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o1 TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best tod: ‘= -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. PHAN I: BAI TAP: TULOAI Ms. Durkin asked for volunteers tohelp 06. Assistant managers are _largely -—— with the employee fitness program. responsible for the day-to-day (A) she operations in —- departments (8) her (A) theirs (C) hers (8) them (0) herself (C) their i (©) they 02, Ms. Carpenter will be attending the Dhuiged Cay anion conference with -—- marketing team. . . (A) she + operation (n): su hoat dong, su van (8) her anh (C) hers : (0) herself 07. Every batch of sauce at Generita’s Bistro is processed meticulously by ——~ * attend (v): tham gia, tham dy expert chefs. + conference (n): hoi nghi (A) they @) their 03. Here at Vanguard Buying Club, -——-- (C) them help members find quality merchandise. (D) themselves at the lowest possible prices. + sauce (n): nuée cham (A) us # process (v): xi ly fy our © meticulously (adv): cdn than we (0) ourselves 08. The president of Somchai Bank rides — + quality (n, ad): chdt long byte to work every day, except * merchandise (n): hang hod ae + low (adj) thap ) him * possible (adi): 06 thé (C) his (0) himself 04, According to Florida Digital Designer * president (n): chia tich Magazine, many graphic designers do © ride (vy Idi, cus teeta elena ees except (conj): ngosi tr ee 09. Mr. Choi wants to know when the (C) themselves (©) itset illustrations will be ready for —- review. (A) he + graphic (adi): 4 hoa (8) his © consider (v): xem xét, c&n nhc Cyn imsel 05. _Deltran analytics software can help ——-- * illustration (n): hinh minh hoa identify issues, predict trends, and + review (n): xem xét, dénh gia improve business. (A) you 10. The board of directors thanked Juliana (8) your Thorne for —— efforts in organizing (C) yours the shareholder's meeting. (0) yourself (A) her + analytics (n): sy phan tich (8) herseit + identify (v): nhan biét, nhan thdy (C) she + issue (n): vin d8y 4n phim a + predict (v): dy dodn, dy béo + effort (ny: sy nd Ive ryén Dite - hnttps:// uyén Thi TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 = organize (v): 8 chire, sp xép TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today = -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. © shareholder (n): 6 dong 11, Ms. Anderson has just received her invitation, so we cannot yet confirm 46. whether ----- will attend the end-of- year banquet. (A) she (8) her (©) hers (D) herself © confirm (y): xe nhan + banquet (n): budi tiée 12, Randall Lee is a demanding critic, but even ~~ is impressed with Schiffs 47, Artisan Vanilla ice cream, (adi): khat khe, khé ti * critic (n): nha phe binh 13. Today, in place of spokesperson Hiro Ueda, ‘President Akiko Nomura will speak with reporters. (A) she (8) her (C) hers (0) hersett © in place of (prep): thay thé cho * spokesperson (n): ngu@i phat biéu * reporter (n): phéng vien 18, 14. An accomplished skater ——, Mr. 19, Loewenstein also coaches the world- ‘champion figure skater Sara Krasnova. (A) he (8) him (C) himsett (0) his * accomplished (adi): tai gidi + skater (n): ngudi trugt bang * coach (v): dao tao 15. Mr. Yamagata is prepared to assist Ms. 20. Hahn's clients while -—- conducts a training seminar in New York. (A) hers (B) she (C) herself (0) her * assist (v): gidp d&, hd tro Nguyén Dite - Luyén Thi TOEIC TP CM - 0973 141 104 hnttps:// * conduct (v): tin hanh, thye hign ‘+ seminar (n): hoi nghi chuyén d& Employees from San Jose Intemational will ative in Alajuela tomorrow for —~ first training session. (A) they (8) their (C) them (0) theirs * arrive (v): dén + session (n): budi (hoc, hep, dao tao, ) The property manager must ensure that renters understand rental agreement. (A) their (8) they (C) theirs (0) them ensure (v): dim bao © renter (n): nguéi thué Our new website allows -—~ to keep track of all orders. (A) our (8) ours (C) us (0) we ‘+ Allow (v): cho phép + Keep track of (v): theo déi ‘Order (n): don dat hang Dr. Tang has been chosen to accept - -- award on behalf of the development team. (A) our (6) ours (C) us (0) we + Choose (v): Iva chon ‘© On behaft of sb (prep): thay mat ai 46 Mr. Whatley unintentionally took Ms. Potvin’s timetable, thinking it was -—-. (a) ti (8) himselt (C) his (0) he © Unintentionally (adv): v6 tinh ‘+ Timetable (n): ich, thoi khoa biéu TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today = -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. 21. Workers are advised not to operate certain machines by -—-. (A) they (B) them (C) their (0) themselves * Advise (v): khuyén * Operate (v): van hanh, hoat dong © Certain (adj): nhat dinh, 22, Since she's running late for —— meeting, Ms. Joyce will have to catch a taxi. (A) she (8) her (C) hers (D) herself # Since (conj): bOi vil Ké tty khi + Late (adj, adv): cham, tré * Lately (adv): gan day + Catch (v): dén, bat 23, Mr. Nakamura gave me directions to - - apartment in Tokyo, but even my taxi driver had trouble figuring out where it was, (A) he (B) his (C) him (D) _himsett * Direction (n): sy huéng dan + Apartment (n): can ho igure out (v): tim ra + Have trouble + V-ing: gap phai khé khain lam gi dé 24, Mr. John has purchased his plane ticket, but Ms. Garter has not yet purchased ——. (A) herself (8) her (C) hers (0) she * Purchase (v): mua * Purchase (n): vige mua/ san phdm + Plane (n): may bay 25. After the union found out that the managers had given ——- 2 20% pay raise, a strike was organized, (A) their (8) himself (C) themselves (0) they Nguyén Dite — hnttps:// 26. 27. 28. 29. uyén Thi TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 Union (n): lién doan Find out (vy: tim ra, phat hién ra Pay (v): thanh toan Pay (n): tién long Raise (v): lam tang Raise (n): sy gia ting Strike (n): cudc dinh cng The agency let Mr. Bates know by e- mail that —-- flight to Baltimore had been cancelled (A) his (6) himself (C) he (0) him # Agency (n): cong ty, dat ly * Let (v): 48, thong bao Flight (n): chuyén bay © Cancel (v): huy Mr. Keynes got his parking card last Tuesday, but Ms. Jong haven't receive (A) she (B) she's (C) her (D) hers Parking card (n): thé dau xe + Receive (vy: nhan Ms. Robinson was pleased to be given autonomy to work on -—- without any help from her boss. (A) her (B) herself (C) hers (0) her own * Pleased (adj): vui, hai long Autonomy (n): sy ty quyét dinh The sales team led by Martha Yonders has already met their quota, but we stil have not met — (A) we (8) our (C) us (D) ours + Already (adv): 48...°61 * Quota (n): han ngach! mirc 48 ra TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best tod: 30. Because most of his colleagues were 3 32, 10th anniversary will begin ~ away on a company picnic, Mr. Lim had to complete the client research report by ~-~ over the weekend (A) he (8) himself (©) his (0) his own * Colleague (n): déng nghigp + Complete (v): hoan thanh You are cordially invited to attend a —- - party thrown I honor of employees who have served the company for more than thirty years. (A) retirement (B) retire (C) retires (D) retired * Cordially (adv): than ai, chan thanh © Retire (v): vé huu * Honor (v): vinh danh AM. tomorrow morning, (A) precise (B) precision (C) precisely (D) preciseness * Celebration (n): 18 ki nhigm + In celebration of (prep): nhan dip + Precisely (adv): ding lic, chinh xac 33. Lasner Electronics’ staff have extensive —- of current hardware systems. (A) know (B) known (C) knowledge (D) knowledgeable + extensive (adj): nhidu, sau rong current (adi): hién tai system (n): hé théng hardware (n): phan cing 34. With the Gema XTI binoculars, users ‘can — see objects that are more than 100 meters away. (A) ease (8) easy (C) easily (0) easier * binoculars (n) 6ng nhom * object (n): vat thé ryén Dite - hnttps:// 35. 36. 37, 38, 39. uyén Thi TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 ‘= -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Ms. Suto claims that important market trends become ——- with the use of data analysis. (A) predict (B) prediction (C) predictable (0) predictably + claim (v): cho rang * analysis (n): sy phan tich Even the CEO had to admit that Prasma Designs’ win was —~ the result of fortunate timing (A) parts (B) parted (C) partly (D) parting © admit (v): thira nhan * result (n): két qua The judges for this year’s screenplay competition include —— from Hanovi Studios. (A) represents (B) representatives (C) represented (D) represent * judge (n): giém khao ‘© competition (n): cude thi + include (v): bao gdm Even though Smithton Electronics’ second quarter was not ——-, the company plans to invest large sums on research. (A) profitable (8) profiting (C) profitability (0) profitably + plan (v): dy dinh kam gi dé invest (v): dau tu © sum (n): khoain (Lin) + research (n): nghién oiru York Development — Corporation marked the ——- of the Ford Road office complex with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. (A) opens (8) opening (C) opened (0) openly © mark (v); danh déu complex (n): khu phire hop ceremony (n): 18 ki nigm TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best tod: 40. The initial feedback from early buyers 4 of the Sunbell XC2 mobile phone indicates that they found it —- to use. (A) conveniences (B) conveniently (C) convenience (D) convenient * initial (adj): ban du, lc du * indicate (v): chi ra, cho thay + convenient (adi): tién Igi Please submit each reimbursement request -——- according to its category, ‘as outlined in last month's memo. (A) separately (B) separateness (C) separates (0) separate + submit(v): nop + reimbursement (n): sy hoan tién lai © request (n): yeu cau * according to (prep): theo nhu, dua theo category (n): loai, hang * outline (v):trinh bay, phac thao 42, The registration fee is —— refundable up to two weeks prior to the ‘conference date. (A) fullest (8) fuller (C) fully (D) full + registration (n): sy dang ki * prior to (prep): true * conference (n): hdi nghi 43. Survey -—~ analyze the layout of a land area above and below ground level. (A) technicians (B) technically (C) technical (D) technicality + survey (n): khdo sat + technician (n): ki thuat vién + analyze (v): phan tich 44. The computing power of the new laptop is -—- to any desktop computer in the same price range. (A) compare (B) comparing (C) comparison (D) comparable ryén Dite - hnttps:// 46. 