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When the summer season arrives, every year, we ourselves think that the time has come to
try permanent hair removal to get rid of the hair that bothers us so much to look perfect all
year long. We tell you the different types of hair removal that exist today, their pros and
cons, so that you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

What is permanent hair removal?

First of all, you have to know that, today, this is the most effective method to eliminate body
hair continuously. The so-called "laser hair removal" aims to remove hair from the roots,
from the hair follicle, making it stop growing or become very weak, in the areas that it is

How many types of laser hair removal are there and how are they different?

Currently, there are two permanent hair removal methods, Laser (Diode, Alexandrite and
Soprano) and IPL or Pulsed Light hair removal.

We begin by the method of the laser and its three types:

· Diode laser: This type of laser burns hair by hair, in the area that you want
to depilate and is more effective. But that also means that it is a bit more
painful. How many sessions will it take? Well, it will depend on how your
skin type is, but for example this laser is more effective with dark skin.
More or less with about 9 sessions you will have already eliminated 90%
of your hair.

· Alexandrite laser: Like the diode, it is a laser that consists of a pulsed light
that goes hair by hair. It uses the melanin in our hair, which absorbs light
and this burns to the root, in turn burning the hair bulb so that it does not
grow back. If your skin is fair and your hair is dark, this is undoubtedly
your best option. In fact, the less tanned your skin is, the more effective
this type of hair removal will be.

· Soprano laser: The difference of this type of hair removal, with respect to
the other two, is that with the Soprano a pass is made over the area to be
waxed and repetitive shots of light are released to burn the hairs. That is,
it does not go hair by hair, but covers a specific area. This makes it
somewhat less effective than the others, so you will need more sessions.
But it has an added advantage, and that is that it is one of the most
painless! And you can also use it on brown or tanned skin. So if your pain
threshold is too low, this is definitely your laser.

· Pulsed Light (IPL): Provides a more permanent result. It is the perfect

option for all types of hair: brown, blonde or even white.
The only drawback that it may have is that, unlike with other types of
laser, it is less intense for each session. That is, you will need more
sessions to achieve a more definitive result. This system emits a spectrum
that presents several wavelengths, being more practical to be able to do
at home. However, it is very important that you choose the right epilator
for your skin and hair type, and even for the area you are going to wax.
You must bear in mind that the use of the pulsed light epilator should be
more intense during the months in which there is no sun exposure, since
the skin should be as less tanned as possible.

So what is the best hair removal system for me? To choose the best and most complete
laser hair removal for you, you have to take into account a number of factors.

First, the color of your hair: it is not the same if your hair is very dark or if you have it blonde
or even white.

Also the area that you are going to wax: there are areas that are usually more sensitive than
others. And if you see that it is going to hurt a lot, you can always choose a softer type of
laser, such as the Soprano.

And the color of your skin: if you want to do as few sessions as possible and be able to show
off smooth skin next summer. If the session has been effective, the time that will pass
between one and the other, without hair, will be longer. Depending on the type of laser, it
can be between 5 or 6 weeks.

We explain all this to you below. So you will have no doubts!

Which is more suitable according to your hair and skin type?

Dark hair and skin with a medium to dark tone: diode. Medium wavelength and medium
pulse laser. Your ideal laser would be, Diode Laser.

Dark hair and light skin: Alexandrite or Soprano. If the hair is thick, both the diode laser and
long-pulse Alexandrite can be applied. If, on the other hand, it is fine, it is more difficult to
remove, even if it is dark, therefore, it is better to use short-pulse Alexandrite here. As they
are fair skin, they should try not to tan significantly while the sessions are taking place. The
Soprano laser also works here, which is also more painless, although, on the contrary, you
will need more sessions.

Blond hair and fair skin: This hair has little color. In general, for this type of hair, it is better to
use the Alexandrite laser.

Red hair: In this case, we are sorry to say that it does not usually respond well to any of the

Gray hair: This hair loses its color and the concentration of brown melanin, so you have to
try to eliminate it as soon as possible. In this case, they will always carry out a test to see if
the laser is still capable of capturing the hair.

White hair: Hair has already lost all its pigmentation, therefore, the laser has no way to act,
although sometimes IPL hair removal works. In these cases, only other methods of hair
removal, either cutting or extraction, fit.

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