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Mr. William Qughtred's

Newly Tranſlated from the Beſt EDITION
it Eaſie and Intelligble to
Skilful Readers.
‫وی درب‬
In which allo,

Left Unanſwer'd by the Author are Refolva

Abſolutely neceſſary
For all Gagers, Surveyors, Gunners . Military
Oficers, Mariners, &c.

Recommended by Mr. E. HALLEY

Fellow ofthe Royal Society .
Printed for John Dalusbury, at the
Rifing - Sun in Cornbil. MDCXCIV.


2- 20-06

HE Clavis Mathematicą of
T ! Mr. William Oughtred , is a
Book of ſo eſtabliſhed a Reputati
on , that it were needleſs toſay a
ny thing thereof. It was former
lý Tranſlated by Dr. Wood into
Engliſh ; but from an Edition
which has been ſince much better
ed and augmented ; and beſides,
the conciſe Brevity of the Author
is ſuch, as in many places to need
an Explication, to render it Intel
ligible to the leſs knowing in
Mathematical matters. This Tran
lation .
To the Reader.
flation is New and from the fulleſt
Edition, and may be of good Uſe
to all Beginners in the Analytical
Art, eſpecially to ſuch , who tho
they may be Ignorant of the Latin
Tongue, may yet be deſirous to
inform themſelves in Geometry :
and to all ſuch I recommend it as
a very uſeful Treatiſe.
E. Halley.

AGE 3 . Line 9 . for x read X. line 12. idem .
P p . 4 Sect .9. more or mo.. plus or pl ſect. 10.
for leſs or le, r . minus or mi. p. 4. line 29.
r. accommodate. p. 26. 1. 5. for Zwo r . Z - c . p . 46.
1. 11. for AA. r. AC .p. 65. do 21. for vq4 r. rc4 .
p. 86. 1. 29. for Wherefore r. Therefore. p. 110 .
for inſerting r. inverting. p. Jul, 1. 9. for

Mr. Oughtred's
KE Y of the


N O T E S.
С НА Р. І.

HE following Table is very
uſeful, not only with reſpect to
T the Notation of Numbers ,
which it does at firſt fight exhi
bit; but alſo all Computation by Numbers,
Common, and Figurate, and allo Artificial,
which are called Logarithms.
B Integers.
Mr. Oughtred's Key
Integers. Fractions:
9 8 7 6 5 43121 0 1 2 3 4 5 1678 9

2. In this Table the upper Numbers are

Indexes or Exponents of the lower, which
are Terms in continual proportion from U
nity on both ſides; and are in Integers, or
whole Numbers , affirmative, in Parts, or
Fractions negative. And the proportion is
decuple towards the left hand, and ſubdecu
ple towardstheright ; as theſubſcribed nume
ral Letters do fhew . The Progreſſion, I ſay,
is from Unicy in Integers, ſuch as this, 1 , 10,
100, 1000, 10000 : and in Decimal Parts,
I 1
as, l , 75 , 7oog T2Ton Tooto , c
3. And after this manner, in any Progreſ
fion , Indexes are to be ſet to the terms in
creaſing or decreaſing from Unity in any
Ratio or Proportion .
4. I have indeed formed this Table in de
caple proportion, that the value of any Num.
bers may be eſtimated by Steps and Periods;
and allo becauſe this Decimal way of rec
koning is much eaſier than that ſexagenary
way (or by 60's) in Aſtronomical Compu
: tations. This he was ſenſible of, who firſt
of the Mathematicks: 3
reduced the. Canon of Sines from the Semi
diameter of 60 to I , with noughts an
nexed .
5. Decimal Parts are written in the ſame
line with Integers ; but are diſtinguiſhed by
a rectangular line; which is therefore called
the Separating Line. And as in Integers e
very term is increaſed by a continual Multi
1. plication by according to its diſtance from
Unity. So in the Parts, every Term is di
ſtinguiſhed by a Diviſion, by the product of
a continual Multiplication of firſt upon U
nity , and then upon each thus reſulting
Term , according to its diſtancefrom Unity,
& denoted by theIndex or Exponent.
23 6. Decimal Parts take their denomination
9 from the place of their laſt Figure, as os
are five tenths, o 156 arefifty fix hundredths,
op and ſo onwards.
7. Circles or Noughts before Integers or
after Decimals ſignifie nothing; but after
Integers and before Decimals, they ſhew us
the diſtance of a Figure from Unity either
way, according to which we are to judge of
ec its value, as 0005 fignifie no more than 5 ;
and o sob are fíve tenths.
8. Wherefore in writing Decimal Parts,
let the Separating line be always made,d
er B % an
4 Mr. Oughtred's Key
and the emptyplaces, ifthere be any, befil
led with Noughts, as 0 | 00005 are five hun
dred thouſandth Parts .
9. The Sign of Addition is + more, or
10. The Sign of Subftraction is -leſs,
or le.
11. The Sign belongs to the Quantity be
fore which it is placed. And a Quantity
with no Sign mutt be underſtood to be af.
firmative, or to have the sign t, although
it be not expreſſed
12. And obſerve, That I uſe the Signs +
and when one ſingle Magnitudeis affirm
ed or denied of another ſingle Magnitude
but the signs pl. and mi. when a compoun
ded Magnitude or Quantity is affirmed or
denied of a ſingle, or a ſingle of a com
13. Quantities may be denoted either by
Numbers that ſignifietheir meaſure or by
Symbols ; as a line 7 Inches long by 7 or by
a Letter, as A , or B, or C, &c. or by two
Letters ſet at each end of the Line, AB, BC,
CD , & c. at pleaſure; ſo that you remember
for what Quantity every Symbol ftands.
14. This Symbolical Arithmetick is much
more ccaomodate to Analyticks (in which
you take that which is ſought after as if al
of the Mathematicks. 5
ready known , and ſo find, according to
the Rules ofthat Art, what it really is) than
Numerous Arithmetick ; in the laſt theNum
1 bers do ſo ſweep away one another, that
there remain no footſteps of the ſeveral O.
5. perations: in the former the Symbols remain
without any Alteration , and you may not
e only with pleaſure view every ſtep in the
whole proceſs, but you alſo gain Theorem
for theſolution ofthe like Queſtions in other

1. In the fifteenth Chapter you may ſee what

be means by a Figurate Number.
I 2. TheProgreſſion is decupić ] i.e. In it
you multiply each preceding Term by 10 to pro
duce the next. Subdecuple] i. e. You divide
by 10 bere asyou multiply by 10 tbere.
-Y 6. Decimal parts, brc. ] Thougb indeed
you may without error call o 56, 5 tentbs and
6 bundredths; yet since 12. = therefore 'tis
beſtto call them both by the samedenomination,
$6 bundredths.

h B 3 сHAP.
6 Mr. Oughtred's Key


I. ' HE Number which ariſes from Ad
dition iscalled the Summ or Aggre
agate, as 3 and 7 make 10.
2. Addition begins at the right hand, and
ſets down the particular Products of the ſeve
ralrows underneath in their proper places.
3. All the given Numbers together are
equal to the Summ .
Examples of Addition .
79403 37941236 1. d.
8956 58413 17 13 4
67293 947 108 .9 16 7
5087 238 09 6
4720 17439
160739 70 00 IO.
4815 48 10 3

1009418599 384 10 9

4. Symbolical Addition joins all the given

Magnitudes without changing their Signs
of the Mathematicks. 7
to 3 Aj AI JA YA A
add A A SA --3A E
Sum . 3A + AA - A3A - 5A5A---3AATE
Ei. e. 4A -2A 2A

to A + B) A + B So in the S3 3
add A-BA-C
C Addition 2 2
2 Sum. 2A 2A + B - of Index's

4. The Meaning of -A, is, that there

Defect or Subduction of A ; and conſe
quently to A - A = o : for tbat Affirmative
A being put wbere there was leſs than notbing
by A , does no more than ſupply tbat De
d feet.



called the Remainder or the Diffe. is
rence or Excels : as, out of 7 take 3 chere
remain 4 .
B4 2, Sub .
8 Mr. Oughtred's Key
2. Subduction begins at the right hand,
and writes the Differencesof the Figures of
each place in their proper places.
3. In Subduction the Number to be ſub .
ducted togetherwith the Difference, is equal
to the Number from which the Subduction is
to be made.

E X A M P L E S.

347206836 37941 236 1. d.

6807592 947 08 17 13 4
340399244 9 16 7
7 16 9
4. Symbolical Subduktion joins the Magni
tudes given , changing the signs of thoſe
whichare to be ſubducted.
out of 4A ) 3A SA " Α
take A SA -3 A E
rem. 4A - A3A - SASA + 3A ASE
i. s .3A 2A SAN8A

out of A AL 3
take BEC B - C So in
řem . A - B - CA - BTCIndexes.
5 s
of the Mathematicks. 9


4. As to the Subduction ofone Quantity from

another when they bave like Signs, either forma ,
thereis no difficulty. As to the Subdu & ion of
one Quantity fromanother wben they bave unlike
Signs, either anaffirmative Quantity is ſudu &ted
from a negative,or a negative from an affirma.
tive, it may beexplained thus,
Take - A from +A the remainder will be
2A : for as to ſubduct a poſitive Quantity from
any Totum is to turn it into a Defect ; fo to ſub
du &t a Defeet from any Totum is to add ſo mucb.
The cafe is this,you are to ſuppoſe anyQuantity,
e ſuppoſe A, with a defectof E , or -E lying by
it, to take away that defe&t is to ſupply it, and
conſequently the Summ that thus ariſes will be
e A+Ě. Asfor the other 'tis now very eaſie.


I. HE Number found by Multiplication
is called the Factus, or the Product,
or a Rectangle, or a Plane : for one of the
- ſuppoſed Numbers may be called the Longi
tude the other the Latitude ; and both may
10 Mr. Oughtred's Key
be called Factors and Sides; the greateſt
power of any two Quantities being a Figure
compoſed by them , whoſe angles are right,
and whole ſides are parallel.
2. Multiplication begins at the right hand,
and multiplies all the Figures of one given
Number upon all the Figures of the other,
and collecteth the ſeveralProducts into one
Summ , a regard being had to their places,
If Decimal parts bemingled with the Num
bersto be multiplied, you muſt cut off from
the Product as many places of parts as there
are in both the Factors : For in Multiplicati
on the Index of the Product of any two Fi
gures is found by adding the Indexes of the
cwo multiplied Figures . So 38173 multi
plied by 600 makes 35238. For the Index
of the Figure 6 in 600 is 2 ; the Index of
the laſt Figure 3 in 58173 is ž . Let the
Indexes 3 and 2 be added , there will arile o
for the Index ofthe laſt Figure in the Product
35238 ; which therefore belongs to the place
of Unites. And fo of any other Figures.
3. If there be Noughts in the Numbers
to be multiplied , omit them, and multiply
che Figures , and then in the Product let
there be added as many places of Integers
as you omitted Noughts in both the Fa.
4. In
of the Mathematicks. II

4. In Multiplication. As I is to either of
the Factors, ſo is the other to the Product.
i As 4 upon 6 makes 24, therefore as,
14 :: 6 : 24 .
1,6 :: 4 : 24 1


4576 580134 358600 5873
892 47 15 600
9152 214800 35238
41184 290 170
36608 4062 38
i 4081792

je 5. There is a very uſeful Contraction of

Multiplication according to the following
Metho d.
If it ſuffice to have your Product not en
tire, but wanting ſome of the laſt Figures ;
you muſt put the place of Unity of theleſſer
Number , under that Figure of the greater,
whoſe Index is equal to the Numberof Fi
gures , either to be cut off in the Integers, or
to be left in the Parts. And then ſet the reſt
of the Figures of the leſſer Number under
the greater in the inverſe order. And
n lec
IZ Mr. Oughtred's Key
let each Figure of the Multiplier begin to
multiply that of the Multiplicand, which is
juſt over ; but ſo as to have reſpect to what
would have been brought thither from the
following places.
of tbis Abridgementthere are Four Caſes.
Caf. I. If you would have
2461914 the Product without any
Parts. Set the place of U
13157 nity of the leffer under the
74 07 place of Unity in the great
12 35 er : as in this Example
49 where2461914 upon 35127
produces 8708 Integers a; ll
87 08 the decimal parts being

9141722 153 Caſe. II. If you would

have the Product with ſome
2nd places of parts ; ſuppoſe 4 :
740 742 00
ſet the placeof Unity of the
123 457 00 leffer Number under the
4 938 28
Fourth place of the Parts of
I 728 40 the greater.
870 8765 68
Caf. III. IF you would have the product
wanting ſome places of Integers ; ſuppoſe
of the Mathematicks . 13
0 $ : ſet the Unites place of 80902
the leſſer in the fifth place 57893
before the Unites place of 24271
the greater. As ſuppoſe 7281
809oz the Sine of 54 de 647
grees, be to be multiplied by 57
39875 the Sine of the great 4
eft Declitnaion 23 ° 30 '.
2 The product will be the De 32260
clination of the Sun, at the 24° of 8 .
Cal. IV . If you would have the Product
: robbed ofſome places of Integers,ſuppoſe 5,
to be repair'd again with ſomeplacesof Parts,
1 fuppoſe 4 ; becauſe 5- = 1. Therefore
I you muſt put the Unites
place of the leſſer Number 422 62
one place before the Unites 4 60010
place of the greater. As in
# this Example , where the 25
Ĉ Sine 42262 is multiplied by 2
- o 0064 ; ſo that the five O 032 7.
laft Figures being cut off,four
placesof parts are reſtored ; the Product
of will be o 10027

6.Symbolical Multiplication connects both

& the Magnitudes with the Note x or for the
moſt part without it , if the Quantities be
14 Mr. Oughtred's Key
denoted with one Letter. If the Signs are
both alike, the Product will be affirmative,
ifunlike, negative.
Note, That A upon A, or AxA, or AA, is
Aq. AAA, or AqA, is Ac. AAAA ,
or AqAq, or AcA, is Aqq, & c.
For everyſuperiour Power is made of two
inferior , whole Dimenſions both together
are equal to the number of the Dimenſions
of the ſuperiour. And as many as are
the Magnitudes which are multiplied , lo
many are the Dimenſions of their Pro
duct .
upon ΕΙ Β Z B
makes AE BA + BEZA + ZE +ZIBA - BE
B + 1
upon 2AA A E ATE
makes 6AqlAqE AqAq Ag+AE
+ AE Eq
Ag + 2AE + Eq_
of theMachemáticks. 15

upon A - E
makes AA+AE
-AE - Eq
Aq-- Eq
If the Side AB CD be multiplied upon
it ſelf, this Square will be produced,
y BA9 + 2ABXCD + CD :
16 od strane
2. And if Decimal parts be added, & c. ]
Here I ſhall forft explain tbat Rule, which be
bere gives us concerning Multiplication, and
fhèw thenfrom that Rult that youmuſt cutoff as
many decimal places in the Product, as there are
ſuch in both the Factors,
The RULE is this .

The Index of every particular Product is

found by adding the Indexes of the Fa
etors .
The Reaſon of this will appear upon viewing
theforementioned Table, Cap. I. but moſt plain
ly if we ſet it in tbis Form .
16 Mr. Oughtred's Key
2 I
duo. 4 3
& c. XXXX , XXX , XX . X . I

ī 3 4. Bc.
I .
1 1 I

As for Integers, 'tis plain that if you take

any two or more of the Terms towards tbe rigbt
band that the Indexes of their Produ &t willbe
equal to both and all their Indexes added toge
ther : take theſe,
2 + 3 S
XX * XXX = XXXXX. and so of any
As for Fractions the caſe is the ſame.
2十 3 5 .

As for Fractions upon Integers: Becauſe Di

viſion undoes what is done by Multiplication ,
of the Mathematicks. 17

XXX x = X . whoſe Index
is I = 3-2 .

Hence itfollows, that you muſt cut offas ma

ny places of Parts in the Product, as there are
ſucb in both the Factors.
hi For take any Example. Suppoſe 34/45 to
bi be multiply'd by 3. 175. By the Rule the In
bu dex of5 in 1 is 2, and in the other alſó 2 ; which
* added together make 4 the Index of the Pro
duet of theſe two: and 4. is alſo the number of
Parts in both Factors,

Thus in any other Example.

5. The Rule in this Paragraph I will not

Tranſcribe, but ſuppoſing the Reader to have it
in bis memory, I will bere give him the Rea
Son of it ; and conſequently of all the Operations
in the Four following Caks. ' Tis this;
Firſt of all, by this Method 'tis mojí plain,
that you place yourUnity Jo, that from its particu
lar Product or Line you cut off or ſecure juſt as
many Figures as you pleaſe. If you would cut
off 5 in the Integers, you ſet it under the stb
place of Integers , and multiply it upon the Fi
gure which is over ; and in the Parts, if you
1 С would
18 Mr. Oughtred's Key
would ſecure five places there, you ſet the Unity
under the fifth place of Parts , anddo tb like.
Færsber, by placing the Figures of your Mul
tiplicator in the inverſe Order, and multiply
ing asyou are here directed, you will in each
rank that is made, by multiplying each Figure
of the Multiplicator upon the Multiplicand ,
effe&t your deſign. The reaſon is, becauſe when
the Figures are ſo placed, the Index ofeach Fi.
gure added to the Index ofthat which ſtands
directly over it, upon which ' tis to be multiplied
in the firſt place, are, and muſt be equal to
tbe addedIndexes ofyour Unite, and the Figure
which ſtands directly over it.
Let us take the Firſt Example.
246 1914 2461914
35 27 72153

17|28398 7407
4513828 1235
12341570 49
7407142 17

8708 .

Where the Indexes of3 and 9 are equal to

the Indexes of s and 6 , and equal to the In
dexes of 2 and 4, and 7 and 2 ; ſo that the
products of all theſe mult bave the ſame place.
of the Mathematicks: 19
I bave bere ſet the ſame Sum multiplied the
common Way, and drawn a Line, thatcuts off
sbofe Figures which you drop in tbis way of Mul
tiplication ; where you may fee, that according
to this method of Contraction you multiply the
laft Figure firſt, and the laft ſave me next,
and so onwards, and all along drop thoſe Figures
which fand in thoſe.places which you deſign to
cut off. And ſo of any other Example.

C HA P. V.

I. HE Number found by Diviſion is
called the Quotient, or alſo the Peso
rabola, becauſe it ariſes out of the Appli
cation ofa plain Number to a given Lon
gitude, that a congruous Latitude may be
found. If Two Numbers ſtand one above
another, with a Line drawn between them,
' tis as much as to ſay, that the upper is to
be divided by the under ; as , and is
2. Diviſion begins at the Left Hand,andafter
2* it has diſtinguiſhed ſo much ofthe Dividend
It as is ſufficient for the Diviſor, and ſet the Divi.
th for under it, or luppoſed it to be written un
& der, it takes the Divifor out of thoſe diſtin
1 guiſhed Figures as often as it can : Then
CO 2 che
20 Mr. Oughored's Key
the Diviſor being multiplied by the Quotient,
and the Product taken out of the Dividend
it fets the Diviſor a ſtep forward, and pro
ſecutes the Diviſion. Every particular Quo
tient found belongs to that place to which
that Figure of the Dividend does, which
ftands, or is ſuppoſed to ſtand over the U
nites place of the Diviſor. For in Diviſion
the Index of every particular Figure of the
Quotient is found, by taking the Index of
the Diviſor from the Index of the Dividend.
So 17 | 14 divided by 857 give ol 2 to the L
Quotient: For the Index of the firſt Fi.
gure of the Dividend 17, is 1 ; and the
Index of the firſt Figure of the Diviſor 8, is
2. I - 251, for the Index of the firſt Fi
gure ; which therefore belongs to the firſt
place of Decimals,
3. If the Diviſor have Noughts toward the
right, neglect them, and cut of ſo many Fi.
gures in the Dividend , and then divide.
But in the end of the Diviſion your Noughts
and Figures are to be reſtored.
4. In Diviſion as the Diviſor is to U.
nity, ſo is the Dividend to the Quotient ;
or as the Dividend is to the Diviſor, lo is
the Quotient to Unity. If you divide 24 by
6 the Quotient is 4. 'Tis therefore 61 :: 24. 4 .
and 24. 6 ::4.1.
5. If !
of the Mathematicks. 21
5. If a quantity be made by the Multi
En plicationof two others, either of them will
to be its Diviſor, and the other the Quotient.
6. In Multiplication and Diviſion Unity
na makes no alteration.
7. If a number be multiplied by another,
and the Product divided by the ſame, no
thing is done : For what Multiplication does,
El Diviſion undoes. Wherefore in the applica
? tion of onemagnitude to another if theſame
m Magnitude be both above and below the
Eh Line let it be blotted out in both places.

Fi 297) 187135075 (630084 !!}:

111 297 .
th 893
F 297
Id 891
bi 1315
.br 927
- 127 6000 ) 43201769
720 1275
1 C ?
22- Mr. Oughtred's Key
297) 287835875 (630084 127
*78273768 297
s8o |34) 27 Pỹg (47|s .
8. Sometimes à number is to be divided
by an irrational or indefinite Number, ei
ther conſiſting of Integers or mixt. In this
Caſe take as many of the firſt Figures of
the Divifor as are neceſſary, for thefirſt Di
viſor , and then inevery following particular
Diviſion drop one ofthe Figures of the Di
viſor towards the Left Hand, till you have
got a competent Quotient.
35710926425) 467827 ( 1307180
286 This
of the Mathematicks. 23
This is an excellent Contraction of Di
viſion ; and of great Uſe in Aſtronomical
Computations. For Example : If 137638
be to divide 126223 multiplied by the
Total Sine, that is , with five Noughts
ſet after the laſt Figure. Ser down but
one Nought, and for the reſt diminiſh the
Diviſor: 137638 ) 162230 ) 61707.
9. Symbolical Diviſion puts theDiviſor un
der the Dividend with a Line between them,
and then conſiders, whether, in theirCom
poſition , any one magnitude multiplieth
both ofthem , and ſtrikes it out inboth .
Diviſion , when the Diviſor and Dividend
have the ſame Signs, whether + or- will
havet in the Quotient, when divers Signs .
Divide|AE |BACIBA + A /BA - CA16 Aq
by AA | Aql A -ABA- CASAL
Quotient E | BA BAIA 2 A.


2. As for the Rule about Indexes in Divi

fion, be that will ſee what has been ſaid con
cerning them in Multiplication , and vary the
tryal, as the nature of Divifion does require,
will eaſily underſtandit.
24 Mr. Oughtred's Key


IFſecond, as the third to the fourth ,tothoſe

numbers are called Proportional. The Ra
tio of one number to another is found by
dividing the Antecedent by the Conſequent;
as the Ratio of 31 to 7 is 43.s. e. quadruple
ſuper-triparting ſevenths.
2. Wherefore if the ſame number multi
ply any two numbers, the Products will be
proportional to the numbers multiplied ;
and if the ſame number divide two num :
bers,the Quotients will be proportional to the
numbers divided.

As 4 * 37:28 . and 4)36 % .

19. 36.
Allo Ax SB - BA
2 : Wherefore if four numbers be propor
tional, the Product of the two Extremes
will be equal to that of the two middle
Now 7.9 :: 7 *4.9x4 :: 28.36
7х9х4 9х7х4
4. Hence follows the Golden Rale of Pros
fertion. Ifof three numbers given you divide
of the Mathematicks. 25
the Rectangle made by the ſecond and
third by thefirſt, the Quocient will be the
fourth Proportional. Let there be given 7.
9.28. and call the fourth ſought, Q. Then
7.9 :: 28. Q.
70 = 9x 28 therefore 9 x 28 = Q .
FY Allo 5.12 :: 8. 8x12, i. e. 191 .
5 5

5. Of three given Numbers to find a

fourth Proportional , the two firſt give
you the Ratio : The Queſtion is concerning
thethird . In Direct Proportion the firſt Term
is of the ſame kind with that by which the
Queſtion is made. But in Reciprocal Propor
tion , the firſt Term is that by which the
Queſtion is made.
6. Direct Proportion is when the greater
that Term , by which which the Queſtion
is made is, the greater the fourth will be
alſo, and theleſſer it is, the leſſer the fourth .
7. Reciprocal Proportion is, when the grea
Ster that Term , by which the Queſtion is
made, is, the leſſer the fourth will be; and
the leffer that Term is , the greater the
fourth .
8. Proportion iş Continual is, when all
the Terms between the firſt and the laſt
are both Antecedents, and conſequents in
she ſame Proportion. 8. 12 .
26 Mr. Oughtred's Key
8.12.18 . 27. are for 8. 12 :: 12, 18 :: 18.29.
BB Bc Baa Bac c.
ΑΙΓο α. β , α ας ας αgg
Wherefore in this Series, if the laſt Term
bew, and the ſum ofall theTerms be Z , then
Zw~ will be the ſumofall the Antecedents,
and Z - _ the ſum of all the Conſequents.
9. If Four Quantities be proportion al.
A :: BB . they will alſo be Alternately
Inverfly ; and in Compoſition , Diviſion , and
Mixtly proportional.
A. « :: B.B.
Alternately A. B :; B.
Inverfly. a, A :: BB.
In Compoſit. Ata .« :: B + B.B.
or A+B.B ::6-7B.B.
In Diviſion. A- . :: BB.B.
or A-B.B ::0 BoBo
Converſly. A. A + « :: B.B + B .
or A. ATB :: d, + B.
Mixtly. At-o . A :: B + B . B - ß .
or At- B. A - B :: « + ß. & -ß.

