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계 약 번 호 [ENV-⊂ O-210015]

Indonesia Transportation Expert Service Agreenlent

This Expert Se1˙ vices AgreeΠ lent (tllis AgreeⅡ lent’

‘‘ ’) is entered into on 28th July 2021, by
a11d bet、 veen :

(]) Envelops Co., Ltd, a coliIIpany organized and existing under the la、 vs of Korea,

having its ofFlces at 528 τ bchno Colllplex Research Center, 145 Anan1-ro, Seongbuk—
gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (02841) (the ˛Client’
‘ ’); and

(2) Ria Roida '狂 inarta, a profbssional expert 'vith 8 years of experience, having its
ofFlce at S∏ lart Mobility Lab, 6I3 Advanced '4aterials and Chelllical Engineering
Bui lding, 222, Wongsinlni— ro, Seongdond— gμ , Seoul, Republic of Korea (04763) (the
Expert’ ).
‘‘ ’
The Client and the Expert may be hereinafter reforred to together as the ˛Parties’ and each
˛ ‘ ’
individually as a Par㏉ ’
‘ ’ .

Recita ls

ㄲ/HEREAS, the Client is currently in'plenlenting the Estλ blishlIIent of Indonesia e˜ vehicle
Mastel・ Plan utilizing Solar Po、 fLInded by Kolea ‘‘Ene1:gy Agency in preparing an E—
111obility policy consulting roadlIIap & nlasterplan and developing a business nlodel &
delnonstration pr어 ect in Indonesia E— n]obility nlalket. (the
‘ ‘ Project’ ’ ) ;

WHEREAS, the Expert 'NilI provide studies on the Indonesia E— Ivfobility status and nlarket
fbr the Pr이 ect and be coIIIpensated in accordance 、vith the terllls and conditions set foⅱ h in
this AgreelIIent.

NO、 V THERErORE, the Parties hereby agree as fbllo、 vs :

1. Scope of 、Vork

The Expert’ s scope of 、vork undel this Agree∏ lent shall include, 、vithout Iilllitation, the
fb l lo、 ving seI˙ vices (the
‘ Expert Services ’’ ) :

1.1. The Expert 'vill collect data and policies in Indonesia, relevant to E-Mol)ility flon1
the private and governn'ent stakeholders in Indonesia

1.2. The Expeⅱ 、vill prepare a data and policies revie'v report (DI˙ aη and ˛ rina】 Report’ )
‘ ’
elevant to E-Mobility in Indonesia

계 약 번 호 [E1'V-⊂ O-21001 5]

2. Terln

2.1. This Ag1˙ ee∏ lent shall be effoctive fiolll the agreelnent signed date to the Π nal
inlplenlentation of the PI・ 이 ect (20tl1 Decenlber 2021) (tlle Contract Period’ ) a11d
‘‘ ’
Ⅱlaybe ter∏ lillatcd if al● y of the fbllo、 ving eve1'ts occu1˙ :

2.1.1. The Client te1˙ minates the PI어 ect and notifles the Expert of such
terIIIination; or

2. 1.2. Upon nlutual agreenlent bet、 veen the Paⅱ ies.

3. Colnpensation for Expert Services

The Expert Services shall be conlpensated on the fbllo、 ving basis :

3. 1. Price

3.1.1. The price fbr the Expert Services 'vill be a 且xed Iulllp suIIl f℃ e in the
alnount of one nlillion and one hundred thousand Ko1˙ ean Wbn (KRW
I , I 00,000) (the Contract Price’
‘‘ ’)
3. 1.2. The Contlact Price, unless provided other'vise, shaII be inclusive of all costs,
expenses and taxes borne by the Expert in relation to perfbrnlance of the
Expert Services, including overhead and travelling expenses.

