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Running Head: UNIT PLAN

Unit Plan

Amanda Rego

LTED 618- Spring 2022

Instructor: Dr. Krista Welz

New Jersey City University


It is important for School Library Media Specialists to work with classroom teachers and

incorporate lessons that students are learning withing the classroom. This unit was made for first-

grade students and aligns with first- grade standards. The unit builds upon reading, writing, and

listening skills, while the final culminating project is an opinion writing piece. These are skills

that first grade students need to learn and will complete in the classroom. However, in the

library, students can have another opportunity to build upon the skills that they are already

learning while using different books.

Not only does this unit focus on reading, writing, and listening skills, but it also has a big

social and emotional learning (SEL) aspect. PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports)

(2022) states, “Investing in students by teaching social and emotional learning in the classroom

does more than improve academic success. In the long-term, employers seek individuals with the

very traits that SEL develops: problem-solving, teamwork, character, and grit.” For this unit, we

will use the Jory John & Pete Oswald book series. Each book in this series has an SEL

component and a lesson that can be learned from the story. Social and Emotional learning have

become a lot more popular in education, especially since the pandemic started. Personally, I do

believe that SEL is important to incorporate into lessons, especially when working with younger

students who are still figuring out school and how to handle their emotions.

Including technology into lessons allows students to learn through different outlets and

can allow them to complete assignments in different ways. Throughout this unit, we will use the

technology apps and tools: BrainPop Jr., YouTube, SeeSaw, and FlipGrid. These tools will allow

my students to learn through different videos, in addition to the stories we will be reading. These
tools also allow my students to use technology, either on their iPads or Chromebooks, to

complete various activities to enhance their learning experience.

Lesson Plan #1

Title: The Bad Seed by: Jory John and Pete Oswald

Concept / Topic To Teach: How our actions can affect other people

Standards Addressed (NCTE, AASL, NJSLS or others):

 NJSLSA.R3. Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact
over the course of a text.
 RL.1.2. Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their
central message or lesson.
 RL.1.4. Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to
the senses.
 NJSLSA.W6. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and
to interact and collaborate with others.
 SL.1.2. Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information
presented orally or through other media

Summary and Goals of Lesson: Students will listen to the story, The Bad Seed. Students will
learn why it is important to do good things and how our actions can impact other people.

Specific Objectives: Students will be able to listen to the story and describe the actions that The
Bad Seed Made. Students will be able to write one way that they will not be a bad seed.

Required Materials: The Bad Seed, anchor chart paper, SeeSaw app on either iPads or

Anticipatory Set (Lead-In): I will ask my students, “Have you ever been bad before?” I will
allow my students to share stories about a time where they may not have acted very nicely and
we will discuss why they felt the need to do the bad behavior. I will ask my students if they think
they need to be good all of the time and then we will discuss it.

Step-By-Step Procedures:
 After completing the anticipatory set, I would start reading the story, The Bad Seed.
While reading, I will stop throughout the book and ask the students questions, such as,
“What actions is the Bad Seed doing? Why do you think he is doing that? How are the
other characters in the story feeling?”
 Once the story is complete, I will show the students the anchor chart. I will explain that
on one side of the chart, we will make a list of things that may not be so good. On the
other side of the anchor chart, we will make a list of good things that we can do, either
for ourselves, or others. I will call on students and have them add something to either side
of the list.
 After the list is completed, we will discuss both sides of the anchor chart. I will explain to
students that it is impractical to think that you are going to do good things all the time.
However, we should strive to make good choices. We will discuss how our good and bad
choices make others feel and how we feel when someone is nice to us versus how we feel
when someone is not so nice to us.
 After our discussion, I will explain the SeeSaw activity to students. I will show them how
to click on the SeeSaw app and then click the green, “add response” button. Then, I will
explain that they are going to answer the question, “What is something good that you
do?” Students can draw a picture, write a sentence, and record themselves explaining
what good they can do.
 After having time to complete the SeeSaw activity, I will allow students time to share
their posts if they would like to.

Supporting Documents: 
Anchor Chart:

SeeSaw Activity:

Plan For Independent Practice:

 For students with IEP’s, lower- level learners, or English Language Learners, I will allow
them to only draw a picture and record themselves explaining what the picture is, rather
than read a sentence. I will also help students who may need by sounding out the words
that they are trying to spell.

Cross-curricular Connections to Other Subjects:

 Social & Emotional Learning
 Writing

Formative assessment of their performance on the SeeSaw activity.

4 (Excellent) 3 (Good) 2 (Okay) 1 (Needs
Student provided a Student provided a Student provided Student did not
detailed picture, picture, simple only a sentence with complete the activity
complete sentence, sentence, and was an explanation, only a correctly and did not
and was able to able to explain what picture and complete the tasks
explain what good good thing they were explanation, or no required.
thing they were doing. explanation.
Lesson Plan #2

Title: The Cool Bean By: Jory John & Pete Oswald

Concept / Topic To Teach: Students will understand how it is cool to be kind.