10. In any number of Proporţionals. As

one of the Antecedents is to its Conſe .
quent, ſo willbethe ſum ofthe Antecedents
to the ſum of the Conſequents. Let there
of the Mathematicks. 27
A.Q :: B.B :: C.y :; D. d : Then will be
A: & *: A + B + C + D.atßtyta.
A .. :: B. B. and in Compoſition .
For A + B: 0 + 3 :: ( B.B. ) C.y. and
A + B + CatBty:: (C.y.) D8.
Alſo in O.B ::ZW. Z- Wherefore
« Z- ~ = BZ - lw or (BZ - aZ = fw - aq.
ts From hence The Sum
of the Terms
11. If the Antecedents of ſeveral Propor
tions be equal. As one of the Antecedents
is to the ſum of its Conſequents, ſo the other
to the ſum of its:
Say A. B :: 6.B.and A.C :: 0 y , and
AD :: a.d. then is A.B + C + D :: ..ßt
ytd. It appears from the foregoing De.
monſtration ;the Terms being placed Alter
12. If of two Ratio's the Conſequents are
equal, they are to one another as the Antece
dents ? If the Antecedents are equal, they
26 are Reciprocally as their conſequents.
1.1 :: 7.9. and .. :: 7.9.

13. If twice Four Quantities are alike Pro

di portional, then theirSums, and their Dif
18 ferences are proportional.
20 14. If four Proportionals be either multi
18 s,
plied or divided by 4 other Proportionalthe
28 Mr. Oughtred's Key
the Products and Quotients will be propor fo
tional allo . It follows from the third.
15. The Ratio of the Antecedent to the
Conſequent, is compounded of the Ratio of at

the Antecedent to a chird, and of that third

to the Conſequent; or of the Ratio of the
third to the Conſequent, and the Ratio of
the Antecedent to hat third.

7.9 :: x 57. A. and 7.9 :: XSA...

{ A. 9. 27. A.
16. As for the Invention of the fourth
Proportional in Aſtronomick Computations.
If 100000 be the firſt Term , the fourth is.
found by the fifth. Cap. 4. Caſe 3. As
100000 , 809202 :: 39875. 32260.
If 100000be the ſecond or third Term ,the
fourth is found by 8. 137658. 1001000
:: 126225.91706 .
17. As for the finding outof a Proporti.
onal Part from the given Difference of 2
numbers in the Canon of the Proft bapbæreſes.
In the Prutenick Tables, at Gr.62. Of the
Anomaly of the firſt Epicycle of the Moon ,
the Proſtapb. is Gr. 411786 ,Ablative, and
the difference Gr. o 10433. How great a
part is due to the Anomaly Gr, 6215669 ?
Say 1. 010433 :: 015667.0 (245. per cap.4 .
Sect.s . Caſe 2. Then 41178670 |024534
12031. Which is the correct Profthaphare
of the Machematicks. 29
And on the other hand ; if there be
ſought the Anomaly of the firſt Epicycle
of the Moon , congruous to the Proftapb .
of Gr. 4 2031, the next leſs in the Canon
is Gr. 411786, anſwering to the Anomaly
of Gr. 62. And the difference Gr. 0 (0422.
But 4 / 2031-4178650 |0245.Say there
fore o 10433.00245 :: 1.01566+. The
parts to be added to Gr.62. And the ſought A.
nomaly is Gr. 62 | 566.
18. The Converſion of Sexageſimals into
Decimals. And of Decimals into Sexageſi
mals is thus : 45 Sexageſimals are turn
ed into Decimals, by dividing by 60, and
0175. Decimals are turned into Sexagefi
mals, by multiplying by 60. As

60.45 ' :: 1.0175,7 For

and s . 0175 :: 60.45 ? )
Diviſion by 60. Sets the ſeparating Line
one ſtep toward the Left Hand ,and divides by
6 ; and Multiplication by 60, ſets the ſepara
ting Line one ſtep toward the Right Hand,
and multiplies by 6: Which Rule is obſervable.
But if there be ſeveral Sexagefimal Species
> joined to Integers,ſuppoſe 127.32.00".09".
45"" ; uſe this Abridgment, under the Inte
gers 127 ; ſet the Sexagefimals in an oblique
Deſcent, and then, from the loweſt, divide
30 Mr. Oughtred's Key
each by 6; and ſet the Quotientsin the next
upper rank, till you come to the Integers.

On the other hand. If Decimals be gi IX

ven , ſuppoſe 127 | 5333781722 ; multiply
them continually by 6 , and write the Pro
ducts under oneanother, dropping one place
toward the Right Hand, that the deſcent
may be oblique. Obſerve the Example.
The degrees of the Equinoctial , with
decimal Parts, ſuppoſe 23614276 are turned
into Decimal Parts ofthe Day, by dividing
by 360, i. c. 6x 60.
And the Decimal Parts of the Day ſup
6) 236/4276
60) 3914046x6
016567433 : 460

6569433 into Degrees, by multiplying by

360 ; 1. C. 60x6. Obſervethe Example.
of the Mathematicks. 30
The degrees of the Equinoctial with De
cimal Parts. Suppoſe 236 4276 are turned
nto hours, by dividing by 15 ; 1. 6. 3x5 .
( 3 ) 236/4276
5) 7818092x3
And hours with Decimal Parts are turned
into Degrees, by multiplying by 15 ; i. e.
Hours with decimalParts.Suppoſe 15176184
2 are turned into decimal Parts of the day,by
dividing by 24 ; 1. l. 4x6:
And decimal Parts ofthe Day. Suppoſe
6567433+ are turned into hours by divid
ing by 24 , i.e. 6x4.
4 ) 15176184
6) 3194046x44
A Colleet Sum, fuppoſe 191374 is turn .
edinto an Expanſe Sum , by dividing con.
tinually by 60, and an Expanſe into a
into a Collect, by multiplying it continually
by 60,
60) 2181912
$ 310
32 Mr. Oughtred's Key
So that if the Collected Sum be of U.
nities, viz. 191374 °, the Expanded will be
53" 09" 34º. 1. c. 53 ſecond Sexagenes ; 9
firſt Sexagenes; and 34 Unites. But if
the Collected Sum be of the ſecond Sexa
geſimals, viz . 191370", the Expanded will
be 53. 09': 34 ".
19. Arithmetical Progreflion is an equa
licy of Differences. As 74. 12.9. are in A
rithmetical Proportion 7 : 7-1: 12. 12–13 .
20. Wherefore of four Arithmetically
proportionals the Sum of the two Extremes
is equal to the Sum of the two in the mid
dle. 7 + 12 + 3 = 7—3 + 12.
21. Add the ſecond to the 3 , and ſub
duct the firſt ; the remainder will be the
fourth. As 12 + 4 - ; = 9.
22. 'Tis called' Continual Arithmetical
Progreſſion , when every Term has the ſame
increaſe ; as 4. 7. 10. 13. 16. 19. the com
mon increaſe is 3. So that every Term
conGifts of the firſt, and as many common
Differences as it is ſteps diſtant from the
The Thirteenth Term will be 4 + 12x3,
i. e. 4 + 36 = 40.
23. Add the firſt Term to the laſt, and
multiply them by the number of Terms, the
product will be twice the ſum of the Pro
greflion. 40 + 3x13 = 572 = 2Z , or twice
the ſum of the Terms. 24. If
of the Mathematicks: 33
24. If over a Series of Terms, in Geo
metrical Progreffion , you ſet ſo many Terms
in Arithmetical Progreflion ? To any four
Terms, in Arithmetical Proportion , there
will anſwer four in Geometrical Proportion .
Index's, 6. 8. 10. 12. 14. 16. 18. 20.
Terms, .
Bec auſerot16–6520 . then is 45 * 1215 =
= 10935 : 5
And from hence appears the Invention of
any Term in a Geometrical Progreſſion .
25. There is alſo a Proportion called Mu
fical. When in four Numbers, the firſt is
to the fourth as the difference of the firſt
and ſecond to the difference ofthe third and
fourth : As5. 8. 12. 30 are Muſically propor
tional Becauſe 5. 30 :: 8-5.30-12 :: 3.18
In Symbols, A,M,NE ; Let A.E :: M - A
E-N Wherefore AE - AN - ME - AE
theſe Terms being rightlyordered , the Rule:
will be AN E and A. In
2A - M 2 E - N
words thus ; If the Rectangle contained un
der the firſt and third Terms, be divided by
the Exceſs of the firſt doubled above the le
cond, the Quotient will be the fourth Term
in Muſical Proportion : Wherefore the firſt
F Term doubled ought always to exceed the
ſecond . D NOTES .
34 Mr. Oughtred's Key
9. Ifany bave a mind to see the deriva
tion of tbeſe Proportions, they may find them in
Dr. Wallis's Treatiſe of Algebra. Cap. 19.
They are too much to inſert bere:
7. Reciprocal Proportion may be beſt ex
plained by 2 equal Rectangles.
B = 4 b=8

a-20 ID:

160 A = 10

Here AxB = axb conſequently A. a :: b . B.

Theſe Quantities are ſaid to be Reciprocally
proportional, becauſe A is to a, not as B is to
b bur backwards, A.a ::b. B.
17. In
of the Mathematicks. 35
17. In the Prutenick Tables, & c. [ Theſe
Examples will ſtand thus.
o 15667
433) 2450 (0565+
00000 2165
0000 2850
227 2598
17 2320
I 2165, 66.
이 0245
18. The converſion of Sexageſimals into
Decimals , &c. Divide an Unite into 60
parts , and the ſame into 10 ; there muſt
of neceſſity be contained in every tenth 6Sixtietbs;
and conſequently the ſixtietbs muſt be dividedby
6 , to reduce them into tentbs ; and tentbsmul
tiplied by 6 , to reduce them into fixtieths. And
this is the Foundation ofall that belongs to this
· Matter ; and will eaſily ſatisfie any one con
cerning this, or the following Operation.
19. Degrees of the Equinoctial with De
cimal Parts, & c.] The Reaſon is this. The
whole Circle conſiſts of 360 degrees, that is,
36x10, or ten times 36 degrees ; and therefore
> every tenth of the wbole Circle contains 36
degrees : So that you muſt divide Equinoctial
Degrees by 36, to caſt them into tenths, and
multiply tenths by 36; tocaſt them into 360ths.
d 's
36 Mr. Oughtre Key


Concerning the greateſt Common M E A

SVR E by which given Numbers are
reduced to the lealt Terms.

I. *H E greateſt common Diviſor or

TH Meaſure of two Numbers is found
by a perpetual Diviſion of the greater by
the leſſer, and of the Diviſor by the Re
mainder. For that Diviſor, which firſt di
vides its Dividend without any Remainder,
will be the common Meaſure of the given
Numbers. As of the number 899, and
744 the greateſt common Meaſure will be
31. Asthus,

744) 899 ( 1
155744 (4

124155 ( I
31 | 124 (4
ofthe Mathematicks. 37
31 124 155
31 ) ** 4 ) 785) 744 ) 899 ( 8484
Xx4 x24 ore 744
2. Numbers are reduced to the leaſt Terms
of the ſame Ratio by a diviſion of them both
by their greateſt Common Meaſure. As
899 and 744 are reduced to 29 and 24,
the leaſt Terms in that Ratio , both being
dividedby 31 ,their greateſtCommon Meaſure.
So 3Aq are reduced to A, by diviſion of
| 6A 2
them both by 3A. And 4Acc are reduced
6 Ag9
to 2 Ag, by adiviſion of them both by 2A99.
Allo BA is reduced to A , by a Diviſion of
them bothby B. For that which isdone by
Multiplication, is undone by Diviſion .
3. Wherefore, If the greateſt Common
Meaſure of two Numbers be ! ; Theſe 2
Numbers are called Prime Numbers, and are
the leaſt which bear that Proportion to one
another. Such are 29 and 24.
4. If a Number be a Prime Number, with
reſpect to two other, 'twill alſo be a Prime
Number to the Product of thoſe two multi
plied into one another ? Hence the manag,
D3 ing
38 Mr. Oughtred's Key
ing proportional Numbers may be made
more eaſie oftentimes. For Example,

3 2. 5
12 . 8 :: 18. 10

5. You muſt remember always when a

Fraction is before you , to reduce it to the
eaſt Terms. As 344' to 24
899 29


! . Concerning this matter you are to conſult

the ſecond Propoſition of tbe ſeventhe Book of
Euclides Elements. 1

4. In this Example 12 8 :: 15. 10. Firſt

you ( as is before directed ) reduce the Ratio of
14 to ł, by dividing them by their common
Meaſure 4. ſo that 3. 2 :: 15. 10. Then
dividing 3 and 15 by their common Meaſure
3. The Figures will be theſe ; I 2 :: 5. 10.

of the Mathematicks. 39


Concerning F R ACTION S.
I: Nity, or any other Totum or whole
U thing,
into never ſo many parts; which receive
their Name from the number of parts into
which Unity is ſuppoſed to bedivided. As,
if Unity be ſuppoſed to be divided into two
equal parts, they are called ſeconds; if into
three, thirds, doc.
2. Fractions conſiſt of two Terms one
above the other, with a Line drawn be
tween them ; the lower of which tells you,
that Unity is to be ſuppoſed to be divided
into juſt lo manyequal parts called the Deno
nator. The upper tells you, how many of
thoſe parts belong to that Fraction ; and
is called the Numerator. As 4 Numerator ,
This Fraction does denote four fifth parts
of an Integer ; that is : Suppoſe an Integer
th pa
into five parts, thisdenotes fourof
oſe rts.

D 4 3. There.
40 Mr. Oughtred's Key
3. Therefore whatſoever Ratio the Nu .
merator_has to the Denominator, the ſame
has the Fraction to Unity.
4.5 :: 4.1 : R. S :: R.1
5 S
4. And becauſe a Ratio may be expreſſed
innumerable ways , and that in higher and
higher Terms, infinitely in the ſame habi.
tude one to another; it follows, that Fracti
ons may be expreſſed innumerable ways al
fo ; ass the leaſt Terms in that Ratio,
and in Latin called Quincunx ) is equivalent
to 20 25 45 and any other numbers
24 , 48, 60 , 108 ,
that ariſe from the multiplication ofs and 12
into any other number, by Sect:2. Chap .6.
s. Wherefore the Terms of equal Fra
dions are proportional ; and if the Terms
are proportional,the Fractions are ofequal
6. If the Numerator be leſs than the De
nominator,the Fraction is leſs than an Unite ;
if equal, it ſignifies an Unite ? If the numera
tor be greater than the Denominator, the
Fraction is as much greater than an Unite as
that is greater than this ? A Fraction is re
duced to Unites by dividing the Numerator
by the Denominator.
of the Mathematicks. 41
as = 4º
4 and
= C + R
7 7
On the contrary Unites are refolved into
Fractions, by multiplying them by the De
nominator of the Fraction , as I =or 33,. &c .
and 44243_28 + 3 -3 , and C + SA2
7 7 7


Concerning the Addition and Subduction

of Fractions.
the Fractions to be added be of divers
Firſt, They are to be
> reduced to the fame Denomination by
dividing the Denominators by their greateſt
common Meaſure , and multiplying the
Terms by each others Quotients ; then the
Numerators of the ſo found Fractions are to
be added or fubducted . And laſtly , write
that common Denominator under the Sum
or Difference.
2. And if Integers be mixed with the
Fractions, they are to be numbred apart :
42 Mr. Oughtred's Key
For Example , If you would take out of
6 i theſe Fractions, 13 and 2 in , firſt .
of all youmuſt add i } and 2 is and they will
come to 2 and 39 +-28 or
67 viz60. 3-
3 19
3 which
48 49 4 8

being taken out of 6 is there will remain 2 95

as in the Example.
67 8
39+28 57, gout of55:52 -6
144 144
xz》 7 . xo I take
4) 782; x is
8 57 .

3 6 8 3 144
in there remains

144 95
A and Z , the Sum will be A +ZB
and Bq

of there remains CA -

B +D

of the Mathematicks. 43

CH A P. X.

Concerning the Multiplication and Divi.

fion of Fractions.
tor of one compares the Numera
and the Denominator
of the other, that is, reduces them to their
leaſt Terms, and multiplies the Terms of
the ſame name.
2. Diviſion compares the Terms of the
ſame Name; and multiplies the Terms of a
different Name.
3. If Integers be mixed with Fra &tions,
they are to be reſolved into a Fraction ,
Examples of Multiplication.
I 5
g upon 2.0 is s
| 8
4 3 3

upon 3 is 65 (161
44 Mr. Oughtred's Key
upon B = A upon Ze
upon 3

Examples of Diviſion .
2018 7

2 :8
21 \x8
("\ (138
1 3

D ) Ag / Aq A BC /BCDJA ) BC / BqC

B. \BC
BC / CAJA C \B c/ BcC

4 : What Number is į of 21 ? Multiply 21 1

by 4 for 1 :: 21.6. or 7.2 :: 21.6.
5. Of what Number does 6 contain ?
Divide 6 by 3. for 1 : ; 6.21. or 2.7 ::
6,21 .
6. The
of the Mathematicks. 45
6. The antient 3 2 4 3
Writers of Muſick 8
are wont to connect 6
the terms of Ratio's,
either to be conti
nued or diminiſhid ,
with Curve Lines after this manner : If the
Ratio's be 3 to 4 and 4 to 3.
7. To continue Rario's is to multiply them
as if they were Fractions. To ſaylet theſe
Ratio's 3 to 2 and 4 to 3 be continued , is
as much as to ſay, let i be multiplied upon
, and ſo there will ariſe . Now the Ra
tio of 12 to 6 , is double. Wherefore a
twice-and- an -half-Ratio upon a once-and
one-third -Ratio produceth a double Ratio,
that is, as Muſicians ſpeak ,a Diapaſon is com
pounded of a Diapente and a Diateſaron.
Imminution of Ratio's is done by Diviſi
on, as to ſay, take out ofthe Ratio of 3 to 2,
the Ratio of 4 to 3, is as much as to ſay, di
vide by t thus, * ) ( . Which Quo
tient is the Meaſure of an entire Tone.
Whence Muſicians ſay, that the Difference
between a Diapente and a Diatellaron is a
Tone. As in this Line or Chord divided in
to 12 parts.

12 98 6

90 · Mr. Oughtred's Key

Here I ſhall briefly and ſymbolically deliver

the Reaſon and Myſtery of Multiplication and
Diviſion of Fractions. To that purpoſe I will
make uſe of this Example, Suppoſe that you are
to multiply Ē upor D
9 'Tis plain, forft that
5 =$ D
; becauſe you are not only to mul
с A
but there that Quantity
tiply A upon D 음 B
which ariſes from a Multiplication of A upor
D muſt be divided B, that is, В muſt be
multiplied upon D the Denominator of the Fra
&tion , and then it will be As for Di
viſion the matter ſtands thus D
BDS xC BD ' therefore )ACAS
of the Mathematicks. 47

C H A P. XI.

Some eafie Examples, which prepare the

Way for Analyticks.
O Bſervefirſt, that for brevity fake and
to help the
thele Symbols, A and E ſignifie two Magni.
tudes of which A is the greater, E the leſſer,
Æ their Re & angle, Z their Summ, X their
Difference, .Z the Summ of their Squares,
X the Difference of their Squares, Z the
Summ of their Cubes, X the Difference of
their Cubes ; A , M , E ſtand for three quan
tities in continual Proportion ; A, M, N, E
for Four; Q : C : QQ . QC: ſignifie ſuch
and Powers ; V denotes the Root or Side of
a fimple Power. But if the Power be inclu
ded between two Points at both ends it figni
fies the univerſal Root of all that Quantity ſo
included ; which is ſometimes alſo ſignified
by b and r, as the vb is the Binomial Root,
the Vr the Reſidual Root ( or of the Apo
tome. ) = is a note of Equality.
2. There are two Numbers of which A is
the greater , Ethe lefſer. I ask what is
their Summ what is their Difference ? what
48 Mr. Oughtreds Key
is their Rectangle ? what is the Summi of
their Squares ? what is the Difference of
their Squares ? what is the Summ of their
Summ and Difference ? what is the Diffe
rence of their Summ and Difference ? what
is the Rectangle of their Summ and Diffe
rence ? what is the Square of the Summ ?
what is the Square of the Difference ? what
is the Summ of the Squares of the Summ and
Difference ? what is the Difference of the
Squares of the Summ and Difference ?
what is the Square of theRectangle ?
Z = ATE X - A E

2 = Agt-Eq X = Aq_Eg
Zt- X = 2A Z - X - 2E
* Z + iXSA iz- X=E
ZX = Aq-- Eq= X Zq.X :: Z.X
Zq = Ag + 2AE + Eq = 2 + 2 .
Xq= A9--2AE + Eq = 2--2Æ .
Zg + Xq= 2A9 + 2Eq = 27
*Zq - Xq= 4AE Zq- Xq = Æ
Æq= AqEq.
3. There are two Quantities, the Summ
of which is Z and the greater A. What is
the lefler ? what is their Difference ? what
their Rectangle ? what the Summ of their
Squares ? what the Difference of their
of the Mathematicks. 1 49
E = Z - A. X=2A-Z. Æ = ZA + A9
Z = Zq- 2ZAT- 2 Aq. X=2ZA - ZI
But if the leffer E be given ,
A = Z - E . X = Z --2E . Æ = ZE - Eq.
Z = Zq - 2ZE + 2Eq. X =Zq-2ZE
4. There are two Quantities, of which
the difference is X, and the greater A ; What
is the lefſer ? what is their Sum ? what their
Rectangle? what the Sum of their Squares ?
what the difference oftheir Squares ?
E - A - X Z=2A - X Æ = A - XA
Z = 2Aq - 2XA +-Xq X = 2XA - Xg
But if the leſſer E be given,
燃+ X Z =2E - 60 HzEqPXE
2=2Eq+2XE+Xq X=2XE+Xq
$ . There are twoquantities of which the
greater has the ſame proportionto the lefler,
as R to S ; and the greater of them is ſup
poſed to be A : What is the leller ? what
is their Sum ? what is their Difference ?
what their Rectangle ? what the Sum of
their Squares ? what the difference of their
Squares ?
X = RA - SA

Æ = SAq Z = RgAq + Aq.

R Rq
X = RgAq - SqAg.
E Eut
50 Mr. Oughtred's Key
But if the leſſer E be given,
A = RE Z = RE ---SE. X = RE - SE
Æ=REZ Z=RqEq+-SqEq.
S Sq
X = RqEq - SqEą.

6. There are two Quantities,of which the

Rectangle is Æ ; and the greater A : What
is the leſſer ? what is their Sum ? what is
their Difference ? what is the Sum of their
Squares ? what is the Difference of their
Squares ?
E=Æ. Z=Aq +Æ. X=Aq- Æ
7 = Aqq + Æ X = Agq - Æq
Aq Ag

But if the leſſer E be given,

A = E . Z = EFEq. =–Eq
Z = # q + Eqg x = Æq - Eqg
Eg Eq.
7. And
of the Mathematicks: 51
7. And from hence many equalities a
riſe. Let us take the Sum and Difference
for Examples.
Z = A + E = 2A - X = 2E + x = Ag + Æ =
Æ + Eg, doc. A
X = A - E = 2A - Z = Z - 2E = Aq- £ =
fEq, evc. A
le E

After this manner the ſame quantity will

admit of divers Interpretations and Diverſi
ties .


Here (no more being neceſſary) I ſhall only

adviſe youngStudents of this ſort of Learning,
to praštiſe theſe Queſtions ſeveral times over,
and to draw Figures for ſome of the Equations;
whereby they may gain a full underſtanding of
the matter.

E2 сH AP.

Mr. Oughtrea's Key


Of the Geneſis and Analyſis ofPOWERS.

BE.cEcauſe all things are to be reſolved
auf thoſe
into parts of which they con
fift; firſt we muſt know of what parts eve
ry Power confifteth . Now Powers ariſe
from the ſide or Root multiplied once or
more times into it felf: The Root multiply
ed upon it ſelf makes a Square. The
Square, multiplied upon the Root, makes a
Cube. A Cube upon its Root makes a
Quadrato Quadrate, or fourth Power [ 4 ].
This again, upon its Root, makes a Qua
drato-Cube, or fifth [ 5 ] And after this
manner there are made a ſixth [6], a ſe
venth [ 7 ], an eighth [8] , a ninth [9], a
tenth ( 10 ] Power, etc.
2. Wherefore the Procreation of Powers
from a ſingle Root, which conſiſts of one
Figure or Note, hath no difficulty at all.
of the Mathematicks. 53

The former Table of POWERS from a

ſingle Root.

