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2:26 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below What is the best thing about being a part of your family? How do your experiences with your family members affect you? What is one thing that you contribute to your family that is helpful for them? ec) Answer | was pretty much blessed in every wey to have the most supportive, loving, understanding parents. In China, parents usually make it an unwritten rule that their kids get involved in one activity or job whether the kids want 10 oF not. But my parems encouraged me te follaw my own dreams and supported me 200% When | was only seven, | was already super interested in music, but my family wasnt that enrolled me in piano lessons anc eventual fordable plano to have at home. My parents wentto every single music evert and supported me. This inspired me to follow my dreams. Their hard contributed not only to e comfortable home, solid healthy meals on the table day in day out, clothes, cars, etc. | thank them by leaming really hard, every subject learnt at school, which made my perents genuinely proud of me. And now, because of my proficiency in piano, | can play s piece of music ta welcome every guest who comes to my place and help them better enjoy the stay entually got excellent grades in an extracurricular expen: 2:56 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Name a profession that you believe is underpaid. Why do you think people who do this job are not paid enough? How would you justify increasing their salaries? Camera Answer When it comes to the underpaid profession, the first one that comes into my mind is the nurse. Itis an indisputable fact that nurses play vitel roles in taking care of patients. They are using their professional expertise to facilitate the healing process when people get sick or injured, assisting surgeons to carry out and so forth. Apart from doctors, nurses help ensure people's health both physically and mentally. Many of them have to work night shifts to serve existing and potential patients. Without nurses, taking surgeries and hospitalization would be horrible experiences for patients. Nonetheless, nurses ai getting psid enough, especially those whose job invelves heavy-duty and requires them to stay 100% shift, N ne simple mistake could nsequences. In this sense, | reckon nurses should be paid more. the surge ft focused throughout # jassive responsi trigger deadly are assuming 2:57 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Do you think that robots will result in people losing their jobs, or do you think that they wil create more jobs? Provide reasons to support your opinion. fer Taat ie) Answer We've seen plenty if predictions that robots ere about to put everyone, from factory workers to journalists, cut of a job, with blue collar work most vulnerable to automation. In my epinion, robots will result ina great number of people losing their jobs. Labour-intensive industries such as manufacturing or agriculture rather than talent-based industries such as law or journalism will see the highest robotizatien. And its lower-skilled people who may have moved from the former industries who are vulnerable. In other words, the more repetitive the job, the greater the risk of its being wiped out. While ft sees the robots mov factories and into service industries, its still in manufacturing that they will have the most impact, pa reguire more compassi humans for decades 10 by robots. wi jculerly in China where ari rkers could be replaced by machines. Gn the other hand, jobs which al intelligence are more likely to continue to be carried cut 's still a considerable number of people that will su! ied 2:56 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Do you think that people should be allowed to say anything they want to say? Provide reasons to support your opinion fer=T nate) Answer f speech al od the ability of governmel centuries. Personally speaking, people should be allo to accept any consequences for their choice of words. This is because you cant asl how people react to your point of view. The reactions of others cannot be controlled. Despite the reaction of others 1o what you say, it is commonly ergued that everyone deserves the right to speak theirming, n protest and refuse. Freedom of speech is a fundamental part of art criticism, cultural criticism, and protects the right to protest and fight against what we dent want, and to argue for what we do. We need to have opposing views co-existing with one another to free our minds and challenge us. We shoularit allow ourselves ta let political correctness’ make us afraid of sharing views that can contribute to critiquing our culture. Freedom of speech is the gateway to being able to question consensus, and to challenge what is being presented es truth. | think its everyone's right to share their investigations and critiques, to challenge the cultural consensus, rsial issue for 0 regulate it have been a controw what they want, provided they are prepared io be protected from 2:55 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Describe the last time you were scared to try something new but did anyway. How did you get the courage to try it? What did you learn t i ip you in life? rom this experience that will help you in life’ Camera Answer Ihad never tried skiing before because ! 80, but | did it anyway last winter. My best friend, William, asked me if | would like to go skiing with him and a group of his friends. | didn't give him my response straightaway Instead, | had a thorough thought over that plan for. couple of days hecause | had never skied before, ang | harclly knew any ef the other people in the group. Finelly, | made my mind — | decided to join them and leave all the concems tehind. | suppose the biggest driver was my will to try playing extreme sports. if, for any reason, | had chosen otherwise, | suppose that | would regret so much Because | experienced the great fun of skiing and viewed the amazingly the snow re ofme 5 00 gorgeous scenery of ‘taken goo fep out of my comfort zone and mountain. Besides, | v , | wouldn't have met so many smazing people who a taught me how to ski. Apart from the skiing skill, | also leamt that I shoul! try things thet | haven't experienced before as | only live once. 2:57 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Name a person in your life who inspires you What is your favorite memory with this person? What can you learn from his or her life that you can apply to your own? fetta) Answer The person jot is my grandfather. To me, he is ah and a man of his honour. He is around 75 cour family. Though he cant manage es maker for our famil every o 19 inspires m: an ideal father, 2 benevolent pers ars old nov. We live in a joint family and he is still the head o aspect of our family due to his age, yet he is still the decision and each single decision he has ever made involves a great level of person. | remember him from my indness 1 childhood when ne used to play chess withme. He taught mé many things including the value of kindness. He told me some of his great adventures in his life through stories and those stories are still inspiring for me. He has a great number of virtues that | can leam from him, He is # person of his word, He would not talk much but unparallel weights. He is a benevolent pergon as | have seen him heloing many people in our locality. | like him eo much that | want to become a person like him an he does it carri #105 Speaking Free Response Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the tapic below What is the name of the boak that has influenced you the most, and what is it about? Explain haw the book has influenced you fer Tailor.) Answer When it comes to the book that has influenced me the most, the first one that jumps into my mind is the Harry Potter series written by J.K. Rowling. Despite his strong magic, Harry Potter is @ true hero as he is up for people who are in need. This quality is what | have always been aiming at. Harry has fe of protecting vulnerable group and justice. For example, if someone is bullied, then he will correct what is: wrong by using the magic to approprictely punish the protagonist. Itis Harrys bravery of protecting disadvantages people end doing justice that inspires me. Although itis impossible for me to have magic, my embition will never change. And in order to stand up for people who! love, I will continue t pursue strength and whatever it tekes to live a secure and happy life. ling t0 always been on the n 2:57 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below What is something that you think is very important, but money cannot buy it? Explain the reasons for your choice fer Taat ie) Answer To be happy we need to have enough money to cover our basic needs. Worrying about having enough money to put food on the table, or being able to pay medical bills in case e family member falls ill, is highly stressful, and can negatively affect happiness levels. But the bottam line is that money car't buy it all. In fact, there are many things whieh are vital to our happiness and well-being that simply cant be bought Money can buy lust, attraction, power and so forth, but mt cant buy love. This is because love is something intimate; something heartfelt, something mysteriaus. Money is none of these things. Money is simply a mettiod of exchange —no more and no less. It's used to pay for a productora service; its convenience, comfort, and luxury. One funny thing about love is th. getting true love. For example, Everyone wai having too much money may even pose a difficulty in 10 associate with a wealthy person, due to this, it would be complicated to find true love since you may not be able to cifferentiate between the people who love you for who you are and those who love for what you have. Also, having money may help you in making goad memories with your loved ones, but in the absenee of love, all the money in the world cannot build a stable relationship. Thus, money cant buy love. 2:57 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below What is a song with lyrics that you find meaningful, and what is an important line from the song? Explain your reasons for your choice fer Taat ie) Answer Man in the Mirror is @ song with lyrics thet | find deeply meaningful. It is @ song by one of the greatest artists in human history - Michael Jackson. Although sadly, he died at an early age, he has left us a large number of works mang which many are considered classic. The philosophy Michael shares in this song is very inspiring. This song creates a realization ef our reali We cant keep complaining, ar painfutly watching people suffer. We mus hand assist those who require assistance. An important line from the song is “if you want to make the world s better place, take a look at yourself, and then make 3 change! We slways talk spout our society andl all the bad things that happen that have no reasoning. And that -ould be right in the mirror, There is @ quote that perfe nsel meon! ly represents this song, "Our world suffers 2 lot, not because of the bad people end, the violence, But, because of the good people that are silent” In th song, he urges us to stop being selfish and extend our kindness to others, especially those who desperate need. That's why | consider this song to be one of the most meaningful songs created by the one and only Michael Jacksan that no one will ever forget, and may his legacy be passed down to future generations to come. 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below What do you think is the most important quality for a student to have? How do you work to improve this quality in yourseif? How can having this quality help all people learn better? Camera Answer ‘As far as | am concerned, the most important quality for a student to have is an inquiring mind. It is an indisputable fact that the majority of students nowsdays have stopped thinking while learning, They are increasingly inclined to learn by rote, which is definitely not the most effective approach of learning, Students should be constantly encouraged to think creatively and critically. In doing so, they can understand the knowledge 10 a greater depth, and in tum epply what they have learmt from the textbooks-to the real world. In onder to develop an inquiring mind, | take the initiative to read around the subjects outside of the classracm, research mare about a theory | touched an in-class, talk about the eencepts in my personal statement. It not only demonstrates @ curious mind, but also 3 positive attitude to study, an interest in my course endl an sbility to think ano work independently 2:57 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Describe a difficult skill you have mastered. Explain how you overcame problems in order to master the sk fer Taat ie) Answer Time management is the key to success in the w rkglace as well 25 in one's personal lives. Without proper time management, people cannot meet their gersonal daily goals or finish their work on time, resulting in & life filled with stress. In order to master the skill of time management, | have overcome a number of problems, First of all, itis of critical importance to understand why it's important for me to manage my time effective time management helps me to get things done on time, to be productive and not waste my own and other people's time. This being said, setting goals is a practical way to implement successful time management. Procrastination is one thing that a latge proportion of the population nas now. there is a broad spectrum of ways to help one over Icen download apps, adjust sleep time, create lists, and whatever else works for me. ital v ne procrastination. Living in a 2:57 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below What are the most important qualities to look for in a friend? Explain why these qualities are more important than others. fer Taat ie) Answer Research has shown that the better the quality of your relationships, the more likely you are to be hap being & great friend to someone and having friends support your back is good for your wellbeing. Trustworthiness is often the "make or break’ element in any interpersonal relationship. Any breach, fed magnitude, can devastate 6 relationship. Trustworthiness is comprised of several components, inclueing honesty, dependability, and loyalty, and while each is important to successful relationships, honesty and dependebility have been identified as the most vital in the realm of friendiships. Honesty requires that we spesk openly from the heer and incorporate objectivity into our words. Being dependable means that friends can count on you to be there when you say you will, to do whet you say you will, and to be willing to stand up for friends, especially when they cantt stand up for themselves. if you are as likely to let friends down as come through for them, the relationship often becomes superficial, less engaging, and even resentment provoking, if it doesnt end altogether. Loyalty is valued early on in all of our relationships, fram the time we make our first friendships. We need friends whe won't spill our secrets to others, gossip about us, or allow others to criticize us $0, regardless of perce! 