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Procedural Text Group 3

2. Procedural Text / Instructional Text Procedure Involves Title (Purpose)
Ingredients/Materials Steps/Method 1. 2. 3. 4. A procedure is a sequence of steps
in a particular order. it is also known as instructions or direcions. the most
common example of procedural text is a recipe. The Procedural text tells the
readers how to do or make somethings. the informations is presented in logical
sequence of events that are broken into steps Tips
3. • there are 3 types of procedural texts: > texts that explain how something
works or how to use instructions or operation manual, for example, how to use a
video game, and a computer. > Texts that instruct how to do a particular activity,
example, games, and science experiments. > Texts that explain how to make
something, for example recipes.
4. Title Tips Ingredients/Materials Steps/Method It is the goal or outcome of the
activity, for example: how to make banana muffin, how to make bakso, etc. It is the
list and amount of things and materials required. It is the step-by-step
description of how to complete the task It is the final comment
5. How To Make Cheese Toast You will Need : - 2 lices of bread - A slice of cheese
- An oven toaster - A plate - A knife
6. How To Make Cheese Toast Steps: 1. First, switch on an oven toaster and heat it
for 1 minute 2. Second, take 2 slices of bread and place a slice of cheese between
the slices of bread 3. Third, place the slices in the oven for 5 minutes 4. After 5
minutes check it. if the bread is slightly golden brown, take it out carefully 5.
Cut the cheese toast 6. Put the cheese toast on a plate 7. Your cheese toast is
ready to be served.
7. How To Make Cheese Toast • Tips : > Make sure you wear oven mitts > Be careful
when you take the cheese toast out > Let the cheese toast cool before eating. The
cheese can burn your tongue.
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