Standards Addressed (NCTE, AASL, NJSLS or others):

 NJSLSA.R3. Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact
over the course of a text.
 RL.1.2. Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their
central message or lesson.
 RL.1.4. Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to
the senses.
 NJSLSA.W6. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and
to interact and collaborate with others.
 SL.1.2. Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information
presented orally or through other media

Summary and Goals of Lesson: Students will listen to the story, The Cool Bean. We will
discuss friendship, what it means to be a good friend, and the characteristics of a good friend.

Specific Objectives: Students will be able to understand the meaning of friendship and be able
to identify friends. Students will be able to make a list of character traits for a good friend.

Required Materials: Smart Board, The Cool Bean, FlipGrid app on either iPads or

Anticipatory Set (Lead-In): I will tell students that we will be talking about friends and watch
the BrainPop Jr. video, “Friends.” We will then take the quiz on the BrainPop video.

Step-By-Step Procedures:
 After students watch the BrainPop Jr. video and take the quiz, I will ask the students,
“Who is your friend?” I will give students the opportunity to answer. I will then ask
students, “What qualities make them a good friend?” I will then allow them time to
discuss what character traits or actions their friends do that make them good friends.
 I will then explain that in the story, The Cool Bean, the main character used to be friends
with the other beans, and they are not friends anymore. I will then start reading the story.
 Throughout the story, I will stop and ask the students how they think the main character
is feeling and why.
 After the story, we will discuss how the beans did kind acts to become friends again. I
will ask my students, “What kind things do you friends do for you?” I will allow students
to discuss and share their ideas.
 After our discussion on friends, I will explain to the students that they will be using
FipGrid to make a video on what they think a good friend does and the characteristics of
a good friend. I will show students how to get on the app and show them an example
video that I made. I will tell students they should tell me one characteristic of a good
friend and one kind thing their friend does for them.
 I will allow students to have time to work on FlipGrid. After everyone is finished with
their videos, I will allow students time to share their videos if they would like to.

Supporting Documents: 
BrainPop Jr. Video

FlipGrid Activity:

Plan For Independent Practice:

 I will walk around and help students make a plan for their videos if they need they help.
 For gifted learners, I will allow them to record a longer video if they feel as though they
have more to discuss.
Cross-curricular Connections to Other Subjects:
 Social & Emotional Learning
 Writing

Formative assessment of their performance on the FlipGrid activity.

No rubric needed for this lesson.

Lesson Plan #3

Title: The Couch Potato By: Jory John & Pete Oswald

Concept / Topic To Teach: The implications that technology has and why it is important to take
a break from technology.

Standards Addressed (NCTE, AASL, NJSLS or others):

 NJSLSA.R3. Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact
over the course of a text.
 RL.1.2. Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their
central message or lesson.
 RL.1.4. Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to
the senses.
 NJSLSA.W6. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and
to interact and collaborate with others.
 SL.1.2. Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information
presented orally or through other media
 RL.1.3. Describe characters, settings, and major event(s) in a story, using key details.

Summary and Goals of Lesson: Students will listen to the story, The Couch Potato. We will
discuss how it is important to take a break from screens and do other things. This is good for
your body and your mind.

Specific Objectives: Students will be able to identify activities that they can do away from
screens. Students will be able to understand why it is important to spend time away from screens.

Required Materials: Smart Board, The Couch Potato, SeeSaw app on either Chrome Books or

Anticipatory Set (Lead-In): Students will watch the YouTube video titled, “The Effects of Too
Much Screen Time.” We will then discuss how often students like to watch videos or play on
their iPads/ video games, but it is not good to do these things all the time.

Step-By-Step Procedures
 After the YouTube video, students will listen to the story, The Couch Potato. Throughout
the story, we will discuss how the couch potato feels when he is staying home and using
their gadgets and how he felt when he was outside doing things. I will ask students, “How
do you think the Couch Potato is feeling the first time he goes outside?” “How does the
Couch Potato feel about screens and gadgets by the end of the story?”
 After reading the story, we will discuss why it is not good to stay on devices all the time.
We will also discuss other activities that we can do instead of using screens.
 After our discussion, I will show the students the SeeSaw activity and explain what they
are going to have to do. On the first page of the activity, students will put the events of
the story in order. On the second page, students will write things that they like to do away
from screens.
 After students are finished with the activities, I will go over the sequence of events with
the students and I will allow them time to share what activities they like to do when they
are not using technology.