2:57 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Describe the last time you made a difficult choice that someone disagreed with. How did you decide what to da? How did your decision impact your relationship with the person? Ca mera Answer Decisions | have to make within 2 team ere difficult, only because these decisions take more time and require deliberate communication between team members. The last time | made a difficult choice was in last year. | was working on a team project at university, and my teammate and | had to make some choices about how to successful product inte the market with limited budget. | would like to maximize the quelity of our product while compromising on the marketing because! believed customers would ultimately come to buy your product if itwas genuinely good. On the contrary, he insisted to put great efforts into marketing, saying that’s how nev product was supposed to be launched into an existing market and then gradually gain market share. After along same decision that the majority of the limited budget should be put into the marketing of our new produ During the heated negotiation, we were ableto see each other's unique understanding of the project, At the end of the day, the project reinforced our relationship, and we became good study partners aver the rest of the course jaunch ne ate, | compromised, and we arrived at the 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below What is important to you today that wasn't important to you 5 years ago? Expiain why it's important to you now. fer=T nate) Answer Having 3 job or a career is now of crucial importance to me. But it wasnt important to me 5 years ago because | was still 8 full-time student then. First of all, | get paid for work. If | can sm money, can buy things | need, pay my bills, have a place to live, and basically do things | fithout money, | cant do much, Besides, having a job or career makes me feel good, Knowing that | can do something well and 2am money for my skills is ¢ great feeling. And \ develop new skills, learn new things, and create a record of employment. Last but not least, having a jeb or a career comes with self-respect, dignity, and self-warth, | am being responsible and making sure that | can take care of myself | am creating a solid foundation that | can build on to have a successful future. 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Name 2 goal that you want to achieve in the next year, What are you doing to achieve this goal? How will accomplishing this goal make you a better person? fer=T nate) Answer at the end of every year, | would like to set @ goal for myself that | can achieve in the future For the coming year, one goal | want to achieve is to find a decent job so that | can be financially independent from my parents. Next year would be my last year at ‘80 finding a job is necessary. To achieve this goal, first of all, |need-to eccurnulate my practical experience in the professional fields through internships. Moreover, itis ideal for me to check which skills are looked after by current employers, therefore, I cen imprave those skills directly 10 be successful in employment. Finding a job is regarded as the first step that we have stepped into society fram the Ivory tower. If | can support my life with my owm job, | would onstrate to my parents thet! can live on my own and they would stop" about me ersit 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Describe the last time you needed to argue your point of view. How did the other person respond to your opinion? What did that experience teach you about sharing your thoughts with others? Camera jast time when | needed to argue my poim of vi my ideas and discuss tho: w, which is my last group assignment where with teammates. After conducting a detailed research, | shared my opinions on how we should conduct this assignment. Some teammates agree with me while some have raised thelr concems. One student has given his proposel which is totelly different from mine. But we have discussed thoroughly with the advantages and disadvamtages of each one's plan. | listened to their thoughis carefully without simply denying ther. Finally, we reach an agreement that can combine the ady both plans. The high marks we have ages of been awarded contribute to the great teamwork we had. | have learn from this experience that if others disagree with you, it doesnt necessarily mean thet the ng. Listening to other's idea can also help us to learn from others and improve ourselves 2:57 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Do you believe that there are times when itis Tight to lie, or do you think all lying is wrong? Explain your reasoning fer Taat ie) Answer From my perspective, not all lying is wrong because there ere als: consideration white lies which are from good he most reasonable point for my argument is that sometimes when people are | are trying to minimize the effects caused by the cruel truth. Forinstance, before the entrance exam of the university, some parents may choose not to tell their children that they are going ta divorce. From the parents’ perspective, the most important task for their children is to pass the entrance exam, so they decide to tell this lie just to minimize the negative effects caused by the cru are insignificant and do not harrn anyone's interest, such as itis a tasty cheesecake’ wi is just plain. itis not easy to defin 50 We cannot judge decisively whether it is-a lie truth. Moreover, in daily life, some lies men the cheesecake cong in actual world ch statement absolutely right or absolutely 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below What do you think is the most important thing humans can do for the environment? Explain your reasoning. fer=T nate) Answer From my perspective, the most important thing humans can do for the environment is to reduce the carbon footprint from individual aspects, The increasing carbon dioxide has caused a series of problems, like rising temperature end poisonous smog which have caused severe problems in our daily life. Actual lots of behaviors we cen change to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Tobe more specific, we can reduce the usage of unt plastic in our daily life, such as plastic bags and plastic cookware. Moreover, rather than driving private cars, choosing public transportations can reduce the emission of exhaust fumes, in turn we will have clean air to breath, Through our efforts, the carbon footprim caused by burning waste can be reduced significantly, which can contribute to a bemter environment. Efforts can also be made by what and how much we eat. Eating a vegetarian or are also likely to be better for the environment than a diet which includes a lot of meat 2:59 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below What do you think your life will be like in trventy ars? How do you think it will have improved? What do you think will be your biggest challenges? fer=T nate) Answer When it comes to my life im twenty years later, | would already be in my forties where | may live with my families and one lovely puppy. Ideally, my goal that to build up my own business would come true. | hope at that time, | will have sufficient money and time to support my fi er in living costs or children's education. Also, it would be great that I can live in the same city with my parents:so that | can spend more time with them. Compared to my currem pable of taking care of others in twenty years. Now, | am still supported financially and mentally by my parents. if | have children in the future, itis supposed that | can set @ good exemple for them. On the other hand, bringing them up can also be one of my biggest challenges in twenty 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Do you believe that people can actually make a difference when it comes to climate change? Provide reasons to support your opinion. fer=T nate) Answer From my perspective, people can definitely make a difference in terms of climate change. The first and most son for my argument is that individual activities can contribute to a significant change in the environment, which has already happened. For instance, after the public transportation and electric vehicles being encouraged by the government, the smog phenomena in large cities have been eased without doubts. Under the strong enforcement of appropriate legislation, the usage of plastic bags has been reducedto a large extent. Moreover, there are more and more people developing the awareness that it is our responsibility to protect the environment while taking resource from it. Therefore, an increasing number of volunteers participated in the activities to plant trees, pick up rubbish and recycle Als profit organizations have grown to perform their duties. Looking in the long run, we will obviously save the environment important are living in by ourselves, #91 Speaking Free Response Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the tapic below Describe your typical weekend. What activities do you enjoy the most and why? What do you do on weekends that helps you to prepare for School on Monday? Camera Answer ll start ould like to ir and relies ‘The weekend is normally a period for me to relax and get ready for school on Monday: Typical my Saturday with @ brunch, where | can enjoy a cup of coffee with soft pancakes. After that ge for a walk along the beach with my elose friends er families. Breathing the fre agmy eyes, | can definitely get rid of the hustle and bustle in weekdays. Also, the conversation with friends of families ate always encouraging and inspiring, which | share my study and life with them, If that is a rain day, a film time et home with snacks is alse a great option, feastis a highlight for weekends but sometimes | may get frustrated by the long line out of the restaurant. At weekends, | have mote spare time to spend on my interests, such as playing guitar and skateboards. The relaxing time is necessary for mete take a rest so that |.can start a new week with energy. 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Do you think that most people are trustworthy, or do you think that most people are untrustworthy? Explain your reasoning fer Taat ie) Answer worthy. The first reason far my argument is that From my point of vies eckon that most people are untru: is reasonable to believe that everyone is living in their own interests. Therefore, if there are conflicts of interests, they are more likely to fight for their jterests. Moreover, in current society, competition is so fierce that people may need to sacrifice others interest to survive no matter in study, work, or life. For instance, if two employees are the candidates for one team leader position, that other two cannot trust each other on work more, the relationship among people become gradually distant in rnodem socie people lack empathy and dont care about others too much. They tend to not make commitments or fail people as f mos ision, with all the reas: fulfil the commitment. n cor untrustworthy. 