131 1411 151 161 1lol 181


99 CC 990
qc qoc
1 I
32 64

2 41 8 16 128
3) 9 27 24381 729 2187 6561
64 256 1024 4096 | 16384 65536
51251125 625 3125 / 15625 | 78125 390625
636 216
1296 7776 45656 279936 1679616
7 49 34324011630711176491 823543 5764801
4096 32768 262144 2097152_16777216
୨' 7291656 11195491531441 498 296943046721


E 3 3. But
54 Mr. Oughtred's Key
3 But Powers from a Binomial Root are
generated after this manner.
The Geeneſis of Powers from a Binomial Root.
+ AE- FEq
Ag + 2AE --Eq. Quadrat.
Ac-t2 AqE + AEG
+ AqE + 2AEq + Ec
Ac + 3AqE + 3AEq + Ec. Cube.
Aga+3 AcE -F3 AqEq+AEC
t- AcEt3AqEat- 3 AEctEqg
Aqq + 4AcE46AqEq + 4AEc + Eqq. Qua
ATE &c. ( drato quadrat.
4. And by this Artifice may be framed a
Table of Powers aſcending in the ſcale from
a Binomial Root ; which I call the LATTER

Side or Number


$. Every
8 Accc
Aqcc 7 IOAcccE
17 Aqqc 9AccE
5 AqqcE8 45
Асс AqqcEq36
141 AccE7
of the Mathematicks.

Aqc 28 120
3 A99 6ACE AAqc2E5196 AccEq
q c e AccEc
2 Ас
15 c 126
Ag' 10ACE 35AqqEc AqcEqq
A 3A E 20AcEc 70AqqEgg126A 252
2AE 6
AqEq 35AcEqg qqEqch

E EqA3 10AEC 56
AcEqc AqqEcc102
Eq 4AEC 115AqEqg
AAqqEE2qc21C8 84AcEcc
Eqg 6AEC c 120AcEqqc
7AECC 36A9Eqqc
Ecc 8AEqqc 45AqEqcc
Eggc 9AEqcc
Eqcc 10AEccc
e d's ey
56 Mr. Oughtr K
5. Every intermediate Species of each
row is made up of the two Species of the
former row next unto it on both ſides ;
namely , the Power of A in that above it >

and of E in that below it. The Number

prefixed to it is made up of the two Num
bers next adjoyning in the foregoing Pow
er, ſo that you may continue it as far as
you pleaſe.
6. In this Table the two extreme Powers
in each rank are called the Diagonal part
of the Power ; the intermediate Species, to
which the Unciæ ( or Figures ) are prefix
ed, are called the Complements; all the
Complements together with the Power of
E are called the Gnomon .
7. From this Table 'tis manifeft, that the
Square from a Binomial Root conſiſts of
the Diagonal Squares of the greater and
the leffer Nomen ,with two Rectangles made
by them . The Cube of the Diagonal Cubes
ofthe greater and the leſſer, with three so
lids made by the Square of the greater up
on the leffer, and three other Solids made
by the greaterupon the Square of the leſſer.
Thus from this Table you may learn the
Parts of which higher Powers confilt.
8. This Table ( being full of fine Myſte
ries ) do's alſo lhew how many places be
long to every Power or to its Complements.
of the Mathematicks . 57
For becauſe betweentwo Squares there can
be but one kind of Complement, there
fore the Square requires but one place for
its Complement. But becaule between two
Cubes there are two kinds ofComplements,
therefore the Cube does require two places
for its Complements.

5 Every intermediate Species, &c.] That

is, ( for inſtance take the fifth Power ) the
tbird SpeciesAcEq ( before which, in the fourth
Power , ſtand next to it AcE and AqEq ) takes
from the former Ac , and from the latter Eq.
And so of all other Species,
But the Number prefixed, &c. ] To keep
to the former inſtance, to prefixed to AcEq is
the Aggregate of 4 and 6 prefixed to AcE and
AqEq in the foregoing Power.


7 Concerning the Geneſis or Compoſition

Suppoſe you are tocompoſe aSquare
er Note A is s or so. The leſſer E is 7.
58 Mr. Oughtred's Key
Let them be written at the diſtance of one
Place or Degree from one another, and
draw a Line under
them. Under 5 25 7 Ag
ſet its Square 25, 70 2AE Gnomon .
under 7 its, which 149 Eq
is 49, then double 3249
5 and multiply its
double by 7 , and the Product will be two
Rectangles, viz . 70 ; and write 70 in the
intermediate Place. Add them up as they
ſtand, and the Product will be 3249 for
the ſquare of the ſide 57.
2. Suppoſe you were to make a Cube from
the Root 57 Let them be ſer down two
Places one from the other, and draw a Line
under them. Under 5
fer its Cube 125 , and 517
under 7 its Cube 343. 125 AC

Then treble the Square 525 GAE

of 5, and multiply it 7135 3AE
fo trebled by 7 , and the 243 Ec
Product will be 525 ; 1851193
three greater Solids to
be ſet in the former intermediate Place ;
alſo treble 5, and multiply it ſo trebled by
49 the Square of 7 the Product will be

735 ; three leſſer Solids to be ſet in the lat

ter intermediate Place , that is, one Place
further towards the right hand. Add them
of the Mathematicks. 59
up as they ſtand, and the Product will be
185193 for theCube of 57 .
3. If the Root conſiſt of many Figures, as
this 57209. Firſt you muſt compofe the
Power of the two firſt Figures 57 ; then ta
king 57 for A, and the next Figure 2 for
E , proceed as before ; and ſo tillyou have
diſpatch'd all the Figures in the Root.

7 o
7 2
Aq 199Gnomon.
9 The Root .

49 Eq
32 49 Aq
22 8 2AE ?
4 Eq
32 71 84 oo Aq
I 02 96 o 2AE ?
81 Gnom .
32 72 869 6 81
86 96 The Square.

60 Mr. Oughtred's Key

51712 1019 | Root. 1

1251 Ас
525 3 AqE
735 3AEq > Gnomon .
3431 Ec
185.193 1Ac
1 9494 3 AqE 1

684 3 AEq > Gnomon . 4

8 Ec
187|149248 Ас
88 33916800 3 AGE
1389960 AÉq> Gnomon.
1729) Ec
187237/601 5971329. Cube. .

4. From what has been ſaid it will not be

hard to compoſe any Power.

СНАР. tt
of the Mathematicks. 61


Concerning the Analyſis or the Extraction

of the Roots of POWERS.
1. Fter you have pointed the Power
A according toits kind, ſetting your
firſt point under the Unites, you muſt take
the Diagonal Power out of the Figures of
the firſtPoint on the left hand, and ſet its
Root down by itſelf, ſomewhere near your
work ; and then call it A. the Remainder
as far as the next Point ( which is under
ſtood to contain the Gnomon ) being di
vided by a Diviſor made up of A according
to the Nature of the Power, gives the fe
cond part of the Root E ; with which you
are to compleat the Gnomon, and to ſub
ſtract it being compleated out of that Re
mainder, which it has relation to.
And thus again, the whole Power ofthe
two Figures firſt found contained under
the two firſt Points being ſubftracted, there
will remain a Gnomon reaching to the
third Point ; by means of which and your
Diviſor, as before, you may find the third
part of the Root; as before.
62 Mr. Oughtred's Key

The Extra &tion of the Square Root.

7 23 02
3272,86 968 (57209
The Punctation
10 2A Diviſor.
70 2 AEZ с
49 Eqs
749 Gnomon:
ID 14 2A Diviſor.
22 18 2AE ?
|_4 EES
% 2 184 Gnomon.
I 144 2A Diviſor
( 144 2A Diviſor
I 0296 2AE ?
81 Eqs
* 296 8r Gnomon

of the Mathematicks. 63
The Extraction of the Cube Root .
7.87237 69r 588 279 ( 87289
xas Ас
715 Aq !
115 3AS
7165 Divil .
5215 3 AqE
7115 3 AEG 51712101
1343 Ec
69193 Gnom . ‫סל‬
1974 17 3 Aq 1491
I 17 ! 3A 3249
1976 41 Divilor 12218
1949 4 3 AqE
6 84 3AEG 3271134.00
8 Ес
I 1986 248 Gnom
98155 2 13 Aq]
17 16 3A S
98172 136 Diviſor
9815 1520 o 3 Aq
171 60 ZA
9815 691 60 Diviſor
881339 1680 O 3 AqE
13 1899 60 3AEZ
1729 Ес
1 8833 588
38 32g CH AP,
64 Mr. Oughtred's Key 4

2. If the propoſed Number be not a

true figurate Number , ( that is, an exact
Square) but ſomething remains when the
Work is done , you may ſet after the re
maining Figures as many. Ciphers as you
pleaſe, and continue your Extraction.
3. From what has been ſaid it will not
be hard to extract the Root of any Power,
ſo that you conſult the Table , to learn
thence the conſtituent parts of each Power . A



Concerning Surd Roots.

1. N a rank of Numbers in continual
· IN
Proportion . As the firſt is to the
laft, ſo will be the Power ofthe firſt, whoſe NU

Index is equal to the Number of terms,

wanting one to the like Power of the le
cond. Let there be, . * A, M , N, E,
Becauſe 4M :: A. M there will be
< A. E :: Ac. Ac.
NE :: A. M )
2. Plane Numbers or folid Numbers are
then called like, when their reſpective ſides
are proportional. 3 Like.
of the Mathematicks: 65
3. Like plain Numbers are in a duplicate
Ratio (that is as the Squares) of their cor
reſponding ſides.
Therefore like plain Numbers are to one
another, as a Square number is to a Square
number.Alſo like ſolid Numbers are in an
triplicate Ratio of their correſponding ſides,
that is as their Cubes are to one another.
Therefore like numbers folid bear a cubical
Proportion to one another.
4. And generally all like Figurate Num.
bers of divers dimentions are in a Ratio of
their correſponding fides, equimultiplicate
to the number of dimenſions ofwhich they
confift. Let the dimenſions be 4 , viz .
ABCD of the one, and EFGH of the other
y in the Ratio of R to S.

A.E :: R.S
B.F :: R.SE By Multiplication
Becauſe CG :: R.SABCD . EFGH ::
( D.H :: R.SSRqq .sqq.
5. If a number be not a true figurate Num .
ber of itskind, its Root is called a ſurd Root,
andis ſo denoted. Vq6.V 94.Vqq20 .Vqcız.
that is the ſide or Root of the Square 6, the
ſide of the Cube 4, the ſide ofthe Quadrato
quadrate 20, the Gide of the Quadrato Cube
13 , bc,
F 6. Thoſe
66 Mr. Oughtred's Key
6. Thoſe - ſurd Roots are call'd Commen
ſurable, whoſe numbers reduc'd to the leaſt
Terms, become true figurate Numbers of
their kind, and are therefore as one number
to another. As Vq12 and 19147, being
reduced to their leaſt Terins by their greateſt
Common Meaſure Vg3, become v94 and
1949 ; that is, 2 and 7.
Wherefore the vqı2 being to 72147,
as 2 to 7 , they are commenſurable. So
Vc40 andVc1715 are to one another ,as 2 to
7 ; becauſe being divided by their greateſt
Cominon Meaſure vcs, they become v8
and VC343, and therefore commenſurable.
7. Surd commenſurable Roots are added
and Subſtracted , if the homogene Power of
the ſum or difference of their like numbers
found, ( as before ) be drawn upon their
Common Meaſure.. As 1914 ; tw 212
is the wq243 ; that is , the Root of the
Square of ; t . ( viz. 81 ) drawn upon V93.
And V9147-1912 is 1975 ; that is, the
Root of the Square of 7 --- 2, (Viz.25 .) drawn
upon Vg3. Allo 701715 c40 isVc3645 ;
that is, the Root ofthe Cube of7-4-2, ( viza
729 ) drawn upon the c5 , and vc1715
V 040 is vc625, that is, the Root of the Cube
of y - 2 (viz . 125 ) drawn upon the wc5.
of the Mathematicks. 67

The Examplesftand thus.

Vaz ) W9147 (V949 :7
Naiz ( Na 4.2
Sum Vq 243 V981.9
Diff. vg 75 V 925.5
NC 1715 (Vc343.7
cs ) vc 40 (vc 8.2
Sum Vc3645. Vc729.9
Diff. 76 625. Vc125.5

V127027 V245tus
or 4 I2 12

V484 +V27 4
5 49: 7
✓ 48. (W16.4 V 320 V64.8
3 127. (V 9.3 12

V147. V 49.7 N180 V 36.6

4 12
Vz ŅI . I

8. But incommenſurable ſurd Roots and

Heterogeneal are added and ſubſtracted by
the Signs + or - , as vartvq4 and
NCIOV05 F 2 9. IF
68 Mr. Oughtred's Key
9. If afigurate Number bemultiplied by
another figurate Number of the ſame kind ,
the product will be a figurate Number of the
ſame kind, whofe Root is equal to the pro
duct oftheRoots of the multiplied Numbers.
And if a figurate Number be divided
byanother of the ſame kind, the quotient
will be a figurate Number ofthat kind,whoſe
Root is equal to the quotient of the Root of
the greater Number, divided by the Root of V

the leſſer. As the product of the cubical

Numbers 343 upon 27= 9261 a Cube, whoſe P
Root is 9x3. All VgAgEq= AE.
Bq B
10. Wherefore the Multiplication and
Diviſion of homogeneal ſurd Roots, pro
duces a ſurd Root of the ſamekind: Asv97
upon vq3 is Vq21 and v97 ) wq21 (Vg3,
1921 = vq3.
Allo wqA upon vqe, is
WqAE and VqA ) VqAE ( NqE , or

1. But Roots ofa different kind ( or He

terogeneal) are not multiplied or divided,
unleſs they be firſt reduced to the ſame kind,
which is done by dividing the Indexes of
both Powers propoled ,by their greateſt Com
of the Mathematicks. 69 .
mon Meaſure. And multiplying the Index's
- by each others Quotients, and the Powers
themſelves into the Species, denominated by
each others Quotient. Suppoſe the wqq10
and Vcc7 were to be multiplied or divided,
firſt let them be reduced to the vcccc 1000
and Vcccc49, by cubing 10, and ſguaring 7;
then multiply or divide. So vagA and
V ccBg are to be reduced to vccccAcand
V ccccBqq. As you may ſee in the following
✓ [12] 1000 V [ 12] 49
[44 ] 10 v [6 ] 7
[2]) v✓ 11:13 [3 ]

[2] ) 14:27 AC (13] BQBag

✓ [4 ] A V
[ 2] g
Again , If the vc32 be to be multiplied
by 2, for 2 take the Vc8, and by it multi
ply vc32, and the Product will be c256
= 2xVc32.
Alſo if the VC32 be to be divided by 2,
for 2 take the Vc8, and by it divide the
IV 032.
Vc32,and thequotient will bec4 =
So allo
404Ag= * A:
VqAq= VV949
12. IF
70 Mr. Oughtred's Key
12. Ifthe Root of a Power be to be much
plied, according to the Exigencyof its own
Species, blot out the Lateral Note of the
the Species, as Q : v464, or C : Vc64
is 64.
13. And if the Root of a Power, whoſe
Index is a compounded Number, be to be
multiplied according to the exigence of ei
ther compounding Species. Let the Root of ?
the other species be prefix'd, the quantity
remaining as it was. As
Q. VCC645V064 and C. v.cc64= V q64,
for cc = V ( 2x3 ].
14. If a magnitude of ſeveral Parts or
Names be drawn upon it ſelf, one of its
Signs being changed, it will looſe one of
them . As 3tvštv2 upon 3tug-2
= 12 + v 186. 1


1. ' Tis plain, that AMN. MNE :: Ac.

Mc, by contiuual multiplication ofthe ſeveral
Terms as they ſtand over one anotber . And
becauſe AM N. MNE : : A.E ; ( as is plain
from the multiplication ofA and E upon MN
to make them ); therefore A.E :: Ac Mc.
7. Com
of the Mathematicks. 71
7. Commenſurable Surds, & c. ] For as
their Common Meaſure, multiplied upon tbeſe
Numbers found, produce tboſeSurds, ſo theſame
Common Meaſure upon the ſum or difference of
tbeſe Numbers found produces the Sum or Diffe
rence of thoſe Surds:
10. Wherefore, & c.] For ſuppoſe
A=bb and VA = Vbb = b
E - CC VE = Vcc = c.
Then as AE = bbcc, ſo the Roots ( Axve
A b bb
= bc = Vbbcc = V AE, and VEC CC

I . If any one does but conſider the Nature

of Powers, be will find no great difficulty in
reducing them .
14. You may ſee them tbms, and multiply
them .
3 + vs - V2
9 + 3vs
trito/250 / 4
97605+ : V25-04 : 55-2 = 3.)
That is 127v 36xw5,
Or 12 + viso.
72 Mr Oughtred's Key


Concerning E QVATION S.
Henſoever any Problem is propo
poſed. Suppoſe the thing done,
and having uſed afit n ,call the
ſought quantity A, or any other'Vowel :
and for the given Quantities put Conſo

2. Purſue the Queſtion as the matter will

give leave, and compare , add , ſubftract,
multiply or divide, till atlaſt you find ſome
thing given equal to the quantity ſought, or
fome power of it.
3. And becauſe at firſt the known and
unknown Quantities lie promiſcuouſly toge
ther, the Terms are to be ſo ordered, that
what is given in meaſure be brought to one
ſide, and the unknown or fought Quanti
cies to the other. Įn doing which the five
following Rules will direct,

4. Firſt
of the Mathematicks. 73
4. Firſt, If the fought Quantity; or any
degree of it be in a Fraction , reduce all the
Quantities to one Denomination , ſo that
thecommon Denominator being dropt, the
Equation may conſiſt only of the Nume

As A - C = Aq + Bq + B + C.
Then DA - DC = Ag + By + DB + DC.
5. Secondly, If what is given in meaſure
be mixed with the unknown Quantities ,
tranſpoſe them both, changingtheir Signs.
DA - DC = Aq + Ba + DB + DC.
Tranſpoſe DC and Aq. DA - Aq =
2DC + DB:+ Bq. Which rule is to be ob
ſerved in all Tranſpoſition.
6. Thirdly, If the higheſt Species of the
lought Quantity be drawn upon any given
Quantity, divide the Equation by it.
BAg + BGA = Zc
Divide by B. Aq + BA = Zc.
7. Fourthly, If it happen that all the gi
ven Quantities be drawn upon ſome degree
of the foughtQuantity , divide the Equation
by the loweſt Species, according to the or
der ofthe Table:
74 Mr. Oughtred's Key
As Aco+BACZqAq.
Divide by Aq Aq + BA = ZqAq.
And after this manner any Equation may
be depreſſed , if all the Terms be divided
by the fanne degree; asAc + XAq = Nc, di
vide by A ,and there will be Ag + xA = Nc:
But if you divide by Aq there will be A + X
Which Operation will be of uſe in
the numerous Reſolution of affected Equati
ons; becauſe the ſide is moreeaſily judged of
in leffer than in greater Powers.
8. Fifthly, Ifany Quantitybe a ſurd Root.
The Equation is to be purſued in the Powers
themſelves. VqBA + B = C . And by Tranſ
qoſition VqBA = C - B. Therefore being
BA = Cq - 2CB + Bq, or
A = Cq - 2CB + Bq

Allo Vu : BA + CA : -D = B , or
Vu :BA+CA=DEB . Therefore
being ſquared, BA + CA = B9 + 2BD + Dg,
or A = Bq +-2BD + Dq
BT- C .
of the Mathematicks. 75
Laſtly, va
Ą == VC2A, or by the 11.

of Chap. 15. Veci

cc = VCc4 Aq. Where
fore Ac= 108Ag, and A= 108.
9. The conſtitution of Equationsthat con
Gift of three Species, equally aſcending in
the Scale, will appear from Seet, 2, 3, 4 .
Cap. II . For becauſe

Z - A = E (Multiply 2A
ZE= A both E
A - X = E parts А
E+X=A ( upon JE
And ſo of the Z and x ., &c.
And there will ariſe ſuch Equations.
ZA - Ag = Æ Ag - XA = Æ
ZAq - Aqq = Æq Aqq-X.Aq = # q
ZAC - ACCÆC Acc - XA = Æ ,
dc. dc.

ZE - Eq = Æ Eq + XE = E
ZEq - Eqq = Æq Egg + x.Eq = Æq
dc. doc.
When therefore an Equation is propoſed,
conſiſting of three Species, equally aſcend
76 Mr. Oughtred's Key
ing in the Scale. Youmuſt ſuppoſe the ab
folute Quantity given , to bea Rectangle
under the two fought Quantities ; Whether
they be, Roots, orSquares, or Cubes, buc.
or whatſoever be the Power of the middle
Species. But in the middle Species, if the
higheſt Species be negative, the Coefficient
is the ſumof twounknown Quantities ; and
to be expounded of them both . If affirma
tive , the Coefficient is the difference of
them : Andthe Species to be expounded of
the greater, being negative, or ofthe leſſer,
being affirmative.
Now theSum andRectangle oftwo Quan
tities be given, the Difference is allo given :
Or the Difference and Rectangle be given,
the Sum is given . For by the 2, Chap: 11
Q : Z : -Æ = Q X
Q : X : + Æ = QIZ
Therefore vu: Zq - ÆZ X
Vu : XqtA = Z .
And įZ , and X of two Quantities being
given, theQuantities themſelves are given.
I. Rule. ; 2Ztvu : Zq- Æ :( X )
II.Rule, Vu : Xq+ £ :(Z) + iX E
of the Mathematicks. 77
And theſe two Rules will ſerve to ſolve
ſuchEquations as conſiſt of 3 Species equal
ly aſcending in the Scale.
10: The Compoſition of the Six Bino
mials from their ſurd Roots. The Rule is
this : Z + 2Æ = Zq. But for Reſiduals,
'tis Z - 2Æ = Xq.

I. Example. Let the Binomial 4 + vir

be Squared. Here the Z is 16 + u = 27 :
and Æ is v16XVII = V176 ; thedouble of
which is 704. Therefore the Square will
be 2771704. This is the firſt Binomial.
II. Example. Let the former Bimedial
be Squared, viz. Vaq. 12fwq94. Here
Z is Viztva?, or 48
that is,
the ✓ 141 by 7. Cbap. 15. And Æ is
Vqqı2xV 9924,0rVq93xV9927 = Vq981,
viz . 3. the double of which is 6.
Therefore the Square will be v 147+6.
This is the ſecond Binomial.
III. Example. Let the latter Bimedial,
be Squared , viz .
80 ho
1999 + vqgis. Here Z is wat
V.15; orthe votv49; that isv245 by 3
7 Chap.15.
78 Mr. Oughtred's Key
7, Chap. 15. And Æ is the vg9xvgq
15 , or the vag8pxV995 ; that is,v49400,
viz . v20. The double of which is the
Therefore the Square will be v245 +
V80. This is the Third Binomial.
In the Three following, which conſiſt
of Binomial and Reſidual Roots connected.
As vb : AFE : pl v r : A - E : It is mani.
feft, that the z is 2A, and the Æ is vAg
Eq. Wherefore, 0

IV. Example. Let the Major be Squar

ed, vo:{ + vi : pl. - v Here z
is 2+2; that isq. And Æ isvu : 49_29 4 4

thatis, vai, viz. Vs. The double ofwhich

is the v20. Then the Square is gtv 20.
This is the Fourth Binomial.

V. Example. Let the Potent a Rational,

with a Medial be Squared, viz . vb : vs
ti : pl. Vr: VI - 1. Here the ſum of the
Squares is che vství, that is v20 ; and
of the Mathematicks. 79
Æ is the v51, that is, V4, viz . 2. There
fore the Square is V20-54. This is called
the Fifth Binomial.

VI. Example. Let thePotent, two Me.

dials be Squared, viz . vb : v st-v3 : pl.
Vr.v's- V3: Here Z is the vstus, that
is v20 : and the Æ is the V5-3 , that is,
V2 ; the double of which is the v8. The
Squaretherefore is V 20 + v8. This is call
ed the Sixth Binomial.

II. The Reſolution of Binomials: In a

Quadratick Binomial, the greater part or
nomen is the Z, the leſſer 2Æ. But in
the 2. Chap.9. we have this Equation .

4 Zq= Æ = Xq:viz. Q : A+E :-Æ


= Q: A - e
Wherefore , if inſtead of A and E you
take their Squares Aq and Eq, there will be
LQ: Aq+ Eq :-AqEq= 4 Q : Aq - Eg.
- + Æq= From which
4 4
80 Mr. Oughtred's Key
Theorem this Rule is deduced, for the As
nalyſis or Reſolution of Binomials.
g Έg

I. Example. Let the ſide of the firſt Bi

nomial be ſought, viz . 27 + 7704 ; which
conſiſts of theſe parts, z + 2Æ . Wherefore
-Z is
and Æ the

4 4
Æq is 704, thatis a 3 the Root of
4 4 4
5 I
which 1s -X. Butby
16. 4
ul . VII Therefore the Root is 4 + 111.
And iscalled the firſt Binomial .

II. Example. Let us find the Root of

the ſecond Binomial, v4?
+6, viz. Z+
147, and Æ is 3.
2Æ. Wherefore --Z is 16
I 144 that
And --4 2q-Æq is 14 7
16 (9

of the Mathematicks: 81

Now the va is X. But according to

the Rule : ✓ 12.V 9912
16-16 V 27 V 9927
4 4
Therefore the Root is v qq12 tv og27.
And it is called the former Bimedial.