3.1.3. Each party hereto shaII bear its o、 vn expenses incurred in the country of
each palty ’ s ofΠ ce location, connection 、vith this Agreelllent (including
legal, accounting and any other third party fees, costs and expenses and all
federal, state, local and othe1: taxes and related charges incurred by such
paⅱ y)

3.2. PayIIl ent Schedule

The Contract Price shall be paid by the Client to the Expeⅱ according to the
fb llo、 ving schedule :

3.2.1. In the an10unt of Eight hundred and eighty thousand Korean Wδ n (KRW
880,000) shall be paid 、vithin t、 vo (2) 、veeks f'on] tl'e signing of this

3.2.2. The relnaining of the Contract PIice in the allIount of T'''/o hundred and
twenty thousand Korean Won (KRW 220,000) shall be paid within one (I)
1 the appIoval of the Flnal repolt.
'veek 'o∏
계 약 번 호 [ENV-⊂ O-210015]

4. Conf● denⅱ al Inforlnaⅱ on

The Parties agree that all in∫ )rmation in 1˙ elation to the Pr어 ect and the contents he1˙ ein
(collectively, the (‘ ConΠ dential Infbrmation” ) are of a con且 dential nature, that each

Paⅱ y 、vill hold and tleat the ConFldential InfiDrlnation in the strictest confldence, and that
each Paⅱ y 、vill not disclose the Con且 dential Infbrnlation to any other person or entity,
other tha11 their respective affiliates, ofΠ cers, directors, eIIIployees, advisors, agents and
other representativcs 、vho need to kno、 v such infbrmation, 'vithout the prior 、vritten
consent of the other Paⅱ y, nor will either Palty ι 1se the Confldential InforΠ lation in any
fashion or lllanner detrimental to the interest of the other Party.

5. IndeⅡ 1nities

Each Party shall inde∏ 1ni㏉ and hold the others harlIIless fbr any losses, clailns, danlages,
a、 vards, or penalties inculred by any third party, including, 'vithout liIIIitation, reasonable

attorney's foes, which arise f'oIIl any breach of this AgI˙ eelnent. The indemni‘ Ying Paⅱ y
shall have the sole right to defbnd such claillls at its o、 vn expense. The othel Palty shall
provide, at the indenlnif'√ ing Party's expense, such assistance in investigating and
defending such clailIIs as the indenlni㏉ ing Party Inay reasonat)ly request.

settleln ent of Disputes

AII disputes arising out of or in connection 、vith this Agreement, not resolved through
negotiations bet、 且nally settled in Republic of Korea under the
’'/eenofthe Parties, shall be ColIImerce. The language of、 the
Rules of AIbitration the International Chamber of、
arbitration shall be English 、vith the assistance of interpreters.

7. Governing La''''/

This AgreelIIent shall be governed by the la、 vs of the Republic of Ko1˙ ea.

8. Relationship of the Parties

Nothing contained in the Agreelnent shall be construed to constitute the Expeⅱ as a

partner, employee, or agent of the Clie11t, nor shall any Party have any authority to bind
any other Party in any respect, it being intended that each shall relllain an independent
contractor responsible fbr his o、 vn actions.

9. Miscellaneous

9. 1. I● Ieadings
The paragral)h headings appearing in this Ag1˙ eelllent are fb1˙
convenience only and
shall not aff℃ ct the nleaning or intelpretation of this AgreelIIent.

계 약 번호 [EIN∨ -⊂ O-21001 5]

9.2. Waiver
Any 、vaiver ofthe Iights and obligations hereunder shall be in 'vriting.

9.3. SeverabⅡ i● y

If any provision of this Agreenlent is fbund contlary to la'v or unenforceable by

law, the relllaining provisions shall be severable and enforceable in
any court of、
accordance 、vith their terrlls, unless such unla、 vftll or Llnenfbrceable provision is
1nate1・ ial to the tlansactions contenlplated heleby, in which case thc Paltics shall
negotiate in gδ od faith a substitute provision.

9.4. Binding Ef’ foct

This Agreelnent shall bind and inure to the beneFlt of the Parties and their
respective successors and assign as of the date fllst above 、vritten.

9.5. Entire Agreelnent

Except as othel、 vise provided fbr herein, this AgreeIIIent constitutes the entire
lent and understanding of the Parties 、vith respect to the sut巧 ect Inatter
hereof and ∏lay not be a∏ lended, supplenlented or other、 vise nlodifled except by a

'vritten instruIylent signed by the Parties hereto.

IN 、VITNESS ㄲ /HEREOr, the Parties hereto have executed this AgreeIIIent as of the date
flrst 'vritten aboν Te.

ENVELOPS CO., LTD Ria Roida 、{inarta

By : By :
Nallle : 'Iδ on NaIIIe: Ria Roida Μ illatta
Tit Exectltive Of1'icer Title: Transportation Expert

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