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below When you meet a person, what is the first thing you notice about him or her? Why does that one thing stand out to you? fer Taat ie) Answer From my paint of view, the first thing | will notice ebout a person is his or her dressing. From the cloth th are wearing, | can speculate their age, job and maybe personality. To be more specific, if a manis wearing suits, itis reasonable to believe that he may be working in a company as a manager. On the other hand, a man wearing fashion brands is mere likely to work en clothing or fashion industry. According to my ars light colour is commonly more easy-going than who wears a dark colour. Moreover, in some specific occasions, the appropriate dressing can also reflect whether the person value this meeting. For instance, attending @ business meeting with formal clothing can si and respects to counterparts. A person who can wear cloth suitable for different occasion tends to have high EQ and pay great attention to details. In conc aspects mentioned above are the reasons wity | consider clothing as the most importent factor for the first impression experience, a woman who v your professionality 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below What is something that is completely free but gives you as much joy as expensive things? Explain the reasons for your choice. fer=T nate) Answer ‘The happiness one stuff brings to me cannot be measured by its price. Actually, there are many things that but don't cost too much. From my point of view, the university library is completely free ut gives memore happiness than expensive things. During my university period, | borrowed plenty of books from the university library in various fields ranging from arts, history to philosophy. The knowledge | leamed from these books is priceless and cannot be bought by money. And | heve developed the good habit of reading, which benefits me for my further study. Moreover, the cosy atmosphere in the library enabled me to take a rest and think about my study, life, and future. Even | was there alane for most of the time, | never felt lonely. The expensive things may give me a moment of pride; but the library gives me the treasure of a lifetime. n make us hs 2:57 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below What is your favorite gente of film, television, or literature? What do you like most about the genre? What is your favorite story in this genre, and what makes this story interesting? fer=T nate) Answer Among all the genres of film or literature, historical drama is definitely rm focus. more on how to recreate the original scen favorite. Some historical dramas of a certain period, while other dramas tend to combine some fictional factors with history. For example, it may talk about a college student, who likes researching history, and occasionally travels back to ancient times and has a magical experience. My collection of historical crarmas is ranging from stories in ancient Chinese dynasties to European kingdoms. The Kangxi Dynasty is a historieal television drama that | keep watching for more than three times. it depicts the lifetime of a legendary emperor on how he was dedicated te developing a coumry from military, agriculture and business aspects. The f: ally designed make me more involved into thet drama, While learning history, | can also feel the relations and feelings among characters, such as the pressure in royal family and trust between the emperor anc generals. esy costume snd grand s 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below What is a life lesson that you had to learn by making a mistake, and how did it make you a better person? fer=T nate) Answer This topic reminds me of & mistake | made during my university: In my freshman yeer, ete by the new life in university so thet | participated in several extra-curriculum activities. However, | spent only a few time on studying my major courses. Even for the final period, | didn't take the exams: seriously, unsurprisingly, failed one exam. Singe it was a fundamental exam, | must pass itto enrol advanced courses. Therefore, my graduation was deleyed for one more semester and there is ¢ fail remark in my transcript. This mistake always warns me to treat study and life seriously at any time. In the following studies, | tried my best to balance between study and interests. Mareover, | gradually develop good habits on how to manage time wisely and utilize time efficiently. Ahhough that mistake cannot be corrected, the lesson | learnt from it will benefit me for the rest of my life 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below What do you think are two of themost important factors in becoming successful? Explain your reasoning. fer=T nate) Answer There are many factors that. can contribute to a personis success. From my point of view, education ano sitive attitude are two of the most important factors for success. In terms of education, the highest paid people are those who know more cutting-edge knowledge than the average. Therefore, they are vel by the employers and uhimately earn more money. Especially in today’s society, it is clear that education omes increasingly imgortant. it enables you to acquire the essential knowledge and skills. When it comes to the ather necessary factor, pasitive attitude can help us get through the tough time quick’ transform the risks into opportunities. Everyone will meet difficulties when they are pursuing goals. to think positively so that we dont give up easily. Moreover, people are more willing to work with you are confident anc optimistic. In conclusion, I cansider the education and positive attitude as the most important factors towards success. lued more 2:57 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Do you think people are more motivated by a desire to succeed or by fear of failure? Explain your reasoning. fer=T nate) Answer From my perspective, people are more motivated by the fear of failure rather than the desire to succeed. The first reason for my argument is thet people only need to meet the minimum standard if their goal is not falling, therefore, they need fewer efforts and itis easier to start, But it requires more efforts to succeed. which is more likely to frighten people to give up. Soecifically, most students study to pass the exam but only small 2 proportion of them are willing to spend more time to get@ high distinction. Moreover, when facing the possibility of failure, people start to worry about the significant loss after failure. By contrast, the results of not successful are not serious compared to that of failure. in conclusion, it is reasonable belleve that people tend to be motived by the fear of failure due to fewer efforts needed, end serious results failure caused, 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below What is something that you think our dreams might be able to tell us about ourselves? Explain your reasoning, fer=T nate) Answer Sometimes what we experience in dreams is so real that w reflects what bur Ta be mo! , IF the deadline of an exam is approaching, we to dream of getting up fate so that missing the exam or leaving the materials at home. This is because we keep worrying about the exam, and even when we sleeg, we still make ournerves tense. And family member who has passed away elways appeer in our dreams, which is an expression that we still miss them end cherish the memory. In other cases, the dream may be in contrast to reality. For instance, in real life, niet have the courage to try the skydiving, but ourselves are enjoying the air and excitement o' skydiving in dreams. This can tell us thet, in our deep inner woris, we are really eager to do these activities can even remember when we wake up and it ns us ind nd 2:57 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Name a person who you think is very kind toward others. What do they say or do that models kindness? What have you leamed from him or her? fer Taat ie) Answer ‘The person who is very kind toward others is my grandfather, To me, he is a hero, an ideal father, a benevolent person and @ man of his honour. He is argund 75 years old now. We live ine joint family and he is still the head of our family. Though he can't manage every aspect of our family due to his age, y sill the decision-maker for our family, and every single decision he has ever made involves a great level of kindness towards every other person. | remember him from with mie, He taught me many childhood when ne used to play chess 3 including the value of kindness. He told me some of nis great advertures in his life through stories and those stories are still inspinng for me. He is 3 person of his word He vould not talk much but when he d = unperallel weights. He is = bes seen him helping many people in our locality. We never take his kindness for granted, instead, we very much appreciate all the things he has done for us. | revere my grandfather for his acure observation and grest decisions. | ike him so much that | wentto become a person like him eit carri rolent person as | have 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Describe the last group project you completed in school. How did the group members work together to complete the tasks? What did you learn about yourself while working together with others? Camera Answer The last group project | completed in school was a project for the subject called Construction. The tire cl our subject coordinator, ensuring that each group had a mix of rent backgrounds in an attempt ta best simulate the real places. | am from China, and was assigned to a group with two Indians, one American and two Australians. In order to work ther smoothly, the very first thing we did was to introduce yourself to the rest of the team, including your weeknesses and your favourite part of the group sssignmentto do. After knowing each one's personalities, roughly, of course, ive elected a team leader to coordinate our teamwork. Then we divided the report sctions, delegated two members to each task, and set up a timeframe. We also created a Facebook group to communicate instantly with each other. Probably because the way we coopersted and peer pressure, we each finished our own parts within the given time end to the required quality. From the group project, | learnt that | am more of a follower rather than the team leader, and | have excellent attention to detail which enables me to complete every single task ¥ ry little or no error lass was divided into groups of six by nts from di | sul 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Do you think that prison is the best consequence for criminals, or do you believe there's a better way? Provide reasons to support your opinion fetta) Answer Imprisonment is an increasingly common method of punishment in modem society, it is designed to punish the offender by depriving them of their liberty. In reality, however, imprisonment is under constant debate and has many critics, leading us to question is effectiveness. Prigon usual discomfor, psychological pain and general unhappiness, as well as imp: employment and social integration upan release. However, as far as |'am concemed, imprisonment may not be the best punishment in many cases. Some offenders who are nota direct danger to the general public should not be put into prison. For instance, some career criminals resort to crime because they were seeking more profitable opportunity then honest work provides, And even taking t ty short 1 year without a work-history and @ criminal record on top of it, makes it mare difficult for them to.get an honest job than it was before they had e record in the first place. in these cases, imprisonment is not encouraging thern ta correct their wrong. And | believe there is a better way to punish these criminals Nevertheless, there are many other types of criminals who definitely deserve imprisonment involves indigni 1g future prospects of out of so: ra 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Describe the best perty you ever attended. Who was with you at the party and what did you do there? What is your favorite memory from this party? fer=T nate) Answer Ihave attended many parties on different occasions but the most memorable one was a party that | held to mark my elder sisters twenty-fifth birthday. It was a surprise party that | planned with the help of my mother ' ifth of September noj| had started to plan it week ahead After my sister left for work in the moming, | started decorating our house and installing the setup. My mother started baking the birthday cake and cocking. | had also cor jose friends and our rel beforehand and asked them te come to our place before 6, which was the time my sister finished work. The celebration commenced at the y sister stepped into the house while we surprised her by pulling the crac frightened but was soon overwhelmed by happiness. We then socialized and enjoyed an incredible dinner. | am sure everyone had an amazing time at the party was on the twe cted all my sister's ry Moment ry 2 was liter 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below What unusual animal do you think could make a great pet? Provide reasons for why you chose that animal. fer=T nate) Answer Keeping unique pet will surely give its associated concems which the owner has to deal w responsibility. | am going to briefl hedgehogs are incredibly frien tional experience, but there certainly will be various h. Also, the owner will need to assume a huge as & pet. Despite their spines, remely affectionate with owners. Hedgehe rather cute, and they make perfect pets since th ‘alm and need low maintenai ar thatin equire lots of attention, especially when they are small. As long as you are gentle and shaw no harm te hedgehogs, they will not use their spines against you, Before you buy a hedgehog, make sure you check the legislation in your area. Hedgehogs are noctumal, so.if you are not night ove, itis choose another unusual pet er an exc: oduce you to keeping a hedgeho iy ly, and they can become 8 are 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below What is the biggest benefit to having constant access to the Intemet? What do you usually do online? What is one thing you think should change about haw people use the internet? fer=T nate) Answer As far as | am concerned, the biggest benefit of having constant access to the intemet is that it large! facilitates people's study. 