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The person that owns the data that is to

Resource Owner be shared

Resource Server The server hosting the resources

Roles Application requesting access to the

Client Application resources stored in the resource server

Server authorizing the client app to access

Authorization Server to the resources of the resource owner

response_type with the value "code"

client_id client identifier

Client request redirect_uri client redirect URI

scope space delimited list of scopes

Flow 1
state with a CSRF token

code authorization code

Server response
state state parameter sent in original request

Authorization Code Grant (Most common grant_type with the value "authorization_code"
for Facebook or Google login)
client_id client identifier

Client request client_secret client secret

redirect_uri same redirect uri

code with the authorization code

Flow 2
token_type usually word "Bearer"

expires_in integer representing the TTL

Server response
access_token the access token

a token that can be used to acquire a new

refresh_token access token

grant_type with the value "password"

client_id with the client's id

client_secret with the client's secret

Client request
scope space delimited list of scopes

username user's username

Resource Owner Credentials (Password)

Grant (First party highly trusted apps) password user's password

token_type with the value "Bearer"

expires_in integer representing the TTL

Server response
access_token the access token

a token that can be used to acquire a new

refresh_token access token
OAuth 2.0
grant_type with the value "client_credentials"

client_id with the client's id

Client request
client_secret with the client's secret

Grants Client Credentials Grant (Machine to

scope space delimited list of scopes

token_type with the value "Bearer"

Server response expires_in integer representing the TTL

access_token the access token

response_type with the value "token"

client_id with the client's id

Client request redirect_uri client redirect URI

scope space delimited of scopes

Implicit Grant (User agent or native apps
where is unsecured to store the client
state with a CSRF token

token_type with the value "Bearer"

expires_in integer representing the TTL

Server response
access_token the access token

state state parameter sent in original request

grant_type with the value "refresh_token"

refresh_token with the refresh token

Client request client_id with the client's id

client_secret with the client's secret

scope space delimited of scopes

Refresh Token Grant
token_type with the value "Bearer"

expires_in integer representing TTL

Server response
access_token the access token

a refresh token to acquire a new access

refresh_token token



Common fields authorizarion_code


scopes (permissions)

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