46. 47. 48. 49. uyén Thi TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 ‘= -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. * computing power (n): higu suat dién toan * range (n): pham vi Restaurants in Rondale must follow all health guidelines. (A) local (B) locals (C) locally (0) localize # follow (v): tuan tha # guideline (n): hong dan ‘A-——- way to support economic growth in Ludlow City is to shop at area businesses. (A) practice (B) practicing (C) practical (0) practically © practical (adj): thy tn, thy t8 + support (v): ting hé + growth (n): sur tang trréng ‘A record number of appliance ——— came into the Port of Reece last month, (A) shipments (B) shipping (C) shipment (D) shipped * record (n): ky luc + appliance (n): thiét bi Before work can begin at the construction site, the permit applications must be processed (A) relevant (8) televantly (C) relevance (D) relevancies © begin (v): bat dau construction (n): su xy dung site (n): dia dim permit (n): gidy phép process (v): xi ly The manager presented data on employee performance with —- on measurable achievements. (A) emphatic (8) emphasis (C) emphasize (D) emphasized * present (v): tr * performance (n): higu suét © emphasize (v): nhdn manh + emphasis (n): sy nhdn manh Supervisors will not —- approve time off for employees during peak ‘operational months. (A) generalization (B) generalize (C) generally (0) general © approve (v): chap thuan, tan thanh * peak (adi): cao diém 51. Jesper Associates currently has — with 26 different food suppliers. (A) contracting (8) contracts (C) contractor (D) contract + currently (adv): hign tal * supplier (n): nha cung cdp 52. Mr. Okada met -—- with the building manager to discuss the demolition project. (A) frequent (8) frequenting (C) frequently (0) frequented * frequent (ad): thuéng xuyén * discuss (v): théo luan 53. Providing precision welding to array of industries, Mistone Metalworks recently celebrated a century of service in Quebec. (A) widely (B) widen (C) width (D) wide | * provide (v): cung cp * welding (n): 46 han chi + celebrate (v): an ming 54, Sewerd Fumishings is closing some of its showrooms because customers are -— ordering furniture online. (A) increasing (B) increase (C) increasingly (0) increased Nauyén Dite — hnttps:// 55. 56. 87. 58. 59, uyén Thi TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today = -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. The Kassin Group’s booth at the Liberty Architecture Expo has gamered much —. (A) interest (8) interests (C) interested (0) interesting Before the updated design can go into ——, it must be approved by management. (A) product (8) producer (C) productive (0) production + update (v): cap nhat ‘+ design (n): mau thiét ké * approve (v): chap thuan Inclement weather was responsible for the low tumout at Saturday's Exton Music Festival. (A) largely @) large (C) largest (0) larger * inclement (adj): khdc nghiét * turnout (n): s6 lugng ngudi tham gia Main Street Restaurant offers a menu of --—-- prepared lunch and dinner meals. (A) thought (B) thoughtfulness (C) thoughts (D) thoughtfully * offer (v): cung cp ‘* thoughtful (adj): chu d4o, cn than Milante Shoes -—~ altered the firm's marketing strategy after a recent economic shift. (A) quick (B) quickest (C) quickly (0) quicken * alter (v): thay thé, thay adi strategy (n): chién iuoe © shift (n): sy thay d6i TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today = -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. 60. Hasin Fariz tured a study on the effects of sleep into a best-selling book: (A) favorable (B) favor (C) favors (0) favorably + study (n): sw nghién cru + effect (n): sy anh huéng 61. Marina Hou ~— considered becoming ‘an actor before deciding to write plays instead, (A) briefly (8) briefs (C) briefing (D) briefed * brief (adj): nhanh chong, van tat * consider (v): can nhac * decide (v): quyét dinh 62, Walter Keegan was -— hired as a salesperson, but he soon became head of the marketing department. (A) originality (B) original (C) originals (D) originally * original (adj): ban dau © hire (v): thus 63, The Merrick Travel Agency organizes tours of national monuments and other -—— sites in the St. Petersburg area (A) historian (8) historic (C) historically (D) histories © organize (v): sép xp © monument (n): tugng dai, dai ki nim: 64, We made a-—-- estimate of how many tourists to expect in the coming month. (A) conservative (B) conservation (C) conservatism (D) conservatively * estimate (n): bang bao gid * expect (v): ki vong Nguyén Dite - Luyén Thi TOEIC TP CM - 0973 141 104 hnttps:// 65. 66. 67. 68. Thank you for being one of Danton Transportation's most —--- customers over the past ten years. (A) valuation (8) valued (C) value (0) values * value (n): gid tr customer (n): khdch hang Computerization of medical records — = increases a physician's ability to diagnose and treat patients. (A) great (8) greatly (C) greatness (0) greatest ‘* medical (adi): y té record (n): hd so abilty (n): kha nang diagnose (v): chan doan treat (v): diéu tr} patient (n): bénh nhan Companies without _ information technology specialists can ——- on Vyber Software Advisers for assistance with online services. (A) reliable @) reliably (C) rely (0) relying * specialist (n): chuyén gia * rely on (v): phy thudc vao + assistance (n): sy gidp 4, sy hd tro New emissions standards have forced Rider Auto to modify the process of engine —. (A) construction (B) constructed (C) constructive (0) construct + emission (n): sy phat xa force (v): bude, ép budc modify (v): diéu chin process (n): quy trinh engine (n): dng co construct (v): xay dung 69. 70. "1 72. 73. TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today = -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. To control costs, updated credit card readers will be installed in branch stores — (A) gradual (B) gradually (C) more gradual (D) most gradual + control (v): kiém soat update (v): cp nhat reader (n): thiét bi doc install (v): cai dat gradual (adj): dan dan, du déu 74, Most of the manufacturing sector has reported higher profits as a result of the trade —- (A) agreement (B) agreeing (C) agreeably (D) agrees © sector (n):finh vye + result (n): két qua * trade (n): thuong mai 75. Yields from your garden will — rise ‘as you add Natrium Compost to the soil (A) steady (B) steadying (C) steadily (0) steadier © yield (n): san lugng * garden (n): ven + steady (adj): déu dan © rise (v): gla tang 76. The Tokyo division handles product — -- and customer service for the ‘company. (A) distribute (B) distributor (C) distribution (0) distributed * division (n): bo phan, phong ban + handle (v): x ly, gidi quyét + distribute (v): phan phdi 77. Search the Labesse Financial Web site for the most current and detailed - -— of investment options. (A) explain (8) explanation (C) to explain (0) explainable + detailed (adi): chi tiét 78. Nguyén Dite - Luyén Thi TOEIC TP CM - 0973 141 104 hnttps:// © explain (v): gii thich option (n): sy Iva chon Toucan Database System is designed to perform a detailed financial analysis (A) automate (8) automatic (C) automated (0) automatically © design (v): thiét ké perform (v): trinh dign, thé hién detailed (adj): chi tiét investment (n): sy dau tw analysis (n): siz phan tich Thank you for your ——- in the Foxdale Apartments community enhancement survey. (A) participant (8) participation (C) participate (0) participated * participate (v): tham gia + community (A): cong dng + enhancement (n): sy nang cao, sy cai thign Judging by ticket sales, Fen Jiang's first attempt at directing a film was -— ~ a success. (A) clear (8) clearly (C) clearer (0) clearing # Judge (v): dann gia * attempt (n): su né lye * direct (v): chi dan, huéng dan The travel -—-- will be processed as soon as they are received. (A) document (B) documents (C) documented (D) documenting * process (v): xt ly + receive (v): nhan Matos Realty has developed two -— methods of identifying undervalued properties. (A) different (8) differently (C) difference (0) differences TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today = -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. © develop (v): phat trién, 48 xuat * method (n): phyong thre + identify (v): nhan ra 79. Before selecting a Dagle steel door, measure the door opening (A) careful (B) caring (C) carefully (D) cares * select (v): chon iva © steel (n): thep * measure (v): do lvang 80. The director has requested a —~ of 81 the costs of short- and long-term rental agreements. (A) comparable (8) comparison (C) compared (D) comparative * request (v): yeu cau * compare (v): so sanh Roxy Koenig is —-- seeking a new venue for her summer concert since the Hazelton Music Hall is being renovated. (A) actively (B) activity (C) active (D) activate + seek (v): tim kiém © venue (v): dia aim * concert (n): budi hoa nhac * renovate (v): nang cp, tu sira 82, The new location of the Bentler Company is easily —— by car or bus. (A) access (B) accessibly (C) accessible (D) accessibility * location (n): dia diém © access (n): truy c&p 83. Barner Corporation's record profits resulted from the recent operating efficiencies, (A) initiative (B) initiating (C) initiation (D) initiator * record (n): ky luc * result from (v): dén tir to identify Nguyén Dite - Luyén Thi TOEIC TP CM - 0973 141 104 hnttps:// 85. 