20 years ago, whenever | wanted to learn about something, | hed to esk someone of to visit the local library. Things are et isjust a part of daily life, it still is amazing. | can leam pretty much an’ experienced people sharing knowledge freely online. y different now, ang even though having acces: hing online, There are experts end easy for people to get caught up in the busyness je. We often take things for granted and fail 1o notice and appreciate the abundance and there is alw something to be thankful for in our lives. Therefore, we need to appreciate the tings around us, and my to show thankfulness is to say ‘thank you" to those wno share good stuf online. the ir 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below What is your favorite school subject? Why do you enjoy studying this subject? H f learning this subject nelp you in lite? fer=T nate) Answer My favorite school subject is physies, and there ere e number of reasons. Firstly, physies teaches people how to think. Humans sre naturally inclined to take the easy road and just make assumpti emotions and beliefs, ra than making decisions based on the facts presented. In fact, it takes a lot of factice to train our brains to think critically. Secondly, physics explains. There is a broad spectrum of phy ries of relativity tured out to fundamemally change the way we look at space and time. These theories answered ee many questions. Physically woven into the fabric of space and time, physi surrounds us everyday, giving us ample space to stop and consider what it is we are really experiencing. So many aspects of our daily lives revolve around the laws of physics. Besides, physics is ¢ wonderful tool for math. Ittakes all these numbers and symbols and puts them into real world use. based on 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Describe the most important thing you do to stay healthy. Who taught you this behavior, and how have they modeled it for you? Why do you think it is important? Camera Answer Organized, well-structured youth sports and on-going physical activities can provide many benefits for people. The most important thing | do to stay healthy is to exercise on @ regular basis. My father taught me this behaviour and heloed tailor an exercise plan for me to stick with. Basically, | have to be physically active for 30 minutes most days of the week. { break this up into three 10-minute sessions when pressed for time. Healthy movement may include walking, jogging, stretching or other activities | enjoy and feel like 10 gerform in different cases. Exercise is important because it can help me reach my fitness goals and maintain a healthy making and nat drinking Sports also have hidden health benefits such as lowering the chance of number of dise ght. However, it also encourages healthy decision-making such as ni 2:57 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Name a film that had 2 big impact on you. What about the film was so memorable? What did you learn from the story? fer=T nate) Answer We tend to look for ourselves in ot stand for favourite superheroes. They inspire us to take action, to do justice, to at's right As @ woman, | appreciate seeing a female on the front of a Marvel movie poster for a change, Captain Marvel is everything thet | sdmire: determined, strong, just, and willing te be vulnerable. She dozen let others tell her who she is or what she can do, but discovers those things for herself. Though another character tells her, Your emotions make you weak" she soon lems atherwise—that women aren't lesser beings and were not created by God to be mens servants or eye candy. We are all one in Christ. The friendship between Captain Marvel and Nick Fury is particularly wonderful, while viewers.can also enjoy the usual explosions and fights familiar to the MCU, This is a fun supesnere origin story that carries with ita weighty message of biblical truth if we are willing to look. Superheroes who demonstrate mercy, rescue the innocent, and call out injustice are mirroring attitudes that Christ dis; Captain Marvel is the best of these, 2:57 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Describe the last time you did something fi outdoors. Who was with you, and what did they think of the experience? What are some benefits of spending time outside? fer=T nate) Answer Last year, my friends and ! went to the snow mountain fer skiing. Frankly spezking, | had never skied before then, but | signed up for that without hesitation because | had always wanted to give it etry, There were 13 of us. When we finally set our foot on the snow mountain, we were emazed by the gorgeousness the nature presented 10 us. Before attending the skiing class, | was worried that if I could lea a nevt skill simply in a couple of hours. To everyone's surprise, despite the fact that it was literally my first attempt of skiing, | picked it up rather quickly, probably because | had learnt roller skating when | was about 10. After finishing the class, | was free to go on my own. | was then Taught by my friends how to tum while keeping going, and again, |leemt quickly. after thet, my friends and | went around and around on the hardertrack, and we all had great fun. if, for any reason, i had chosen otherwise, | suppose that! would regret so much once William came back from the snow mountain and showed me all the pictures and video clips he hed shat when skiing. This is because | have actually experienced the greet fun of skiing and viewed the amazingly gorgeous scenery of the snow mountain. Besides, | viouldn't have met so many amazing people who have taken go0d care of me and taught me how to ski 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Everyone makes mistakes, but why do you think that many people are so afraid of making them? Explain your reasoning. fer=T nate) Answer There are real and imagined reasons wh) catastrophising about a future that hasnit hapy \We are generslly social animals, and are affected by wher find ourselves in the pecking order. Low self-esteem, and trauma can make people afraid of being judged, criticised, or even punished. No one is born with low self-esteem, it's handed to them by someone, mostly when they are too young to. choose otherwise. The person who is critical of others hi made mistakes 100, but you'll tend to find they are hardly likely 10 draw attention 10 that fact. Mast mistakes are inconvenient, and sometimes embarrassing, but we all make them. It’s how we leam, and it is important to personal development to he allowed to make occasional mistakes. Some people have an Issue with perfectionism which others may say it rejection of other things, or a need for more control, This does not mean all perfectionists try 1275, Maybe itis just themselves. Fi their tefuge, but as we all know life is rarely certain. We all just have to hope for the best, while putting in some effort re control o Jing safe in certai 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below If you could add one hour to your days from now on, what would you da with if? Explain your reasoning. fer=T nate) Answer hen was the last time you looked up in the mirror and just looked at yourself? That messy hair, that dry-dull face, that ft bulging up its wey around your belly-band. But when was the time you actually dic something forit? We are into ¢ fast-pace age; where everything needs to be done night now, Working people hardly find any time for themselves. Schedule is so tight, that you miss # minute and you will be late everywhere aft that, and finally at the end of the day, when you are laying down on your bed you will complain "I didn't had time today", age-old excuse that fits in everywhere everytime. If | had an extra hour a day, | would take care cf myself. Daily in these 24 hours, | take care of work, my family, fiends, issues, roommates, but this extra hour, | would just spend for myself, as they say "ME-time”, Many times, | look in front of mirror and remember tha my hair few months back, that these nail polish which is in tits-bits need to be removed, that | just havent taken enough care of my skin. If | nad that extra time, it would be me. taking care of me, es "Looks do matter” and when | say looks | erm not talking about pink-fair skin, hazel eves and pink lips. | am talking about the way you present yoursell ‘others, and that does count 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below What does the word home mean to you, beyond simply the building you live in? Explain your reasoning. fer=T nate) Answer Home means an enjoyable, nappy place where you can live, leugh and leam. it's somewhere where you are loved, respected, and cared for. When you look at it from the eutside, home is just ¢ house, ¢ building, maybe a yard. But on the inside, i's 2 lot more than wood and bricks. The saying ‘Home is where the heart is" says itall, Home is also where your memories lie. Home is where | got my head stuck under the couch, Home is ell in the goldfish pond. | remember sleepingin the playhouse, falling down the stairs and climbing up the apple tree. Without memories, most people wouldnt be the people that they are today. Just ike memories, home is i hopes and dreams are. Dreaming about when you grow up. Being a spaceman or ¢ firefighter. Sinking beneath the sea as 6 scuba diver. | couldnt imagine living without dreams. My home grounds them, and without @ home, | wouldnt have any 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Describe the last time you disagreed best friend. How did you solve the disagreement, and how did it impact your friendship? with your fer=T nate) Answer Last week | had a big disagreement with one of my closest friends about a trip we were planning to go to. it was just after the final term exem in our university when one of our friends proposed to plan for a trip. The disagreement occurred with Jonathon when he proposed to visit Mexico while | preferred travelling to England. Jonathon might have reasons to visit Mexico, but | preferred to visit a place where I could enjoy the tranguillity and rich heritage, | srgued that the majority of other friends have agreed 10 visit England, and the plan's sudden change would deter many of them from joining us. After an hours argument and discussion, we finally agreed that we should both make @ compromise and decided to go te Australia instead. Since then, we became closer than before What | leamed from this exper is that we should respect our friends’ ideas; even if you do not agree with them, we can always find ¢ solution that satisfies both parties, 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Describe the most beautiful place you have ever seen. What were you doing there, and who was with you? How did you feel when you saw this place? fer=T nate) Answer The most beautiful place that | have ever nds for aur graduation trip. TI sitediis the Monterey Bay in California. | went there with my 2 are several litt Sea, Pacific Grove, and 17-mile Drive. They all are incredible. In the harbor of Monterey, you can see see otters and seals, There is-also a very nice and interesting aquarium there. During the summer, the beach in Pacific Grove is covered with flowers. Carmel-by-theSea is an artist community with many art galleries. The beaches in Carmel are gorgeous. And there are many, many, many CYPRESS TREES. In case that wasn't enough, an the 17-mile Drive, there are lots of millionaires {in faet they all are) and even some celebrities. | will conclude by saying that the Monterey is such a wonderful place, and | hope I can go there again in the near future s/communities there: Momerey, Carmetby 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Ifyou have children, what is one thing you would da differently from your parents? Why would you do this? How would this choice impact your children? Camera Answer If have my own kids, one thing that | would do differently from my parents is that | will give them more freedom to play. In the past, parents used to neglect the ber of free-play, they attached too much importance to leaming ecedemic knowledge, especially our parents’ generations, Free-play teaches children how to entertain themselves and helos them lear to think independently and develop decision-making skills. It provides opportunities for children to discover what interests them and what they are good at. Free- play teaches kids to play with ethers. It helps them leam to regulate their emotions and be aware of other people's feelings. Letting children play amongst themselves allaws children to develop conflict resolution skills ang leam to take tums. Free-play also helps children leam howto be leaders and work as pant of 3 team. | will conclude by saying that free-play is essential in children's overall development. 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Do you think. it's true that “A picture is worth a thousand words"? Provide reasons to support your opinien. fer Taat ie) Answer ‘A picture is worth @ thousand words" is an English lenguage adage meaning thet complex and sometimes multiple ideas can be conveyed by a single still image, which conveys ft effectively than a mere verbal description, | totally agree with this semence. As humans, we are largely responsive to visual pictures, whether we like to admit it or not. Pictures have the ability to make us feel happy, excited, disgusted, and:curious, among other things. We can remember a famous brand just by locking at their image and can even reminisce ebout 19, 20, 30 years into the past 10 a moment in our lives where we were affected emotionally by a specific event simply by looking at an old picture. Images can also Along with powerfully emotional headlines, pict Is meaning of essence more hat's to cor jes about v at wam us oF give es capture stunning moments in time stand prominently in our view peaking our curiosity and changing ou! mood instam 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Describe the last thing you learned that made you wiser. Who taught yeu this, and how did you thank them for it? How will you use this knowledge to help you in the future? fer=T nate) Answer The last thing | have leamed is that listening to others is one of the best social skills. Some people told me multiple times that they know howto listen. This wes a bit confusing for me because I've never understood how you could not listen to others. 've noticed that we are too selfish nowadays, and we are too focused on ourselves to listen to others. | have leamed it from one of my friends, who is slays the most popular one in any group. He told me that we are just not interested in others. However, being a bit curious, and listening deeply ta others makes you a great friend, girl/boyfriend, and even a better human. This is really beneficial for building good relationships with others, andto show my gratefulness, | invited him to 2 big dinner. Inthe future, | will Focus on what others talk and figure out what their true meanings are. 