Supporting Documents: 
YouTube Video:

SeeSaw Activity:

Plan For Independent Practice:

 For students with IEP’s, lower- level learners, or English- Language Learners, I will
assist them in making their list of activities. I will also allow them to only list 2-3
activities, rather than 5. For some students, I may allow them to draw pictures, rather than
use words.

Cross-curricular Connections to Other Subjects:

 Social & Emotional Learning
 Writing

Formative assessment of their performance on the SeeSaw activity.

4 (Excellent) 3 (Good) 2 (Okay) 1 (Needs
Student ordered the Student may have Student made Student did not
sequence of events made one mistake on multiple mistakes on complete the activity
correctly and made a their sequence of their sequence of correctly OR made
list of 5 activities events OR student events, did not make many mistakes on
they like to do that do made a list of only 4 a full list of activities, both activities.
not involve activities. OR made mistakes on
technology. both activities.
Lesson Plan #4

Title: The Smart Cookie By: Jory John & Pete Oswald

Concept / Topic To Teach: I will teach students that it is okay to not be perfect on everything,
especially things in school. Students will be able to understand different emotions and
understand when they need a break. They will learn that it is better to be balanced than to be

Standards Addressed (NCTE, AASL, NJSLS or others):

 NJSLSA.R3. Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact
over the course of a text.
 RL.1.2. Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their
central message or lesson.
 RL.1.4. Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to
the senses.
 NJSLSA.W6. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and
to interact and collaborate with others.
 SL.1.2. Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information
presented orally or through other media
 W.1.1. Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or name the book they are
writing about, state an opinion, supply a reason for the opinion, and provide some sense
of closure.
 NJSLSA.L1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and
usage when writing or speaking.
 NJSLSA.L2. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
 NJSLSA.L3. Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in
different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend
more fully when reading or listening.

Summary and Goals of Lesson: Students will understand the importance of having balance.
Students will listen to the story, The Smart Cookie. Students will write 3 sentences on their
favorite Jory John and Pete Oswald book and explain why that book was their favorite.

Specific Objectives: Students will be able to write three sentences about their favorite Jory John
and Pete Oswald book. Students will be able to explain why that book is their favorite. Students
will be able to draw an illustration about the story.

Required Materials: Smart Board, The Smart Cookie, Writing Paper

Anticipatory Set (Lead-In): We will watch the BrainPop Jr. video titled, Emotions. We will
discuss different emotions and what students should do when they are feeling a certain way.

Step-By-Step Procedures:
 After watching the BrainPop Jr. video and discussing emotions, I will ask students,
“Have you ever felt a negative emotion while you were at school?” I will allow students
to answer this question and share their stories of when they may not have felt so great at
 I will then ask them, “When you are not feeling so great at school, is it hard to focus on
your school work?” I will then allow students to answer how getting their school work
done when they were not feeling so great was.
 I will then explain to them that in the story, “The Smart Cookie,” the main character does
not always do great on assignments at school and often feels embarrassed or scared to
participate. I will ask students if they have ever felt this way and allow them time to
 I will then read the story, The Smart Cookie. After the story, we will discuss how the
Smart Cookie changed throughout the story and was able to feel more confident. We will
then discuss how it is okay to feel different emotions during school and okay to not
always have the confidence to share in school. We will also talk about respecting other
classmates and their feelings.
 I will then explain the assignment to them. I will say, “Now that we have read 4 books
from the Jory John and Pete Oswald series, you are going to write about which book was
your favorite. You will write one sentence stating which book was your favorite and then
two sentences telling me two reasons why that story was your favorite. After you are
finished with your 3 sentences, you will draw a picture and color.” I will leave the books
at the front of the room for students to see and use to help them with their illustrations.
 While students are working, I will walk around and help students who may need extra

Supporting Documents: 
BrainPop Jr. Video:

Writing Paper:

Plan For Independent Practice:

 For students with IEP’s, lower- level learners, or English- Language Learners, I will give
them sentence starters, such as “ My favorite book was…” and “I like this book
because…” For some students, I may allow them to only write 2 sentences, rather than 3.
 For gifted learners, I will allow them to write more sentences.

Cross-curricular Connections to Other Subjects:

 Social & Emotional Learning
 Writing

Summative assessment of their writing assignment.


BrainPop Jr. (n.d.) Emotions. Retrieved May 8, 2022 from

BrainPop Jr. (n.d.) Friends. Retrieved May 8, 2022 from

John, J. (2018). The bad seed. HarperCollins.

John, J. (2019). The cool bean. HarperCollins.

John, J. (2020). The couch potato. HarperCollins.

John, J. (2021). The smart cookie. HarperCollins.

Polly Olly- Kids Videos and Nursery Rhymes (2019, October 12). The effects of too much


time- Teach kids about screen time- Polly Olly [Video]. YouTube.

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