86. 87. 88. recent (adj): gan day identify (v): tim ra, phat hign ra initiative (n): sng kién initiation (n): sy bat du All shelves in the holiday merchandise section need to remain —- stocked. (A) full () fully (C) fuller (0) fullest # shelve (n): ke + merchandise (n): hang hod section (n): khu/ inh vue Accountants applying for the training must obtain a from their supervisor. (A) referring (8) referred (C) referral (0) refer * accountant (n): ké toan vien + obtain (v): 06 duge, dat duoc In light of our recent expansion, it will be —- to hire another administrative assistant by June 1 (A) necessitating (8) necessary (C) necessarily (D) necessities in light of (prep): xét dén, do béi * expansion (n): su mé rong © assistant (n): tr ly ‘The intial response to the beta version of the software allows us to be optimistic about future product sales. (A) faimess. (8) fairest (C) fairly (©) fair © initial (adj): ban du, le du + response (n): phan hdi + allow (v): cho phép + optimistic (adj): lac quan With the completion of its airport, Honoka Island's tourism -—-- has improved dramatically. (A) economical (B) economic (C) economize () economy TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best tod: + completion (n): sy hoan thanh © improve (v): cai thign * dramatically (adv): dang ké 89. At Correia Electronics, we are -— researching appliance technology. (A) continual (B) continues (C) continue (D) continually * research (v): nghién cou * appliance (n): thiét bi 90. The first prize presented was the 1 92. Mesmio, Kozar Award for-— in educational toy design. (A) excel (B) excelled (C) excellent (D) excellence * prize (n): gidi thuéng * present (v): trinh bay! du, trao ‘The Science Career Fair is an exciting opportunity for job seekers to meet with --— from major companies in the field (A) recruit (8) recruiting (C) recruit ments (0) recruiters © recruit (v): tuyén dung + major (adi): I6n/ cha yéu field (n): inh vue, nganh provider of premium television content, welcomes -~ ideas for improving our service. (A) specifics (B) specifies (C) specific (0) specify © provider (n): nha cung c4p + content (n): ndi dung # improve (v): cai thign 93. The conclusions from our analysis turned out to be —— applicable to the budget problem. (A) directing (8) directly (C) directs (0) direct * conclusion (n): két lun + analysis (n): sy phan tich ryén Dite - hnttps:// 95. 96. 97. 98. uyén Thi TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 ‘= -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. # tum out (v): hod ra * applicable (adj): 6 th8 ap dung duoc budget (n): ngan sch Mr. Ashburton has been recommended by all three of his references, (A) high (8) higher (C) highly (0) highest ® recommend (vy: 48 xuat reference (n): nguoi gidi thigu By —--- offices in London, Paris, and Madrid, Sedgehill Ltd. has continued its growth into markets overseas. (A) opening (B) opened (C) opens (©) open growth (n): su phat trién + overseas (adv): 6 nude ngoai During yesterday's meeting, Ms. Milne offered her ——— to the sales team for their excellent results this quarter. (A) congratulations (8) congratulate (C) congratulating (0) congratulatory * offer (v): cung cdp/ d8 nghi © result (n): két qua Starting September 1, the accounting department will "issue travel reimbursements ——~ from biweekly paychecks, (A) separates (B) separately (C) separating (0) separation issue (v): phat hanh/ dua ra * reimbursement (n): sy hoan tién The -—-- of the Kawagoe factory has had a significant impact on Inagi Technology employees’ productivity. (A) expansion (8) expanded (C) expanse (0) expand + expand (v): mé réng * significant (adj): dang ké TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today = -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. * impact (n): sy anh hung, sy tac dng + productivity (n): ning sudt Mr. Hong will outline the procedures for handling customers’ -~ information. (A) confiding (B) confides (C) confidential (D) confidentially * outline (v):trinh bay, phat thao * procedure (n): quy trinh, thi tue © handle (v): gidi quyét 100. Work Power magazine is a new trade for professionals. (A) publication (8) publishers (C) publish (0) is publishing publish (v): xudt ban * professional (n): chuyén gia human resource 101. Mervin Financial Group offers low- interest home mortgages to first-time - (A) buys (8) buyer (C) bought (0) buyers * offer (v): cung cdp/ 48 nghi * interest (n): 1ai sudt © mortgage (n): khoan vay thé chp 102. A new musical production is holding auditions for singers next Saturday at the Grovetown Theater. (A) experience (8) to experience (C) experiences (D) experienced * production (n): sy san xuat! budi bigu din * audition (n): budi thir giong * experienced (adj): c6 kinh nghigm ryén Dite - ps: 103. 104, 105. 106. 107. uyén Thi TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 The partnership was formed to help both the Tilano Group and Estin Electronics reach beyond their traditional markets, (A) specifying (8) specifially (C) specific (D) specify form (v): hinh than, tao thanh * beyond (prep): vot qué This discounted train ticket is —-— only at certain times of day. (A) valid (B) validate (C) validating (0) validation valid (adj): c6 gi tri sir dung * certain (adj): nhat dinh, nao d6 The contract ——~- states that the tenants must review their _rental- property agreement by March 1. (A) clear (8) clearly (C) clearer (0) cleared * state (v): trinh bay, phat biéu # tenant (n): nguéi thué + review (v): kiém tra, danh gia The cost of building Juniper High Towers exceeded the contractor's original —-— by over £5,000.00. (A) estimating (B) estimate (C) estimated (D) estimator exceed (v): vuot qua, vuot mirc * contractor (n): nha thau + original (adi): ban dau There are a numer of free Web-based - that provide tips for locating information in historical databases. (A) tutorials (8) tutoring (C) tutored (0) tutor + tutor (n): gia suv + tutorial (n): khod hoc © provide (v): cung cp *# locate (v): tim, xac dinh vi tr TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today = -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. 108. 109. 110. 1 112, 113, The course on coaching is taught by Lee Wallis of the Peyton Soccer Club, (A) introducer (8) introduce (C) introducing (0) introductory To satisfy different tastes, we strive to offer a ---- assortment of brands, (A) broad (B) broadly (C) broaden (0) broadness satisfy (v): lam hai long, dap ung taste (n): khdu vi strive to (v): 06 gang offer (v): cung cp, 48 nghi Please print your airline ticket once — -- of your credit card payment has been received (A) confirmation (8) confirmed (C) confirms (0) confirm * once (con)): sau khi, ngay khi + confirm (v): xée nhan For all expenditures over $1,000, --— - in writing will be required. (A) justify (8) justification (C) justified (0) justiftably + expenditure (n): chi tiéu + justify (v): x€e minh © require (v): yéu cau The Telra Corporation complies with all local and national (A) regulate (8) regulated (C) regulatory (0) regulations + comply with (v): tuan tha, * regulation (n): quy dinh The price quoted by the movers is only ‘an ——-- cost and is subject to change. (A) approximately (8) approximate (C) approximating (0) approximation ryén Dite - Luyén Thi TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 ps: 114, 115. 116. 117. 118. * quote (v): bao gia ‘+ subject to (adi): khé tranh khdi Mr. Mehretu will discuss the -—--—- of the new payroll policy at the company meeting tomorrow. (A) specifics (8) specifically (C) specifies (D) specific + discuss (v): théo luan © specific (adj): cu thé, riéng biét ‘© specifics (n): théng tin chi tiét Participants arriving late are asked to enter the training seminar ——- (A) quiet (8) quieting (C) quieter (0) quietly «participant (n): nguoi tham gia * arrive (v): dén + seminar (n): hoi ng The university's vision is to increase graduates’ -—— in the global ‘workplace, (A) succeed (B) successful (C) successfully (D) success vision (n): tm nhin - * graduate (n): sinh vien moi tét ghiép ‘At Reyo Foods, we know that a healthy diet is ——-- important to consumers, (A) increase (8) increases (C) increased (0) increasingly + diet (n): ché 46 an uéng * consumer (n): ngudi tiéu ding ‘Among her many ~~ achievements, Dr. Ahn wrote sixteen books and served as editor for three major journals. (A) remarkable (B) remarkably (C) remarked (D) remarking TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best tod: 119. 120. 121 122, * remarkable (adj): dang ké, dang cha y * achievement (n): thanh tich + major (adi): l6n, quan trong + journal (n): tap chi chuyén nganh - on the purchase order the dimensions of the new office furniture, (A) specify (8) specifications (C) specifically (0) specific * specification (n): chi tiét ky thuat * purchase (n): san phdm/ viéc mua hang * contain (v): chira dyng * dimension (n): 86 do + furniture (n): 48 noi that ANZ Office Products offers businesses a ~~ way to send invoices to olients online. (A) secure (B) securely (C) securest (0) secures © offer (v): cung cap, d nghi * business (n): doanh nghiép * invoice (n): hoa don Poleberry Local Marketplace takes pride in carrying only -—~ processed dairy products from the region. (A) nature (B) natures (C) natural (D) naturally * take pride (v): ty hao * carry (v): mang, vac! 6 ban * process (v): xtPly * region (n): khu vy. All of Molina Language Institute's —~ have three or more years of experience and a valid teaching credential (A) instructed (8) instruction (C) instructing (D) instructors * Instruct (v): hyéng din * valid (adj): 66 gid tri str dung * credential (n): gidy ching nhan ryén Dite - ps: uyén Thi TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 ‘= -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. 