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Name one food that you can make. What's the hardest part of making that food? How did you learn to make it? fer=T nate) Answer can make delicious macarons at home. Colorful, adorable, and bite-sized, their soft meringue exterior crumbles almost too easily into their smooth, creamy filling once they re safely in your mouth, Unfortunately making them is hardly as simple. The trickiest part is getting the meringue shell right. Each individual shell should be frall, crisp, and smooth, s0 the baking process can be quite long and dravin out. To make them soft and shiny, you'll need a steady hand when piping out the mixture, Getting the meringue mixture right is pretty tee. Some chefs say that the eggs you use will need to be at least two weeks old while the egg whites themselves will need to sit out at roam temperature for 24 hours before you can even think about whisking. When | first ate macarons, | feel in love with this sweet food. That's why | searched for videos online and learned by myself. | spent a fot of time and eneray leaming how ta make them, and finally, I succes echnique sensiti 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Name something you learned this year that has made you wiser. Who taught yau this, and how has it improved your life? How will you share your new wisdom with others? fer=T nate) nto others. One.of my best 10 is always the most popular person in any groups sh fom with me, and | hope | will share this to other friends of mine one day by showing them the many benefits of listening. Good listening isn't something that we should limit to authority figures. It's something you can do with everyone you encounter: your friends, your family, and new people in your life, Effective listening offers you many benefits and encourages the speaker to feel valued as well. Being a good listener has improved my life significantly. ‘There's the practical side — you can't do well academically if you dent pay attention to instructions, y in trouble at home if you drown out your parents when they're laying down the rules. Go connects me to the werle around me and helps me understand my responsibilties. 2:57 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Do you think that watching a movie based on a book is just as good as reading the book? Provide reasons to support your opinion. fer=T nate) Answer Itis argued watching a movie based on a book can be equally good as reading the book. Everyone with regard to his private viewpoint and interests may maintain a specific direction towerd this statement. Some. believe that watching a movie would provide much excitement while others have a conviction that reading book before watching film gives humans deep insight in a broad sense, | arn unanimous with the first group. To begin with, nobo erlook the fact thet movies are as tocls which essist people 1o be mused, A movie which is produced with exaggerated scenes and exciting music, is able to auract a large audience. As a matter of fact, humans would employ their all imaginations in accompaniment with mavie to escape from their real life. The second reason for my argument lies the reality that directors usually display their characters briefly because they are restricted to a linyted time. Watching 4 movie will cause the audiences to find s shallow but total understanding about 4 personality. It can be said that in such a great condition, when people refer to the related novel, they will confront the developed descriptions about characters and even the story; therefore, their former mentality helps them to improve their deduction power and perceive the book berter. could 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Do you think social media is more likely to help ot harm a person's chances of achieving goals? Provide reasons to support your opinion. fer=T nate) Answer ‘The controversial issue in respect of the role of social media, in today’s society, amention and sparked a heated debate, Some people hold the view that social medi has the potential to impede people's progress. While there are certainly valid viewpoints, on the contrary, | personally believe that social media is more likely to help 2 person's chances of achieving goels, With the sdvancement in met-related technology, there is no doubt that aur society has entered the era of social media, That is to sey, social media new predominates over any other ways of people acquiring information. Therefore, social media can help propagate the information rather quickly, and the higher exposure it gets, the greater the illbe. For instance, when @ person wants to encaurage people to protect the environment, he or she will stand up in front of a camera and shoot a video that later will be posted onto the social media deing so, a large audience will be able to see the message that 4 person wants to. convey. And ifthe message is convincing and justifiable enough, viewers will put it into action, which will greatly aid the Process. has drawn huge publi ence 9 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Name some of the benefits of public parks and community gardens, How could these places improve your neighborhood? What kinds of activities could your family and friends enjey in these public spaces? fer=T nate) Answer The public parks ane community gardens of cities have provided ope psychological health, strengthen cur communities, and make our cities and neighborhoods more attractive places to live and work. Numerous studies have shawn the social, environmental, economic, and health benefits parks bring to.a city and its people. For example, they attract tourists, serve as community signsture pieces, offer a marketing tool for cities 19 attract businesses and conventions, and host festivals, concerts, and athletics events. Above all, green space in urban areas provides substamial ecosystem services. All of these are the benefits that ean help ta improve our neighborhood, as well as provide ¢ better living environment for residents. The public parks and community gardens are the ideal places for my family and friends to enjoy our time: we can bring fruits and snacks to have 6 picnic on the green grass, play frisbee with our dogs, or enjoy the outdoor music concert space to improve our physical and 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Describe an aspect of your home culture that is very unique. Explain how you can live successfully within a culture different from your own fer=T nate) Answer As one of the world's most ancient civilizations, China is rich in traditions and unique customs. The Chinese Nevr Year, or Spring Festival, is the happiest time of the year for nearly all children in China. No matter what region or background their families are from, they normally receive "hongbao," also known as lucky money. Lucky money usually consists of brang-new bills put in ¢ red envelope and given by the family's elders. The lucky money represents blessings for the year to. come. People tend to stop receiving lucky money when they begin to wosk, but in some parts of China, for example, Guangdong and Hong Kong, peaple can recs lucky money until they get married. Giving lucky money to children is one of China's unique cultures, but in Australis, there is nothing like it. People tend to combine Christmas and the New Year vscations together and spend it with families of travel to other countries. So i nged to adapt to these different cultures and adjust myself to get used to the fact that no one is going to give me the lucky money during New Years celebration. So! slways organize a trip with friends, eithertravel within Australia or go abroad. The New ‘Years’ time can also be an ideal time for me to relax with friends, just like the Australians. What is the best surprise you ever received? Who gave it to you and how did you thank him or her? How did this experience impact your eon? relationship with the person’ eet Answer A few months earlier | wes having ¢ chat with my boyfriend, snd told him how beoly | wes getting bored these days As we're in a long-distance relationship and its difficult for us to see each other very often Two days later, | got 2 message frorn him, i ve been i slept at? am yesterday. | hope you like it! :)". But there was nothing! | texted him asked him about it, then he sent me a link. | opened that link. My heart was pumping louder, and then the magic began. The background music of my favorite track started playing_ tn the middle of the screen, a heart started using thin threads and filling itself with colors like red, pink, orange, blue, purple. tt was awesome! On the left-hand side, there were two pictures, one above another. The above one wes me, while the below one was him. And this wasnt over yet. There was 9 background text which started typing 4s soon as the link was open. ft typed How a simple fi at stairs ended up with e talks. Sometimes it's hard to find words to tell you he much you mean tome. Many times, | dont say anything at all. But | hape someday you'll understand, having you is what | live for” | was in tears, This was undoubtedly the best surprise that somebody ever did for me: | thanked him for inviting him to a fancy restaurant on our anniversary and giving him my handmade gift Since then, aur relationship hs become more durable and reliable, and we have already planned weddings rking on this from the past two days, and | 8 written " nd 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below What is something that you have worked hard to be good at? What makes you want fo be good at this thing? How do you stay motivated, especially when you are tired or not sure about the outcome? fer=T nate) Answer Ihave worked hard to be 3 good chef, which is my dream, and | really want ta work as 4 chef as my care like cooking my wife always encourages me even if | cooked terrible dishes at the beginning of our relationship. Those encouragements are pushing me to cook better and practice more cooking skills and techniques. After | have decided to work as a chef, | keep practicing st home and self-leaming for about four years, But after years of home practicing, there are some problems with my techniques, and lots of questions about ingredients and confusion of combinations that have popped out. | started to feel tired ta keep practicing by myself and unsure whether | can become a good chef. But one day, after | took my wife to a fine dining restaurant and enjoyed their delicious dishes, | realized that | need professional training and @ place that allows me to use professional equipment. So | decided to enroll in a professional chef course. and | started to regain my original purpose te me a chef, which is presenting delicious dishes to people I really Ike 10 se¢ people's happy and enjoying faces when esting the food | cooked. To fulfill my dream, | will keeg practicing and training hard to become a well-known chef caus 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Name a skill or quality that you would like to be known far. Why would yau like people to remember you for this? How would being known far this benefit you? fer=T nate) Answer Asa young chef, | want people, such as chefs and customers, to remember my cooking skill Although | am still being trained, | had practiced my cocking skill for many years before | decided to be a chef as ry career. Working as @ chef the experience is much more important than qualification. To gain experience reauires @ chef to work from the batiom level in the kitchen before handling the dishes. Moreover, az @ chef is mportam for customers and the head chef to remember me, not for my personality but for the dishes that | have cooked and served. Its only the good taste and good caoking skill that | want people to remember. One of the benefits that being known for my cooking skills that it allows me to get into a higher- level position in the kitchen so that | can learn mote, think more, practice more ancitrain more for my other skills. Once | have been graded satisfaction for my skills, | can have the opportunity to work in a higher-level restaurant, and the head chef of the restaurant | work for is willing to write me a recommendation letter for it. Once | am relatively reputable, | also can heve the opportunity to work as Michelin star Chef. 