III. Example: Let us find the Root of

the third Binomial v245 + v80 , vize
Z + 2Æ . -Z is the v245, and the ÆV 20
2 IZ
240 ,
zq= Æq is 27.5
and 2q - ( 20 ) I2
that is,
Ś v
12 Now the vis -X. Butby theRule
V245tus = v3o . vg980
12 12 Therefore
vis .vagis Š 80
the Root of this Binomial is vag- +
Vq915 . And it is called the latter Bimedial .
G IV. Ex
82 Mr. Oughtred's Key
IV . Example. Let us find the Root of
thefourth Binomial 7 + V20, viz. Z -4-2Æ .
Wherefore {Z is ; and Æ is the w's .

and 1Z0 - Æq is : 44- ( 5 ) 42 : that is 4:

Now the vis įx ..

But by the Rule

? + v2.9Vb : 7 + V 29
4 2 4
7+IV 295= 7--29Vr
2 4
: 9-729
4 2 4

Therefore the Root will be vb. 14+02::

pliv14. 3- v22 . And called the Major.

V. Example . Let usfind the Root of the V

fifth Binomial V20+Z viz.Zt2Æ .Where

fore V20 is the v5 ; and Æ is 2 ; and
24 - E is 5-4 ; that is, : Whoſe Root i
15 X .. Butby the Rule
Ni + I = Vsti.vb.usti
5 - 1. 10

Therefore the Root is vb : vstu : pl.

Nr.vs - 1 . And is called the Potent, a Ra
tional with a Medial.
VI. Example. Let us find the Root of 1
+2Æ .
the fixth Binomial v20+v8, viz. ZWhere.
of the Mathematicks. 83
Wherefore ; Z is vs ; and the Æ the V2 :
and ?24 - Æq is 5-2, that is 3 ; whoſe
root V3 is įX.. But by the Rule
VsIv3= VS-
V4 *V3. Vb.vs +v3
Wherefore the Root of this Binomial is
vb.vstv3 : pl. Vrv 5 - V3!
And it is called the Potent two Medials.

12. And here by the way we may learn

the Conſtruction of a plain Rectangular
Triangle. Becauſe Za = Xq + 4AE, viz .
Hq= Bq + Cq. per 47 of the firſt Book of
Euclid. Any two Lines or Numbers being
given A and E , the ſides of the Rectangular
Triangle will be ATE. AVE and V4AE,
or ( inſtead of A and E ,you take Aqand Eq)
they will be Aqt-Eq. Aq - Eq. 2 AE. Viz .
V 4Aq Eg Or, if you take two Numbers,
2 and I , the ſides will be 3.1 . 18. viz. 2+I.
2-1 , V 4x2x1, or alſo 5, 3 , 4. viz. 4+ 1 .
2-1 and 2x i twice.

13. Two Rectangular Triangles being

given, H. B. C. and h. b. c. to make a third
of them , and that two ways .
Firſt, Becauſe Bq= H - Cq,
and bg = hq - c .
Let them be Multiplied upon one another
and there will be Bq bq=Hq hgt-Cq cq
G 2 mi,
84 Mr. Oughtred's Key
mi. Hqcq + Cqhq.
But Hqha + Cqcg + 2HChc= Q.Hh-+ Cc.
And Hqca + Cqhat2HChc = QHc + Ch.
Subduct one Square from another and
there will be Bq bq = QHh + Cc : mi. Q :
Hc-- Ch.
And fo of theſe is made a third Triangle
Bb. Hh+Cc. Hc+Ch. This is the firſt
Rule. În Words thus :
For the Bale of the new Triangle, take
a Rectangle of the Baſes: For the Hypote
nuſe a Rectangle ofthe Hypotenuſes increaſ
ed , with a Rectangle of the Catheti.
For the Cachetus : A Rectangle made
by the Hypotenuſes of the firſt and the
Cathetus of the ſecond increafed with a
Rectangle , made by the Cathecus of the
firſt, and the Hypotenuſe of the ſecond.
Secondly, Becauſe Hq = Bg + Cq
hq = bo + cq.
Multiply them upon one another ; there will
be Hq hq = Bqbg + Cg cq pl. Bqcq + Cqbq.
But Bq bg + Cqcq - 2BCbc = Q.Bb Cc.
And Baca -Coba-+-2BCbc = Q.Bc + Cb.
Add theſe together,and there will be Hq hq
= Q :Bb -- Cc:pl.Q. Bc- t-Cb And ſo of theſe
is made a 3d. Triangle,Hh.Bb- Cc.Bc + Cb. 3
This is the ſecond Rule. In Words thus.
For the Hypotenuſe of the new Trian
gle take the Rectangle of the Hypotenuſes
of the Mathematicks. 85
For the Bale ; a Rectangle of the Baſes
leſs by the ' Rectangle of the Catheti.
For the Cachetus ; a Re& angle made
by the Baſe of the firſt, and the Cathetus
of the ſecond increaſed with a Rect
angle made by the Cathetusof the firſt and
the Baſe ofthe ſecond,

14. If the fides of a Rectangular Tri

angle be Multiplied continually according
totheſe two Rules, the firſt Multiplication
will make a Bicompoſit Triangle, the ſe
cond a Tricompoſit, the third a Quadri
compoſit, doc.

Example . Rule I. Bb .Hh + Cc. Hc + Ch.
B. N. C. A ſimple Triangle.
ei B. H. C.
Bą. Hq + Cq.2HC. A Bicomofit Triangle.
Bc. Hct-HCq. 2HqC
2HC9 Hqctcc
Bc.Hc+ 3HCq.3Hq
C ++ Cc.Tricompoſie
Bqq. Hqg3HqCq . 3HcC + HCc
CogtzHqCg. Hoc + 3HCc
Baq.Hgq + 6HqCq+ C99.4HcC + 4HCC
B H O, bo
ܽ‫ܕ‬ 3 Ex
86 Mr. Oughtred's Key
Example. Rule II. Hh. Bb - Cc. Bc + Cb.
H..B.C . Simple.
H. B.C
Hq. Bq - Cq. 2BC. Bicompoſit.
Hc. BC - BCq. 2BqC
-2BCqBqC - Cc
Hc. Bc- 3BCq.3BqC - Cc. Tricompfit,
H B с

Hag. Bag-- 3BqCq. 3BC - BCc

Cqq - 3BqCg. BcC- 3BCC
Hqq. Bqq- 6BgCq + Cqq.4BcC - 4BCc.
H BC, buc. Quadricompoſit.


9. In which there are Three Species,& c.]

That is, if the Exponents of the unknown Quan
tity be in Arithmetical Progreſion. As AA.A.I.
W boſe Exponents are 2. 1. 0. or Aqq . Aq. I.
wboſe Exponents are 4. 20, and thelike.
Now the Sum and Rectanglé, &c ] For
becauſe Q. * Z : + ÆQ. 1X. " Or wbich is
all one, AZq : -Æ = Xq. Wherefore
Vu : ZazÆ = V Xq= X.
of the Mathematicks. 87
Again, Q*X : + Æ = Q . IZ . Orwhich
is all one, Xa + Æ = Zq. Therefore
Vu : AXTÆ = V1Zq = Z .
10. 'Twill not here be a mifs to take an
Example or two.
The Fifth Example is this.
bivsti: pl. Nr.V - 1, and (ashath
been oblerved ) Z=2A and Æ = VAq - Eq.
Therefore the Z = 205; that is the V20,
s [5
( For ſuppoſe 20 in Square Is 15 the NS
will be half the V20, and 275 the V20 ;
as appears from the Figure. ) And the
Æ = V5-1. For ( as was before faid )
# = VÁq - Eq. and 5 = Ag and 1 = Eq.
Therefore V5 - I = V Aq - Eq.
The Sixtb Example is this.
i vbivstvz : pl. v; -V3. Here again
for the ſame reaſon , Z is 2v 5 ; that is, V 20 :
and the Æ is v5-3 ; for 5=A A and
3 = EE

88 Mr Oughtreds Key


A Second Inſpection of the latter Table

in the 12. Chap
LL the Species of Powers ariſing
from the Binomial Root A+E are
Affirmative. Every other Species of Powers,
ariſing from the ReſidualRoot is Negative.
: As the Q : A-E : is Aq- 2AE + Eq,
and the C :A - E :is Ac — 3 Aqë + 3AEq - Ec.
And the QQ : A - E : Aqq- 4ACET
6Aq Eq4AEC + Eqg , duc. So that if
you take the Alternate Species ofany Power
and make two diſtinct Sums of them, theſe
Sums connected with the Sign of the Root,
will be the Power of the Root it ſelf. And
this is the Conſtitution of Binomials and
Reſiduals, Quadratick and Cubick , doc.
2. Wherefore the Difference of the Parts
of a Binomial qr Relidual Power is the
homogene Power of the Difference of the
parts of the Root . As Act3AEg mi. 3AE
+ Ec,or Ac + zAE9-3A9E - Eq = CA - E.
3. And the Difference of the Squares of
theparts of a Binomialor Refidual Power, is
the homogene power ofthe Difference ofthe
Squares of the parts of the Root. As
of the Mathematicks. 89
Q : Act 3AEq mi. Q. 3AqE + Ec is
C : Aq- Eq.
For according to the Example ofRule I.
in the 16. Cbap. Sect. 14. If A be the Hy
potenuſe of the Triangle, and E the Ca
thetus , and Aq--Eq the Square of the
Baſe. The Theorem may otherwiſe be ex
preſſed thus,
Q. Hc + 3HCq: mi : Q : 3HqC+ =
C :Bq = Q : Bc. Therefore, bc.
4. But if the Species of which thole Parts
confift, be alternately Affirmative and Ne
gative , the Sum of the Squares of thoſe
parts is the homogene Power of the Sum of
the Squares of the parts of the Root.
As Q. AC- 3AEq. pl. Q : 3 AqE - Ec is
the C : Agt-Eq.
For according to the Example of Rule II.
Chap . 16. Se&t. 14. If A be the Baſe of the
Triangle, and E the Perpendicular , and
AqtEg the Square of the Hypotenuſe,
the Theorem may otherwiſe be expreſſed thus;
Q. Bc - 3BCq . pl. Q. 3BqC - Cc =
= C. Hq = Q . Hc. Therefore, &c.
5. All the Intermediate Species of every
Rank, are allo Powers of mean Proporti
onals berween A and E. For between Ac
and Ec there are two mean Proporcionals ,
AqE and AEg ; which are allo Cubes of
Mand N : So that A. VCAÇE. VcAEq. E.
are in continual Proportion, viz, A.M.NE.
90 Mr. Oughtred's Key
For AqE = AMN = Mc and AEq = MNE
= Nc. And from hence you may learn to
find as many mean Proportions as you pleaſe.
If you would find Five, the Power muſt be
the Sixth, or cc ; the Index of which ex
ceeds, by one, the number of mean Pro.
portionals fought.
And they will be A.vccAqcE . VicAqq.
Eg.V ccAcEc. V ccAqEqg VCCAEqc. E.
6. Every intermediate Species is made of
the two Powers of the Parts of the Root,
whoſe Indexes both together are equal to
the Index ofthat Power to which it belongs.
But the diſtance of the middle Species from
the Extremes, is equal to the Index of one
of the foregoing Species on the one hand,
and the other on the other of which it is
Çompounded ; and between which it ftands,
diz. AqEc is made by Aq upon Ec, and is
che third from Aqc , and the ſecond from
A Conſectary. And hence it is eaſie to
conſtruct the Power of any Binomial Root
given, having found all the mean Propor
tionals between each part of the Root, and
that Power of each which you are to Con
ſtruct. For Example ; Let the fifth Power
of ATVÆ be Conſtructed, the Cube will
be Aqct
of the Mathematicks. 91
Agc + Agg Age
10ÆAct Ac 15VÆAqcc
SÆqA plus A 4g
SVÆAquct 10V ÆcAgg
Which is a Binomial Quadrato -Cubical.
7. If any Specics be multiplied upon the
Æ, the Product will be a middle collateral
Species, in the next row ſave one, and e
qually diſtant in number from the two Ex
tremes .
AcxÆ is AgqE , which is the firſt in or
der after Aqc, and the fourth from Eqc. So
AcExÆ is AqqEq, which is the ſecond from
Acc, and the fourth from Ecc : And ſo of
the reſt.
8. If any Species be multiplied by A -E
or X, the product will be the Diffference
between thoſe two Species in the row
following it that lie nextit, one on one ſide,
and the other on the other. As
AcX = Aqq - AcE . AqEX = AcE - AqEq.
AEqX = AqEq -AEc. EcX = AEC--Eqq.
Hence if all the Species of any Rank be
multiplied by X , the Difference of the two
Mr. Oughtred's Key
extreme Speciesof the next higher Rank will
be produced.
As ActAqE + AEq + ExX is Aqq - E94.
9. In thoſe Ranks which ſtand in odd
places, or have odd Indexes, ( 1,6, 96 , & c. )
the ſum of the two extreme Powers: But in
thoſe Ranks which have even Indexes (9
g'gcc.& c.) the Difference oftheſame is made
by A + E, drawn upon each Species of the
lower foregoing Rank, having their Signs
alternately , affirmative, and negative.
As ActEc is made by Aq - AE -F-Eg
drawn upon A + E. And Aqq - Eqg is made
by AC--AqE + AEq - Ec upon A+E.
19. If the ſame Quantity be multiplied
upon two contrary
Quantities Quantities, the produced
will be contrary . As Aqui
2AE + Equpon A-E makes AC- 3AqĖt
+ 3A £ q - Ec. But the ſame upon --ATE
makes - Act3AqE - 3AEgtEc.
11. The Unciæ or Numbers perfixed to the
ſeveral Species are numerarie Figures. All
under A and E are laterals : all under
and Eq are Triangulars ; all under Ac and

Ec are Pyramidals ; all under Agg and Egg

are Triangulo -Triangulars; all under Aqc
and Eqc are Triangulo Pyramidalsz all un
of the Mathematicks. 9
der Acc and Ecc are Pyramidi- Pyramidals,

12. If a Root conſiſts of three parts

AcEc. IC
Aq,2AE 13 AÇE. 3AEG
Eq, 2EI 3 Aql. 3Alq
Iq, 2AI 3Eql. 3Elq
Å 19. 6AEI.

And Note, that if any Species, the num

ber of negative sides be odd, the Species will
be negative; as Q : A+E-I: is Ag + 2AE +
2AE + Eq - 2EIF- Iq - 2AI, and the C: A
+ E - I is Ac+ zAqE + 3AEq + Ec - 3EqI
+ 3EIq - Ic - Agi + zAlq -- 6AEL.

3. If you Square Ac + 3AEq, and Square
3AqE + Ec , and ſubſtract the latter from the
former , you will thenfind the remainder equal
to the Cube of AA-EE.
5. Which are allo Cubes of Mand N. ]
Let there be A:M. N.E., then there will be
AMN=Mc, and MNE= Nc. For AN=
Mq , and therefore ANM = Mc and
94 the Macheotaticks.
ME = Nq, and therefore MNE = NC. So
bere multiply A and VcAqE and VCAEg con
tinually ; or which is all one, VcAAA and
VcAGE and VCAE continually, and there will
ariſe V AAAAAAEEF = AŽE, Likewiſe
multiply v cAEand VCAEg and VCEEE como
tinually, and there will arife VCAAAEEEEEE
= ALE. Therefore they are in continual Pro
portion .

Of ELV AT 10 Ñ S.
Rom the firſt and moſt eaſie Equa
tions, which are nothing but either
expoſitions of the Terms or ſimple Affe
ctions, ( ſuch as are thoſe of Chap. II.
Z - E= X , and ;xt- E = Z , & c. ) innu
merable others may be deduced by Addition,
Subduction, Maltiplication, Diviſion, Trant
poficion, and Interpretation ; by taking that
which is found equal to ſomething elle, in
the room of that to which it is found equal. !
Which Analytical Furniture is not leſs pre
cious than plentiful ; of which I ſhall give
you ſome of the moſt chief and neceſſary
ones. Many more may be found by a Sru kR
dent of this Art. And whereloever, either +
Mr. Oughtred's Key 95
in Arithmetick, or Geometry, or in any
other Art, he ſhall meet with a quantity
equal to another, that is the ſame quantity
diverſly expreſſed. He muſt all manner of
ways diſcuſs and vary that equality, that he
may find a new Inſtrument that may be
uſeful to him , which he is to keep in ftore,
and ( as he ſhall have opportunity to bring
forch for the help and advancement of this

2. 2 : 1 : = 9Q : } :dc. C : 1 = 27 C :::
Q : 1 : = : Q : 3 : & c. C.1: = C:3:
Q : 1. = Q : ; : & c. C.1. = 3? C : :
Q : 1 = sx : Q : : & c. C :1: = x**C : :
Q.4 :32x16Q :1 :& c.C. : = 2x64C :1
3 3

3. If a Line be biſected and otherwiſe ;

the Rectangle under the unequal Segments,
is equal to the difference of the Squares of
the Biſegment and the Interſegment; i. e.
of half the ſum and half the difference of
the Segments, s è 2. AE = Q : A -tie :
mi Q : A - E, and that is AE = ZqⓇ
4. If a Bilected Line be increaſed. А.
Rectangle under the whole increaſed , and
the augment is equal to the difference of the
96 Mr. Ough treds Key
Squares of the Biſegment increaſed, and the
Biſegment 6è 2. AtE upon E = Q : A
+E: mi Q : A. And AtE upon A =
: ¿ E + A ;miQ : E.
Therefore the ſum of three , (Ag + A
EtEq ) with either of the Extrems being
given , the other two are given thus :
Vu : Aq + AE + Eq - Aq :miA=E
Vu : Ag+AE-f-Eq-Eg : mi įE = A .
For Q : 1 ATE: = 4Aq + AE + Eq.
And Q : 1E + A = Ag aet- Eq.
5. If you divide a Line any where theSum
of the Squaresof the whole, and of oneSeg
ment, is equal to the aggregate of the Square
of the other Segment, and a double Rect
angle under the whole Line, and the for
mer Segment, 7 è 2. Zg + Aq = 2ZA + Eq,
and Zq + Eq = 2ZET- Aq. Wherefore 14

2ZA --- Eq - A = Zq = 2ZEt-Aq - Eq.

6. If a Line be divided any where and
lengthened with either of the Segments,
four Rectangles under the Line fo divided ,
and the added Segment is equal to the Dif.
ference between the Square of thewhole line ,
to lengthened, and the Square of the other
Segment , 8 è 2. Q : Z -+-E : -Aq = 4ZE,
and Q: Z+A: -Eq=4ZA. 7. IF
of the Mathematicks: 97
9. If a Line be divided into equal and into
unequal Segments, the Sum of the Squares
of the unequal Segments, is equal to twice
the Sum oftheSquares of the Biſegment and
Interſegment, 9€ 2.
AgfEq = 20 :1A + E : + 20.1A - Ë.
8. If you dividea Line equally and add a
Line to it. The Sum of the Squares of the
whole , lo lengthenied , is equal to wcwice
the Sum of the Squares of the Biſegment fo
lengthened, and the Biſegment so è2 .
Q : A + E : + Eq = 2Q : A + E : + 2Q : A :
Q :AFE: + Aq = 2Q :JE + A : # 20 : E :
9. Aq= ZA - AE = XA + AE = IZAH
XA = Q : Z - E : = Q : E + X : = 2 - Eq =
Eg + x .
And E = ZE - AE = AE - XE = ;ZE
XE = Q : Z - A : = Q . A - X = Z - Aq =
Aq - X .
10. Æ = Zq- Xq= ZA - A = ZE
Eq = AT - XA - Eg + XE = + 2qz = Z
XqZA - XA = ZE XE.
11. Z = Aq + Eq = 2q - 2AE = 2AEL
Xq = ZE - XA - LA - XE = 22 :42 :
20 : 4Z - E : = QA - 2N : 2 :2M - ES
fZq + 4 & q = 2Q : Z : + 2Q : 1X ;. This
H Con.
98 Mr. Oughtred's Key
Confectary may be drawn from the two
laſt Equations, viz . If a Quantity conſiſt
of the Squares of two other Quantities,
its double will conſiſt of two Squares, name
ly, of the Sum and of the Difference. And
its half will conſiſt of two Squares, namely ,
of halfthe Sum,and halfthe Senii-Difference.
And x = Aq - Eq = ZX = 2ZA - Zq =
Zq - 2ZE = 2XA - Xq= 2XE + X = ZA
–ZE = XA - XE - Z - ZE = ZA XE
2Æ = XA + 2ÆZE = Q : A + 2N :mi:
Q. 2M+E.
12. Q : AHE : = Q : A- E : Æ .
And Q. ' A - E = Q ;At- E : -Æ .
For 4Zq= X97- Æ .
13. 2A+ 2E upon A=2Aq + 2AE=Zq
-x.q. And 2A - 2E upon A=2A2AE
= X. ---Xq. And 2A+2E upon E=2AE
+2E=Zq-X. And 2A-2E upon ES
2AE -2Eq = X -- Xq.
14. Xq = ZqXq= 2 ---2Æ upon Z_2Æ
= Zq-- 4AqEq.
15. ZÆAqEH-AEq. AndXÆ = AQE
-AEg . And ZÆFACE + AEc. And
X.ÆSACEAEC. Wherefore 2+3ZÆ
= Zc. And Z - 3XÆ = Xc. So chat ZZ
of the Mathematicks. 99
= + ZÆ = Ac + AqE AEg + Ec. And
ZX = X - XÆ = Ac- AgEt AEq - Ec.
And x.Z = X + XÆ = Ac + AqE - AI
Ec. And X.X = Z - ZÆ = AC - AE
AEq + Ec. Hence zZ + x.X = 2Z. And
x.ZFzX = 2X. And ZZ - XX = 2ZÆ .
And x.Z - ZX = 2XÆ .

16. If in a Circle y be to 22 ; : 81 :;
113. 355. then
8.1 :: 2R . P. Periph.
din :: Rq. Circle.
0.1.: : 2Rc. Cylind,
d. : : Rc. Sphær.
8.7 :: Rc. Cone.

7.8 :: P. R. Semidiam .
7.d : : 4Pq. Circle.
79.00 :: Pc. Cylind.
aq.oq :: Pc. Sphær.
aq.dq : : iz Pc. Con.
17: Moreover theſe Problems and Theory
rems are to be underſtood.

Tbeorm 1. Thoſe Triangles are equal, in

which either three Sides, or two with the
Angle made by them, or two Sides with
H 2 2n
100 Mr. Oughtred's Key
an Angle oppoſite to the ſame Side,ſuppoſing
there be anAngle oppoſite to the third Side
of the ſame kind : Or two Angles with the
Side that lies between them, ortwo Angles
with a ſide ſubtended to the fame Angle,
are equal. 4. 8. 26. è i .
Theor. 2. Plain Triangles are like, if they
are Equiangular, or have all their ſides pro
portional, or have one Angle equal, and
another between proportional Sides, and a
third ofthe ſame kind ; 4. 5. 6. 7. & 6 .
Tbeor . 3. In every Triangle the greater
Side is fubtended to the greater Angle, and
the leſſer to the leſſer, and the equal fide to
the equal. 18. 19. & 1 .
Theor. 4. Two right Lines are Parallel,
if a right Line cutting them makes either the
alternate Angles, or the external and inter
nal, oppoſite Angles, or the two internal
of the same ſide, equal to two right Angles.
And on the contrary, 27. 28. 29. 30. è s.
For parallel Lines are as it were one broad
Theor. 5. The three Angles of a Triangle
are equal to two right Angles; and the ex
ternal Angle equal to the two internal, and
oppoſite Angles, 3 2. è I.
Tbeor.6. If a right Line drawn from the Cen
ter, cut a right Lineinſcribed in theCircle in
half, it will allo cut it at rightAngles, 3.è 3 .
Theor. 7.
of the Mathematicks. IOI
LC Tbeor. 7. A Perpendicular tothe end of
the Diameter, is a Tangentto the Circle by
the 16, 18. 19. è 3.
Tbeor. 8. The Angle at the Center is e
qual to twice the Angle at the Circumfe
rence ,
Theor. 9. In the fame Circle or in equal
Circles, the Angles upon equal Archesare
equal, 21 e 3 :
Theor. 1o . An Angle in a Semicircle is
a right Angle ; 3 5 4 3
Theor. It .If from a pointof the Circumfe
50 rence two right Lines be drawn,onetouching
the Circle, theother cutting it. The meaſure
of the Angle comprehended between them ,
will be equal to half ſo much ofthe Circum
ference as is cut of, 3 2 è 3.
Tbeor. 12. Triangles or Paralellograms of
the fame heighth, or between the fame pa
rallel Lines are to one anocher as their Ba
fes, 35, 36, 37, 38, è 1. And è 6.
Theor. 13. If a righe Line divide equally an
Angle of a Triangle, it will cut the Baſe
into parts proportional to the Legs, 3 è 6.
Theor. 14. Let any Rect
angular Triangle be noted,
wieh che Letters A B C.
So that A ftands at theright CP
Angle, and BA may denote the Baſis, and
CA the Cathetus, and BC the Hypotencfe.
H 2 Theor. 15 .
102 Mr. Oughtred's Key
Theor. 15. In ſuch a Triangle, a Perpen
dicular from the right Angle upon theHy
potenuſe, divides the Triangle into two Tri
angles like to the whole, and to one another.
8è 6.
BC . BA.CA::BA. BP . AP :: CA.AP. CP .