123. For 30 years, Big Top Prop Company has been the premier —-- of circus equipment for troupes around the world. (A) providing (8) provision (C) provider (0) provides © provide (v): cung cp ‘© equipment (n): thiét bi 124. The research released by Henford Trust ranked automobile companies according to sales —--- and financial position, (A) performed (B) performing (C) performance (D) performer + research (n): nghién ecru © release (v): cng bé, tung ra rank (v): xép hang ‘according to (prep): theo nhu,, cn ctr theo 125. To ensure stability and safety, it is important to follow the instructions -— = when assembling the office bookshelves. (A) exactly (B) exact (C) exactness (D) exacting + ensure (v): dam bao stability (n): su én dinh instruction (n): huréng d&n assemble (v): 1p rap 126. Yakubu Logistics will expand the ‘warehouse loading area in preparation for an in shipping activity. (A) increased (8) increase (C) increases (D) increasingly expand (v): mé rong + warehouse (n): kho hang 127. The High Performance weather gauge is —- accurate in measuring the level of humidity in the air. (A) surprising (8) surprisingly (C) surprised (0) surprises TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best tod: 128. 129, 130. 131 gauge (n): may do accurate (adi): chin xac measure (v): do dac humidity (1): 46 am To receive ——- updates regarding your journal subscription status, please provide an e-mail address on the order form. (A) period (B) periods (C) periodicals (D) periodic * period (n): giai doan update (n): cap nhat | regarding (prep): lign quan dén journal (n): tap chi chuyén nganh subscription (n): sy dang ki The editor granted Ms. Porter a deadline —— so that some information in her building renovations report ‘could be updated. (A) extend (B) extensive (C) extension (0) extends * editor (n): bién tap vien * grant (v): cp, phat * renovation (n): sy nang ep, sy tu sia Sales of Seviana Cosmetics have improved since the new marketing ‘campaign began last quarter. (A) steady (B) steadily (C) steadiest (D) steadied © improve (v): cai thién + campaign (n): chién dich — of the management team include improving productivity and reducing annual expenditures. (A) Priority (8) Prioritizing (C) Priorities (D) Prioritized priority (n): su uu tien include (v): bao gdm improve (v): ci thién productivity (n): nang suat reduce (v): im gi expenditure (n): chi tiéu ryén Dite - ps: 132. 133. 134, 136. 136. uyén Thi TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 ‘= -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Due to construction delays on Maplewood Avenue, employees will -- —- need to find alternate routes. (A) probable (B) probably (C) probability (0) probabilities * construction (n): sy xay dung alternate (adj): thay thé route (n): tuyén dong The city council will meet tomorrow to field questions from —— concerning the new water tower (A) resident (8) residents (C) residences (0) residential * field (n): gidi quyét * concerning (prep): lién quan dén * resident (n): ngudi dan Cruz-Alva Oil provides -—- priced solutions for all your energy needs. (A) competing (8) competition (C) competitive (0) competitively © provide (v): cung c&p ‘solution (n): gidi phép/ dung dich * need (n): nhu cau + energy (n): nang luong of city buses will attend a training session on new vehicles in the coming months. (A) Operations (8) Operators (C) Operate (0) Operating * operation (n): vige van hanh * operator (n): nguoi diéu hanh + attend (v): tham + session (n): busi (hoc, hop, dao tao, + vehicle (n): xe 06 Once staff has had training in the new accounting software, they will be prepared to work —-— (A) independent (8) independently (C) independency (D) independence once (conj): mét Khi, sau khi 138. The 140. The effects of affordable housing TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best tod: * software (n): phan mém_ * prepare (v): chudn bj 137. Crum Carpeting’s profits have risen — -- since the company introduced a new environmentally friendly carpet line. (A) steadiness (B) steadying (C) steadily (D) steadied © profit (n): loi nhuan + steady (adj): déu dan * introduce (v): gi6i thigu mayoral candidates are ‘competing for television ——- (A) having exposed (B) exposed (C) expose (D) exposure * candidate (n): ung vién + compete (v): canh tranh + expose (v): phoi ra, bay ra 139. Most models of the Remagine laptop computer now come with a -— keyboard. (A) removability (B) remove (C) removable (D) remover model (n): mau + keyboard (n): ban phim * remove (v): thao ra, g@ ra in rural areas will be discussed at the conference. (A) develops (B) developing (C) development (0) developed + Effect (n): sy anh huéng * Affordable (adj): gia c& phai ching + Rural (adj): (thude vé) néng thén + Discuss (vy: thao lun 141, You can reach us either by phone or ‘e-mail when you need technical -—— or have any questions about the product you purchased (A) supported (8) supporter (C) supporting (0) support ryén Dite - ps: 142. 143. 144, 148. uyén Thi TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 ‘= -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Reach (v): voi tay/ lién lac Technical (adj): ki thuat Purchase (v): mua ‘Support (v): ting ho ‘Support (n): sy Ung ho Supporter (n): ngudi ing ho The primary —- concern among our manufacturers is acquiring the necessary resources at a reasonable price. (A) finances (8) financed (C) financial (0) financially Primary (adi): cho you + Concer (n): sy lo ngai © Acquire (v): mua duge, 06 duoc New department heads must attend meetings ——- in order to be exposed to new ideas from other team members. (A) frequent (8) frequenting (C) frequently (D) frequency Head (n): ngudi ding dau + Frequent (adi): thong xuyén + Expose tp (v): phoi ra, bay ra, tiép xtc voi Our aim is to focus on customers’ needs and satisfaction by introducing exceptional goods. (A) consist (B) consistently (C) consistent (0) consisting Aim (n): muc tiéu ‘+ Focus on (v): tap trung vao + Need (n): nhu cau ‘+ Consistently (adv): lién tuc, lic nao cing The new zoning laws should —— improve the traffic congestion problem developing in the suburbs (A) great (B) greatness (C) greatly (0) greatest + Zoning law (n): luat phan ving TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best tod: + Improve (v): cai thién * Congestion (n): sy tic nghén * Suburb (n): vung ngoai 6 146. The article provides readers with tips ‘on how to get ——- out of debt by setting financial goals and eliminating unnecessary spending, (A) totally te) (C) totaled (0) totaling * Article (n): bai bao Provide (v): cung cp Debt (n): ng Eliminate (v): loai bd Spending (n): chi tie 147. The head of the legal departments is, searching for experts who have a lot of ‘experience with contract (A) negotiates (8) negotiator (C) negotiations (0) negotiable * Head (n): ngudi ding dau * Search for (v): tim kiém + Expert (n): chuyén gia + Negotiate (v): dam phan 148. The price of organic foods is expected to rise -—-- over the next several years because of an increase in demand. (A) dramatize (8) dramatically (C) dramatist (0) dramatic * Organic (adi): hu co” * Dramatic (adj): dot ngot, nhanh chéng, bat ngo * Demand (n): nhu cau 149. Throughout the past two quarters, -—-- of the new product lines has been running ahead of schedule. (A) develop (8) development (C) developing (0) developer * Quarter (n): quy (3 thang) © Throughout (prep): khdp, suét + Ahead of schedule (prep): sém hon ké hoach ryén Dite - ps: uyén Thi TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 ‘= -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. 150. Any errors in the payroll slip should be reported to the proper department within five days of —- (A) receive (B) receipt (C) receipts (0) receiving «Error (n): 161 «Payroll slip (n): bang lvong * Proper (adj): phu hgp, thich hop Receipt (n): sy nhan/ hod don 151 in’ satellite technology have significantly altered the appearance of the country’s communication antenna facilities (A) Advance (8) Advancement (C) Advances (D) Advancing * Satellite (nj: vé tinh Significantly (adv): dng ké Alter (v): thay 481 Appearance (n): vé ngoai, din mao ‘Advance (v): cai thién, nang cao Advance (n): tién bo Advancement (n): sy tang truéng/ sy thang chic 152. Mr. Ben Shipley will be promoted next month for —-- managing production at our facility in Kansas City (A) effective (8) effectively (C) more effective (D) most effective Promote (v): thing tién + Effective (adj): higu qua + Facility (n): co's 153. Transportation costs amidst rising oil prices and environmental issues are among the toughest —- for Partridge Farms and Maple Orchard Mills. (A) challenge (B) challenging (C) challenged (0) challenges ‘+ Transportation (n): sy van chuyén + Amidst (prep): & gira! duge bao quanh # Issue (n): van a8 + Tough (adj): khd khan TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best tod: 154, Changes in automotive technology are making hybrid cars increasingly more consumers. (A) affordable (B) affording (C) affords (D) afford + Increasingly (adv): cng ngay * Afford (v): 66 di kha nang (chi tra) * Affordable (adj): gia ca phai chang to 155. The —— for the research team are asked to wait in room 203 for their interviews. (A) applicants (B) application (C) applies (0) applied + Applicant (n): ngudi ndp don + Application (n): don xin + Research (n): nghién oiru 156. Registering and shelving new books and other media is now a ~-- process since we are down to seven librarians. (A) length (B) lengthen (C) lengthy (0) lengthens © Shelve (v):Iwu tr # Length (n): 46 dai + Lengthy (adj): dai dong Process (n): quy trinh Librarian (n): ngudi tréng coi thu vign 157. Mr, Lloyd has approved a ——- for the ‘construction of a new research facility on the other side of the city. (A) proposal (B) proposed (C) propose (D) proposing Approve (v): tan thanh Propose (v): 48 nghi, dé xuat Proposal (n): k8 hoach dé xuat Construction (n): sy xay dyng Facility (n): co sé ryén Dite - ps: 158. 