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Describe a time when you were part of a large crowd. How did you feel about being in that group of people? What is one po: fe thing or one negative thing about being in large crowds? fer=T nate) Answer | remember ati 2 when | was part of a large crowd that it was Nev at the Harbor Bridge and waiting for the countdown and the Ne! about being in that group of people, as they were.all very ches playing, dancing ang singing, Everybody wes weiting happily for the new yeer to come. One positive thing about being in that large crowd is thet you will s2e everyone is enjoying their time with friends and families and having a good time. You will experience that people are all very happy and looking forward ta the new year, and this kind of happiness would make you feel more excited and waiting for the good things to happen in the coming year Year's Eve, Many people Yea were gathering ve fireworks. | felt very excited ful and excited, all of them were chatting 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below What do you think is the most important thing you need in order to have a happy life? Explain the reasons for your choice. fer=T nate) Answer ‘When ft comes to the most important thing [ nzed in order to have a happy life, | suppose it would be a healthy relationship, Personally speaking, the only thing that really matters in my life is my relationships with other people. | reckon what brings us the most happiness is family and friends. It is hard to think of life without relationships. ! em terribly afraid of loneliness. The root of happiness is not money, fame, or good looks-it's the people we choose to surround ourselves with and how well we nurture our relationships them, Having a better social life can be worth as much as an enormous amount of money in terms of life faction. Mest.o e stress doesnt actually work, Friends, however, de take the edge off. This being said, as with most things in life, when it comes to build good relationships, quality is more important than quantity. ¥ pable of having a finite number of people in our social sphere, probably 1100 to 200? | cannot be sure of this. But | find it not easy to manage social network. Therefore, choose to concentrate on @ handful of friends in order to maintain quality relationships. Having someone in my life whom | would feel comfortable phoning anytime to tell my troubles to mekes me feel relieved sat 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below lf you could listen to only one type of music for a whole year, what would you choose? Explain your reasons for your choice. fer=T nate) Answer would choose classical music, This is e type of music for a ar, | defin because classical music has the power to cultivates persor’s taste. When people hear classical music, many of them will think of “first class" and "sophistication’, because back in that time period, people who would attend music events at theatres which were usually the ones of the upper class, Besides, each piece of classical music has a fascinating story behind it, With the genre of classical music when people heer this music, they can pinpoint the era of where it came from. My favorited artists who perform classical music e Mozart and Bach, When | listen to their masterpieces, | can hear what the music was like during those times, and it gives me e sense of whet the culture was like back then. In those times they dlicnt calli al musie* it was Just their form of music, They have created music that is original, different for our generation and generations to come, and their music is also timeless because no matter what, classical music will live on, People nowadays may have different preferences in music, but the fact that ever been exposed to clessical music since they were young is undeniable. | really sngreciste thet classi music has been around for such a long period of time andis still loved by many. Do you think it's possible for a person who has committed a serious crime to change and be Part of society again? Provide reasons to support your opinion Camera Answer As far as | am concemed, all criminals are capable of changing, even if they have committed a serious crime. Day after day, year after year, imagine having no space to call your own, no choice over who t0 be here is threat and st sspicion everywhere. Love or even a gentle human touch can be difficult to find. You are separated fromm family ang friends. IF they are to cope, then prisoners confined to this kind of environment have no option but tochange and adapt. Thi specially true for those facing long-term sentences. | suppose no ane can remain completely unchanged or unscathed by the prison experience. | haven't had the epportunity to visit a prison in reality, but from what | have learnt from the movies, prisoners are to observe extremely strict rules and regulations, and to perform tasks that sever the community, such as manufacturing 4 certain type of product and gardening. By doing so, criminals get a sense of working for the good of the society. Time spent as a prisoner, in a highly structured yet soc icant personality changes. In conclusion, | believe that it ious crime to change and be part of society again. with, what to eat, or where to go. threatening environment, is bound to leed to sig) is possible for a person who has committed a s Contact US Related Links 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below What is your least favorite school subject? What makes this subject unenjayable for you? How would you change the subject to make it more enjoyable? fer=T nate) Answer My least favourite school subject is mathematics. | prefer humanity subjects ane physics in scientific subjects. During the free periods, sll | wantto do is to read the work of great authors and perfect my writing find the principles of physics to be intriguing and straightforward, but when it comes 10 mathematics, either algebra or geometry, the content is too difficult for me to participate in and prepare for. | just cant get my head around it, How on earth can a certain number be transformed into a completely different one? And the rather sophisticated formulae have been a massive abstacle that | guess | can m My math grades werent always that low, they were okay when Iwas in primar started to fall gradually year by year a the content got increasingly complica is. a mandatory subject, so | will have to try my best to complete the course. |f something could be changed to make mathematics more enjoyable, | would like anything relsting to advances level mathematics to be eliminated from the subject overcome school, bursince year 9 they id. Unfortunately, mathematic 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Name three qualities that you think your friends would say you have. Why do you think they would choose these? How do these qualities affect your friendships? Camera Answer ‘When ft comes to three qualities that | think my friends would say | have, | suppose they would pick kindness, trustworthiness, and attention to detail. This Is because | am genuinely friendly, generous, and considerate. Being kind often requires courage and strength. Kindness is en interpersonal skill. It usually involves devoting resources to others, rather than be self-interested, which means having more and more for brings lasting well-being for me. | am a man af my word. | dorit much but when | do it carries unparalleled weights. Every time | am assigned a task, | will make sure every single detail is upto required standard, Therefore, my friends can always trustme te get things done beautifully. Also, | always keep an eye on details, and | am acti see friends in need. After being helped, my friends will appreciate my kindness, show me respect, and probably returm the favour later when need a hand, By helping others, | get @ sense of fulfillment, and the relationship is reinforced myself. As a result, kindness actu 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Describe the last time you volunteered to help a friend. How did your help affect your friendship? How did helping someone else make you feel? fer=T nate) Answer ‘Well, we all need help at some point in time in our lives. | also received help in many occasions and help others too. When I help others, it makes me happy in the way that it gives mea sense of fulfillment. Today, | am going to talk about the last time when | voluntarily helped one of my friends. helped my needy fi who was my classmate. His name is Wesley, and he comes from a poor family. He didn’t have enough money to buy books. And | used 19 receive a hundred bucks pocket money per week in would have spent that money an graceries such as snacks and drinks. However, | decided 10 help him by giving all my packet money to him so he could afford to buy the books he needed for the course. | still remember vividly his facial expression. The very moment he received my financial help, he was so touched that he couldnt help but almost cried out He didn't dare to let me stare et him while he was crying, so he hugged me tightly for = long time. | kept patting him in an attempt to soothe him, Quite 3 while later, he went to the bookstore to buy the books. Since then, we have been best friends. To be honest, | felt happy st that moment. That feeling was extremely different which I never felt before. | noticed something that could give me more happiness than eating snacks. end jose days. Usually, | 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Name something you like about your neighborhood. Why da you enjoy it? What is one thing that could be improved in your neighborhood, and how would it benefit the residents? Camera Answer Prise in ownership is obvious when the residents, whether renters or owners, maintain their homes and care about their neighborhood. In my opinion, neighbours should participate to connect and create local groups that bring the residents together for the betterment of the area. Luckily, I've got e neighbour who is very kind to others. When | want an expensive tool for one-time use, my neighbour would be more than happy to lend 12 me, When | am in the middle of cooking brunch, but one egg or spoonful of salt short, | know | can ask my neighbour for it, which would save me from driving all the way to the shopping centre. Of course, | will have to return the favour, but it worit necessarily be in the same means. For instance, when | finished cooking brunch, | would ask him to join me, and we would have 4 good gossip. That is how healthy relationship in the locale. When it comes to what.can be improved in my neighbourhood, | suppose that would be the security. Low crime rates give a neighborhood a sense of ease and calm As safety y ta tell if a neighborhood is improving or not. You can spot a trensitional end improving neighborhood by the improvement or decline in its crime rates: me maintains and security are everyone's concern, crime is a quick w usually Improving the security level of the locele will rnake the place more liveable and more agreeable for in the neighbourhood ne 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below What is an activity for the whole family that most teenagers would enjoy? Do you think it is important to spend time with your family? How can spending time together benefit family relationships? fer=T nate) Answer Teens tend to have muc! must be fun. The family where teenagers grow up has @ big influence on how he or she deals relationships, copes with situations, and leams-sbout living life. Family time is also important because if children don't 921 the required attentions, Int do things that could get them into troubles. There's an old saying that goes: families that play together, stay together. We all know that the quality time with our family is paramount in building stronger relationships. Building forts, sharing stories, and just being together makes a difference in all of our lives. Family bonding time builds confidence, teaches children about interacting with others, and create wonderful memories that last lifetime, The children whose parents spemt time with them did far better in school then those whose parents spent their off-work hours pursuing their own hobbies. Plus, parents may discover it's really fun and relaxing to play. games, read books, and build forts with their kids! ey mic 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below What kind of books do you prefer to read: fiction or nonfiction? Explain your reasons for your preference. fer=T nate) Answer | will read both fiction and non-fiction, but | much prefer fiction; probably 90% of the books I reed are fiction When | read non-fiction, it's rarely for entertainment value. Usually, m hoping to get severel useful ideas to implement in my work or in my life. As such, I'm constantly having to monitor what 'm reading with a critical ‘eye; in contrast to the way the question is phrased, just because something is non-fiction doesnt mean that real. There are some nonfiction books that | do read for entertainment value; Mary Roach’s Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers comes to mind. Fiction is mostly for entertainment, even though I often want to be challenged by the material. When a fictional text is challenging, it provides me with insigt the human condition that | didn't have before into 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Do you think schools should teach students social skills in addition to core subjects, or do you think schools should leave that to parents? Provide reasons to support your opinion Camera Answer I believe schools should teach students social skills in adgition to core subjects. Building social skills in students cen have long-term beneffs for them. Besides the academic knowledge, getting along wwith other people, and adapting to interact in a different cultural environment can go a long way in shaping the personality of a student. Learning social skills at school can teach a student not just about communication but also about cooperation, self-control, confidence, independence, and emp: Here are a few reasons wuality: Having geod social skills not just makes a student imeractive; it also gives students’ a sense of confidence. He or she can articulate express his or ner feelings. This is a lifelong skill tnet will have lifelong benefits. 2 Encourage positive behaviors: Social skills improve students’ positive behaviors and discourage negative behaviors like bullying and throwing tantrums or acting out. Students who find controlling their emotions difficult will benefit from social learning skills. 