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Team Meeting

July 21st / 10:00 AM / CONFERENCE ROOM

● Financial Analyst
● Fulfillment Director
● Human Resource Specialist
● Quality Assurance Tester
● Customer Service Manager
● IT Specialist
● Inventory Manager
● Training Manager

Purpose and Expectations

● Plant Pals and Office Green have been having product quality concerns, customer
support services, and delivery related issues. The team will come together to discuss all
the issues and hopefully bring a resolution to the problems.
● Action items will be assigned with target due dates for completion after the meeting has
been held to ensure customer service needs are met and are satisfactory.

● Topic #1: On-time deliveries rose from 80% to 90% by the end of the survey—a solid
improvement, but still short of our 95% target.

● Topic #2: Customers overwhelmingly prefer deliveries before normal business hours and
early in the day.

● Topic #3: Satisfaction with support increased once we fixed the customer service software
problem, but there is still room for improvement.

● In order to solve all the issues with delivery times, and customer satisfaction the team
will have to come together to figure out what they may be able to do in order for
customers to get there plants on time, investigate what is causing delays, and come up
with timely solutions.

Action Items
1. Investigate what may be causing delays, and if hiring more delivery drivers may be a
2. Come up with a solution for deliveries to be delivered earlier in the day.
3. Figure out how we can improve customer satisfaction and support.

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