159. 160. 161 162. uyén Thi TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 ‘= -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. The chemistry lab managers are concemed that new employees have not been trained —— in the latest emergency procedures. (A) adequate (8) adequacy (C) adequately (0) adequateness * Chemistry (n): hod chat, hod hoc + Concemed (adj): lo ngai Adequate (adj): day di * Procedure (n): quy trinh, tha tue The research teams of Tyrell Telecommunications Inc. possess ——- knowledge of many of the products put forth by the competition. (A) extend (8) extends (C) extensive (D) extent + Possess (v): 66, so hitu © Extend (v): mé rong, kéo dai + Extensive (adi): nhiéu, rong, én ‘As the chief administrative officer, Quincy Paxton will face exciting -—~ in this new job with Laval Intemational Shipping Company. (A) challenge (B) challenges (C) challenging (0) challenged + Exciting (adj): thi vi ‘+ Challenge (n): khé khain, thir thach Empty boxes should be placed in the stockroom for -—--. A removable B. remover C. removed D. removal Empty (adi): rng ‘Stockroom (n): nha kho + Remove (v): chuyén di, bé di After ten years in —-, Ravensdale Fiduciary Firm is expanding its factories to Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Seoul, and Singapore. ‘A. operate B. operation C. operated D. operational 166. Prattchet TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today = -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. * Operate (v): hoat dong, van hanh + Expand (v): mé rong * Factory (n): nha may 163. Once you have your résumé with references and ~—-, please submititto the Human Resources Department on the 3rd floor. A. qualified B. qualifications C. qualify D. qualifying Reference (n): ldi/thur gidi thigu Submit (v): nop 164. Construction of the new shopping center should be complete by the end fof the year as long as economic conditions are -—-~. A. favor B. favors C. favorable D. favorably Construction (n): su xy dung Complete (adj): hoan thanh + As long as (conj): mign la, véi diéu kien ta + Favorable (adj): thuan loi 165. While most designer luggage is usually sold as a set, some suitcases may also be ordered ——- A. individuals B. individual C. individually D. individuality Luggage (n): hanh ly Set (n): bd Suitcase (n): val Co. has -—- tumed to making most of its products from recycled materials. A. increasingly B. increasing C. increased D. increase © Recycle (v): tai ché © Material (n): vat igu Nguyén Die — Luyén Thi TOEIC TP CM — 0973 141 104 NguyenDuc236 167. 168. 169. 170. Ms. Richards has been an exceptionally member of the marketing team, providing Bilingsgate Enterprises with great service for nine years. A. energy B. energize C. energetic D. energetically Exceptionally (adv): ndi bat, dae biet + Energy (n): nang long + Energetic (adj): nhiét huyét The chief financial officer of Waterhouse Inc. is expressing conceming his _ predecessor's informative advice. A. appreciation B. appreciative C. appreciating D. appreciates * Chief financial officer (n): giam déc tai chinh Express (v): bay 16 * Appreciation (n): sy biét on, sy cam on ‘* Concerning (prep): lién quan aén + Predecessor (n): tién béi, nguéi di tree Rosalind Media Ltd. came up with the idea to hire artists to create artworks for the purpose of marketing. A. originator B. original C. originally D. originality © Come up with (v): 68 ra, nghi ra © Hire (v): thué ‘* Artwork (n): hinh anh minh hoa ‘© Original (adj): géc, ban du + Purpose (n): muc dich Graduates from the Melrose College of Technology often make contributions in several fields, including engineering, computer sciences, and astronomy, A value B. valuable C. valuably D. valuing TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today = -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. * Graduate (n): sinh vién da t6t nghiép * Contribution (n): sy déng g6p eld (n): inh vue 171. The two competing software programs were determined to be -—~ effective in 9 filing taxes from home an easy B. equally C. equaled D. equality Program (n): chyong trinh Software (n): phan mém Determine (v): xac dinh, quyét dinh 172. NJC Surveys recently determined that, despite advances in audio technology, itis still —- through radio broadcasts that listeners are exposed to new music. ‘A. predominant B. predominantiy C. predominating D. predominated * Determine (v): xac dinh, quyét dinh * Advance (n): sur tién b6 + Predominant (adj): chi yéu * Broadcast (n): chyong trinh phat song + Expose to (v): phoi ra, bay ra, tiép xc voi 173. The continuing spread of office automation has increased worker — -, resulting in job consolidation and lower demand for accounting clerks. ‘A. produce B. to produce C. productively D. productivity Spread (n, v): (sy) lan rong ‘Automation (n): sy tu’ déng hoa Result in (v): dan dén Consolidation (n): sy 6n dinh Lower (v): lam giém Clerk (n): nan vién ryén Dite - ps: 174, 175. 176. 17. uyén Thi TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 Mark's shoe store has developed special promotions to attract -. shoppers to visit the store to try on shoes. A. individual Promotion (n): chong trinh quang co, chyong trinh khuyén mai Individual (adi): c nhan, riéng 18 Try on (v): thir Since Reggie Smith arrived —— to the meeting, he did not know about the new initiative. A. lately B. late C. lateness D. latest Late (adj, adv): cham te Lately (adv): gan day Initiative (n): sang kién International —--- for the service have not yet been analyzed by the firm. A. market B. marketing C. markets D. marketability Market (n): thi truréng Analyze (v): phan tich A lawyer at Wilbur & Samuel Legal Advisors is seeking ~~ for a property dispute between the municipal park and a construction company. A. assistant B. assist C. assisted D. assistance ‘Seek (v): tim kiém Assistant (n): ngudi gitp do Assistance (n): sy giup 46 Property (n): tai san sé hu, nha dat Dispute (n): tranh chap TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today = -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. 178. 179. 180, 181 182, Once the current renovation is ‘complete, the theater may -~ capacity for next week's premiere of the play, Golden River. A. reach B. reaches C. reaching D. reachable Current (adj): hién tai Reach (vj: dat duoc Capacity (n): strc cha Premiere (n): budi céng chiéu Please -— that the deal will only be ‘good until the end of next week. A. noting B. note C. notable D. notably Note (vj: lu ¥, chu y Deal (n): hyp déng lam an The machine was not in good condition and was in -—- need of repairs, Acurge B. urgent C. urgently D. urgency * Machine (n): may méc. + Urgent (adj): cp bach + Need (n): nhu cu Due to --- in mobile phone technology, information is now more readily available to the public than ever before. A. innovate B. innovation C. innovates D. innovating + Innovate (v): d8i moi * Innovation (n): syr di moi One of the lecturers that was asked to ‘speak at the upcoming seminar has -—- declined the invitation. A. respect B. respected C. respectful D. respectfully + Lecturer (n): dién gia ryén Dite - ps: 183. 184, 185. uyén Thi TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 + Upcoming (adj): sap dién ra Seminar (n): hoi nghi * Decline (v): tir chéi Invitation (n): loi moi, thy moi Isolated from humans, the remote island developed a --—- of plant and animal life unseen anywhere else on the planet. A. diverse B. diversity C. diversify D. diversely Isolate (v): céch ly Remote (adj): xa x6i, héo lanh Plant (n): cay tang Investigating allegations made against its CEO by a former employee, Gentry Industries has indicated that it prefers to keep the matters —. A. internalize B. internalizing C. internally D. internal + Investigate (v): didu ra * Allegation (n): cdo bude + Against (prep): chéng lai © Former (adi): xtra, 0, cwu * Indicate (v): chi ra, cho thay Prefer (v):thich, muén * Internal (adj): ni bo Customers who wish to take advantage of exclusive —-- are encouraged to register on the store's Web site A. promoting B. promoted C. promotes, D. promotions Take advantage of (v): tn dung, sir dung © Exclusive (adj): riéng, duy nhat, doc quyén ‘© Promote (v): xtc tién/ thang chire * Promotion (n): sy giam gid, su Khuyén mail sy thang chic + Register (v): daing ki TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best tod: 186. Despite their good many charitable organizations have a difficult time sustaining their work due toa lack of funding, A. intend B. intending C. intentions D. intentional Intend (v): 66 ¥ dinh, dy dink Intiontion (n): ¥ dinh, dy inh Sustain (v): duy tn Lack (n): sy thiéu thén Funding (n): tién quy 187. While the company's revenue losses have been ——- small thus far, the board recommends that i take serious measures to prevent a further decline. A. accept B. acceptable C. acceptably D. acceptance Revenue (n): doanh thu Loss (n): sy mat mat, sy thua 16 Measure (n): gidi php Prevent (v): ngan chan Decline (n): sy suy gid sy tir chéi Remain (v): van, duy tri 188. Customers of the online shopping site Spree have lodged several ——- with the Regional Trade Board after the ‘company failed to deliver on the promises it advertised ‘A. complain B. complaints C. complained D. complaining Lodge (v): nop, dé trinh, © Complain (v): phan nan © Complaint (n): loi phan nan 193. 