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In life, we can afford some situations that can change the way we see the world, losing people

who represent a very important part of your life is an example of the strong power that life
events can have on your life. Losing someone is something that makes you stop and think about
what you are doing with yourself. We always see the death of a friend or a partner as something
bad, but in life, not all is too bad or too good. There are challenges that life brings us just to
grow, when these things happened, we must face them and give better of us to overcome them.
The way we faced these challenges can make a difference in our lives.

A long time ago, I lost a person, to whom I was not very attached, because of his temperament
and his way of being, that person was my grandfather. He was the type of person that is always
cold and doesn’t like to express what they feel. I always thought he was that way because he just
wants to be like that. Over time I was able to understand that he was that way because of the
teaching he had received; he had learned that men don’t cry, that they cannot show what they
feel, and that they must always be strong. When he died, I thought he wasn't going to miss him,
but I couldn't be more wrong. The day he died was like nothing had happened, I felt different,
but I wouldn't know how to express what he felt at that time. The day after his death the feeling
of sadness completely flooded me, making him remember him every moment. His death was a
challenge for me, from that moment I had to face his death and make me feel better.

This challenge was not an easy one to face, as feelings are a very difficult thing to control. Self-
control allows us to manage our feelings and the way we behave. To overcome this challenge, it
was very necessary to use self-control to focus on what is important. There are times when life
gives us challenges to make us react and that is why we must take the challenges as a way of
learning, we must take the difficulties and turn them into opportunities to grow. Experiences are
what make us who we are, we should not be afraid of them, but we should learn from them.

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