, let's not only think in terms of the spisitual Today, unlike any other time in hist we have at our fingertips, and the number of voices and opinions we hear on a dai basis is literally 24/7. As tis isthe case, an impostant question to ask ourselves is how ‘much the opinions of mainstream media and social media affect and shape our pray life and how we view the world and the situations we find ourselves in? HOW MUCH DOES IT AFFECT OUR WALK WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT? Unfortunately, this is the disection of the question when instead we should be asking, How much is my walk with the Holy Spirit affecting how I perceive and affect the world instead of the other way around. y, the level of information and misinformation Satan is referred to as the Prince of the air, and that should give us pause when we consider the medium that all information travels through to make ito our ears and e If we are spending mote time in the news and social media than with the Great I Am, i ‘wouldn't be difficult to surmise that wh ‘what shapes our paradigms and perspective. Just take a quick look at the owners of all of the major media outlets in your country and around the world, and ask yourself if ever one we focus on more will naturally be you trust them to give you the whole truth and nothing but the truth devoid of bias ‘and without an angle. Sounds ridiculous right? THE ONE WHO IS THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO WILL NEVER DECEIVE US OR LEAD US ASTRAY, whilst the enemy is trying to do the exact opposite ‘This month we are being called to see through one lens only, the lens of heaven. Tt is better than glasses a to the heavenly 20/20 instead of the world’s. We are being called to the ear doctor of laser eye surgery and allows us to see the year 2021 according ‘heaven to get the earwax cleaned out in order to hear the voice of Adonai more clearly instead of the phone, computer, or TV. One thing you can be certain of is that the nations who support Israel, and especially Israel itself will always be the most attacked and vilified by the Prince of the air, and those who stand upon the convietions of the is, just [00K and see. Ibis good to be informe ‘but the lens and ears through which we see it and hear it are the most important. With all of the despair and destruction that happens in the Biblical timeline and is happening right now around the world, we're being told, even by many beliovers that this can’t possibly be a month of worship like David worshipped, of spiritual eyes being ‘opened, and new encounters with the King of glory. What does the Holy Spirit and the Word say? As citizens of heaven and co-heirs with Yeshua at the right hand of the Father, the real question is how can it not be so? AS WARRIORS OF CHRIST RISEN WHERE ARE OUR FEET PLANTED? ON WHAT FOUNDATION DO WE FIGHT? (Our very nature and reality as being re-bomn of the baptism of water and the Holy Spirit gives us a clear heavenly paradigm and inheritance. It would be different if Yeshua was dead, but He is not! Yeshua is alive!!! While we must be aware of what has come to pass, and clear about what ed Israel into those previous times of judgment, this month should focus our eyes in this time toward the living temple, not the destroyed one. As temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19) we should take these lessons to heart, to remember not to serve the gods of our previous captivity. Question: Are we worshipping things that are defiling our relationship with the Holy Spirit Who lives in us and with Yeshua Who said He will never leave us or forsake us? Yes, clean the temple, not in order to moum, but to worship freely in Spirit and truth! As living temples, we don’t need a specified place to worship the Father, just as Yeshua told the ‘Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well (John 4:21-26). It’s temple cleaning time, a time to get in the zone, our home, before the throne! The vicious cyte of Tem so longer out inert, od the won ffs do andthe eae ings inthe heavenly places no Tongr ou ot We ae the ena often verooked and Looked dwn upon bythe wold but hkl ur fai is notin the word, BUT IN VHWH ISS the Lord our Banner who fight: our bates no mater haw numaroxs and inponsibe, at beter obo Iowa by th word enon by Adonai? ‘We ae the ence ancian made clean, former slaves and servants of the prince ofthis word, but now servant ends sons and daughters, pzsts and ingot the King of kings He sa permanent resident of our hows, the ving temple of the Holy Spirit and we are aso citizen of heaven where Yeshua lives. As crabs transformed bythe blood of Yeshu our weasure no longer es inthe word bu inthe heavenly places in he plac, Yeshua hs gone to prepare for ws. The Princ of th ai continues oe deceive, tea kil, and destoy and that should ot come asa suprise Though our old gases and contact lens, and our old head phones and heaing aids given tous by the world hee things were tard o abe and dco, BUT WITH OUR NEWS EVES AND NEW EARS FROM ADONAI WHAT WAS ONCE HIDDEN IS NOW MADE CLEAR. Therefore why sould we far when he Creator of heaven and cari where ow eyes ar ocased and ou cars nenng His eyes ke Geto i ‘oi like many waters case the ear and wash avy the ears. Let His ove embrace Jou ths month wth your worship oinng the anges with thelr harps and res. A new sound arises inthe cart above the tumult and he feat, aremnan ike lions wih no fear rloag «ea hoe! wd arte hee! "Tho sonny temas ut, and SuBSCHBEKFOUOW US, EI) eect ty sens thee eat Sted fs tnd sn, be Bold and ‘Shabbat, Prophetic Times and 3 courageous, and always ask the question whom shall I fear? (Psalm 27) ge ash @

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