189. As expected, demand for the manufacturer's beverage line dropped --— during the winter months. A. signifying B. significant C. signifies D. significantly Demand (n): nhu cu Beverage (n): thire uéng Drop (v): suy gm ryén Dite - ps: 190. 191. 192. uyén Thi TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 ‘= -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. ‘© Significant (adj): dang chi y, dang ké Even though instructions _ were explained during orientation, some new staff still had difficulty logging on to the company’s Web site. A.dleariy B. cleared C. clearing D. clear Instruction (n): hung din, chi dan Orientation (n): budi dinh huréng The restaurant manager inspects the kitchen ~--- to make sure there are sufficient supplies and ingredients, A. frequently B. frequent C. frequency D. frequents Inspect (v): kiém tra Frequent (adi): thurdng xuyén Sufficient (adi): di ‘Supplies (n): 8 ding Ingredient (n): thanh phan Although Ms. Ching took a short summer course, she --~ leamed to speak English by watching television programs and reading books. A. primary B. primitive C. primed D. primarily + Course (n): khoa hoc + Primary (adi): chi yu Program (n): chong trinh All electronic products sold at Power Box Superstore come with one-year — == which offer maintenance and repair for the first year of ownership. A. warranting B. warranties C. warrants D. warrantee Electronic (n): dién tir Warranty (n): gidy bao hanh Maintenance (n): sy bao dung, sy bao tri ‘© Ownership (n): su sé hiru TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today = -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. 194. Rainforest Studios is one of the 198. Laboratory testing has shown that leading —-- of summer blockbuster Glisten's toothpaste has films and employs nearly 800 full-time advantages over competing products employees. on the market. A. producers A. defines B. producing B. definite C. production C. definition D. produced D. definitely Produce (v): san xuat Blockbuster (n): bom tén, nhing thi v6 cling dac biét Toothpaste (n): kem danh rang Advantage (n): thuain loi, wu thé Definite (adi): nhét dinh, xac dinh 195. If the remote control does not operate, 199. When Alex went to see the advertised first check if the batteries are good and apartment in person, he found it to be if they have been inserted ~ smaller than he had imagined A.correctly from the photos he saw on the B. correct Internet, C. corrected A. considered D. correctness B. considerable C. considering Remote (adj) tir xa, xa x0i Operate (v): van hanh, hoat dong Insert (v): chén vao * Correct (adj): dung dan, phu hop D. considerably Apartment (n): cn ho In person (pre): dich than, tryc tiép 196. Edna expressed ——- when she found 200. The coffee shop provides a 10 percent cout that the surprise party was for her. ‘on all purchases made with a ‘A. amazing Visex credit card, B. amazement A. discounted C. amazed B. discount D. amazingly C. discounting + Express (v): bay 16 coe * Amazing (adj): ngac nhién + Provide (v): cung cap * Amazement (n): sy ngac nhién * Purchase (n): hang hoa + Find out (v): tim ra, phat hién ra 201. The manager asked for everyone's —-- 197. Before meeting with union leaders, Sitenton Defotes snesmeue) cette) Ms. Harris consulted with her —-- to important announcements about the get suggestions on how best to deal work schedule. with the negotiations. A. completion A. advisement B. completely B. advised C. complete C. advising D. completed D. advisors + Attention (n): sy chi y * Consult with (v): hdi y kién, tu van * Schedule (n): lich trinh, ke hoach + Advisement (n): 161 khuyén # Advisor (n): nguéi ob vn © Suggestion (n): 48 xudt 202. Mr. Lim forwarded Ms. Chung a —~ itinerary for his upcoming trip to several branch offices in the Southeast Asian * Deal with (v): xi ly, gidi quyét division. * Negotiation (n): budi dam phan A. detailed B. details C. detailing D. detailer Nguyén Die — Luyén Thi TOEIC TP CM — 0973 141 104 NguyenDuc236 205. A fully-equipped business center is 206. Due to TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today = -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Forward (v): gi Itinerary (n): hanh trinh, lich trinh Detailed (adj): chi tiét Upcoming (adj): sép din ra 203. In case of fire, tenants at Oldstein Towers must ----- activate the alarm and contact the administrative office. A instantly B. instance C. instant D. instances In case of (prep): phong khi Tenant (n): nguoi di thue Activate (v): kich hoat * Alarm (n): bdo dong 204. Ms. Solomon was quite ——- about accepting the accounting position, and took two weeks to make a decision. A. hesitate B. hesitated C. hesitantly D. hesitant Hesitate (v): do dy, chan chir Hesitant (adj): do dy, chan chir Accept (Vv): chp nhan * Accounting (n): ké ton located at Newcastle Accommodations ‘on the ground floor next to the main lobby. A. convenient B. convenience C. conveniently D. conveniences Equip (v): trang bi Locate (v): toa lac Ground (n): mat dat + Lobby (n): sanh increasing —-, many telecommunications companies are lowering their monthly subscription cost. ‘A. compete B. competitively C. competitive D. competition * Increasing (adj): gia tang * Lower (v): am giam Nguyén Die — Luyén Thi TOEIC TP CM — 0973 141 104 NguyenDuc236 207. 208. 209. 210. ‘© Subscription (n): sy dang ki The manager praised his staff in the monthly meeting, noting that there had been a —-- improvement in the quality of their work. A.notes B. notable C. noting D. note Praise (v): ken ng Improvement (n): sy cai thién = Quality (n): chat wong Eleven Entertainment Europe's leading consoles, computer accessories. A distributed B. distributors C. distributing D. distribution is_one of of games games and Leading (adj): hang dau Distribute (v): phan phéi The manager noticed that the staff were -—- happier in their jobs following the introduction of the game room to be used during break periods. A. consider B. considering C. considerably D. considers Notice (v): nhan thy Considerable (adj): dang cho y, dang ké ‘Introduction (n): su gidi thigu © Break (n): sy’ nghi ngoi * Period (n): khoan thoi gian, giai doan In order to select the perfect person for the job, Mr. Ellison is ~~ reviewing all applications and resumes before he makes a decision. A. careful B. carefully C. carefulness D. more careful Select (v): chon Iya Review (v): kiém tra, xem xét ‘= Application (n): don xin TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today = -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. * Make a decision (v): dua ra quyét inh 211. According to Mr. Howe's review, Compton Hotel's guest services were -—— better than last year but still need further improvement. A. noticeably B. notice C. noticing D. notices * According to (prep): can ct theo, theo nhur Guest (n): khach + Notice (v): nhan thay * Noticeable (adj): 66 thé nhan thay dug + Improvement (n): sy cai thién 212, -—— to Lotus Restaurant have nearly doubled the size of the seating area A. Improved B. Improvement C. Improvements D. Improving + Improve (v): cai thign + Double (v): tang gap doi 213, While remaining ---- to customers who have supported it for decades, MoGill Electronics will diversify in all areas of its business. A. loyalty B. loyalties C. loyally D. loyal + Remain (v): van, duy tri * Support (v): tng ho * Decade (n): thap ki + Diversify (v): da dang hoa 214, In response to customer complaints, Lanemore Transit will provide -— bus services during morning and evening hours. A. adding B. addition C. additional D. additionally + Inresponse to (prep): dap lai, phan héi lai Nguyén Dite - Luyén Thi TOEIC TP CM - 0973 141 104 hnttps:// 215. 216. 217. 218. © Complaint (n): loi phan na + Provide (v): cung cp ‘The head chef at Boldon''s Restaurant has been commended for --— introducing dishes that are both creative and delicious. A. continue B. continues C. continually D. continual * Commend (v): khen ngoi ‘Introduce (v): gidi thigu # Dish (n): mén an + Creative (adj): sang tao * Delicious (adj): ngon Fabrics from Harmia Textiles are known for their vibrant — A. colors B. colored C. colorful D. colorfully Fabric (n): vai voc Vibrant (adj): sae 86 The Yuja Deluxe Grill must be cleaned in order to function well. regular regularly . regularity . regularize Clean (v); lam sach Regular (adj): thong xuyén + Function (v): hoat dong én dinh A B. c. D. Most survey participants had —— opinions about Virtanen’s new line of hair care products. A. positivity B. positive C. positives D. positively Survey (n): Khao sat Participant (n): ngudi tham gia Positive (adj): tich cy Opinion (n): y kién, quan diém TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today = -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. 219, 220. 221 222. 