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Intro: The given graph presents information about the percentage of two

particular sexual groups, namely Males and Females, attending various

distinct sports in America in the year 2008.
Overall: It is clear that while Males group was the most dominant in
choosing Soccer, the proportion of Females playing Netball was the
highest. In addition, the share of Males participating in Netball was the
Detail 1: As is presented in the graph, despite the fact that the figure for
Females selecting other sports stood at 10%, which is half of that of
Males, at nearly 20%. In addition, the most popular attendance among
males was Soccer with approximately 24%, compared with just only 5%
for females. Similarly, both sexual groups participating in Tennis and
Basketball was negligible figure, at merely 6%-7%. Furthermore, the
data on Males enrolling in Table Tennis dwarfed that of Females, at
almost 9% and 3% respectively. The percentage of Males playing
Cricket accounted for 10%, which was higher 5 times as much as that of
Looking at the chart in more detail, the second most compelling sport
among Females was Swimming with around 23%, as opposed to the data
on Males choosing this sport was considerably lower at just over 14%.
Similarly, Netball was favored by the share of Females over that of
Males, at roughly 2% and 25% respectively. Besides, Jogging was the
least attractive sport in both males and females, with just about 3%-4%
in each gender.

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