The Hypot. The Baſes. The Perpend .

Hence, 1. the Perpendicular is a mean
proportional between the Segments of the
Hypotenuſe, and therefore the Square ofthe
Cachetus is equal to a Rectangle made by
the Segments . Viz.
BP. AP. CP. and APq = BPxCP .
2. The Baſe is a mean Proportional be
tween the Hypotenuſe, and thatSegment of
it, which lieth next the Baſe, viz .
< BC . BA. BP .
3. The Perpendicular is a mean propor
tional between the Hypotenuſe, and that
Segment of it which lieth next the Cathe
tus, viz . BC . CA. CP.
4. The Square of the Baſe and Cathetus,
are as the Segments of the Hypotenuſe
which lie next them , BP, CP :: BAQ. CAq.
For BP .CP :: BGxBP. BCxCP :: BA.CAQ.
5. The Squares of the Hypotenuſe is equal
to the Squares of the Baſe and Cathetusto
gether. BCq = BAg + CAg. For BC=
BCxBP + BCCP = BAS + CAg. Tbeor. 16 .
of the Mathematicks. 103
Theor. 16. If two
right Lines inſcrib
ed in the Circle , in В.
terfect one another
within the Circle,in D
the Point ( A.) A
Rectangle made by
the Segments ofthe
one, is equal to a
Rectangle made by
other, 35 è 3. But
the Segments of the
other if they interſect one another without
the Circle in the point E. The Rectangles
made of them both from the point to the
Convex and Concave of the Circle are
equal; 36 , 37, è 3. ( 1. ) ABXAC = ADxAF.
For the Triangles BAF. DAC. are like.
(2) EBxEF = EDxEC. For the Triangles
BEC . DEF are like.
Theor. 17. The А B
inward oppoſite an
gles of a four fided
Figure inſcribed in
a Circle, are both E
together equal to
two right Angles. D
And if you draw
two Diagonals, the
Rectangle made by the twoDiagonals will
be equal to the two Rectangles made by the
H 4 op
104 Mr. Oughtred's Key
oppoſite Sides. I ſay, ACxBD = AB CD
+ADxBC. For making DAE = CAB. The
Triangles ACB. ADE are like, and ADC ,
AEB are like alſo .
Wherefore AC. CB : : AD. DE
AC . CD :: AB. BE .
Therefore, duke
Theor. 18. If a
Perpendicular be
drawn from any
Angle of a Ţri.
angle inſcribed in
& Circle to the
oppoſite ſide , as BV A
that Perpendicu
lar is to one Leg
ofthe ſame angle ,
ſo the other Leg is to the Diameter of the
Circle, viz. CE.CB : : CD.CE. For the
Triangles ABC . DCE. are like.
Theor. 19. Triangles having one Angle 1

equal, are to one another in a Ratio com

pounded of their Sides. 23. è 6.

Theox, 20 ,
of the Mathematicks. 105


Tbeor.20. If ( any ſide of a Triangle being

taken for the Baſe, and the other two ſides
for the Legs ) a Rectangle madeby halfthe
Sum and half the Difference of the Sum of
the Legs, and the Baſe be drawn upon a
Rectangle made by half the Sum and half
the Difference of the Baſe, and the Diffe
rence of the Legs. The Square Root of
the Product will be equal to the Area of the
Triangle. Let the Triangle be BCD, the
» Legs BC and BD , the Bale CD . Let the
3 Angles be Bifeeted, BI. CI. DI. concur
ing in l. From whence draw the Perpen
diculars IA . IE. 10. There are then with
in the TriangleBCD, 3 pairs ofequal Tri
angles. Wherefore if to the Legs BC there
be added directly CF - DE.
There will be
106 Mr. Oughtred's Key
BF = +CHBD + CD. And
AC = BF - BD = ;CD + BC— ;BD
CF = BF - BC = CD - 4BC + BD
BG being drawn = BF=, and CK = CF.
Draw the Perpendiculars FH, GH , KH :
and produce Bi to H. Becauſe the Angles
FCK + FHK = to two righe Angles = FCK
+ ACO , and Ang. ACO + AIO = 2 right
Ang. Therefore the Quadrangles FCKH
AIOC are like, and the Triangles CFH,
IAC are like the Triang. BAI, BFH are
like allo. Now I ſay, that the Square of
the Area of the Triangle, viz . BFqxIAJ
= BFxBxAC CF. For
IA. BA :: FH . BF. And
IA. AC :: CF. FH. Therefore
Now Multiply by BF, and there will be, & c.
Probl. 1. From a given Point, or at a
diſtance given, to draw a Line parallel to
a right Line given. This is the 3ièr.
Prob. 2. A right Line being given , from a
given pointin it, to erect a Perpendic. IIè I.
Prob. 3. From a given Point, without the
Line, to drop a Perpendicular to it ,T 12 è 1 .
Prob.4. From the point
given A , without the A
Circle C,to draw a Tan
gent AT. 19èz.
of the Mathematicks. 107
Prob. 5. Three right Lines being given,
to find a fourth Proportional, 1 26.
Prob. 6. Two right Lines AB, AD , being
given, to findamean Proportional, i zè 6 .
Prob. 7. Two right Lines
AB, AC, or AD , AC be.
ing given , to find a third
in continual Proportion ,
II è 6 .

Prob. 8. A Triangle being

given , whoſeheigth is AC ,
and whoſe half Baſe is AB,
to make ADqeqnal to it.
Prob. 9. A Rectangle being given, to make
anotherRectangle equal to it, with a given
ſide, 14ė6.
Prob . 10. A Triangle a

being given , to make

another equal to it, of a
given heigth. From the
heighths A and «,let the
parallel Lines A3 and
oB be drawn to the op B
poſite Angles.
Prob. II. A Poly
gon being given , to
make a Triangle equal
to it, B
108 Mr. Qughtred's Key
Prob. 12. Three points being given, not
lying in a ſtreight Line, to draw a circum
ference through them . 25 € 3 .
Prob. 13. The Baſe and Cathetus of a
Rectangular Triangle being given, to find
the Hypotenuſe, or to add the Square of
one to the Square of the other.
Prob. 14. The Hypotenuſe and Bafe be .
ing given , to find the Cathetus, or to take
the Square of one from the Square of the
other .
Prob. 15. To find the Ratio of two like
Figures, find a third Proportional Aq, Mq
:: A, E.
Prob. 16. A Figure being given, to make
a like Figure in given Ratio , find a mean
Proportional R. VRS :: A. M, if theRa
tio of the Figures be as R. S.
Prob. 17. Toinfcribe a regular Hexagon
in a given Circle, 15è4 .
Prob. 18. To inſcribe a regular Decagon
in a given Circle. Let the Semidiamerce
of theCircle be cut in extreme and meant
Proportion , as the rè z directs.
Prob. 19. To infcribe a regular Pentagon
in a given Circle, find the Hypoterufeof
a Rectangular Triangle, whole Baſe is the
ſide of an Hexagon , and the Perpendicular
the ſide of Decagon .
of the Mathematicks. 10g
011 NOTES.

4 The Sum of three Quantities in con

tinual,& c.] Q : A + E = AA + AE + EE,
or wbich is all one, Q. ZA + E = AA ( AA )
+AETEEAA. Tben A + E = Vu :
E = Vu : AA + AE EEA. After
the same manner there will be found Avu:
AA + , & c.
11. Q : A - 2N : + Q : 2M - E : =
1 Ag + Eq.] It appears thus,
A = VCA . And M = VcAqE
E = VCEC. N = VcAEq
AN= VCAC- 2VcAEq. And
M - E = 2VcAqEcEc. So that
Q : A - 2N : 5VÇAcc = 4VcAgqEqt
Q2M - E : = V cEcc + 4VcAgqEq -4Vc
AqEgg . Wherefore
Q : A - 2N + Q : 2M - E : = Agt-Ed,
16. If in a Circle, brc.]
d. :: 2R . P.
din :: RR. ARP, ;. 6, the Circle .
* 2R aR

110 ofthe Mathematicks.

d . T :: 2RRR. RRP. i, e. the Cylinder.
d.T :: RRR . RRP. i. e. the Sphere »
becauſe the Sphereis } of the Cylinder:
do'a :: ŽRRR. ÇRRP. á e. the Cone, be.
cauſe the Cone isį the Sphere ; and becauſe in
ſerting thefirft Proportion.
7.87 : : P. 2R ) :: . P . R.
7.d :: 4PP. 4RP. theCircle
mn. dd :: PPP.RRP. the Cylind.
AT: did :: APPP.RRP.theSphere.
77. do :: PPP. (RRP. the Cone.
Theor. 20.] Hereyoubave theſe Proportions.
IA. BA :: FH , BH
IA. AC :: CF. FH. Therefore
Multipi'em ,IAqxBFxFH = ACxBAXFHxCF
Divide by FH .IAqxBF = ACxBA CF.
Multip. by BF.IAgxBFq = ACxBAxCFxBF.
Prob. 18.] This depends E
upon the 9tb. Prop. of the
13th Book of Euclide,which B.
faith , that if you joyn BE,
the ſide of an Hexagon to A D
AB the ſide of a Decagon ,
(as in the Figure) that AEis to BE :: BE.AB.
Mr. Oughtred's Key INC
Hence it follows, that if you divide the Sea
midiameter in that wbich is called extreme and
mean Proportion , the greater Segment will be
the ſide of the Decagon .
For ler AB be a
BE =
Becauſe a tb. b :: b . a. ( as is ſuppoſed )
Iben aatab = bb.
And aa = bb - ab. Therefore alſo b is
to a : : a. b+a. That is, the Radius is to
the ſide of the Decagon :: as the fide of the
Decagor to the remainder.
Prob. 19.] This is that is è 4. But con
cerning this matter, ſee Barrow's Euclide, Scol
10 è 13 .


Examples of Analytical Equation, for

Inventing Theorems , and solving
Problems, at which Mark (as it were)
the Præcepts hitherto delivered, do
principally aim .
Rop. I. The Invention ofthe ri è 2, viz .
cut B , a right Line given, ſo that the
Rectangle under the whole B and the leffer
Segment, may be equal to the Square ofthe
II2 Mr. Oughtred's Key
greaterSegment. Call thegreaterSegment) ,
the leſſer will be B - A ; draw B - A upon B ,
and there will be Bq - BA = Aq, or Ag +
BA = Bą. Wherefore vu :Bg + #B : BEA.
the 9, Chap. 16. which Theorem is expref
fed in words thus. If to the Square of the
Line given , be added a quarterof the ſaid
Square, and from the Square-Root of the
Sum be taken , half the Line given, the re
mainder will be the greater Segment.
It is Geometrically
effected thus ; Draw с
AB = B, and to it at
right Angles let BC
= B : and draw the
Hypotenule Ac.Thus A E B
is AC = vu : Bg +
Bq : Cut off CD = BC , the remainder
fhall be AD = Vu :Bq + 1Bq :-1B. Laſtly ,
meaſure AE=AD for the greater Segment:
Prob. 2. The Invention
of the 12 e 2, viż. the com
paring the Baſe of an ob
tuſe Angle with che Sides.
Ler BCD be a Triangle, D B А
whoſe inward Angle at B ,
is obtufe. The Bale is DC , and the sides
BD . BC . Here

of the Mathematicks: 113
BCq - BA9= CA = DCq
( -DAq by the 4 è 2 )-BDq - 2BDxBA
-BAg. Wherefore BCq +-BDq
In words at length thus. In Obtuſe angled
Triangles, the Square of the ſide ſubtending
the obtufe Angle, exceedech the Sum of the
Squares of the Sides, comprehending the
fame Angle by a double Rectangle under
one of the sides about the obtule Angle,
and the Segment of the ſaid Side (produced )
between the obtuſe Angle and the Perpen
dicular .
Prob. 3. The Invention of the 13 2.
viz. the comparing of the Baſe of an acute
Angle with the Sides.
Let BCD be a Triangle, с
e whoſe inward Angle at B is
- ſuppoſed ſharp. The Baſe
1 is DC , and the sides BC.BD. B A D
Here BCq - BAq = CAq = DC9C - DAG,
) by the 7th of the ad.) -BD2 + 2BDxBA
BAq. Wherefore BCq + BDq = DCq + 2B
DxBA. (After the ſame manner would the
Demonſtration proceed; if D did lie be
tween B and A.) In words thus. In acute
angled Triangles, the Square of the Side
ſubrending, the acute Angle is leſs than the
I Sum
"114 Mr. Oughtred's Key
Sum of the Squares, & c. (2BDxBA - BAZ
+ DAq= BDq ſeventh of the ſecond).
Prob . 4. The Invention
of the 14 è 2, viz. of a C
Square equal to the Rect
angle ABX AD .Say AB B MA
+ AD = 2BM . Wherefore D

AB+AD is cut into equal

parts at M, and unequal at A. Therefore
by the fifth of the ſecond ABⓇAD= BMą
-AMG. Now put ACq = ABX AD, and
make a Rectangled Triangle MAC , whole
HypotenuſeCM - BM theSemi-Sum of the
Sides,and the Baſe AM ,equalto the Semi-Dif
ference of the Sides, the Cathetus ſhall be
AC, the Root ofthe Square fought by 48 è I.
The Invention ofthe Area ofa plain Triangle.
Prob. 5. A certain Friend of mine , a
learned Man , brought to me a Tbeorem con
cerning the Area of a plain Triangle, de
firing me to examin and demonſtrate it.
The Theorem was, as I remember, ( for 'cis
many years ago ſince ) almoſt in this form ,
tho not in the ſame Letters.
Ion aplain :BqEq- isEqg7Are equalta
are A.E.B. i
AqBqr 99
wholelides E9A9A > thee Area
Bag th Triangof
of the Mathematicks. 115
After I had a while conſidered of it there
came to my mind 17 è. Chap. 18. Theor. 20 .
which ſeemed moſt fit for the Solution of
this difficulty. For if the two Legs of a .
Triangle be® A and E , and the Baſe B.
From thence it will appear, that A E +
Binto į A + E - Binto B + A - Einto
B - Ate, are equal to the Square of
E the Area ofthe Triangle . Multiplying there
fore thele four Magnitudes continually, there
will ariſe AqEqtš ApBatsEqBqA
99-6Eqq - icBgq. Which isthevery Theo
: rem propounded .
And from hence I not only ſatisfied the
requeſt, but alſo afforded four other Theo
rems, more eaſie to be wrought
For becauſe i A + ;EHB = \ZHB,
and AHEB= Z- B.
| And becauſe BHA - E = ; B +-X ,
and B - A -LE = B X.
Therefore iz + Bx ; Z - B = 22-2Bq
and B + XXX B - X = Bq-- +Xq
'Tis plain chen , That iZqBq upon
h B - Xq = to the Square of the Area of
theTriangle. · In Words thus. If a Quarter
! , of the Difference of the Squares of the Sumi
of the Legs and the Baſe, be drawn into a
quarter of the Difference of theSquares of
the Baſe, and the Difference of the Legs,
I the
116 Mr. Qughtred's Key
the Product will be equal to the Square of the
Area of the Triangle. •
Moreover , becauſe 47qBg upon 4Bq
** Xq = Zq + 6BqXq- % B99 - ZqXq.
Hence in the ſecond place, Za + Xq -- Bg
upon 1Bq mi. • ZqXq = Square of the Area
ofthe Triangle.
Alſo becauſe Zq + Xq= 17 , by ri . Chap.
18. Hence, Thirdly, 22 -- Bg upon Bq
mi. Xq=to the Square ofthe Area of the
Triangle. Laſtly, from theſe compared ,
there will be in the fourth place,
22.Bq -- Rqq -- X.q_
= to the Square ofthe
Area of the Triangle. Theſe laſt Thco
rems are eaſie to be expreſſed in Words.
Prob. 4. The Solution of the Problems
concerning Arithmetical Progreſſion into
Propoſitions. Let the Symbols be there ; O
the firſt and leaſt Term ; a', the laſt and
greateſt; T , the Number of Terms; X , the
Common Difference ; Z, the Sum of all
the Terms. Therefore T- i is the Num . I
ber of Differences. Hence TX -- X = 0
the Sum of the Differences. Three of theſe
five, &, w , T, X, Z. To find the reſt by
the 20 following Propoſitions (for ſo many
are the varieties ) in this order.
Given .
of the Mathematicks. 117

Given . Sought. ByProp.

joe , W , T , Z & X 1 & 2
box, W , X , T & Z 3 & 4 )
foc , W, Z , T & X 5 & 6
fo , T , X , 6 & Z 7 & 8
«, T , Z , & X 9 & 10
«, X, ZO & Til & 12
W , T , X ,jo & Z13 & 14
kw, T , Z ,X & X15 & 16
w, x, Zlx & T17 & 18
T , X , Z,* & W19 & 20

Prop. I. Tw + To = 2Z .


III. to = T by 2.
iv . twtx== 2 Z by ,1 3.

I 3 V.
118 Mr. Oughtred's Key

V. -T by 1 .
w tha

VI . 6q- aq = Xby 4

VII. TX-X+=w by 2.
VIII. TX - X -+-2 « upon T=2Z by i and 7

IX. = w by 1 . V

X. 27—3& = X by 8:
Tq- T

XI. Vu:& q - xX + 4Xg + 2ZX :-X= w. &

by 4 .

XII. Vu :aq- « X + Xq + 2ZX -atix

= T by 8.
XIII. CfX - TX = x by 7.

of the Mathematicks. 119

XIV . 16 + X - TX upon T=2Z by 1 & 13 .

XV .
T = « by s.
XVI. = X by 14 .
Tq - T

XVII .X + vu :wq +wX + Xq - 2ZX: = a by4

according as & ſhall be gr{ ea ter than #X.

XVIII. ( +1XVu:6q
ET by 141
according as a ſhall be present than X.
T XIX. 2 - TX + X
coc by ! o.

XX . + w by 16.
T 2

. 1 4 Prop
120 Mr. Oughtred's Key
Prob. VII. Euclid 11. è 2. hath taught us
to cut a given Line ſo, that the Rectangle
under the whole , and the leſſer Segment
ſhall be equal to the Square ofthe greater
Segment ; which Sexion is almoſt divine.
Now let that Problem be propoſed general
ly. Let the given line AB be ſo cut, that the
Rectangle under the whole AB and lefler
Segment may bear any ratio whatloever to
the Square of the greater Segment. Let it
be as R to Si
Firſt fay R, S :: AB. AC. which may be
a fourth Proportional: then for the greater
Segment put A : the leſſer Segment will be
AB - A : which being drawn into AB will
give the Rectangle ABq - ABⓇA . There
will be then AB. AC :: ABq-ABⓇA. Aq.
and therefore by 3. Chap. 6. ABqxAC
ABⓇAÇxA = ABXÂg, and by a Diviſion
them by of AB. there will be ABⓇACAC
* A = Agor Aq + ACxA = ABXAC ,and by
9. Chap. 16. there is found Vu : AC9 +
ABXAC : - AC = A .
This Theorem is expreſſed in Wordschus..
if to the Square of half the fourth Propor
tional be added a Rectangle under the given
Line and that fourth Proportional; and out
of the ſquare Root of the Sum be taken
half the fourth Proportional, the Remain
of the Mathematicks. 121
der will be the greater Segment. Geome
trically thus, let AB and D
AC be joined in a direct
Line , and to the Dia
meter BC draw a Semi
circle, and upon BC in B F A EC
the point A erect a per
pendicular AD, cutting the Semicircle in D.
Then AC being biſected in E, ler be mea
ſured EF = ED . I ſay, the Line AB is ſo
ſo divided in the point F , that there is,
R. S :: ĄBxBF : AFq. For ACxAF -HAC
xBF = ACxAB = AD = CFxAF (by 6 e 2)
ACxAF +AFQ. Wherefore AC ⓇBF =
AFq. But AB . AC :: ABxBF , ACxBF .
therefore , &c.
Prob. VIII. Either ſide of a rectangular
Triangle (in which a Perpendicular from
the right angle cuts the Hypotenuſe) being,
given , together with BK che difference of
the Segments of the Hypotenuſe : to find
both the Hypotenule and the Triangle iç
ſelf. Firſt let the lefter Side CA be given,
ſuppoſe it be done ,and let the rectangular
Triangle be BAC , in which from the Ver.
tex let fallupon the Hypotenuſe che Perpen
dicular AP, cutting the Hypotenuſe into the
the Segments BP and CP.But CP = BC - BK .

122 Mr. Oughtred's Key
And becauſe BC.CA :: CA. BC - BK

there will be BCq - BCxBK = CAQ. or


BCq - BK BC = 2CAQ. Wherefore by 9.

Chap. 16, Vq BKqt2CAq: + iBK = BĆ .
This Theorem is expreſſed in Words chus,
If the Square of
N half the diffe
А rence of the Seg .
ments of the Hy
F potenuſe be ad
ded to 2 Squares
of thegiven Gide ;
P ... K B and the Square
root ofthe aggre
gate be increaſed with half the difference,
the Product will be equal to the Hypote
Geometrically thus, there being taken
AF = AC , let there be drawn CF, and per
pendicular to it FL = BK , and let CL be pro
duced to N, that LN=;BK ; there will be
CN = BC . Wherefore let there be infcri.
bed in a Circle CK=CN-BK and produce
& c. For CFq = 2CAg, and CLq = 2CAQ
+ *BKq, therefore, & c.
of the Mathematicks. 123
But if the greater fide BA be given, ſuch
an Equation ſhall be found, va: 4 BK.+
2BA: -- ;BK = BC. Taking BC - BK
for PB. And the Geometrical Effection
not unlike the former.
Prob. IX . BF the difference of the ſides of
a rectangled Triangle , and AP , a Perpendi
cular from the right Angle to the Hypote .
nuſe being given,to find the Hypotenule and
the Triangle it felf.
Suppoſe it done : and let the rectangled
Triangle be BAC. Becauſe by 7 è 2 2BAX
AF + BFq = BAg + AFq ; and therefore
BFq = (ABq + AFq,thatis) BCq- (BAX
2CĂ, that is) BCⓇ 2 AP , becauſe BC.CA
:: BĂ . AP. There will be BCq --2APx
BC = BFq. Wherefore by 9 Chap 16, Vu :
APq + BFq: + AP = BC .


124 Mr. Oughtred's Key
This Theorem is expreſfed in Words thus.
If to theSquare of the Perpendicular be ad
ded the the Square of the difference of the
fides, andthe ſquare-root of the aggregate
be increaſed with the Perpendicular . The
Product ſhall be equal to the Hypotenuſe .
Geometrically thus, make PL - BF. And
let LA be extended to N, ſo thatANSAP .
There ſhall be LN = BC. Therefore on
the Diameter BC deſcribe a Semicircle, in
which erect a Perpendicular equal to AP
given. Then drawBA and CA.
Preb. X. BG the Sum of the ſides of a
rectangled Triangle and APa perpendicular
from the right Angle to the Hypotenuſe
being given: to find the Hypotenuſe and
the Triangle it ſelf.
Suppole it done, and let the rectangled
Triangle be BAC. Becauſe by 4 è 2 BGq
(BA -FGAq, that is) BCa + (2BAX
CA, that is ) > APxBC becaule BC.CA :;
BA : AP. There ſhall be BCq + 2APxBC
BGg. Wherefore by 9 Chap. 16 , Vq;
APg + Bq :- AP = BC .

of the Mathematicks. 125



In Words thus , If to the ſquare of the

perpendicular be added the ſquare of the
ſum of the fides , and out of the ſquare
root, of the aggregate the perpendicular be
deducted, the remaining Lineſhall be equal
to the Hypotenuſe.
Geometrically thus, make PL - Bq. and
draw AL from which cut off AN = AP.
There will be LN - BC . On the Diame
ter BC deſcribe a Semi-circle, &c.
Prob. XI. CA one fide of a rectangled
Triangle , and BP the altern Segment of
the Hypotenufe being giventofind the other
Segment and the Triangle it ſelf,
Suppoſe it done : and let the rectangled
Triangle be BAC. Becauſe BP+CP . CA
:: CA : CP. There ſhall be BPxCP + CPq
= CAą. Wherefore by 9 Chap. 16 , VIA
BPq + CA : - BP- CP.
In Words thus, If to the ſquare of halfthe
Segment of the Hypotenuſe, be added the
I quare
126 Mr. Oughtred's Key
F ſquare of the fide
AA given , and out of
the ſquare-root of
the aggregate the
ſamehalf Seg
ment be takenthe
Р M B remaining Line
will be the other
Segment of the Hypotenuſe.
Geometrically thus, ſet at right Angles
BP and PF == CA, and biſeding BPat M ,
draw MF, and meaſure MC - MF. There
fore the other Segment CP is found and
likewiſe BC the whole Hypotenuſe. On
the Diameter BC deſcribe a ſemi- circle, in
which infcribe CA and BA.
Prob. XII. BK the Difference of the Seg.
ments of the Hypotenuſe of a rectangled
Triangle and BG the ſumm of the ſides be.
ing given , to find both the difference of the
fidesandthe Hypotenuſe and alſo the Tri
angle it felf.
Suppoſe it done , and let the rectangled
Triangle be BAC. Becauſe BG . BK :: BC.
BF. by 17 Chap. 18, Tbeor. 16. And BGq.
BKq :: (BCq that is ) BAG + CAą. BFg . Al
fo 2 BG - BKq. BKq :: ( 2BA +2CAq,
BFq that is) BGq. BFq. for by 8 Chap. 18,
2BAC + 2CAq = BGqf- BFq.' Wherefore
Vg: 2 BGqBKq.BG :: BK . BF ::BG. BC.
of the Mathematicks. 127


. In Words thus. If from the Square of

theSum ofthe Sides doubled be taken, the
Square of theDifference of the Segments of
the Hypotenuſe. As the Square Root ofthe
remainder is to the ſum of thesides,ſo ſhall the
Difference oftheSegments of the Hypotenuſe
be, to the Difference of the Sides, and ſo
the Sum of the Sides, to the Hypotenuſe.