223, The supervisors decided to delay ~ Until they could fill the entire order. A. ship B. shipped C. shipper D. shipment Supervisor (n): ngudi giam sat Decide (v): quyét dinh + Entire (adj): toan bd Employees who wish to be reimbursed should submit of completed ‘expense vouchers by the fifteenth of each month, A. copies B. copied ©. copying D. copier Reimburse (v): hoan tién lai Submit (v): n6p Expense (n): chi phi The political and economic problems facing the new administration must be addressed A. caution B. cautious C. cautiously D. cautioning * Address (v): giai quyét + Cautious (adj): cn trong, cn than Due to an unavoidable ~—- Mr. Khan. will postpone the teleconference until Thursday. A. conflicted B. conflict C. conflicting D. conflicts + Conflict (n): sy tring lich * Unavoidable (adj): khong thé tranh khoi If merchandise is damaged or broken upon delivery, Mumbai Electronics will send customers a replacement —~ ‘A. production B. producing C. productive D. product + Merchandise (n): hang hod + Damage (v): hu lai ps: 224, 225. 226. 227. ryén Dite - Luyén Thi TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 * Replacement (n): sy thay thé/ gui, vat thay thé Bandung Airport, previously too small to handle international fights, has doubled its capacity. A. nearer B. nearing C. nearly D. neared * Previously (adv): truéc day Handle (v): xtr ly, gidi quyét © Capacity (n): nang sudt, sire chira lzmit Museum regulations do not permit the ——- of flash photography inside the art gallery A.use B. to use C.used D. usable Permit (v): cho phép Art gallery (n): phang tranh Farmers are predicting good crop harvests in the Kenashaw area as a result of recent —- weather conditions. A favors B. favorable C. favor D. favoring + Farmer (n): néng dan + Predict (v): du bao * Crop (n): mia vy ‘+ Harvest (n): vu thu hoach + Favorable (adj): thuan Igi ‘A boost in wheat production was to the region's —— benefit, lowering the local cost of food. A finance B. financing C. financed D. financial * Boost (n): sy gia tang Production (n): sy san xuat + Lower (vp: lam giam TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today = -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. 228. Due to its need for -—-- repairs, the Paliot 122 conveyor belt is scheduled to be replaced by a more efficient model. A. frequent B. frequently C. frequency D. frequents, Need (n): nhu cu Frequent (adi): thurdng xuyén Conveyor belt (n): béing chuyén + Efficient (adj): higu qua 229. Ms. Yasuda's -—~ in managing difficult projects has eared her respect from colleagues and company officials. ‘A. succeed B. success C. succeeds D. successful Succeed (v): thanh céng Seccess (n): sy thanh céng Eam (v): kiém duge, dem lai Official (nj: nhan vién cdp cao 230. Zarina Bekler’s new autumn collection features skirts in a —- variety of colors and fabrics. A.wide B. width widen widely ‘Autumn (n): mia thu Feature (v): bao gdm, gdm c6 Skirt (n): vay Fabric (n): vai 231. Factory officials reported that with the installation of the new machinery, errors during --— have decreased by 15 percent. ‘A. assemble B. assembly C. assembles D. assembled Official (n): vin chire cp cao Installation (n): sy cai dat Assemble (v): Ip rap Assembly (n): sy lp rap ps: 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. ryén Dite - Luyén Thi TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 Please adjust the volume knob ~ the sound is not to lound, A slight B. slighter C. slightly slight Knob (n): nt Slight (adi): nhé, nhe mot it The main —--- of the new electronic notepad is internet use. A function B. functions C. functioned D. functional Function (n): chtre nang, tinh nang Function (v): hoat dng én dinh Notepad (n): sé tay Once invoices arrive in the office, they should be processed —-- in order to maintain accurate records. A. prompt B. promptly C. promptness D. more prompt + Process (v): xir ‘+ Prompt (adj): nhanh chéng, ding we Maintain (v): duy tr * Accurate (adi): chinh xée Denton's city planning committee will - —— place recycling receptacles at the entrance of Fairview Park. A strateg) B. strategically C. strategic D. strategize * Strategy (n): chién luge # Recycle (v): tdi ché + Receptacle (n): thing chira Entrance (n): I6i ra v0 For clients seeking environmentally conscious commercial and residential construction, Green Spaces Ltd provides an affordable A alternated B. altemating C. alternatively D. alternative TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today = -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Seek (v): tim kiém Construction (n): su xay dung Provide (v): cung cap Affordable (adj): gid ca hep ly, gia @ phai chang * Alternative (n): phuong an thay thé 237. The Watdee Marketing Film will guide you in ---— promoting your product to the most desirable business customers. ‘A. creatively B. create C. creative D. created = Guide (vy: huéng dan - Creative (adi): sang tao = Promote (v): xtc tién, quang cao! thaing chur 238. Human resources director _ Erika Nikata understands that employee recruitment and retention are -— important A-equal B. equally C. equality D. equalize + Recruitment (n): su’ tuyén dung Retention (n): sy nghi hu. Equally (adv): ngang nhau, nhw nhau 239, The --~ fee for any of the Logistics Management courses is EUR 25 a person. A. enrollment B. enroll C. enrolled D. enrolls Enroll (v): ghi danh, dang ki Fee (n): chi phi 240. Although Chang- Ho Nah is Permore Financial's newest executive, he is -- regarded as one of the company’s most competent vice presidents. A. wide B. wider C. widest D. widely + Regard (v): danh gia Nguyén Dite - Luyén Thi TOEIC TP CM - 0973 141 104 hnttps:// 241 242. 243. 244, + Competent (adi): 06 nang Ive + Vice president (n): phé chit tich Dr. Weisman, who served for 25 years as an —-— part of the research team, will retire on March 30. A. integrate D. integral Serve (v): phyc vu Integral (adj): quan trong Retire (v): nghi hu Duties have been divided --- among the town council committee members. Aeven B. evened C. evenly D. evenness Duty (n): nhiém vy Divide (v): phan chia Applications for scholarships should be submitted to the — selection committee in a ---- manner. A time B. timed C. timely D. timing ‘Scholarship (n): hoc béng Submit (v): nop Last week, local ---- were forced to find alternative routes, due to fallen trees on route 309. A. commuters: B. commutes C. to commute D. commuting Commute (v): di lai Force (v): ép buéc Alternative (adj): mang tinh chat thay thé © Route (n): tuyén dudng 245. Mr. Daniels has mentioned 246. The TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today = -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. to retire from the board in November, but 80 far, a successor has not been named. A. planned B. plans C. planner D. was planning Mention (v): 48 cap Retire (v): nghi huu ‘Successor (n): ké nhiém National Roadway Service advises drivers to be -—~ during wet road conditions. A. caution B. cautiously C. cautious D. cautions * Advise (v): khuyén, tur van Driver (n): tai x& * Cautious (adj): cdn than, cdn trong 247. Many residents of Alston have ‘expressed —-- to the construction of a new warehouse complex near Fieldspring Lake. ‘A. oppose B. opposing C. opposes D. opposition Resident (n): ngudi dan Express (v): bay t6 Oppose (v): chéng d6i, phan déi Construction (n): sy xay dyng Nguyén Dite - Luyén Thi TOEIC TP CM - 0973 141 104 hnttps:// 248. 249. 250. Jurassite Series 3 bicyoles are designed -—- for long-distance travel. A. specifies B. specified C. specifies D. specifically + Bicycle (n): xe dap ‘+ Distance (n): khoang cach Ms. Gupta has requested ——~ to use Berkeley Hall for the seminar series that will start next month. A. authorize B. authorized C. to authorize D. authorization Request (v): yéu cau Authorize (v): cho phép ‘Seminar (n): hi nghi Ms. Waston looks forward to -—- possible investment options at the November meeting. A. explore B. exploring C. exploratory D. exploratation Explore (v): kham pha, tim ra Possible (adi): kha thi Investment (n): sy dau ra Option (n): sy Iya chon 01 05. 07. Nguyén Dite - Luyén Thi TOEIC TP CM - 0973 141 104 SO SANH The second version of the Grandar cell phone proved -—— more popular than the first version was. B. far C. very D. ever Technological progress is making it possible to produce goods more --— with less labor input, A. efficient B. efficiency C. efficiently D. efficiencies PADs have become —-- more versatile devices than before. A. very B. really D. much The Cafe On is located on the hillside, 50 you can experience the --- view of the city you have ever seen. ‘A.amazingly B. amazing C. more amazing D. most amazing Since the introduction of security ‘cameras along the motorway, speed violations have occurred less —. A. frequent B. frequency C. frequented D. frequently According to the ---- polls, consumer spending has reached a record high. A late B. lately C. latest D. lost If they offered a — price, we would consider buying their equipment. ‘A. more reasonable B. most reasonable C. best available D. more cheaper NguyenDuc236 08. 09. 10. "1 12, 13, 14, TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today = -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. experience as B. as many C. many D. too many Ithas been said that Marcus de Medici was the -—- salesman this company has ever seen. A. persuasive B. more persuasive C. persuader D. most persuasive Let me show you a -—— way to print out that report. ‘A. more better B. best C. better D. the best From what | understand, the overtime rate is much —- at Safeshop than at Supershop. ‘A cheap B. low C. lower D. more low An appetizer at Royal Steakhouse costs as much ——~- a full meal at McDouga''s. Aas B. than C. for D. then This is — the most difficult job I've ever had to do. A. by heart B. by chance C. by far D. by myself Motorists were cautioned to drive even ~-— than normal this morning because of heavy rains and high winds. ‘A. more careful B. most careful C. most carefully D. more carefully 15, 16. 17, TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH © The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today = -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Each employee must fully understand 8. his or her job responsibility to ensure that the office operates as ——- as possible. ‘A. smoother B. smoothing C. smoothly D. smoothest Engineers at Duffy Electronics are 19, determined to design a vacuum cleaner that runs --—- than any other vacuum on the market ‘A. most quiet B. more quiet C. more quietly D. most quietly Davis Corporation is trying to make its ties with its raw material suppliers before. ‘A. more strong B. strengthen C. stronger D. strongest 20. than NguyenDuc236 én Thi TOEIC TP CM - 0973 141 104 Mr. Nason interviewed six candidates for the sales position and maintains that Jill Withmore seems to be the — experienced and enthusiastic. A.many B. more C. most D. best In most cases, the doctor will recommend first-aid treatment and give other advice to make patients more ——. (A) comfortably (B) comfortable (C) better comfortably (0) better comfortable NTX Pharma iInc., announced that they have received final approval for a new drug that will help people recover ——- more quickly. (A) other (B) such (C) much (0) so 01 02. 03. 05. 07. Nguyén Die — Luyén Thi TOEIC TP CM — 0973 141 104 PHAN TU" The ——- delivery date was moved ahead by one week because of a minor ‘computer error. A. expected B. expecting C. expectation D. expect All passengers should present their —- documents at the check-in counter. A. boarded B. boarding C. to board D. boards: Everyone in the marketing department was very -—-- at Mr. Kim's ‘sudden announcement of resignation. A. astonishing B. astonished C. astonishment, D. astonishes My manager made an — ‘announcement after the meeting A. surprised B. surprising C. surprisingly D. surprise ‘Anyone in the fashion industry will tell you that fashion photography is an —- career. A. excite B. exciting C. excited D. excitably It was —— to listen to the story which the guild told A. excite B. excitement C. exciting D. excited Even though we spent millions of dollars ‘on marketing and advertising, sales of ‘our new product have been —. A. disappoint B. disappointed C. disappointment D. disappointing NguyenDuc236 08. 09. 10, "1 12, 13, 14, TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today = -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Despite having received positive reviews by industry critics, sales of the digital MP3 player have been quite ——- ‘A. disappoint B. disappointed C. disappointment D. disappoi 9 We are all —~ to know the results of the health and safety inspection. A. interest 8. interestingly C. interesting D. interested Following criticism by government regulators, the company will issue safety guidelines in the near future. A. revise B. revised C. revision D. revising The constant road repair work made driving through the city A. confused B. confusion C. confuses . confusing Goi ; cdu tric "make + O + adj”. Our Design Department has recently purchased the most software available. A. sophisticate B. sophisticating C. sophisticated D. sophistication Jackson's proposal about the new marketing policy looks —— A. interests, B. interest C. interesting D. to interest In March, the Grand Symphony Orchestra will present an —-—- opera by talented newcomer Maria Cruz. excite B. excites. C. excited D. exciting 15, 16. 7, 18. 19, 20. Nguyén Die — Luyén Thi TOEIC TP CM — 0973 141 104 ‘After 15 years as a fashion designer, Mr Jacobs will quit his job to pursue an —— career in public relations. A. excite B. excited C. have excited D. exciting Despite an enormous advertising ‘campaign, sales of the item were incredibly —. ‘A. disappoint B. disappointed C. disappointment D. disappointing We found it extremely —-- that the ‘ABC Foundation chose to cancel the technology convention. A. disappoint B. disappointing C. disappointment D. disappointed The organizers of the personality development seminar were -—-- that very few people had registered for the class A. disappoint B. disappointing C. disappointed D. disappointment Job candidates applying for entry- level positions often complain that they found the long waiting time for ‘confirmation of employment -—. A. exhaustion B. exhausted C. exhausting D. exhaustingly ‘The new play received —- reviews by most of the local theater critics, despite the high number of ticket sales. A. disappointing B. disappointed C. disappoint D. disappoints NguyenDuc236 2 22. 23. 24. 25. TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today = -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Choosing a career or major can seems ~---, 80 we have more practical steps you can take to make a good choice. (A) confusing (B) confusion (C) confused (0) confusingly ‘The world’s largest retailer decided to step up its sales promotions soon after a —— start in its campaign to sell the new computer system, A. disappoints B. disappointed C. disappoint D. disappointing Ifyou are —- in joining the company's sports teams, please contact Meredith Lo by May 1 (A) interesting (8) interests (C) interest (D) interested ‘The high tech graphics and the countless features of the new model computer make computer programs —. A. excited B. exciting C. excitedly D. excitement Goi y: cdu tric "make + 0 + adj”. We need a --— description of your previous job so that we can place you in an appropriate position, (A) detailed (8) detailing (C) details (0) detail 01 02. 03. 05. 07. Nguyén Die — Luyén Thi TOEIC TP CM — 0973 141 104 TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today = -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. MENH DE QUAN HE Eleanor Whitman, —--- was a lawyer in a local firm, learned that an international "corporation was. purchasing community property. A. who B. which C. that D. what ‘Anyone -—-- purchases train tickets at least three days in advance will save 15% off the regular ticket price. A. those B. who C. which D. whom All Gruner Corporation employees will be invited to the holiday celebration --~ for next Friday. ‘ schedule B. scheduling C. schedule D. scheduled | could not remember the person about -—— you told me, so | could not talk to him. A. whom B. which C. that D. who Frank Smith, ~ can provide an est A. that B. whose C. which D. whom son works for us, ate. Super Discounts, Inc., reserves the right to limit quantities of certain sale items -—-- by each customer. ‘A. purchasing B. to purchase C. purchased D. purchase The changes ——- by the Research and Development team will be announced tomorrow and they will affect all our manufacturing procedures. ‘A. proposing B. to proposing C. proposed NguyenDuc236 08. 09. "1 12, 13, 14, D. propose Coles Online Delivery is a new service ‘customers to order their groceries on the Internet. A. enabling B. to enabling C. enabled D. to enabled My friend eventually decided to get divorced, --- upsets me a lot. A. why B. which C. who D. that Recommend me a nice restaurant -—- - we can have an Italian dinner. A. where. B. which C. in where D. in that Yoko told me about students taken the entrance exam 13 times. A. who B. whom C. which D. when, have After hours of debate, the Review Commitee created a list of changes to the proposal ~-- by admin, A. dratting B. to draft C. draft D. drafted The book ---- author is now being shown in the news has become a bestseller. A that B. whose C. which, D. whom With the strong visual effects of the presentation, the general manager sounded very persuasive in his meeting -—- with the partner company. A held B. holding C. hold D. to holding 15, 16. 7 18, 19, 20. Nguyén Dite - Luyén Thi TOEIC TP CM - 0973 141 104 The figures --—- in this estimate are approximate costs and are subject to adjustment at the date of final settlement. A. providing B. provided C. to provide D. provide ‘According to our policy, customers have up to two weeks to exchange items —- from the store. ‘A. bought B. buy C. buying D. to buy Mexico City, -—-is the fastest growing city in the world, has a very large population, A. what B. where C. whose, D. which The company, ---~ suffered a big loss due to poor management, made a successful comeback last year. A. in which B. in that C. that D. which, We are a business strategy consulting firm -—- the top management of leading corporations. A. are serving B. serve C. served D. serving After the speech, lasted for almost two hours, everyone proceeded to the conference room for a meeting, A. that B. which C. when NguyenDuc236 2 22. 23. 24. 25. TOEIC CAN BAN 2020 — NGUYEN DUC ENGLISH « The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today = -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. A fine of $200 will be imposed upon any drivers ——- park illegally downtown during the holiday parade. A. which B. whom C. whose D. who Ms. Ojama talked with the heads of department about the company’s new regulations -—- employee absenteeism A. handling B. handled C. handle D. being handled A processing fee of $3.00 will be added to orders —-~ by telephone. A received B. receipt C. receiving D. receipts The Ivystone Group will be providing a free lunch to all customers ~--- our Chicago showroom during lunch hours. A visiting B. to visited C. visited visit Twenty percent of the people ——~ were surveyed said that they were very satisfied with the product and would buy it again, A. where B. which C. who D. them

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