3. Good quality of life: Being able to strike up an interesting conversation is an art that helps a person in life. Leerning social skills teaches students to develop good communication skills. This will go @ long way in improving the emotional quotient of e child. why schools should teach social learning skills in schools: 1. Builds confidence and indi 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Share a favorite memory from when you young? What makes that event special to you? Who have you told about that memory, ad how did they respond? fer=T nate) Answer ‘One of my favorite childhood memories was working elongside my ded when he fixed the family cars. Working with my dad taught me the velue of hard work and sticking to a project until it is don moments in my childhood might seem emell, but they have made herd work and stick-tox significant part of who | am today, | shared this experience as me. We all miss our childhoods. They were so great. You money, conspiracy, bills, depressions, loneliness, bills, fear, © eager to grow up, be an adult, and then think about your blissful you could enjoy that pure heppiness again. for ht. Those veness vith my friends, and they have the same feelings idn't have to deal with career, relationships, ything. Yet you didrit know, you were sa wonderful time with your parents and wish 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Do you think it's important to keep all your friends, or is it okay to let go of some and make new friends along the way? Explain your reasoning eer) Answer Were all in relationships because we have needs, so its not a problem to be needy. Every friendship has ups and downs, so its important to eveluate the situation holistically before taking any action. To me, there are three markers designate a healthy friendship. The first being positivity. To measure this, | take note of whether | feel good or bad after hanging out with this person. The second is consistency, which has to do with how often | see or connect with this friend. And the third concems vulnerability, When a friendship satisfies these guidelines, | feel like | can share myself 1o that person, be acknowledged for who | am, and feel known, An unhealthy relationship, en the other hand, is lacking in at feast ene af the components Interestingly, whenever something goes wrong, | need to have more than 7 positive feeling for every negative feeling in the relationship to keep it healthy. For instance, a friend of mine talks endlessly at dinner about his issues without asking me about mine. | feel rather upset. But if he then calls me the next day, invites meta something fun, pays the check to thank me for listening, and so on and so forth, my ni uhimately be a positive one. In the cases ¥ keeps acting the same wey, | would rether Xperience may ere @ friend is lacking one or more of those components, and ¢ relationship. To me, its perfectly okay. Do you think that technology in the classroom improves instruction, or do you think it is just distracting? Provide reasons to support your opinion. Answer The modern classroom is aglow with screens, Children as young as five are packing their own personal computers and tablets in their schoolbags along with their lunchboxes. But people would argue: do laptops, tablets and phones in the classrearn promote and enhance learning or dothey bring with them a world of distraction for students and for teachers a batile for leamers' attentions? Using computer technology in the classroom Isnt just about digital devices in class — it relates to anything that facilitates an interaction between teachers and students, Personally speaking, technology can be hamessed to improve student engagement and effet rstly, using technology in the classroom allows you to experiment more pedagogy and get instant feedback. Secondly, there ere countless resources far enhancing education and making learning more fun and effective. th technology in the classroom, dents have instant access to fresh information thet can supplement their leerning experience. Thirdly, technology can automate a lot of your tedious tasks. Furthermore, we live in a digital world, and technology is life skill. A 21st century view of leamer success requires students to be thoughtful consumers of digital content. in conclusion, | hold the view that technolegy in the classtoom ean improve instruction iveness. Contact US Related Links oe Gee waste oe CEA e See + 2:57 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below What is one thing about your home culture that you wish you could change? Explain your reasoning. fer=T nate) Answer Ifiv f@ to change one thing about my hom ould be the imbalances preference for male children over the female ones. Just like western countries, both men and women should move out of their parents’ house and cree’ own home and family. The birth family becomes extended family thereafter, and the spouse should become immediate family and priority over birth family. In Chinese society, girls' parents accept the fact that since her birth that one day she will leave them. Personally, boys parents should also start accepting that their sons will be moving out after marriage if nuclear femily come existence not just as an option or need but as an integral part af a culture. if parents can accept that both son and daughter will move out after marriage, they will not have desire only for a male child. Hence, will automatically help control population as families will no longer keep giving bi ildren until they have @ male child, andl it will, more to the point, stop the worse things from happening, which are the cold- blood killing of female children in womb and the deserting female children. In my home culture, femininity is strongly essociated with the domestic work. They are supposed to de all the housework ang reise-ch believe We should abandon the stereotypical image of feminine behaviour. toc Do you think that people are actually able to change, of are they only able to act like they have changed? Explain your reasoning. ert nat=iee) Answer Surely there are things about people that they themselves dont like or sremot liked by others, $0 they change them. Nonetheless, sometimes it's more likely that the people keen on doing them, even though they seid they would like to change them, There is an old saying, "A leopard can't change its spots. virtually true in the animal world, but we people don't necessarily see the same pattern, To mi of a philosophical or psychology issue, or probably bit of both, and it can get rather compl just express my personal thoughts. Firstly, “personality” is a word used to describe traits tha across time and place. For example, we expect a highly extraverted person to be eutgaing at home, at work, and st school, While personelity is not a perfect predictor of behavior, f does give us 4 general idea of how someone is likely t0 think and act. In this sense, people are less likely to be able to change, instead, they can just act like they have changed in order te fit into the environment. On the ether hand, when it comes to the way people ly speaking, people are able to change. However, people cant just snep their fingers and say goodbye to well-established pattems, even when those pattems result in bed consequences, because those pattems have been shaped since we were young, People are so used to behaving and thinking in a particular way thet the change will require extensive effort and will be quite time- eonsuming. We cannot expect to see the change take place any is highly dependent on one’s commitment, and it takes perseverance are consistent ehave and think, personall ime soon. Itis usually a slow pracess, and Name one thing young people could do to make the world a better place. How would it make the world better? Why don't more young people do this? ert nat=iee) Answer Young people are slays the best when it comes to adopting new changes, Therefore, it would make the world @ better place if young people share a common goal and work towards ft together. Personally youngsters can greatly help protect the en spécificelly to reduce the pace of global warming. To begin with, young people cen make smart choices by using energy-efficient products. In orderto do this, itis critically important that young people understand which areas of their lives generate the emissions. In most cases, it would be the personal vehicles and electric appliances that contribute the most to global warming, Therefore, firstly, they can opt 1a travel to and from universities, workplaces and shopping mails by public transportations, such &5 buses and undergrounds, rather than private cars, which ccan help reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses by a great amount if we all commit to it. Second household appliances such as air-conditioners, chines etc. normally consume the most power. Hence, young people need to specifically look at the energy consumption ratings whe plan to buy those items. Apart from acting on their own, it is strongly advisable that youngst should also raise the awareness of protecting the environment among their perents and other relatives, if | was asked the reasons why donit more young peaple do this. | suppose itis probably because they themselves have not yet realized the significance of being environmentally friendly, or even if they have réalized it, but lack the motivation to implement the action war ron carbon televisions, washing m 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below What is an issue that you feel passionate about? What can you do to solve it? fer=T nate) Answer Personally speeking, | am rather concerned about the environmental issue that facing particularly the global warming problem. | believe that we, as individuals, can all make choices that will Greatly reduce our global warming impacts, We can make smart choices by using energy-efficient products. For instance, normally, | choose to travel to and from my university, workplace and shopping malls by public transgortations, such as buses and undergrounds, rather than a private car, which can help reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses. Also, we need to understand which areas of our life generate the most carbon emissions, For example, | learnt that air-conditioners, televisions, washing machines etc, consume the most power, and hence | deliberately looked 3 nergy consumption ratings when | bought them. choices can save my money at the seme time. Th ces May cost & bit more initially, but the energy savings will pay back stment within & couple of years. juman a making clime* sore environmentally friendly applia the extre inv iene What was the last test that you had to study for, and how did you prepare? What resources did you use that were helpful? How can you use what you learned in the future? ; ert nat=iee) answer If i have to recall the last test that | had to study for, I'll tell you this, It was the last couple of weeks of the semester in 2016, and | was in the final year of my bachelor's degree. During this period, | was rather busy as | had to complete my final year project while getting ready for first day | realized that | had to make a proper timetable for both works. Otherwise it would be highly that | lose eithe: al year project or the final exam, which both were equally important for completing my degree. The resource | used was excel. | used it to create the study plan | was going to stick with, Though | spent few hours to make that plan, it was réally helpful for me to manage both tasks without getting much stress. | learnt that a good plan prior to the commencement Is essential for a successful project, and | believe this wll help me in my future career. Even though ! had a plan and timetable for my works, | had to work 15-18 hours per day with few hours’ sleep. Some days | felt that | was going to suffer from shock or ‘en die of tiredness. But after having @ short interval af break - a hot shower ususlly served the purpo: was able my stress down to certain level, and eventually nt through those bleakest time throughout the course. During the shovrer, | went on YouTube to play music, which | would strongly recommend other students who have to study hard for their examninations, as listening to music really helps you relax inal year exam simultaneously, On the very ely red ‘Answer The controversial issue in respect of experiment on animals has long been open for debate. In my opinion, it is okay to do experiment on animals for the sake of developing life-seving medicine which has the potential to do greater good. If you've ever teken @ medicine or had @ medical procedure, you've bene! animal testing and research, you just haven’ zed it: Animals have been used repeatedly throughout the history of biomedical research. Here are some examples: research in cows helped create the worlds first vaccine, which in tum helped end smallpox. Studies with monkeys, dogs, and mice led to the polio vaccine Medications used to combat cancer, HIV/AIDS, Alzheimer's, hepatitis, and malaria would not have been pessible without research with primates. Animals have contributed greatly ta life-saving and lifeimproving breakthroughs, without which, humankinds wouldnt have thrived as we now do, and possibly wouldn't even have survived through the horrible outbreak of the pandemics that | have just mentioned, as they all have the capability to take away hudreds of millions of people's lives within a short period of time, if vaccines hadn't been developed. The harm to humans from the use of substances that have not been first tested on animals could be devastating and far beyond your imagination, | can’t stress more on the importance of animal experimemation to avert or prevent human tragedy. The practice of using animals in biomedical research has led to significant advances in the treatment of various diseases. In conclusion, | agree with the practice of animal testing to develop life-saving medicine ed from Contact US Related Links M 1 © Aviation Edueation Center ~~ Name a basic skill that people struggle to learn. How can this skill be taught so that more People will know how to-do it? How would knowing this skill improve people's lives? ert nat=iee) Answer The ability to cook a meal is a necessary life skill. tt will save you when your favorite takeout restaurant is closed for a holiday, or there's no time to go to the store, or in the midst of a global pandenvic, such as the Corona Virus we are all experiencing worldwide at present. Being able for your relationships such as romance. Imagine that on the night of Valentine's day, you and your beloved ene can spend some time together at the kitchen, with the delightful music being played, and then drink some wine and have two beautifully cooked stéaks served on a table with candles lit un. Who would say no to such a romantic evening? This being said, a good proportion of aur people, ho leam this basic skill, indeed, not all of us are gourmet chefs. Thanks to the advancement in technolos happen to have learnt s list of cishes from the applications on my mobile phone. They 8 for any dishes that | feel like to cook, and more importantly, the receipt is vividly taught ine short clip which enables me to learn with ease. Trust me, there are encrmous amounts of resources readily available on the met that can help you to leam. if you are not a big fan of the