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Amal Kasim

ED 131 - Applied Learning Theory

Dr. Sam May-Varas
Final Project
The mesosystem in Bronfenbrenner’s is the relationship and interactions
between the different microsystems in which the child John found himself. At this
stage, mesosystem the child's task is to have a sense of reality between what is real
or imaginary, be self-reliant, be very interested in group activities, and share things.
John was impacted by his home environment and school environment. When
cultural contexts differ from each other, the child moves to a new situation, which is
school, so there must be a relationship between home and school.
sociocultural theory
The ideas of Vygotsky's theory focused on the relationship between the social world
and cognitive development. The theory indicates that the relationship between the
student and the teacher and the students with their friends is important in generating
new ideas and cognitive strategies. An important implication of Vygotsky's theory is
much opportunity through the school system to influence the cognitive development
of children. For example, through language, the presentation and interpretation of
history and current affairs, and the attitudes, beliefs, and values of teachers.
Vygotsky's views focused on students' behavior and performance when engaging in
a social situation, especially the growth zone, which determines the difference
between a child's independent learning achievements. That is why Vygotsky paid
special attention to adults because they are qualified and reliable.
Using Multiple Intelligences theory in the classroom has many benefits. The teacher
can apply multiple intelligence theories to focus on the activities in the classroom
and the tools and resources he or she will need to carry out the lesson by setting a
time for the lesson while providing an opportunity for students to think, assessment,
and incorporate of assessment into the learning process, and building students'
strengths to become experts in their fields.
John is the kid I chose for my student profile. Because I've worked with him since
he was in preschool, I always watched him write and read sentences. He was trying
to make complete sentences and not forget the punctuation at the end of the
sentence. He was also clever in arranging puzzles and when replaying, and he was
remembering where the pieces were. He was also interested in comic books. He
was struggling to remember the sounds of the letters. I think John has long-term
memory, and it’s the strongest, and declarative knowledge was the strongest. John
was trying to complete the sentence reading, and he read the sounds of the letters
starting from the beginning and then moving to the next.
John lives with his parents who work all day and he received support from his
grandmother. In class also he is waiting for support from others because the home
environment affected him. John needs motivate to depend on himself. That's why I
made a daily plan to write a few sentences on his own for a short time with constant
encouragement. John is an active student and tries a lot to share his group's
activities. John is ambitious, and this pushes him to achieve his best. Sometimes he
has many questions, and he searched for answers to learn more. He has a great
interest in comic books, and he tries to understand the comic images, and when I
read the book rejoices and laughs.
The task attempted to assess the student's understanding, how much information
they gained through the study, and how well the teacher communicated the material.
I think this assignment gave a lot of information for the student to learn. Experiments
consolidated information in the student's memory. Use the graph and take notes.
Use many strategies, including explaining the understanding, main idea, details that
are important, comparing articles, evidence to support the answer, and analyzing
each author’s article and the purpose of this writing.

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