Geometrically thus._Set at right Angles

BG and GH = BG . Then on the Diame
ter BH deſcribe a Semi- Circle ; in which
inſcribe HI= BK , and draw BI. Therefore
BI = vq: 2BGq - BKq. Make alſo BL = BK ,
draw GI, and to it a Parallel LF. There.
fore BF the Difference of the Sides is found,
Prob. 13
128 Mr. Oughtred's Key
Prob. 13. BK the Difference of the Seg.
ments of the Hypotenuſe of a Rectangled
Triangle, and BF , the Difference of the
fides, being given, to find the Sum of the
Sides , and the Hypotenuſe , and alſo the
Triangle it ſelf.
Suppoſe it done, and let BACbe the Rect .
angled Triangle. Becauſe BF. BK :: BC
FG . By 17. Chap. 18. Theor. 16. and BFq.
BKq :: ( BCq, that is ,) BAg+CAg. BGg.
Allo 2BFq - BKq. BK9 :: (2BA9F2CA
--BGq, that is,) BFq. BGg. For by 8. Chap.
18. 2BAq + -2 CAq = BGg + BFq.

! A

Wherefore vq2BF9 - BKq. BF : : BK.

BG : : BF. BC . In Wordsthus. If from
the Square ofthe Difference of the Side doub
led be taken, the Square of the Difference
of the Segments of the Hypotenule, as the
Square Root of the Remainder isto the
of the Mathematicks: 120
Difference of the sides; fo fhall the Diffe
rence of the Segments of the Hypotenuſe
be, to the Sum of the Sides, and ſo the
Difference of the Sides to the Hypotenuſe.
Geometrically thus. Set at Right Angles
BF and FH = BF. Then on the Diameter
BH deſcribe a Semi-Circle , in which inſcribe
BI = BK , and draw HI.
Therefore HI= V9 :2BFq - BKq. Make
BL = H . Draw FL , and to it a Parallel IG .
Therefore ' BG the Sum of the Sides is found.
Prob. 14. BF , the Difference of the Sides
ofany plain Triangle, BK the Difference
of the Segments ofthe Bale , and CL, the
Difference given ;the
the Baſe being find theSide
to greater ,
Sum of the Sides, and the Triangle it'ſelfi
And firſt, let the Exceſs be in the Baſe :
fuppofe it done andlet BCD be the Triangle .
Becauſe FB. BK : : BD. G,
by 19, Chap. 18. Theor. 16. There ſhall be
BKⓇBD— BFq=CF. Add BF, and
BK -BD + BF9
2 BF = BC ,.Takethisout ofBD , &
2BFxBD -LBK BD --BFq= 2BFXCL Where

130 Mr. Oughtred's Key
fore 2BFxBD - BKxBD = 2BFxCL + BFq.
And by 3 : Chap. 6.2BF - BK , 2CL -FBF ::
BF. BD : : BK . BG .

B F c L


In Words thus. As the Difference between BE
the doubled Difference ofthe Sides, and the D
Difference of the Segments of the Baſe, is
to the Aggregate of the double Difference,
between the greater Side and the Baſe, and
the Difference of the Sides ; lo the Diffe
rence of the Sides is to the Baſe ; And ſo
the Difference of the Segments of the Baſe,
to the Sum of the Sides.
The Geometrical Praxis is ſo eaſie, that
it may be omitted.
But if the Exceſs be in the greater Side,
the Theorem willbe BK - 2BF . 2CL- BF ::
BF. BD : : BK. BG. I omic the Inveſti
gation of this Theorem, and the Solution
of the Problem , wherein , out of BG , the
Sum of the sides of any plain Triangle,and
BK the Difference of the Segments of the
Bale ,
of the Mathematicks. iji
Baſe, and CL the Difference between the
greater Side, and the Baſe being given ; It
is required to find the Baſe, and the Dif
férence of the Sides, that the Reader may
have wherewithall to exerciſe his skill.
Prob. 15. BG the Sum of the sides of any
plain Triangle. BK the Difference of the
Segments of the Baſe , and CA a Perpendi
cular being given, to find out both the Baſe ,
and the Difference of the sides , and the
Triangle it ſelf.:
Suppoſe it done, and let BCD be the Tri
angle ; becauſe by 17 , Chap. 18. Theor. 16.
. BG . BD ; : BK . BF. And by 5, Chap 18
DKq = BDq + BKq - 2BKXBD. And by
47 è 1. (4ADq, that is,)DKG + 4CAq =
(4CDq, that is;) FGq. There will be
BDq-+-BKC - BK BD + 4CAq = FGq.
Take FG dat of BG : and BĠ9: BDq
= + BKT- BKxBD + 4CAq : <BÉ.
기 Wherefore there will be
BG . BD :: BK . BG - Vq : BDq +-BKI
-2BKxBD + 4CAQ.
And by 3 , Cbap. 6. BKXBD=BGq
, Wq : BGqxBDq + BGqxBKq - BGqx2B
+ KxBD + BGqx4CÃq. Therefore by 8
Chap. 16. Q : BGq-BK -BD ; that is,
1. BGq9 - BGqx2BK «BD + BKqxBDg= BGq
* BDq +-BGqxBKq--BGqx2BKxBD + BG9
* 4CAG
K Ana
132 Mr. Oughtred's Key
And therefore BGqxBDq - BKqxBDq =
BG99 - BGqxBKq - BGqx4CAQ. Or alſo
BG9- BKq upon BDq= BGq-- BKq - 4CAQ
upon BGq.
Therefore va: BG - BKq vq : BGE
BKq -4CA9 :: BG . BD :: BK . BF.

InWords thus. As the Square Root of

the Difference between the Squares of the 1
Sum of the Sides, and the Difference ofthe
Segments of the Baſe, is to the Square Root
of theſame Difference, lels by the Square of
the Perpendicular doubled; fo is the Sum
of the Sides to the Baſe ; and ſo the Diffe
rence of the Segments of the Baſe, to the
Difference of the Sides.
Geometrically thus. On BG the Diame
ter, deſcribe a Semi-Circle ; in which in.
of the Mathematicks. 133
fcribe GH = BK , and BH . Therefore
BH = Vq: BGq - BKg. Again ,on the Dia
meter BH draw a Semi-Circle, in which in
fcribe HI=2CA : and Bli Therefore
BI = VqBGq - BK - 4CAQ. Make BL =
= BG : and from L draw LN, Parallel to
HI, concurring with BI, produced in the
Point N: Here is found therefore BN = BD .

Prob. 16. BF the Difference of the Sides

of any plain Triangle ; BK the Difference
of the Segments of the Baſe ; and CA a
Perpendicular being given : To find both
the Baſe, and the Sum of the Sides, and al
| fo the Triangle it ſelf.
Suppoſe it done. Let BCD be the Tri
angle .
BG . BD : : BK. BF. And DKq= BDq +
BKq - 2BKxBD, by s , Chap. 18. and by
47è 1, (4ADg, that is ) DKG + 4CAq =
( 4CD , that is , ) FGq.
There ſhallbeBDq BKq - 2BKxBD + 4
CAq = FGq. Add FG to BF : and BF + va:
BDq + BKq - 2BKxBD + 4CAq : = BG .
Wherefore BF. BD ; : BK. BFtvq
BDq + BKq - 2BKxBD + 4CAQ. AIC
» BKxBD = BFatvo : BFqxBDq + BFqxB
Kq - BFqx2BKxBD + BFqx4CAq. There
fore Q : BKxBD - BFq; that is, BKqxBDą
---BFgx2BKxBD + BFq = BFqxBDg + BE
134 Mr. Oughtred's Key
9x BKq- BFqx 2BK ~ BD + BFqx4CAQ.
And therefore BKqxBDq - BFqxBDq = BFq
ⓇBKq - BFqq + BFqx4CAg , or allo BKq
-BFq upon BDq= BKq - BFq + 4CAg up
on BFq. Therefore Vq: BKq.- BFq. Va :
BKq - BF9F4CAq :: BF. BD :: BK.BG.

In Words thus, As the ſquare -root ofthe
difference between the ſquares of the diffe
rence of the Segments of the baſe,and of the
difference of the ſides, is to the ſquare -root
of the ſame difference increaled with the
{ quare of the double perpendicular, ſo is the
difference of the ſides , to the baſe ; and ſo
the difference of the ſegments of thebaſe to
the ſumm of the ſides.
Geometrically thus, on BK the Diam. de
ſcribe a ſemicircle in which infcribeKH - BF
and BH . Therefore BH = vq : BKq - BFq.
make BHL = BF and HKI = 2CA . draw BI.
Therefore BI = VI: BK9- BF7 + 4CAQ.
draw alſo LN parallel to HI concurring
with BI extended in the point N. here is
therefore found BN = BD . Prob.
of the Mathematicks. 135
Prob. XVII. In a rectangled Triangle, B
the difference between the Baſe and the Hy.
potenuſe, and Cthe difference between the
Cathetus and the Hypotenuſe being given ;
to find both the Hypotenuſe, and the Tri
angle it ſelf.
For the Hypotenuſe put A, the Baſe
will be A -- B , and the Cathetus A-C, and
by 47 è 1 , the Cathetus is vq: 2BA -- Bq.
Wherefore vq: 2BA - Bq = A - C . and
2BA-Bq = A9 -2CA + Cg. or2B +20
upon A mi aq=Bg+Cq. "Therefore by
9 Chap. 16 , B + C + va: 2BC=A the Hy-.


In Words thus. The Aggregate of the

two differences , that is , the difference
both of the Baſe and of the Cathetus from
the Hypotenuſe, together with the ſquare
root of a double rectangle under the diffe
rences is equal to the Hypotenuſe.
K 4 Geome
136 Mr. Qughtred's Key
Geometrically thus, draw aninfinite line
in which meaſure B, B , and C. This being
taken for the Diameter, draw a ſemi- circle,
and in the common point ofB and C, erect
perpendicularly the Line M. Therefore
Mq = 2BC . alſo from C in the infinite line
mealure M , and with the femi-diameter
M + C + B deſcribe an arch , until it con
cur with the perpendicular line M produced.
Then from the point of concourſe to the
centre ofthat arch draw a line for the Hypo
tenuſe, and lo the ſought rectangled Trian .
gle fhall be deſcribed .
Prob. 18. Unto a given line AB to apply
a Parallelogram equal to a given plain Fi
gure C , which parallelogram Thall fall ſhort
ofthe faid right line, by a parallelogram Fi
gure likeunto Da parallelogram aflign’d.But
the right lined Figure C muſt not begreater
than that which isapplied unto halfthat line,
Prop. 28, è 6 .
In a parallelogram D note with perpendi
cular lines its alcitudes R, and its latitude S;
it is no matter whether of them be greater.
For the ſide of the parallelogram ſought
put A : the ablatitious portion ſhall AB - A
Make S. R :: ABA.ABXR - RXA: The
altitude of the Parallelogram fought; which
being drawn upon A che ſide shall give
of the Mathematicks. 137
E ABxRxA - RxAq_
ĐC : or ABⓇA ---Aq =
and by 9 Cbap. 16.4%+v4.48 4

= A.
7. ! B A


2 X

In Words thus, If C the plain figure given

bedrawn into the latitudeof the parallelo
gram D , and the product be divided by the
Altitude and the quotient taken out of the
ſquare ofhalf the given line AB, the ſquare
root of the remainder encreaſed with the
ſame half, fhall be the ſide of the parallelo
gram fought .
Geometrically thus, make ER= vqC,
Then R. S :: ER . ES . Ser ER and
ES at right angles , and taking SF = ER ,
138 Mr. Oughtred's Key
on the Diameter EF deſcribe a ſemi-circle,
inwhich ere & ing a perpendicularSG , there
will be SGg= CxŠfrom the pointGmeaſ.GH
=AB=HB there will beHS= V :ABq - CxS:
4 R
to which if you add HA=' AB; you ſhall
have AS, the ſide of the parallelogram ſought.
And BS = BA - A the ablatitious portion and
BL parallel to the line ER, ſhall be che alci
tude, therefore the parallelogram ſought is
ASKN being made equi-angled with D.
Prob. 19. Unto a right line AB given to
apply a parallelogram equal to a given plain
figure C ,which parallelogram Shallover-reach
the fard righe line by a parallelogram -figure
like unto .Dagiven parallelogram.Prop.29.è 6.
In the parallelogram D nate the altitude
and latitude, as in the former.
For the ſide of the parallelogram fought
put A : the adjectitious portion thall be A -

AB, make S. R :: A - AB. RxA- ABxR

the altitude of the fought parellelogram :
which being drawn on A the ſide ſhall give
RxAq --ABxRxA = C.orAq - ABxA = CxS.
And by 9 Chap. 16, Vg: ABqt-CxS: + AB
4 R 2
= -A.
of the Mathematicks. 139


In Words thus, ifC the plain Figure given

be drawn into the latitude of the parallelo
gram D ; and the product be divided by
the altitude; and the quotient added to the
ſquare of the half the given line AB : the
ſquare-root of the aggregate increaſed with
the ſame half, ſhall be the ſide of the paralle.
logram ſought.
Geometrically thus,make ER = vqC.Then
RS :: ER. EB = \/CxS. Set ER and EB
at right angles : and taking BF = ER ,
on the diameter EF deſcribe a ſemi-circle,
in which erect a perpendicular BG, and
there ſhall be BGg =CxS. Meaſure
BH = AB = AH . and draw GH = V9: ABq
+ CxS : = HS. Therefore AS = A the
R ſide
140 Mr. Oughtred's Key
fide of the parallelogram fought, and BS = A
- AB the adjectitious portion, and the alti
tude ſhall be SL parallel to the line ER.
Therefore the parallelogram fought is ASKN
being made equi-angled with D.
Prob.20. BC , BD , two ſides of any plain
Triangle being given together with the an
gle B intercepted , to find out the third ſide
or the three ſides being, to find the angle B
oppoſite to one of them .
Suppoſe it done, and let BCD be the Tri
angle. On the center B and ſemi-diameter
BC , deſcribe an arch CK, and drop aper
pendicular CA. Therefore KD is the diffe.
rence of the ſides: and AK the like to the
verled fine of the angle B. For Rad . sv 1

B :: BK . AK=BKX sv B. but AK = BKT

BA, as appeareth by the Schemes compa
And bec. BDg + BKq = both
S2BDxKB + KDq. by 5 Chap. 18, ?
CD4 + 2BDxBA. by 2 ,3 Chap. 19. S
There will be 2 BDxBK + KDg = CDat
2BDxBA . Wherefore 2 BDx BKF2BDx
BA, that is, 2BDXAKT-DKq = CDq. but
2BDXAK = 2BD x BCⓇ sv B. Therefore
2BDⓇBCx sv B + DKq= CDq. which is the
of the Mathematicks. 141
firft Theorem , and CD - KDq upon Rad:
KSV B. which is the ſecond Theorem .


The firſt in Words thus, if a double Re

ctangleunder the fides given be drawn into
che verſed fine of the angle intercepted, and
the product be divided by the Radius : the
Quotient increaſed with the ſquare of the
difference of the fides ſhall be equal to che
fquare of thethird fide.
The ſecond thus, if the difference of the
fquares of theoppoſite ſide and of the diffe
rence of the ſides be drawn upon the Radius,
and the product be divided by a double Re.
& tangle under the containing ſides ; the Quo
tientfhall beequal to the verfed fine ofthe
angle fought.
Prob. 21. In a piece or Fruftumn of a Pyra
mid both the baſes Aq and Eg and the alti
tude L being given, to find the meaſure of
the Fruftum . You muſt firſt know (out of
7 and io è 12 ) that a parallelepipedon is
142 Mr. Oughted's Key
equal to 3 Pyramids, and a Cylinder to three
Cones of the ſame baſe and altitude.
ThealtitudeT of the Pyramid cut off
muſt firſt be fought, thus, A - E. E ::LT.
Wherefore LE - T . and the altitude of the
whole Pyramid is L + T. likewiſe the whole
Pyramid tripled is AqL + AqT. and the Py
ramid dur oft tripled is EqT. Therefore 1

the tripled Fruſtun ofthe Pyramid is AqL +

AgT - EqT.
This Theorem fheweth one way of mea
furing the Fruftum
of a Pyramid. In
words thus , if the
folid under the
ED greater baſe , and
the whole altitude
be leſſened by a ſo
lid under the leffer
baſe and altitude
ofthe Pyramid cut
off ; the third part
of the Remainder ſhall be equal to the Fru
ftum .
Again becauſe by 2 Chap. II, Aq - Eq =
ZX : and T = LE. there ſhall be AqL+
(ZEL, that is, by zè2) AEL + EQL = AQL
ofthe Mathematicks. 143
! +-AqT -- EqT. Therefore the tripled Fru
ftum of the Pyramid is Aq + Eq + AE upon L
This Theorem teacherh another way of
meaſuring the Fruſtum of a Pyramid , in
words thus,
If the aggregate of both the baſes of the
Fruftum of a Pyramid , and of the mean pro
portional between them be drawn upon the
altitude of the Fruſtum , the third part of
the product ſhall be equal to the Fruſtum .
Allo becauſe by 2 Chap II, 2Aqt -2Eq =
Zq +Xq : ZqL + XqL +2AEL ſhall be
equal to Gx Frufta's. but by II Chap. 18, Xq
+2AE=Z. therefore Za+z upon L is e
qual to fix times the Fruſtum of à Pyramid.
And this Theorem teacherh a third way of
meaſuring the fruftum of a Pyramid, in words
thus, If to the aggregate of the baſes be ad
ded the ſquare of theaggregate of the ſquare
roots of both baſes, and their ſum be drawn
upon the altitude of the Fruftum : the fixth
pars of the Product ſhall be equal to the Fru
ftum .
But if the queſtion be about meaſuring the
Fruftum of a Cone. Becauſe according to
Archimedes his diſcovery, the ſemi-circum
ference of a Circle is equal to Z of the Ra
dius (or ſemi-diameter) ferè : or more accu
I rately 11} Rad . the area of a Circle ſhall be
T. f } Rad : q . And 113. 355 :: Rad : 4. A
rea of the Circle. Where
144 Mr. Oughtred's Key
Wherefore the firſt Theorem for meaſu
ring the Fruftum of a Cone is, *** AqL +
4 52 AqT- EqT are equal to the Fru
Itum tripled .
The ſecond is i }i Ag+ i } | Eg + * } }
AE upon L , are equal to the Fruftum tri
The third is a Za + * } } Z upon L , are
equal to the Fruftum of a Cone fixfold.
Prob. 22. A Problem of Apollonius Pergus
Ev cevernuopelég tóczą. Two points A,B, being
given in a plain , to deſcribe a Circle, to
whoſe Circumference the right-lines AB,
BD , drawn from the ſame Points, fhall have
the ratio of R to S.
Suppoſe it done, and let theCenter of the
Circle fought be C in the ſame right-line
with the points: A , B ; and the ſemi-diame
ter CD . Make R.S :: S. T. Now becaufe
the two Triangles ACD , DCB. (wherefo
ever the point D be taken ) are as AC to
BC : and the fides DA, DB, alike oppoſite
to the common Angle C, are in the Ratio of
R to Si and the fide CD common to both :
Onemay eaſily conceive the Triangles ACD ,
DCB to be like. and by i Chapa 15 , AC.
AC :: Rg. Sq :: R.T. If thereforefor BC
be put A : there ſhall be ABTA.A :: RT.
and ABxT + TXARⓇA : or ABxTEA :
R - T
Laſtly, V : ACxBC : = DC In
of the Mathematicks. 145


A. B с.

In Words thus, If the ſpace between the

5 points be drawn into the third proportional
Term of the ratio given : and the Product
be divided by the exceſs of the firſt Term a
bove the third : the Quotient ſhall be equal
to the diſtance of thenearer point from the
Center : and the ſquare root of the Rectan
gle under both diſtances from the Center
ſhall be equal to the ſemi-diameter. The
Geometrical Effection is eaſie.
Prob . 23. In a Tun or Wine-veſſel , the
internal Longitude 2CL ; and the two ſemi
diameters, namely , CB at the Bung , and
LD at the Head, being given, to findthe
capacity of the Tun it ſelf. A Tun is a
Fruftum of a Sphæroides, which ſolid Figure
is made by the revolution of half an Ellipſis
(or Oval ) about its tranſverſe diameter or
axis. Now that the meaſure of the Fruítum
may be found out, the Meaſures both of the
whole Spheroides and of the Portions cut off,
muſt be known. For the difference of theſe
L Meaſures
146 Mr. Oughtreds Key
Meaſures is the Meaſure of the Fruftum .
The Solidity of the whole Spheroides is
} } } BCq upon ; IK , which is double a cone
made on the baſe BCB, at the altitude IK .
Archimed . de Conoid. Spheroid. Prop. 29.
And the Solidity of IED the portion cut
off is had thus, LK . LK + KC :: { } } LDq
upon LI. Solidicy fought. Ibid. Prop. 31.
But there is yet wanting (that which is
the main hinge of this buſineſs ) the tranſ
verſe diameter or Axe IK : which you ſhall
thus find.
Suppoſe that done which is required ; de
fcribe an Ellipfis,dc, as in the ſcheme. And
make CK . CB :: CB. СВq = CR , half the
right latus by 13 Lib. i Conic. Apollor . Again
make CK. СВq :: CK + CL.
CBq upon CK + CL= LN, draw it upon
IL, that is, CK-CL (which is alt one as if
you draw CBq upon CKq - CLG by rı Cb.
18.) and there ſhall ariſe
CBqxCKq - CBqxCL9 = LEq, by 13 Lib.I.
Conic. Apollon . Therefore va : CBq - LET
= CK the Semiaxe ; that is, OP
СК .. Which
of the Mathematicks: 147
Which Theo
rem is expreſſed
in Wordsthus, If F N.
the Square ofthe E LD
ſemi-diameter of P
the middle of the
Tun be drawn R
into the Square Q B 0

of halfche length ,
and the Product
be divided by the
Difference be H
tween the ſquares K
of the ſemi-dia
meters of the middle and baſe : the ſquare .
root of the Quocient ſhall be the Semiaxe of
the Spheroides .
Geometrically thus, draw EO parallel to
the Axe ; and on the ſemi-diameter CP =
CB make an arch cutting EO at P ; extend
CP until it concur with the baſe LE produ
ced at F. Then CF ſhall be equal to the
Semiaxe lought. Otherwiſe, becauſe CP =
CB : and CO = LF : there will be (Vu :
CB - LEq) OP. CB :: CL CF=CK.
Confe&tary. From hence it appears that the
Meridians in the Analemma are true Ellipſes.
For Example, fuppole CIFQ a Quadrant of
the Analemma, in which is deſcribed an Ellip
E fis IEB , I lay the ſame is a Meridian ; for
L2 lince
148 Mr. Oughtred's Key
ſince CQ isa Quadrant of theÆquinoctial,
and FL a Quadrantof its parallel : and that
'tis the property of the Meridians to cut the
Aquinoctial, and all its parallel Circles into
like Segments by 10 Lib. 2 Spbæra.
If thereforeit appear that CQ . CB :: LF.
LE : the Ellipfis IEB cutting them ſhall be a
Meridian. But CF = CQ and CP = CB and
OCLE . And CF. CP :: LF. OC . I

Prob. 24. BC the Hypotenuſe of a Recto
angled Triangle, and CM a mean Propor
tional between the Bale and the Cathetus be
ing given , tofind out the Triangle.
Suppoſe it done, and let BAC be the rect
angled Triangle ; becauſe the Baſis is BA
the Cathetus ſhall be vqBCq - BAq : and
the Rectangle under them VqBCqxBAq
BAgq : The Square root whereof is vag :
BCqxBAq - BAqq : themean Proportional
1 between the Baſe and the Cathetus.
Again , becauſe the Cathecus is CA ,
the Baſe ſhall be vq: BCq --CAq : and
the Rectangle under them, Vq: BCqxC Aq
-CAqq : the Square root whereof is vag :
BCqxCAq-- CĂqq the mean Proportional
between the Bafe and the Cathetus.Wherefore
BCqxBAq --BAqq=CMqg, and
BCqxCAQ - CAq = CMqq.
Therefore by 9 Chap.16.
of the Mathematicks. 149
BCa+ va : BCqq - CMqq : = CAT
In Words thus,
if to half the DA

ſquare ofthe Hy
potenuſe be ad
ded the Square

root of the Ex с F P
ceſs of a quarter
of the Quadrato
quadrate of the M.
Hypotenuſe a
bove the Quadra
to-quadrate of the mean proportional be
tween theBaſe and the Cathetus ; the Aggre
gate ſhall be the Square of the Baſe ; but if
the ſame be deducted from it, the Remainder
ſhall be the ſquare of the Cathetus.
Geometrically thus, on the Diameter BC
and Center E , the middle point thereof,
deſcribe a ſemi- circle , then make BC. CM
:: CM. CD = AF a perpendicular within
theſemi-circle . Therefore BCxAFSCM .
makeup theTriangle BAC. for: BC(AEq)
-AFq = EFq. Wherefore { BC + ( ÉF )vq
: .BCq - AFq;= CF Draw all upon BC
and there will be ; BCq + va: 4BCqq- (BC
* AF9) CM793_BC CF = CAQ.
L 3 Prob.
150 Mr.Oughtreds Key
Prob. 25. BA , the Baſe of a rectangled
Triangle , and AM , a mean Proportional
between the Hypotenule and the Cathetus,
being given, tofind the Triangle.
Suppoſe it done , and let BAC be the
rectangled Triangle ; Becauſe the Cathetus
is CA, che Hypotenuſe will be vq : BAgt
CAq : and themean Proportional between
them vaq: CA997-BAqxCAg. Allo be
cauſe the Hypotenule is BC , the Cathetus
Shall be vo : BCI - BAq, and the mean
Proportional between them vq : BC99
BAqxBCq Wherefore
CA9FBAqxCAq = AMgg. and
BC99 --BAqxCAq = AMqq.
Therefore by 9 Chap 16.
va::BAgg + AMgg: # !BAq= {ВС


of the Mathematicks. 151
In Words thus, if from the ſquare root of
1 the Summ of a quarter of the Quadrato qua
1 drate of the Bale, and of the Quadrato qua
drate of a mean Proportional between the
Hypotenule and the Cathetus be taken the
half. {quare of the Bale ; the remainder ſhall
be the ſquare of the Cathetus ; but if the
ſame be added to it, the Aggregate ſhall be
the ſquare of the Hypotenule.
Geometrically thus, make BA. AM ::
AM. AD. perpendicularly. Therefore BAX
AD = MAQ. From the point E the middle
of the Baſe to the perpendicular AD, draw
ED = EF . And on the diameter BF de
ſcribe a ſemi-circle, cutting AD in C. Then
having drawn BC , make up the Triangle
BAC. for 4BAg + ADq = EFg. Wherefore
Vg: BAg + ADq:F +BA = { BE draw all
upon BA : and there ſhall be Vq ;BAggt
( BAq.x AD , that is ) AMqq : FiBA =
Comle&tary. And from theſe two Propofi
tios appeareth the Geometrical Effection of
Equations, in which are three Species equal.
ly aſcending in the order of the Scale,the
higheſt of them being the Quadrato- quadra
tick .

