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Technical requirements of Wind and solar power plant

1. Wind and solar power plants must be capable of maintaining generation of active power
in following modes:

a) Free generation mode:

Maintaining generation of active power at the largest possible value (follow wind or solar

b) Generation capacity control mode:

Wind and solar power plants must be capable of adjust generation of active power as
commanded by the dispatch level in accordance with change of primary sources no more than 30
seconds with tolerance within ± 1% of rated power, specifically as follows:

- Generation of possible maximum power in case primary sources are lower than setpoint
value from the dispatch centre;

- Generation of power in accordance with dispatch instruction in case primary sources are
equal or greater than setpoint value from the dispatch centre;

2. Wind and solar power plant must be capable of maintaining generation of power for a
minimum period of time in proportion to frequency band prescribed in Table 8.

Frequency band Minimum time

From 47.5 Hz to 48 Hz 10 minutes
From 48 Hz to 49 Hz 30 minutes
From 49 Hz to 51 Hz Continuos generation
From 51 Hz to 51.5 Hz 30 minutes
From 51.5 Hz to 52 Hz 01 minutes
Table 8: Minimum time to maintain power generation in proportion to frequency band of electricity system

3. When the electricity system frequency is greater than 50,5Hz, wind and solar power plant
must reduce active power according to the relative slope of droop characteristics in the range from
2% to 10%. The relative slope setting value of the droop characteristics is calculated and
determined by the dispatch level:
∆P = 20xPm x( )


- ∆P: Level of active power reduction (MW);

- Pm : Active power in proportion to the point of time prior to power reduction (MW);
- fn : Electricity system frequency prior to power reduction (Hz).

4. Wind and solar power plants must be able to adjust reactive power according to the
characteristics as below:

a) In case a power plant generates an active power greater or equal to 20% of rated active
power and voltage in normal operation band, such power plant must be capable of adjusting
reactive power continuously in a power factor from 0.95 (corresponding to reactive power
generation mode) to 0.95 (corresponding to reactive power receiving mode) at connection point in
proportion to rate power;

b) In case a power plant generates an active power less than 20% of rated active power, such
power plant may reduce ability to receive or generate reactive power in accordance with
characteristics of the generating set;

5. Voltage and reactive power control mode:

a) Wind and solar power plants must be capable of adjust generation of reactive power and
voltage in following modes:

- Voltage control mode

- Direct Reactive Power control mode;

- Power Factor control mode.

b) If voltage at connection point is within ± 10% of rate voltage, the power plant must be
capable of adjust voltage at connection point (at lower voltage side of transformer) with deviation
no more than ± 0.5% of rate voltage in permission working band of the generating set and adjusting
duration is finished within 05 seconds.

6. Wind and solar power plants at every time of connection to the grid must be capable of
maintaining generation of power in proportion to voltage range as follows:

a) Voltage less then 0.3 pu, minimum time is 0.15 seconds;

b) Voltage from 0.3 pu to under 0.9 pu, minimum time is calculated in following formula:

Tmin = 4 x U - 0,6


- Tmin (second): Minimum time to maintain power generation;

- U (pu): Actual voltage at connection point (pu).

c) Voltage from 0,9 pu to under 1,1 pu, wind and solar power plants must maintain continuous

d) Voltage from 1,1 pu to under 1,15 pu, wind and solar power plants must maintain
generation for three (03) seconds;
đ) Voltage 1,15 pu to under 1,2 pu, wind and solar power plants must maintain generation
for 0.5 seconds.

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