kitchen, have a few low-effort dishes i repertoire you feel confident whipping up, even if it's just macaroni and cheese. cook can al 0 sever as a catalyst ver, are still struggling to 1 low me to Search tir At what age do you think it's appropriate for children or young people to have unrestricted access to the Internet? Provide reasons to support your opinion ert nateiee) Answer | think young people who are over the age of 18 should have unlimited access to the internet, because they adults by law in China. And they have the rights to get access to the information availabl for themsel ‘ornat. It is important that the et access to these information after they turn 18 years old, because people before 16 still have incomplete understanding of the world and immature thinking or one-sided thinking towrards certain issues. It is easy for ther to be biased through com ial information on the Internet. It is also easy for them to commit illegal activities online that they m are of. Therefore, we should restrict people who are under the age of 18 1o some extent in terms of intemet access sw ther they will utilize the infarmat Contact US Related Links M el © suppor @hedwigedu.cor ©. Aviation Education Center an ferro; ait’ Se cea e What is the most unusual food that you have ever eaten? Who were you with, and how was the experience? What did you learn about yourself from eating this unusual food? eet Answer ts at home. My mother cocked a lobster for us in two en her cooking this way and I have never th noodles and creamy sauce. | ned from this experience is your One evening, | was having dinner with my parer 's. Itis very unusual for me because I have nev eaten e lobster like this before. [tv inte sashimi, and cooked 1 loved the experience especially when its = dinner with my family. What | have thei ould always give the best to our family and look after one another. Making unusual food fi family y 10 express the lave and improve the relationship between each member of the family las ma Contact US Related Links M ©) support Aviation Education Genter aa 2:57 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Do you think that the studying literature is relevant for student: do you think students should primarily read non-fiction? Explain your reasoning fer=T nate) Answer Ibelieve stucents should primarily reed nor in order to 0, literature, but students whodo not aim to do artistic work, for example, writing fiction. if students have enough leisure time, then fiction is a goad way to relax and to inspire them Other ion would be extending students knowledge of cifferem eantent areas and improving their academic writing skills. Especially for students whe aim to achieve higher level af education such as a doctorate, they should read research paper more often rather than distracting themselves by too much fiction. ion because students should focus on their academic abil with the high demands from universities. it does not mean thet students should never read ature is somehow irrelevant fi reasons for focusing more on reading nor- 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Name a hobby or skill that you would like to learn. How do you think knowing it would benefit you? What can you do to learn this hobby or skill? Camera Answer | would like 10 learn skiing as itis interesting. Since it is 8 sport, it can also benefit mein terms of my physical health and mental health. In order to learn this skill, need to go to sno a coach and keep on practicing. | will keep in mind that keeping alert at any time is important, because skiing is @ pretty dangerous sport. It is like surfing. In surfing, you have to be aware of any possible circumstance that will haggen and know all the rneasures to deal with accidents. [tis also exciting to ski, as we ean blend inte the nature and find a we h the nature rether than fight against it.| believe in the end | will aequire this skill and rea Mountains to learn from Do you think it's better to be taken advantage of, or to take advantage of someone else? Explain your reasoning, ert nat=iee) Answer We all feel taken advantage of from time to time. Perhaps you did not ge to the salon, or your last restaurant meal wes mediocre. Maybe a friend i hbor is continually askit 5. Feeling taken advantage of implies a feeling of injustice or inequality, As a person who is quick to help or listen, | em often taken advantage of, | use to be upset about it, but now | find I'd rather be taken advantage of than taking adventage of someone else. One of the most important factors is that | want someone to love me because | can always offer help. | like the feeling when someone turns me for help, and L-will feel proud of myself whenever I can help them figure out the problems Moreover, i take advantage of others. the fight haircut on your last ¥ ‘aking you for granted, or a Contact US Related Links ©] ©. Aviation Education Center an Do you think that volunteer community service should be required for all young people? why not? ert nat=iee) Answer up your time for a worthy cause without hen a selfless act — volunteering is often thought of & y at is often less obvious are the many benefits people experience w being paid. While this may be true, va they volunteer. Volunteer community service should be required for teens help them broaden their horizons, meet new friends, experience language, all while contributing to society's needs, Here ere some of the many ways volunteering can help young people develop into confident, proactive citizens. To begin with, a community volunteer job can help teenagers build self-esteem. Though faced with society's most challenging problems, many teens ukimately find volunteer work empowering. While working on solutions to these problems, they can see how their efforts can improve the lives of others. This can play a significant role in developing their self-esteem throughout their teenage years when many are filled with insecurities and a lack of self-confidence. In fect, junteering in a community can rent cultures, or even learn a nev teenagers who volunteer often experience fewer mental health problems than those who donit, When they see how their actions affect a community for the better, their self-confidence spikes, and they feel happier. Secondly, volunteer jobs can hel and school friends. en their social circle. A teenager's social circle typically consists of family jlunteering allows youth to meet people outside of their usual circle, some of wi pact on their future. Volunteering provides the perfect opportunity to meet like-minded people and form relationships that last a lifetime. Finally, volunteering also gives teens an opportunity to experience situations that occur rkplace, such as having to work as partof'a team. They see what people have to-do in specific jobs and the conditions in which they have to work. This helps them eliminate what they canit'see themselves doing and drill down to what they really want ta do. Do you think that people Should accept limitations, or should they always try to overcome them? Explain your reasoning. ert nateiee) Answer | always belie the problem is solvable and it also depends on the determination of the jons can be overcome while some others car that some lin investigation and firm belief, problems cannot be solved. Limitations always exist in all kinds of settings. For exemple, some people may be inept at learning e second language. They may find it difficult to break through the bottleneck during the leaning. However, since itis @ solvable problem, people should try ta evercome it. Thus, we should always wry to averce: ble problem and to do that, we have to be determined. ne St Contact US Related Links M © suppor @hedwigedu.cer @®_ Aviation Education Center an ee oa alt Se cea e 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Share a memory fram your favorite holiday What made thet day special for you? What one part of that day makes you smile the most? fer=T nate) Answer My favorite holiday was Christmas and during the last Christmas, | traveled to Australia with my family. i was the first time thet | travel abroad with my family and it means a lot for both of my parents a: We went to Sydney to visit the Opera House and hed great dinnerin darling harbor. We saw different culture integrated with each other everywhere of Sydney and the aboriginal perfosmance in circular quay is the most impressive, The most sgecial of the experience is that| did all these things with my family. | em lucky enough to have them with me and we laughed a lat together. | asked somecne else ta take a photo of my family in front of the Opera House and it was the best mement of the day. | smiled with tue happiness and teally enjoy the whole experience in Sydney 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Do you think it's more important to have an impact on the world or on a few people? Explain ur reasoning. fer=T nate) Answer In my-opinion, having an impact on the world is more Important than on a f uence and ability to do so. Therefore, it has people when I have the actu some limits. Net everyone can have an impact on the world So itis the best thet we aim for it and do the emall things first. Howre'ver, as for importance, there is no doubt that having an impact on the world will contribute to the whole humanity, which means it has significant effect on human develogment and history. For example, Einstein is considered one of the most influential people in human history. He changed the world rather than a few people. Some parts of the world may have thelr own hero, but they are enly known locally, and their significance to the v Having saia that, | believe that each of us was born wrth a mission to have a different degree of impact on different people, anc together ail of us contribute to the development of humanity. Therefor meaningless to argue whether it is important to have an impact on the world or on a few people in ‘orld is much less. 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Describe a time when you surprised a friend or family member. How did the person react to your surprise? How did it impact your relationship with that person? fer=T nate) Answer | surprised my mother by giving her a bunch of flov asked the po: and saw 15 a5.6 gift on Mother’s Day. | planned it heforenand and (aN to send it on that day. My mother was surprised and happy when she opened the door the flowers end the card in it, She cried a little bit because she was moved by my greteful the card, | said thank you for bringing me up and taking care of me whenever Ineed, | love you, Mom. Since then, we are even closer to each other and understand more about each other. t was great surprise thet | brought ta my mother's life, and a great connection was built up since then. And | believe Mother's Day is the most important day in a year when all of us who can still be with our mother cherish the time with them ds on 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Name one thing people do that you think is a waste of time. Why do you think people do this anyway? fer=T nate) Answer Some people often complain about things of to anyone and does not the problem. People complain or whine mainly because th motional and have a bad mood due to certain unsatisfying things happening. They either release their bed emotion through complaining or avoid solving the problem by blaming others. Either way, complaining is a waste o time. Sometimes | also complain, mostly about myself doing not right, but | never waste too much time on it as | know | should find a practical solution to keep on moving. For example, | often release my emotion taking 2 run for five minutes and then go back to work. This way, | can get back te working on solutions without. bad mood as quickly as possible. keep whining. This is a waste of time because it does no good 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below What do you think is the best compliment someone could give you? Explain the reasons for your choice. fer=T nate) Answer ‘well, | believe the bes things).” The reason is that cor ment that someone could give me is that “you always see the bright side (of 0 often see the bright side of things, and | also need someone to say it when | do not see the bright side sometimes. So this compliment may be a reminder of how optimistic 1am even when I may sometimes feel upset. This way, | can adjust myself and face the difficulties again with ‘optimism. If the compliments from my family of friends, then | will be even more en: motivated because th my optimism re the people who know me well, and their compliment is an acknowledgment of I give me a lotof strength and courage to keep it that way. 2:58 Speak for 1 to 3 minutes about the topic below Ifyou could choose to spend a year in a foreign country, all expenses paid, what country would u choose? Explain the reasons for your pice fer=T nate) Answer The country wt Id like to spend a year in is ftaly, ve been dreaming of visiting this country for more than five years and ironically an attempt to visit Italy was canceled two years ago. ll definitely visit the country as soon as my graduation is complete. Itely is in Southem Europe, Rome, the largest city and the Capital of Italy, has been the leading political and religious center of the zation, serving as the capital of both the Roman Empire and Christianity. Id like to go there 10 see the great museums, historic monuments and structures, cultural and other attractions and above all to get an impression of an Italian way af life, Another reason | want to ge there is to visit the Vatiean City. | have read and heard numerous historical facts about this country, and witnessing them vould be a great joy for me. There are plemy of things to see- arts, museums, Colosseum, Leaning Tower of Pissa, Roman Forum, Florence Cathedral Peter's Basilica, Milan Cathedral, Sistine Chapel, Piazza San Marco, Circus Maximus and lots of other place: Idlove to v1

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