L4 Prob .
152 Mr. Oughtred's Key
Prob. 26. I ſhall alſo add a littleconcerning {

the biſection , triſe &tion , and quinquilection

of Angles or Circumferences, to ſet forth
the Excellency and admirable uſe of this
Art ; their geometrical Praxis is not yet
found, nor the Meſolabium : Nevertheleſs,
in Sečt. 15. Chap. 18, I have touched upon
ſome Cubick Equations ; A diligent skilful
Algebriſt may find innumerable others, by
help whereof the Meſolabium , which hither
to hath lain in Darkneſs, may paradven
ture at length be diſcovered.
)) C



of the Mathematicks. 153
Diſtinguiſh , in a Circumference, ſeven
equal parts, from O the end of theDiame
ter, with Letters A, B, C, D , E, F, G ; draw
Subtenſes alſo as in the Scheme. Take MX
= MB ; draw AX and XB ; and a diame
ter NRÁ ; and OE a perpendicular to CT,
and EK a perpendicular to OG. Becauſe
by 17 Chap. 18, Tbeor. 1 , AB = AX : The
Triangles BMX , ORA , OAX are like ;
and therefore OAq
= OX.likewiſe the Tri
angles OAB, ARM are like; and by 47 è I
MA = Vq: 4 Rad : q - Aq.
Theſe things thus premiſed, there ſhall be
RA. MA, that is, Rad.Vq:4 Radq - OA
} 4RadgxOAq + OAqq;
:: OA.OB.Therefore Rada
= OBq : which is the duplication of an an
And4RadqxOAq - Aqq= RadqxOBq;
which is the bilection of an angle .
Then becauſe OS = OA. and SA = OX .
and NS = MX = MB. There ſhallbe by
17 Chap. 18. Theor. 16. = SC : that is
2 Rad
Rad upon Rad divided by OA
2 RadqxOA - OAc SC . and if OA
Rad 9
154 Mr. Oughtred's Key
be added, then there ſhall be
2 Rad qxOA- OAC OC : which is the
triplication of an angle.
And 3 Rad qxOA - OAc= Rad qxOC :
which is the trafection of an angle.
Alſo becauſe 2 ET + CB = OE. and MO .
MB :: OC . OT : that is, 2 Rad. 2 Rad
OA :: 3 RadqxOA-OAC
Rad Rada
6 Rad qqx0A - 5 Radq* OAc + OAqc:
Rad qq
out of the double whereof if OA be taken,
there ſhall remain ,
s Rad 99 x 0A- , RadqxOAc + OAqc
= OE : which is the quintuplation of an
AndOAgc - sRadqxOAc + 5 Radqqx
OA = Rad qqxOE : which is the quinqui
legion of an angle.
And after thismanner we may proceed to
find the ſeptiſe& ion, namely 7 RccxOA
14 RgqxOAc + 7 Rax OAqc + OAqq =
RocxOG . For MO. MB :: OE. OK . and
2 OK - OC = OG . The operation I leave
to the Studious.
Now becauſe the Radius isput firſt, which
in Multiplication and Divilion alters no
of the Mathematicks. 155
thing, therefore in all theſe Equations the
Radius with all its powers may beomitted.
But by what artifice thoſe elaborate E
quations ( inwhich there arenot only three
ſpecies equally aſcending in the orderof the
Scale) may be reſolved, tho it belong not
to my preſent deſign to teach : yet what I
have written many years ago, for the uſe of
Right honourableand Learned Lord Aungier
and Baron of Longford , I ſhall willingly,
with all poſible brevicy, communicate for
the benefit of the Students in the Mathema

Soli Deo Gloria.



Probl. 14.] After the Solution of this prob

lom , be mentioneth another Caſe ofit, and al
ſo propoſeth another Problem : For the other
Caſe begives the Theorem , but forbears the In
veſtigation of it, and omits the solution of the
5 other
156 Of the Reſolution of
other Problem . Both oftheſe I will bere Set {

down at large.
For that Caſe of this Problem , when the Ex
ceſs is in tbe greater Side thus.
1. BF . BK :: BD . 1

BDxBK - BF9 FG .
BDxBK - BFq.= FC. Add BF, and
3. 2BF
there will be

BDxBK +-BF9 = BC. And

4. 2BF

5. BD + BDxBK + BFq = CL, becauſe

2 BF
BC - BD = CL.
6. BDxBK - 2BFxBD + BFq = 2BFxCL.
7. BDxBK - 2BFxBD = 2BF CL - BFq.
8. BK - 2BF. 2CL - BF :: BF. BD ::
For the other Problem , in which BG. BK. CL.
are given, to find, &c. Thus,
1. BG . BD :: BK . = BF.
2, =
ofthe Mathematicks . 157
BG9 - BDxBK =FC.
2 BG
4. 2BG
2BGxBD -- BKxBD — BG9_CL.
5. 2BG
6.2BGxBD - BKxBD - BGq= 2BGXCL.
7.2BGxBD - BKⓇBD = 2BGXCL + BGq:
1 8. Therefore, 2BG - BK. 2CL + BG ::
BG . BD : : BK . BF.
Prob. 22.] It appears, that A DC and DBC
are likeTriangles, thus,FEC is the ſameTriangle
with ADC. Now then ,in theTriangles AFE,
EDB, tbe Angle FAE=DEB. And about
the Angle FEA , and BDE there are propor
tional Sides, FE. AE :: DB. BE . ( For
'tis ſuppoſed, that AD . (FE ) DB : : AE . BE.)
And the Angles AFE , and EDB are Homoge
neal. Therefore the Angle FEA = Angle DBE,
and therefore DBC , and FEC , or ADC are
like Triangles.

158 of the Reſolution of



Affected Equations

1. HE manner of conſtructing an
"T affected Equation. Take , as
you pleaſe, for B , 3 : for C916 :
for Dc, 125 : for Fqg, 1296, Lc. (it is no
matter whether thenumberstaken be truly
figurate or no ) and of theſe Co -efficients
let there be made a Quadrato Cubick Equa
tion . Let it, being framed according to the
latter analytical Table ,be Lac -- 5BL99 + 10
CqLc- !0DcLg + sFqq = Gqc, which in
Numbers, putting L (the root ) 47, ſhall be
iqc - 1599 + 1600-12509 +6480 =
170304782. Or, the diſtinction of the uncia
Affected Equations. 1.59
being omitted , for 1599 ſay BLqq ; for
1600 ſay CqLc ; for 12goq lay DcLq ; and
for 6480l ſay FogL : For if L be 47, then is
Lq= 2209 : and Lo = 103823 : and L99 =
4879681 : and Lac = 229345007 .
The Practice of this Conſtruction.
BLO 229345007 Lac
19x487968 -73195215
CqLc 156149792
160x103823 +16611680
DcLq 172761472
1250X2209 -2761250
Faq 170000222
6480x47 +- 304560
170304782 Gạc
2. Let there be propoſed any Equation
whatſoever, fupppoſe that now found,
1qC 1599 + 16oc -- 12509 +648015
170304782 ; or the Numbers being changed
into Symbols,
Lac - BLqq + CqLc - DcLq-+- F9qL = Gqc.
And if there were more Species of Affe
1 &tions, conſequently they might be expreſſed
by Hcc, Kqqc, Mqcc , Nccc , and ſo on

3. Of
160 Mr. Oughtred's Key
3. Ofthe Root L to be found out of thele,
there are two parts; namely, A the firſt ſide
and E the ſecond , or any ſide following:
Wherefore L = AFE. and all the powers of
L are equal to the like powers of ATE :
as Lq =A+ 2AE+Eq : and Lc= Act
3AqĒ + 3AEq + Ec, dc.
He therefore, which defires to learn this
numerous Reſolution of affected Equations,
ought to be very well verſed in the Geneſis
and Analyſis of pure Powers. 1

4. In thepropoſed Equation, the Poteſtas

reſolvenda, is viz. 170304782, or Gąc, is
Quadrato -cubick : of which kind allo are
all the other ſeveral ſpecies of affections.
For Heterogeneals can neither be added one
to another, nor ſubſtracted one from ano
5. Wherefore in the ſeveral Affections
two things are to be conſidered ; the degree
of the Affection and the Co -efficient. As in 1

1599 che degree of Affection is quadrato-qua

dratick, and the Co efficient 15 is lateral : in
1600 the degree of Affection is cubick , and
the Co efficient 160 is quadratick : in 12504,
the degree of Affection is quadratick , and
the Coefficient 1250 cubick. Laſtly , in
64801 the degree of Affection is lateral, and
the Coefficient 6480 quadrato quadratick :
as will evidently appear by comparing both
Affected Equations. 161
the Deſi gnations of that Equation . And
from hence ariſe two Conſectaries, for the
Extraction of ſingle Roots.
6. The fiift Conſectary is, if the Root of
the Co-efficient according to its own kind,
drawn upon the degree of Affection , bé
multiplied upon the Co-efficient: the product
s ſhall be of the ſame kind with the poteſtas
S. Reſolvend : as in the fore going Equation ,
if the fide 15 multiplied quadrato quadra
tickly be drawn upon 15 ; and if v qi6o cu
3 bed be drawn upon the Square 160 ; and if
the vc 1250 ſquared be drawn upon the
- Cube 1250 ; laſtly, if Vqq6480 be drawn
upon the quadrato quadrate 1480 ; out of e
BE very one of theſe Multiplications thail ariſe
a quadrato-cubick Number.
And this analytical Multiplication is the
way of reducingany Coefficient to the Spe
e cies of the ( Power to be relolved or) Poteſtas
Refolvenda, moſt uſual in the Extraction of
the firſt ſingle Root .
7. Whence alſo it clearly appears,that if
the Number ariſing out of the Coefficients
reduced after this manner and compared , be
leſs than the Poteſt as Reſolvenda, its fide alſo
is leſs than the ſide ofthe Poteftas Reſolvenda,
but if greater , 'tis
greater, and if equal, e
qual . Therefore in this Equation , iqc
15994-1600-125097-64801 = 170304782
oor 170304782 +1599 16oct12509 -
or = 684
162 Of the Reſolution ofthe
6480l = ıqc , if both the lateral co - effi
cient 15 andalſo v 160, and alſo VC1250 ,
and laſtly, vg96480, be Quadrato-Cubed
there ſhall come forth four Homogene Spe
cies of Affections; namely 759.3.., 3238.i,
1450 . :, 0581 .. , which indeed is eaſily done
by Logarithims, and accurately enough for
the purpoſe. The manner of the Opera
tion is to be fetched out of the end of this
Treatiſe, where ſome Rules are delivered
concerning Logarithms. ( See Sext, 27, to
gether with theend ofthis Treatiſe.
Logarithems. Coefficients:
1 ) 2) 3) 4 )the Dimenſionsin the Coefficents
I ) 5X1 , 17609 1599
5, 88045 7593 ..

2 ) 2, 20412 16ос 1

SXI, 10206 : 12165

5, 51030 -3238..

3 ) 3 , 09691 12509 (
5x1, 03230. 10 8
5, 16150 1450

4) 2, 81157 64801
3x0, 95289. 81 97 -0581 ..
4, 76445 In
Affected Equations. 163
In the Equation propoſed , the Species,
according to their reſpe & ive Signs, being
| gathered into one Sum , there fhal be
170304700 + 759300—323800 + 145000
-058100 = 1q = 170827100.
Which may be done in like manner in other
8. The fecond Confectary is ; If the Pote
ſtas Reſolvenda be divided by the Coeffici
ent, the Quotient ſhall be referred to the
ſame degree of Affe & ion ; thatis, the Quo
tiene ſhall be a fide, if the Affection be un
der a fide ; or a Square, if under a Square;
and ſo of the other degrees.
As in the former Equation. If 170304782
be divided by 15 , the Quotient ſhall be
Quadrato- quadratick ; if by 160, the Quo.
tient ſhall be Cubick ; if by 1250 the Quo
tient ſhall be Quadratick ; if laſt of all, by
6480, the Quocient ſhall be Lateral. Where
fore not always the Quotient, but moſt
commonly itsſide, according to thedegree
of Affe & ion, ſhall be che ſingle ſide to be

9. In theInveſtigation alſo of the ſecond

ſide this muſt be oblerved, that as the num
ber of Figures in the Quotient is, fo is its
degree moſt commonly to be valued. Asif
M 2
164 of the Reſolation of
if the Quotient conſiſt of one Figure only,
'ris a fide; if of two , a Square ; if three, a
Cube, &c. And if the Quotient exceed 5 ,
or 50, or 500, &c. It may perhaps be ex
tended to the following Degree, eſpecially
in greater Affections. And theſe are the
Laws of Analytical Diviſion .
10. Neither will it be neceſſary in this
Multiplication and Diviſion , to run through
the whole Poteftas Reſolvend with the whole
Coefficient, but only as far as the next con
gruent Point.
11. For in the Reſolution of affected E
quations , all the punctations of the De
grees muſt be made in the Poteſtas Reſol
vend; as they are in the Pure , thoſe of the
higheſt degrees above, and thoſe of the o
ther degrees beneath.
The Coefficients alſo, each for their Spe.
cies relpectively are to be pointed. The
Punctations of the former Example ſhall be
chus ,
190—1599 + 1600--1350q + 064101
= 170304782

12. The Number of Points ( eſpecially if

the Coefficient be negative) ſhall regularly
Affected Equations. 165
in each kind be equal. Wherefore if the
Poteftas Reſolvend have more or fewer
Points above it, than the Coefficient hath,
let ſo many Noughts be ſer before the de
feative Number, that the points ineach may
be equal. And in extracting the ſeveral
Sides, that Point of the Coefficient which
proper to that fide, is to be fet under the
like Point of the Poteftas Relolvend : Which
Shall be well done, if the Unites place in
the Coefficient be orderly ſet back , unto
the lower Points of the Poteftas, anſwering
$ to the degree.
13. Ifany Coefficient be a Fraction, or a
ſurdSide, let it be reduced to Integers with
* Decimal Parts.
14. And if it be needful to continue the
extraction of the Root in Decimal Parts ;
you ſhall fer down after the ſeparating Line,
ſo many Noughts as ſhall be thought re
quiſite, marking them in like manner with
Points above and beneath .
> 15. A Table ſhewing both the Diviſors
aud Gnomons, for the finding out the fin
gle Sides in affected Equations , collected
and to be continued out of the latter Ana
lytical Table.
And note , that all the Species of every
Coefficient are afficinative, if the Coeffici
ent itlelf be affirmative , and negative, if
that be negative . M3 For
2ÄE ECgq=}
AC3 . 3AE Ес

C E.
Aqg4AC Eqq
4AE C.
B3A F9=
Cq2A E::


Cq3A qEE..
CqEc Gq=

2A E.
Ag DcEq
gqAFqqe. &c.
Affected Equations. 167
16. The Diviſors are every where taken
out of thoſe Things which are given in
Meaſure, being diſpoſed in their jult Order,
and added together, a regard being had to
their Signs.
17. If the higheſt Power of any Equation
be negative, that Equation is ambiguous.
18. The firſt ſingle Side may be extract
ed by theſe Rules , taken out of the two
Conſectaries, Se&t. 6. and 8.
Firſt, Ifthe Coefficient, ſet in its right
place, ſtand ſo far backwardthat it ſcarce
reachech to the firſt point of the Poteftas
Reſolvend; nor, being analytically reduced,
make any notable mutation therein ,itmay
in the extraction of the firſt ſingle Side be
quite neglected.
Secondly, If the Coefficient ſet in its
right place, ſtand forth very forward , and
be affirmative , it is to be devolved from
point to point, until there be place for Di
viſion. By which Diviſion , the Quotient
found , Ahall be referred to the degree of
Affection . Which is alſo to be underſtood
in the extra & ion of the leffer Root of an
ambiguous Equation.
Thirdly, Butif the Coefficient be Nega
tive, and conſiſt of more Points than the
Poteftas Reſolvend, let the deficient places
be ſupplied with Noughts prefixed, and for
M4 the
168 Of the Reſolution of
the firſt ſingle Side, let the Root of the Co
efficient, according to the kind thereof, be
Fourthly, If on both Sides the Points
be equal , and the numbers in the firſt
Point, both of the Coefficient andthe Po
teſtas Reſolvend, do not much differ. The 1

Coefficient being reduced ( by Analytical ?:

Multiplication ) unto the rank of the Po 0

teftas, by its Root of that kind for which

it is pointed, extracted under the congru
ent Point ; if it be negative, is to be added
to the Poteftas Reſolvend ; if it be affirma
tive , is to be ſubducted from it. For if
Ac + CqA = Dc, then Ac= Dc + CqA. But 1

if the greater Side ofan ambiguous Equation

be fought, the Poteftas Reſolvend is to be
fubducted out of the Coefficient reduced,
for if there be CqA - A = Dc
there will be Ac= CPA - Dc.
Then the Root of the Sum or Difference
ſhall be the firſt Root to be extracted . And
note, that the greater Side of an ambiguous
Equation is found out ſometimes by Divi
fion ; ſometimes by extraction of the Root
out of the Coefficient, but moſt common .
ly by. Reduction of the Coefficient.
19. And theſe Precepts being diligently
conſidered, that at length ſhall be the first
true ſingle Side, which firſt of all afford
Affected Equations. 169
eth ſuch a Diagonal ; which, together with
the Coefficientsmultiplied, as the condition
of the Equation requires, according to the
precedent Table; and all being gathered
into Sum, ( diligent regard being had to
the Signs and Seats, or Places,) ſhall bring
forth a number not greaterthan the Poteſtas
Reſolvend, from which it is to be ſubducted.
And it is to be noted , that a negative
Number, how great foever, is leſs than e
very both affirmative, and leſſer negative.
As -4 is leſs than 1 , and than -I .
Alſo'tis to be noted , that Subduction chang
eth the Sign of the Number to be ſubduct
ed : As out of 4 take 6 , there remains 4-6 ;
that is, -2. And out of 4 take -6,
their remains - 4 + 6 , that is 2. Laſtly,
out of 4 take --6, their remains 4+6, that
is 10. Wherefore in the extraction of the
firſt ſingle Side, fone tryals muſt be made
until you find out the true ide ; which
you ſhall certainly know by the next grea
ter .
20. In the conſtitution of the Diviſor ,
xo for finding out the ſecond Side ; the fear of
the Coefficienc being drawn into any de
gree , muſt be ordered according to the
Punctation of its proper Degree ; that is,
the ſeat of the Coefficient under a ſide, ſhall
be diftant one place towards the left Hand,
170 of the Reſolution of
from the Point or Seat of the Coefficient
it ſelf ; the Seat of the Coefficient under a
Square two placas, under a Cube, three,
&c. And to avoid confuſion , it will do
well in the remainder of the Poteftas Re
folvend, to diſtinguiſh only thoſe Puncta
tions, which ſerve for the preſent Extra
& tion .

21. Then the ſecond ſingle Side ſhall

be extracted thus. Let the Diviſors of e .
very kind found by the precedent Table,
and diſpoſed in their juft order, be gather
ed into one Sum ; and let the remainder of
the Poteftas Reſolvend be divided by that
total Diviſor.
For the Quotient conſidered ( ifneed be )
according to the Laws of Analytical Divi
fion, ſhall give the ſecond ſingle Side to be
But in this Inveſtigation many times, e
fpecially if the Aggregate of the negative
dividing Quantities, be almoſt equal to the
Aggregate of the affirmative, ſo that the
Divifor be much leſs than the remainder
of the Poteſtas Reſolvend , there will be
great lubricity ; which never the leſs the in
genious Analyſt will avoid.
22. Let
Affected Equations. 171
1 22. Let this therefore be a perpetual Rule :
à That at length is the true ſecond ſingle fide,
which firſt of all affordeth a Gnomon , con
fiſting of Complements of every kind, and
Coefficients multiplied ( as the Condition of
the Equation fball require) according to the
precedent Table; and all being gathered
into one Sum, diligent regard being every
where had both to the Signs and Seats ;
J which Gnomon is not greater than the po
teſt as Reſolvend, from whence it is to be ſub
ducted . Wherefore trial muſt be made ,
until the true Rootbe found; which alſo by
the next greater ſhall be moſt certainly
3 known.
23. All the other ſingle ſides after the ſe.
cond, are moſt eaſily gotten by ordinary Di.
24. If the Affections be compounded of
Affirmatives and Negatives, the foregoing
Precepts are to be uſedmixtly with skill and
judgment : and in eſtimating the ſides a
greater Affection ſhall ever weigh down a
leſſer. But frequent exerciſe both in the Ge
meſis and Analyſis of all ſorts of Powers will
render theſe matters eaſie and familiar,
25.But becauſe I have ſometimes formerly
fpoke of a neceſſity of Trials, which would
be troubleſom in manifold Affections, and
where the degrees are ſomewhat high, I
172 Of the Reſolution of
ſhall here, to cloſe all, ſet down two ways
ofeaſing that Trial. One by depreſſion out
of Chap. 16. Seet 7 . of my Clavis ; another
by the Canon of 1000 Logarithms. But in
boch chefe ways, if the Equation be ambigu
ous, all the Signs thereof areto be changed.
Here alſo 'tis to be noted, that a negative
Number, how great ſoever, is leſs than every
boch affirmative and leſſer negative.
26. To find the ſingle ſidebs y depreffion.
If the firſt single fide be ſought; in every
given Species of the Equation, cut offwith a
feparating Line all the points after the firſt.
Then divide all the Species by the Latus, that
is, depreſs them one degree.
Examp.I. 199–7207238600l=8725815.
This by depreſſion is made ic +238165
29 = L ) 87215. If A be 4, then 4 ) 872
15 ( 218 1, juft.
And +-64 + 423816-1152 = 18714
leſs than juſt.
If A be's , then 5 ) 87215 ( 17415 juſt.
And + 125 + 23816-1800 = 18316 ;
greater than juſt.
Therefore the true fide A = -1. that
is, 4.
Affected Equations. 173
Examp. II. Of an ambiguous Equation
10–325715-45744. This by depreſſion
is made, 19-3215 = 1-45 / 7.
If A be 4, then it ſhall be 4 )—45 3 ( -1114
And + 16-32155-165,leſs than juſt.
If A be 5, then 5 )-4517 (-1, juſt.
And + 25–32153-715, greater than
2 Therefore the true fide A = 5 + that is 4:
Ifthe ſecondſingle ſide be ſought. In eve.
ry ſeveral Species cut off all the points after
the ſecond ; then divide all by the Square,
that is, depreſs them two degrees. As in
Examp. I. 199–7207-23860 ?l= 8725815.
This by depreſſion becomethiq + L )238600
-72=Q) 8725815 .
If Ä be 47, then 2209)8725815 (3949. juſt:
And 2209 + 5077-3384 = ;896. leſſer
than juſt.
If A be 48, then 2304 )8725815 (3787.juſt.
And 2304-4-4971 - 3456 = 3819. greater
than juſt.
Therefore the true ſide is, 48-1 , that is,
27. To find the ſecond ſingle Side by Lo .
The Index of every Logarithm is taken
out of the Table in the beginning ofthe Cla
vis ,
174 Of the Reſolution of the
vis, according to the diſtance of its firſt Fi
gure, before or after the Unites place , the
Index whereof is o. Therefore the ſame
Figures diſpoſed in the ſame Order have the
fame Logarithm . But the Indexes may be
diverſe, as of the 436 , the Logarithm is 2,
6394865 ; but of the number 43600 , the
Logarithm is 4, 6394865 ; and of the num
ber® 4136 , the Logarithm is o, 6394865 ;
laſtly , of the number o00436 , the Loga
rithm is 3,6394865 .
The Sum of two Logarithms is the Loga.
rithm of the Product of their Valors : and
their difference is the Logarithm of the Quo
tient, as becauſe 4 /36x9= 39124, the Lo
garichm of it is, 1,5937290 = 0,6394865
+0,9642425 ; and becauſe 9)39 24 (4136 :
the Logarithm hereof 0,6394865 = 1,
5937299-0, 9542425 : the Logarithm of
the fide drawn upon the Index ornumber of
dimenfions of any poteftas is the Logarithm
of the ſame Poteftas. As becauſeof the
number 436, che Logarithm is 2,6394865,
it ſhall be that2, 6394865x2 = Log : Q :436.
And 2, 6394865x3 = Log : C : 436. And
2,6394865 * 4 = log : QQ . 436, & c.
The Logarithm of any Poteft as divided by
the number of its dimenſions affordeth the
Logarithm of its Root.
Affected Egaations. 175
If, in a continued Series of Geometrical
Proportionals, the Logarithm of the firſt
Term be taken out of the Logarithm of the
fecond, the remainder ſhall be the Loga
rithm of the Ratio. Which, if it be drawn
upon the number of all the Terms wanting
one, ( which is the number of Ratio's ) and
then be increaſed with the Logarithms ofthe
i firſt Term Shall be the Log.ofthelaſt Term .
28. And let this fuffice concerning the
knowledge of Logarithms, which being un
derſtood , the following Examples being di
ligently inſpected will make the reſt of the
work eaſie. In which alſo all the puncta
tions after the firſt are to be cut off bya ſepa
rating Line.
Examp.I. 199-220 + 238600158725815.
juſt. let the two firft ſingle ſides be,

| 721 H + 238600
47: 1,672098 1,85733
Cu. 5,01629 5,37767
5,01629 1,67210
QQ :6,688391 6,87362
+4880 7475 +11213
And 4880 +11213 = 7475 = + 8618 leſs
than juft.

176 of the Reſolution of
48 1,68124/ 1 1,85733 5,37767
Cu. 5,04372 5,04372 1,68124
QQ:6,724961 6,90105 7,05891
+-5308 -796 ; T11455
And 5308 + 11455-7963 = 48800 :
greater than juſt.
Therefore the true root ſhall be 48 - I that
15, 47

Examp. II. 1C- 32571 = 45744. juſt.

Let the two firſt ſingle fides be,
48. 1,6812411 3,51282
Cu . $ .04.372 1,68124
+1106 5,19406
--- 1563
1105 - 1563 =- 457. leſs than
juſt (at leaſt not greater .)
49. 1,690196 3,51282
Cu. 5,070591 1,69020
1176 5,20302
t- 1196--1596 = -420. greater
than juſt.
Therefore the true Root ſhall be 49-1 ,
that is , 48 .
Affected Equations: 177
The ſecond fide may be fought by Loga
rithms, depreſſion alſo preceding, as in Ex
amp. V. 199 - 124.60095089726256.
Which by quadratical depreſſion becomes,
14--1246 = Q ) 8972 16. Suppoſe the two
firſt ſingle ſides.
34. 1,53148 18972161
Q. 3,06296 3,95537
F1156 3,06296
0,89141 : Valor 7/77 : juſt.
+ 1156–12465-90. leſs than juſt.
36. 1,556307,95337
3,11260 3,11260
+12960,84077 : Valor 6 | 23. juſt.
+ 12961246=tso greater than juſt
Therefore the true Root falleth between 34
and 3ó .
Thus have I , in XXVIII. Sections or
Precepts ( which is a perfect number ) dif
patched the Do & rine of the Reſolation of
3 Affected Equations, by the Afliſtance of God
the giver of all good chings. His therefore be
all the Praiſe , Honour , and Glory for ever.
N Some
178 Of the Reſolution of the

Some Examples of Equations reſolved

in Numbers.

I Quadratick Equations, and of all other,

which conſiſt of three Species equally
aſcending in the order of the Scale : becauſe
in Chap. 16. Se&t.9. Clavis, a more eaſie way
is taught than this general Method ; and
proceed to Example of Equations otherwiſe
Laſtly. In the end I ſhall ſer down ſome
Notes, in which the Reaſon of the Opera
tion , in the Inveſtigation of the ſingle ſides,
ſhallbeopened out of theformerPrecepts.
I will begin with the Reſolution of that
Equation , the Conſtruction whereof you
have in the beginning of this Treatiſe.
igc - 1599 + 160c --12509 +6480 =
that is, Lac --- BLqg + CqLc -DcLq + FqgL

Exam .
Affected Equations. 179
Example I.
IC -- 1599-1-1600--12509 + 06480l=
17030304782. that is, Lac - BL9q4CqLc
DcLq +-Fqql = Gqc.
1703 04782 | (47

a -B
I 250 -Dc
160 Сq
6480 Fag
1024 Aqc
10240 CZĄC
> 25920 Fqqa
3840 -BA99
20 000
. 7249920 Ablatir.
R 97805582
5 Aqa
160 10A
20 SA
7689 Cqz Aq
1920 Ca 3A
160 Cg
6489 F9q +
i 180 of the Reſolation of
+142 50040
38/40 -B4AC
1440 -B6A
240 --B4A
15 - B
10000 Dc2 A
1250 -Dc 1
+10162375 Diviſor 1
8960 5 AqqE
313160 IOAcEq
54880 10 AqEc
48020 SAE99
168o7| Eqc
53760 Cq3Aqe
94080 C23AEZ
45360 Faqe
26880 - B4ACE
701560 -B6AqEq
8 2320 -B4AEC
36015 - BEgg
70000 Dc2 AE
61250 - DcEq
+97805582 Ablatit.
Affected Equations. 181

Example II.
ic +-420000l = 2476517:3..
That is, Lc + CqL = Dc,
247| 6511 713 (417
42 000 0 Cq
64 Ас
168 000 0 CA
232 000 o Ablatit.

R 15 651 713
48 3 Aq
I2 3A
4200 oo Ca
9 120 00 Diviſor.
418 3 AqE

I Ес
4 200 oo CqE
..91 121 oo ( Ablatit .

N 3 R
182 Ofthe Reſolution of the
R 053071 į
5 0 43 3A9
12 3 3A 411
4200 Cq 168
9 2 5'5 30 Diviſor.
35 301 3 ACE 16181
6027 3AE
3 4 3 Ec
219 4 0'O o o CqE
6'5 307 1 3 Ablatit.

Example III.
ict-10079 = 247611936,
That is, Lct-BL = Dc.
2 49613936 (417
I OO 7 B
I 61 [ 2 BAG
22 SI 2 Ablatit.

Rx2 24979 36
4.8 3 Ag
80 5 6 B2A
1007 B
Affected Equations. 183
131076 17 Diviſor.
418 3 Age
[2 3 AEq
I Ec
81056 B2 AE
10o 17 BET
13077 17 Ablatit.

R 9420 236 4 I
504 3 3 Aq 18
1 23 3A
1825 74 2BA
I 07 B 16181
1332 277 Diviſor.
315301 3 ACE
60 27 3AE
343 Ес
51780 18 B2AE
49_343 BEZ
) 91420 236 Ablatit .

N4 Examy.

184 of the Reſolution of

Example IV .

199—44299005l = 22252086
0122252086 (345
--4 + 299015 -Dc
4-81 Aga
—132 897045 DCA
-51897045 Ablatit.

R 521195/3586
108 4AC
54 6AC
I 2 44
-442991005 --Dc
: +69220995 Diviſor.
540 4ACE
1350 6 AqEq
11500 4AE
625 Eqg
--221499525 - DcE
+4091296775 Ablasit.
Affected Equations. 185
R 5|206513836
+12.93 395Hviſor.
75206513836 Ablatit.

Example v .
199—124500q = 089726256, Lgq - CqLq
= Fqg.
01897216256 ( 354
+12 4600 -Cq
+81 Agg
1121400 -CqAq
-31 1400 Ablatit.

R 3203726256
1018 4ĄC
54 6A2
12 4A
7147600 Cq2A
124600 --Co
- 16000loo

186 Of the Reſolution of
+317514800 Diviſor.
5410 4 AcE
13150 6 AqEq
1 500 4AEC
1625 Eqg
+6062 )

37 3850 Gq2AE 1
II , ဝဝဝ CqEq 1

40 495000
+-28 567500 Ablatit.
Rx 346976256
84891800 Divifor.
+346876256 Ablatit.

Example VI.

199 = 340c= 62.066096

Loq - BLc= F9g.
621061095 ( 354
-3140 -B
+-81 Aqg
9180 BAC
080 Ablatit.

Affected Equations. 187
R 1701066096
54 6 Aq
-12 4A
t11 353
9 180 -B3Aq
3060 -B3A
340 -В
186260 Diviſor.
540 ACE
1350 6AqEq
1 500 4AEC
625 Egg
45 900 -B3AEq
716500 -B3 AqE
42500 BEC
+1508950 Ablatit.

R 192316099
+4692.9060 Diviſor.
7-192316096 Ablatit.

188 of the Reſolution of

Example VII.
199—97108000l = 585530576, Lqq -DL
= Fgq.
(15530576 ( 426
-7 / 1oSoloo -Dc
+256 Aqq
308 13200 -DCA
T52432000 Ablatit.
l =
R 5328730576 4. 2
2916 4AC 16
76 6Aq 16
16 4A 4
+-26 576 1764
–7|7o8o0o —DC
+-18/8652'000 Diviſor.
512 4ACE
384 6 AqEq 4 .
128 4AEC I
16 Egg 646 8
+551696 948
54210000 ---DcE 74088
+3917480.000 Ablatit .
Affe&ted Equations. 189
R 13/539370576
+2 2030 4080Diviſor.
7135393.0576 Ablatit.
Di Example VIII.
32001—1 = 46577 An ambiguous Equa
CqL -LD .C tion
461577 ( 47 Greater Root.
3200 Cq
-64 -Ас
+12800 CqA
+6400 Ablatit.
R - 17 |42 }
4/8 3 Aq
12 3A
+31200 Ca
-1720 Diviſor.
33/6 -3 AqE
588 . -

343 Éc
+22 400 CqE
-17423 Ablatit.
Roo looo Exam
190 Of the Reſolutionof the

Example IX .
32001- I 46577
46577 [ 1517 Leſler Root.
ll Ac
+ 3200_CqA
31 00 Ablatit.

13 2 Ag
3 3A
+3200 Ca
2,870 Diviſor.
15 - 3AE
175 - 3AED
+16000 CqE
13/625 Ablatit :
Affected Equations. 191
R 1,952 looo
252 05 Diviſor.
745 107 Ablatit.

R 6206 1893 ooo&c.

Example X.

539–1 = 13254 An Ambiguous

BL - LC DC Equation.

131254 | (49_Greater Root.

-641 -Ac
+848 BAq
+203 Ablatit.

R - 7546

418 -Aq
12 -3A
• 4124 B26
53 B
192 of the Reſolution of
629 Diviſor.
33/6 -3 Age
5188 -3AE
13.43 --Ec
29168 B2AE
2595 BEZ
+32 277
7546 Ablatit .

Ro looo

E xample XI.
539—1 = 13254
13254 ( 2006 Leſler Root.
-8 -Ac
212 BAC

R ooo ooo
-I200000 -3Aq
-6 00 -3A
[ 206 100
21200 B2A

of Affected Equations. 193
+21 205 13
9199 30 Diviſor.
T60 000 o --3A9E
150 00 -3AEG
mapa 125 EC
601150 125
106 000 B2AE
1325 BEZ

45982 375 Ablatit.

R 9/01 1625 100o [& c.

Example XII.

Rox 600341-1c = i023768

CqL - Lc= Dc.
' 1'5239768 |( 236 Greater Root,
-60034 ca
-81 -Ас
+12006 18 |CqA
+4006 8 Ablatit.
R --21983 032
12 -3 Ag
6 3A
194 of the Reſolution of
F - 126
+600 34_Ca
–659 166 Diviſor.
36 -3AQE
54 -3AE
27 -Ec
+-1801 102 CqE
-2365 98 Ablatit.
R617 los2
-96 366. Diviſor.
617 052 Ablatit.

Example XIII.
600341-1c== 1023768
Hoz; 1768 171135 Leſler Root.
1600 34 Ca
+ 600134 CIA
+599 34 Ablatit.

Affected Equations: 195
R 1424 428
3 -3 Aq
3 -3A

59704 Diviſor
2/1 AqE
1 47 -3AEZ
343 -Ec
+416 325 Ablatit.
R+ 8103 000
5915 Diviſor.
60163 189 Ablarit.
R21086 1871 ooo
591 562 57 Divifor.
775 1556 903 Ablatit .

R (311 254 6099 200

59_153 637.97 Diviſor
295 1767 161 1625Ablatir.
R :15 486 936 1375 10001& c
196 Of the Reſolution ofthe

Example XIV.

199--72c + 2386ool =872581517056

Lqq - BLc +DL= Fgg.
87 ;8 | Eoj6 ( 4716
72 -B
+238|6oo DC
256 Aqq
- -4068 BAC
+749 60 0 Ablatit.

R 122981517056
2516 4 :.Ac
96 16. Aq
3456 B; Ag
B32 A
864 ---B
721- B
Affected Equations. 197
* 150048 Diviſor.
1792 4ACE
4704 16AqEq
5 488 4AEC
f 2401 Egg
164 0200'DcĒ
+398 98811
241 92 -B3 Ag
42 336 B3AET
24696 - BEC
I 12,2625 Ablatit.

R 107190 )7056
17698 808 Diviſor.
1071909056 Ablatit.

Example XV. Of Trife&tion.

31-PIC= 1/258640782100 Col --Lc= Dc
11258 16 40 1782 1 (0/4469
33 Cg Subtenſe.
4 4- AC Gr. 26
+12 CqA
1136 Ablatit. 03 R
198 Of the Reſolution of
R 1122 640
4/8 -3 Ag
12 -3A
十 ?2 Cq
25 108 Divifor.
1912 -3AE
192 -2AEZ
+ iz -CqE
98816 Ablatut.

R 23824 782
2417 88 Diviſor .
211665 151 Ablatit.
R 2159 1631 100
239 506 23 Diviſor.
2154 1585 lsor Ablatit .

R 05045 1599 looo




Example XVI. Of Quinquife&tion.

iqc - 5c-+-sl= 147152872702092
Lgc ---CqLcFaql= Gqc.
|:4715 78737 02092 (0 |2437
+5 F Subten :
-5 -
–Cq Gr . 14
32 Aqc
Ilo FqA
-40 [CgAc
960.32 ' Ablatit ,

R 18683 28727
8 SAgg
iso 10Ac
40 10A
10 5A
15 Fag
H5008 8410
60 Cq3 Aq
30 -C23A
5 -Co
200 ofthe Reſolution of the
+4378 3410 |Diviſor.
4/80 10AEZ
2 560 10AEC
12560 ls AEgg
20 Faqe
+ 20029
240 -Cq3AqE
480 -Cq3 AEG
32 0 CqE
17127 $ 2624 Ablarit.

1555 66103
414 2122 Diviſor.
1242 15501209443 Ablatit.

R 313. 0109092649 00000


Notes Ol

Affected Equations: 201

Notes on the preceding Examples.

Inthat a juſt Number, which ariſeth I
the Application of the Poteſtas Reſolvend, to
the degree of the ſuppoſed Side, by which
the Depreſſion is made. For this is the Mea.
ſure unto which the other Species being law
fully aggregated ought to be equal. As in
Exam . I. of Se&. 26, ict-23816—7| 2q =
L )87215. if for the firſt ſide be ſuppoſed s :
oughtto be C : 5 : + 23816—712 Q : 5 :
87215 divided by 5 : that is, 125 +-23816–
(712 * 25 ) 180 , namely, 18316, equal to
1741s juſt. But it is greater, and therefore
the true fide is leſſer than s. Therefore
ſuppoſe it again 4 : and try whether C : 4 :
+ 23816-720 : 4; be equal to 872 15 di
vided by 4 .
But left that in theſe Examples , as alſo
in the following, theſe Trials be undertaken
meerly at adventures, I ſhall admoniſh the
Firſt , If the Homogene Poteft us of the
ſide extracted exceed the Poteſtas Reſolvend,
or if the Quantities increaſing the Poteſt as
Reſolvend exceed thoſe that diminish it : the
true fide A ſhall be, for the moſt part, leſs
than the ſide extracted; but if otherwife
greater, as in this Equation,
202 of the Reſolution of
ic + 26000ol= 1809317!}.
Secondly, If the Diviſors under the ſame bed
Sign with the Remainder of the Poteftas Re is
Solvend, exceed thoſe that are under a diverſe de
Sign ; the true Side E ſhall be, for the moſt
part, leſsthan the Quotient ; but if other Ria
wiſe greater, as in this Equation, Ac
15681 - Ic = 2195? C
The ſame alſo happens in ambiguous Equa
tions, when the Remainder ofthe Poteftas Se
Reſolvend, is affirmative ; as in this Equa
tion ,
676811-16 = 214273 . 1
The Solution of theſe three Equations ſhall 8
be ſhewed in Practiſe after theNotes. -
Thirdly, if, after theſe Monits, there yet IC
remain any doubt, the Trial ſhall moſt con
veniently begin at 5 , and from thence the
Inquiſition be continued by odd Numbers;
whethether it be done by Depreſſion , or by
Theſe things being premoniſhed , it re
mains, chat we diſcuſs the Examples them
For Example 1. Vqc1903 is 4+ by Se&t. 9 .
18. Rule 1. for as appears from Sect. 7. in R
the firſt point there is no great Mutation
made by the Coefficients analytically redu
ced. For which reaſon , the true fide Am
Thall be 4. The B
Affected Equations. 203
The true Side E is leſs than the Quotient 9,
becauſe the Diviſors under the Sign + (which
E1 is the sign of R) exceed thoſe that are un
der the Sign
For Example 2: 42) 247 ( 6 by Se&t. 18.
Rule 2. for 42 analytically reduced, by Seet,
6 and 8, becomes 252 ; greater than 247,
And the true Side A is leſs than 6, becauſe
C : 6– exceedech 24716.
For Example 3. 10 )247(24 + Q : 5- : by
Se t. 18. Rule 2 .
For Example 4. VC44 | 3 is 3+, bySe&t.18,
Rule 3. Wherefore the true Side A is 3 .
The true Side E is leſs than the Quotient
8-- , by Monit 2 .
For Example 5. Vq12 14 is 3t by Sect.
18. Rule 3. Wherefore the true ſide A is 2.
The true fide is leſs than the Quotient 9--,
by Monit 2.
For Example 6. The Lateral Coefficient 3/4
multiplied Quadrato -quadratickly, and in
creaſed with 62, becomes 140,223 % , by
Se&t.18. Rule 4. Wherefore the true lide A is 3 .
The true ſide E , is leſs than the Quotient
9-, by Monit 2.
For Examp. 7. V677 is 4, by Sect. 18.
Rule 3. Wherefore the true fide A is 4.
For Examp.8. 1932 is 565 :upon 32 is 1 808
mi 465;remains 144, C: 5. by Se & t: 18. Rul.4 .
But 144 exceeds 465. Wherefore thetrue
fide A is leſs than 5 , by Monit. ! , The
204 Of the Reſolution of
The true Side E is leſs than the Quotient
to, by Monit 2.
For Example 9. 11. 13 : The Solution is
eaſie by Diviſion, according to Se &t. 18.
Rule 3 :
For Example 10. C : 5 : is 125, mi 13 .
there remains 112, C : I- : by Seet, 18.
Rule 4. But 112 exceedeth 13 .
Wherefore the true Side A is leſſer than
5. by Monit 1.
The true Side E is leſs than the Quotient
52 , by Monit 2.
For Example 12. Vq6 is 2+ , upon 6 ,
becomes 12 mil. there remains il . C :
250, by Sect.18. Rule 4. but si exceedeth
1. Wherefore the true fide A is a little leſs
than 2t , by Monit I,
The true Side E is leſs than the Quo
tient 5-, by Monit 2 .
For Example 14. QQ : 7 2 : is +2687.
And Yc238 | 6 is 6 | 2 , whoſe Q Q is
+-1480. Then --268771480 = 1207 ;
This added to 872 , giveth 2079, QQ : 6
t - by Se&t. 18. Rule 4. And becaule the
Adje &titious -2687 is greater than the Ab
latirious +-1490. Therefore the true Side
A ſhall be leſs than 6, by Monit 1 .
The true Side E is leſs than the Quotient
9, ty Monit 2.
Affe&ted Equations. 205
For Example 15 , 16. Becauſe in both the
leſler Root of an ambiguous Equation is
On fought, and the Coefficients reduced do not
i hinder, the Analyſis ſhail be made by Di
viſion, according to Se&t. 18. Rule 1 .
: ThePractiſe of theExample in thefirft Monit.
Ic + 260000= 180931713.
18019 (4 che ſide A
26 ° C
Vq26 is 5, upon 26, becomes 130. Let
it be taken out of 180, there remains 50,
C : 37 : which is leſs than 180. Where
fore the true fide A is greater than 3 .
The Pra&tiſe of the former Example in
the ſecond Monit.
15681-16 = 21953
21952 | (28 the two firft Sides
1568 Ca
-8 Ас
+3163 Cga
+-23.36 Ablar.
R - 1408
-3 Aq
6 3A >


-1568 Cg
+1:08 Diviſor die
206 of the Reſolution of
The Sign of R is : but -- 126 is leſs
than + 1568. Wherefore the true lide E
is greater than the Quotient 4.
The Praktiſe of the latter Example in the T
ſecond Practiſe.
67681 - IC= 214273 Su
214273 Cq (47
67168 O
The Sign of R is +
-64 -AC , But the Diviſor made
+ 27072_CA up of the Degrees of
Ablatt. a Negative is leſs than
420672 the Coefficient Divis
Rt7| i53. for Affirmative,that is, ga
: 3A9 -4.92 is leſsthan + 45
12 -3 A th
61768. Wherefore the po
-4192 true Side E ſhall be
4-6768 Ca
greater than theQuo
+1848 Diviſor cient 4
In Sect. 27. I have briedy handled the
Doctrine ofLogarithms,but clearly enough,
eſpecially for the three former Species of
Numeration , viz. Addition , Subduction,
and Multiplication.
The Operation in adding or ſubſtracting,
if the Indexes are Affirmative, doth noth
ingdiffer from the common way of Integers,
and but a little if they be Negative ; as ap
pearech from theſe Examples., The
Affected Equations. 207
The In:2 13. 1,I1394 15.1, 17609.
Fractions S'Zoc,1:33 :45. &Lo.
Log. 1,88349. 32.1, 50515
To $ 1,88349: Out of 1,88349
Add 1,67194. Take 1,67194
Sum 1 , 35543 Reſts
Ofthe Şide 00064. Of the Side 610064
3 * 3, 80614. 2x3,80614
Cube 7 , 41824. Square 5,61228
The Difficulty of the Diviſion of a Los lala
garithm having a negative Index , by 2, 3 ,

45. & c. conſiſteth in the Inveſtigation of

1 the Index of the Quotient : For which pur

pole this Table ſerveth .






&C. (3


4) 6
Si . 2. 3. 4 : 5
s) {6. 7. 8. 9. 102
40.30.20 . 10. O
108 Of the Reſolution of the
In this Table the Diviſors are towards
the left Hand within the crooked Line. E
Then towards the right Hand follow
Negative Indexes of the Logarithms jau
To theſe in each ranck ftand Collateral,
the Negative Indexes of the Quotients.
But the Numbers which are written be
neath. o. 10. 20.30.40. fhew the Numbers
to be added to the firſt Figure of the Lo
garithm to be divided, whoſe Negative In
dex is found above in the ſame Column neai
the Diviſor. As, if the Logarithm 7,41842
be !to be divided by 3 , ſeek 7 by 3 ) and
there ſhall be given 3 Collateral, for the
Index of the Quocient; and the number
20, beneath, which added to 4, the firſt
Figure of of the Dividual makes it 24, in
which the Diviſor is 8 cimes contained.


3 ) 7,41842 . 2) 5,61228.
Side 3, 80614 . Side 3,80614 .





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